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Teacher Knowledge

What types of trees grow in Manitoba and what the trees seeds look like.

What happens to the trees during the four seasons.

How to tell how old a tree is.

How long it takes a tree to become fully grown.

Kindergarten Learning OutcomesCluster 1: Trees

K-1-01 VocabularyK-1-02 Ways trees can be usedK-1-03 Parts of a treeK-1-04 Classifying leavesK-1-05 SeasonsK-1-06 Not all trees lose their leavesK-1-07 Seasonal Changes of TreesK-1-08 Ways seeds are dispersed

Categories1. Parts of Trees2. Trees and the Seasons3. Trees and Us

Parts of Trees Trees and the Seasons

Trees and Us

K-1-01 K-1-01 K-1-01K-1-03 K-1-05 K-1-02K-1-04 K-1-06K-1-08 K-1-07

K-1-08Essential Questions

1.What are the basic parts of a tree and what does a tree need to survive?

2.What happens to trees when the seasons change?

3.How and why are trees used by us?


Assessment will be completed throughout the unit. The student’s participation, co-operation and behaviour will be assessed by the use of an anecdotal record chart on a

regular basis throughout the unit. Students will also be assessed on the specific learning outcomes that they have learned about throughout the unit by using an outcome checklist and by student conferencing daily.

Lesson Plan & Assessment OutlineLesson Specific


AssessmentSummative Assessment

Lesson # 1“Tree Uses”


-Observation, Participation

in group discussion &



Lesson # 2“Parts of Trees”


-Observation Checklist

-Tree cut and paste

labelling worksheet

Lesson # 3“Leaf Sort”


-Student conferencing

-Sorting leaves


Lesson # 4 “Trees and Seasons”


-Anecdotal Notes


-Four Seasons


Lesson # 5“Trees and


K-1-08 -Observation, conferencing & Anecdotal



Learning Centres


-Observation of group work and



-Science Recording Journals

Teacher Checklist - Specific Learning Outcomes4-Thorough Understanding & in-depth application of concepts and skills3- Very Good Understanding & Application of concepts and skills2-Basic Understanding & Application of concepts and skills1-Limited understanding and minimal application of concepts and skillsN- Does not demonstrate the required understanding and application of concepts and skills

Student K-1-01 K-1-02 K-1-03 K-1-04 K-1-05 K-1-06 K-1-07 K-1-08


Teacher Anecdotal Record Chart

Student Name

Anecdotal NotesDate & Time

Opening ActivityTo open our Tree Unit, I will have an Observation Station table in the corner of the classroom set up with different

parts of a tree out on display. I will have leaves, branches, cones, different kinds of tree seeds and a piece of a tree trunk that has been cut to display the rings. I will

also have out a variety of books that the students can look at when they are given time.

The students will be given one lesson period to observe each of the materials at the Observation station and will

be able to use a magnifying glass to make closer observations.

We will also go outside on the school ground to discover “Our Class Tree”. The student will make observations of

our class tree throughout the year and record the similarities and differences that we see!

Each time we observe the tree, we will take a picture and put it on display in our classroom, the students will also

name the tree!

Course: Science Lesson # 1: Tree Uses Grade: KLearning Outcomes:K-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to investigations of trees

K-1-02 Identify ways in which humans and other animals use trees

AssessmentAssessment will be done during the lesson by observation and taking anecdotal notes when the students are brainstorming, using a KWL strategy, the ways trees are used, to assess their understanding. The collage will also be assessed at the end of the lesson once they are complete, to determine if the students developed an understanding of the different ways trees are used.

Connection to last lessonThe students have been previously activated to the unit on trees from our opening activity which allowed them to observe objects related to trees.

Flexible GroupingsThe students will be together as a whole class on the carpet when we do our brainstorming activity and read the story. The students will then go back to their table to individually work on their collage.

