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Chapter 14 Section 5: Ending the Great War


One Last German Offensive: 2nd _________________ 1918-Russia withdrew

-Race against the Mobilization of U.S. forces-Austria, Bulgaria, Ottomans teetering on collapsing -Strong successful push (March 1918)

-Paris is evacuating

-U.S. troops arrive and reinforce (August 1918) -Turns Tide of the War -Germany Retreats and Realizes they will lose

New Government and Rebellion Austro-Hungarian Empire

Multi-National Empire Busts at Seams Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire break down

Germany (New Republic)o Exhausted German Public and Militaryo Strong Socialist/Communist Presence:

Will Germany follow Russia’s Example? Emperor William II Abdicates

__________________ led by Friedrich Ebert (Social Democratic Party)o Reflects Western Democracy

___________________________:o Led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknechto Replicated Russian Revolution’s attempt to Overthrow Central

Governmento Weimar Republic used Free Corps to Crush Uprisingo Rosa and Karl are Terminated o THE ANSWER IS NO!

Russian Bolsheviks were extremely disappointed

The Paris Peace Talks and the Treaty of VersaillesPeace Talks in Paris

Goal: Prepare Eternal ___________________ 70 Delegates from 27 Different Nations

o Austria-Hungary,__________________, and ________________ Are Not Invited

Why was a Lasting Peace So Hard to Engineer? Open Up Ending the Wars to End All Wars Document Study

Germany Signs the Peace Terms Germany didn’t like it but was forced to sign it due to allied blockade and starving nation Also many Germans believed Army didn’t lose war Stabbed in the Back by:

o Socialists, Democrats, Pacifists, and later Jews

Breakdown of the Treaty and Alliance of Big 3

1. Republican U.S. Senate refuses to ratify treaty or defensive alliance with France and G.B.

U.S. returns to Isolation Policy

2. Great Britain also backs out of Defensive Alliance, Leaving France Isolated

3. France’s Isolated Foreign Policy

Cruel Implementation of Treaty of Versailles to Cripple Germany

Alliances with newly created central European nations like Poland

The Legacy of World War I and Total WarTHE COSTS OF WAR 1914-1918

War: 10-13 Million Deaths

Home Front: 7-10 Million Deaths

Spanish Flu Epidemic: 20 Million Deaths

37,000,000 Out of 65,000,000 Soldiers Deployed Were Casualties

Approximately Economic Cost: $ 185,000,000,000+

POLITICAL CHANGES Austria-Hungarian Empire is

Broken Apart

Ottoman Empire Disappears

Russia becomes Communist Soviet Union

New Countries in Europe are Formed (Self-Determination)

Non-European Territories Are Not Granted Self-Determination:

o France and Great Britain gain control over Iraq, Palestine, Syria, as mandates

o British support a Jewish Homeland in Palestine

o Turkey survives as independent state

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