Activating StrategiesStudents will all be on the carpet where teacher will lead the discussion about trees. Teacher will do a KWL on chart paper which will stay on display throughout the unit. Teacher will record what the students know and want to know, about trees. Teacher will direct their learning and discussion towards ways people and animals use trees. Teacher will prompt them by asking where they think paper comes from, what houses are made of, etc. Teacher will record their answers on chart paper on a word splash web, “How We Use Trees”.

Acquiring StrategyTo further their understanding of trees, and how humans and animals use them, teacher will read the book, “The Great Paper Caper” by Oliver Jeffers. Throughout the reading teacher will pause to check for student understanding of the story. At the end of the book teacher will check student’s comprehension by asking how trees were used in the story.

Applying StrategiesAfter reading the story, teacher will introduce the collage that the students will be completing. Teacher will provide an example of a finished collage. Student’s task is to cut pictures out of magazines that show the different ways people and animals use trees.


Teacher can show a video to the class on youtube of how trees are processed into paper.

ConnectionsSocial Studies: How trees are used around the worldArt: Creating a collage

Learning ResourcesChart PaperMarker“The Great Paper Caper” by Oliver JeffersWorksheet CollageMagazines GlueScissors

Different Ways of LearningWord- reading booksPicture – making collagePeople – interacting with othersSelf- individual work

Source:S. FlettF. DavisNancy RemkusKindergarten to Grade 4 Science, Manitoba Curriculum Frameworks of Outcomes: 1999

Name:_________________Look through magazines and cut out pictures of

things that are made of TREES that humans and animals use!

Course: Science Lesson # 2: Parts of TreesGrade: K

Learning Outcomes:K-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to the investigations of trees

K-1-03 Identify and describe basic parts of a treeAssessment:Students will be assessed on the basis that they know the different parts of the tree. The students will label the parts of a tree on the worksheet provided. Students will also watch a video on parts of a tree on youtube and teacher will ask questions to the class as a group of what the parts names are, using the tree that is hanging on the wall in the classroom. By doing this, teacher will check for understanding and take anecdotal notes.The labelling/drawing should include, in the proper position:

TrunkRootsBranchesCrownLeaves/needlesRealistic ColorsOthers (nests, seeds, cones, insects)

ActivatingTeacher will show a power point presentation of the different parts of a tree. Once the presentation is done, teacher will have a poem posted on the white board and will teach the students, ”Growth of A Tree”. Teacher will also have an artificial tree on display in front of the classroom.

AcquiringOnce the presentation is done, teacher will go to the front of the class where the tree in posted on the wall, along with their word bank, and point to a certain part of the tree to see if the students know the name.

ApplyingStudents will be given a cut and paste worksheet to label the parts of the tree, they may add in anything they want that they think fits in a tree by drawing it in.

ExtensionStudents can learn what each part of the tree is responsible for, and why it is such an important part of a tree. Students can also compare and contrast how the parts of a tree may look different or similar on different parts of trees.

Learning ResourcesLaptopProjectorYoutube video of different parts of a treePower Point Presentation of different parts of a tree (2 min)

Artificial TreeConstruction Paper TreeWords (word bank)“Growth of a Tree” PoemTree Activity SheetPencils/crayons

Different Ways of LearningWord- Reading the poem and labelling the treeBody – Having students make a “Human Tree” while reading the poem

Source:S. FlettF. DavisNancy RemkusKindergarten to Grade 4 Science, Manitoba Curriculum Frameworks of Outcomes: 1999

NAME:____________ DATE:_____________

Student labelling includes: Trunk

RootsBranchesCrownLeaves/needlesRealistic ColorsOthers (nests, seeds, cones, insects)

NAME:____________ DATE:_____________

Student labelling includes: Trunk

RootsBranchesCrownLeaves/needlesRealistic ColorsOthers (nests, seeds, cones, insects)

Growth of a Tree(Sung to “I’m a Little Teapot”)

I’m a little maple, oh so smallIn years ahead, I’ll grow so tall

With a lot of water, sun an air, I will soon be way up there!

Deep inside the soil my roots are found,Drinking the water underground.

Water from the root my trunk receives, Then my trunk starts making leaves.

As I start to climb in altitude, Leaves on my branches will make food.

Soon my trunk and branches will grow wide, And I’ll grow more bark outside!

I will be a maple very tall, Losing my leaves when it is fall.

But when it is Spring, new leaves will show.How do trees grow? Now you know!

Course: Science Lesson # 3: Leaf Sort Grade: KLearning Outcomes:

K-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigation of treesK-1-04 Explore, sort, and classify leaves, using their own classification


AssessmentDuring the lesson, teacher will conduct student conferences with each

student orgroup. Teacher will have students sort the leaves in one way and tell the

sortingrule, next, the teacher will ask the student to re-sort the leaves in another

way and give the rule.

Scoring Rubric4. The student is able to sort the leaves in more than one way. The

sorting rules are clearly and accurately communicated.3. The student is able to sort the leaves in more than one way. The

sorting rules are evident but not clearly communicated.2. The student is able to sort the leaves in one way. The sorting rule is

clearly and accurately communicated.1. The student is able to sort the leaves in one way. The student has

difficulty communicating the sorting rule.Connection to last lessonStudents have learned the parts of a tree in previous lessons.

Flexible GroupingsStudents will begin as a whole group on the carpet as we read the book, “Why Do Leaves Change Color?” by Betsy Maestro and have a discussion about the types of leaves and which ones change color and which ones do not. Teacher will use chart paper to record the student’s responses. The class will go outside and collect leaves in a small bag and after, individually complete the sorting exercise.

Activating Strategies Teacher will read the book, “Why Do Leaves Change Color?” by Betsy Maestro and will have a class discussion on the different types and colors of leaves. Teacher will ask the students what color leaves they see outside on the trees. Teacher will record their feedback on chart paper. Each student will get a bag and as a class go outside to collect different types of leaves from the school grounds.

Acquiring Strategies

Once the class is inside the classroom, the students will scatter their leaves on the carpet and we will have a class discussion about what type of leaves there are, the color, shape, size, texture and patters it has. Teacher will be recording on chart paper the classification findings of the student’s leaves.

Applying StrategiesWith the class together at the carpet, teacher will sort some leaves into two different categories (eg. Red/not red, small/large). Next, teacher will ask the students to guess the sorting rule. Teacher will do this several times so the students can guess more. Students will go back to their tables and sort their leaves according to their own rule. After the teacher has met with them to conference, the students will now glue their leaves onto the sheet provided.

ConnectionsArt: Students can do a leaf rubbing of their favourite leaf that they collected.Math: Students can make a pattern with their leaves and they can measure them using unit cubes (length, area).

Learning ResourcesChart Paper“Why do Leaves Change Color?” by Betsy MaestroMarker Bags (ziplock)2 hula hoops (to do class sorting)WorksheetGlue

Different Way of LearningWord- Creating list of leaf differencesPicture – Sorting leaves and gluing them into correct circlesNaturalistic – School yard walk to collect leavesPeople – Group interactionSelf- Completing the individual sorting exerciseWord – Reading the storybook “Why Do Leaves Change Color” by Betsy Maestro

SourceS.FlettKindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation

Course: Science Lesson # 4: Trees and the SeasonsGrade: K

Learning Outcomes:K-1-05 Name and describe each of the four seasons. K-1-06 Recognize that some trees lose their leaves in the fall, while

others do not. K-1-07 Describe seasonal changes in the life of a tree.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis that they clearly identify what happens to some trees during the different seasons. Teacher will assess the students by recording anecdotal notes, conferencing and observation. Their applying activity will be assessed when it is complete to see if the student has a general understanding.


As a class, brainstorm and discuss the four seasons. Discuss what a Birch or Pine tree might look like through the four seasons. Visual pictures will be posted up on the board where the students can see. Teacher will ask questions to the students to see if they can recall these types of trees around their homes or community, also ask the students if all trees lose their leaves, to check for understanding.

Acquiring: Look at and describe the differences between an oak tree and a pine tree. On a chart paper record the information in a chart as follows.

Birch Tree Pine TreeHas leaves Has needles Leaves fall off Has pinecones Bark is whitish Needles are

always thereApplying: Student will use the season’s worksheet and have students draw and colour the way a tree would look throughout the four seasons. They can also use cotton balls for snow, artificial leaves, acorns, cones. One the students complete their work, as a class we will review the trees from season to season.

Lesson Extension:Students can decorate a tree based on their favourite season and write a statement as to why it is their favourite season!

Materials: Chart PaperMarkerVisual images of trees (seasonal ones as well)Seasons (Tree Worksheet)Markers/crayons Other Materials (cotton balls, artificial leaves, acorns, cones)GlueGlitter Glue

Different Ways of LearningIntrapersonal – Class discussionSee – Seasons worksheetBody – Use of materials

Source:S. FlettKindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


My Favourite Season!

Course: Science Lesson # 5: Trees and SeedsGrade: K

Learning Outcomes:K-1-08 Investigate to determine that many trees produce seeds which

are dispersed and may grow into new trees

AssessmentThe assessment method for this lesson will be taken by observation and teacher/student conferencing. Teacher will ask questions to the class throughout the reading of the book to check for understanding. Teacher will also take anecdotal notes and will assess each student’s group puzzle at the end of the lesson.

Connection to last lessonThe students have learned from previous lessons that a tree starts out as a seed and grows into a large tree.

Flexible GroupingsThe students will be together as we read the book and review some seeds and their trees. They will also be working together in groups.

Activating StrategiesTeacher have different pictures of trees and seeds paired together posted on chart paper and the class will go over the similarities and differences between them. The trees and seeds will have their name labelled, for a better understanding. As the students make their visual observations, teacher will be recording on another chart paper.

AcquiringTeacher will read the story book “Mighty Tree”by Dick Gackenbach to the student’s as we sit at the carpet. During the story teacher will ask the student’s to make predictions as to what they think will happen next. After the story, teacher will check for understanding by asking questions about how the tree came to be.

ActivatingStudents will go to their table groups and each group will get a puzzle bag. In the puzzle bag there are trees and seed cards. Teacher will explain to the students that they must work together to match the correct seed to the correct tree.


Students can draw a picture, on an 8x11” inch sized paper divided into three parts, of a tree 1) How it looks when it is planted as a seed, 2) How it would look in 5 years and, 3) How it would look in 10 years.

Learning ResourcesChart paperMarkerSeed and tree pictures“Mighty Tree” by Dick GackenbachTree/Seed Puzzle bags

Different Ways of LearningWord- Reading of the book “Mighty Tree” Body – Creating a puzzleInterpersonal – Working as a group

SourceS.FlettNancy RemkusKindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation

In order to grow new trees, trees produce a wide variety of seeds. Seeds can be found in cones, pods, fruits, nuts balls and berries.

Seeds travel to new places by wind, water and on the fur of animals. The seeds then find a new roots ground and from there they grow

into trees!In some trees, they grow fruits that hold and protect the seeds. Fruits such as apples and oranges are called freshly fruits. Other

seeds like the winged seeds are called dry fruits!

Cut out the trees and seeds and glue onto card stock & make a “puzzle”. Students will match the seed to the tree!

Closing Activity!

To close the unit on Trees for the Kindergartens, I will buy a blue spruce tree from a Nursery and we will plant it in a nice area on or around the school grounds. Once we are

done planting the seed we will have a picnic outside around our tree and we will reflect on what we have

learned about Trees!Once we are ready to go I will ask the students to each take a picture by our tree and as a class. I will tell the

students that we will come and observe the changes that happens to the tree before the school year is over and we

will take another picture beside it again to show the change!

I will tell the students that the tree will grow in height, and so will most of them before the school year is done!

Baby Blue Spruce

SURPRISE!!For our surprise I will give the

class a movie day! The movie we are going to watch is

Dr. Seuess’ “The Lorax”!!By showing the class this movie, I am incorporating technology and media into the learning process! The movie is also based on the

importance of trees in the environment and the role it plays

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