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Post on 21-Oct-2019






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Worship: Sunday 9:30 AM Bible Class to follow


Meet Doug. As he toes the line for the final game of his senior year basketball season, he wonders if his scholarship dream is going to happen.

Meet Kristin. As she graduates from college, she wonders if she’s adequate for her new job.

Meet Samantha. As she faces her second round of chemotherapy, she wonders if she’s going to live.

Meet Scott. As he says his vows to his wife, he silently wonders if his second marriage is going to last.

Have you been there? Doug, Kristin, Samantha, Scott, you and I all have one thing in common: we need confidence. Let’s face it; there are times in life that it’s easy to be filled with doubt. Doug doubted his future. Kristin doubted her abilities. Samantha doubted her treatment. Scott doubted his love.

But there’s One whose future, abilities, treatment, and love never fail. That’s the true God revealed to us in the Bible. Our confidence to face whatever life throws our way comes from the promises God gives us in his Word. God kept his promise of sending a Savior for everyone. As our Savior, Jesus lived perfectly to give us confidence that his life counts for everyone. He died to make the payment necessary for our sins to be forgiven, no matter what we’ve done. He rose again to give us the confidence that one day we will be with him in heaven. And all this is God’s free gift by faith in Jesus.

Because of Jesus, when we doubt our future, God reminds us, “I know the plans that I have for you” (Jeremiah 29:11). When we doubt our abilities, he assures us, “I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you” (Isaiah 41:10). When we doubt our treatment plan, he promises, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). When we doubt love, his Word helps us “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:18). That’s the difference only Jesus makes.

Need more confidence? Jesus has what you need.

- From the WELS Outreach Newsletter

10203 W. Tieton Drive, Yakima WA 98908 Isaac P. Cherney, (262) 204-8027

MAY 2019See for most recently updated calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat1 2 3 4

9:00am Wildflower Hike


9:30am Worship11:00am Bible Study12:00pm Ladies’ Group Meeting

6 7


8 9 10 11

7:00am Elders9:00am“Dying to Live”The Power of Forgiveness Study

MAY 2019See for most recently updated calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat12

9:30am Worship(Communion) 11:00am Bible Study

13 14


15 16

7:00pmChurch Council

17 18



9:30 Worship11:00am Bible Study

20 21


22 23 24 25


9:30am Worship(Communion)11:00am Bible Study

27 28


29 30 31


Sunday, March 31, 2019 93 $2,647.00

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 34 $331.00

Sunday, April 7, 2019 75 15

Baptism of Aubrey Renae Newman on April 7, 2019. Memorial Service for Sis Berghoff on April 8, 2019 $3,094.00

Sunday, April 14, 2019 77 N/A Released: Scott & Carissa Bach, Zachary Boss $5,685.00

Thursday, April 18, 2019 47

offering amount combined with Good

FridayFriday, April 19,

2019 64 $916.00Sunday, April 21,

2019 133 Steve Thornton called to glory, April 21, 2019 $4,263.00Sunday, April 28,

2019 61 18Memorial Service for Steve Thornton on April 29, 2019 $2,862.00

From the Vault: June 6, 2009

Gail Thornton’s Whatever It Takes from the Collection “Five Years of Blessings”

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will

not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

On May 18th, 1980, it was a quiet, beautiful, warm Sunday morning in Cowiche. What appeared to be a huge thunderstorm was approaching in the western sky. Soon a downpour began, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Gradually the day turned as dark as the darkest night. The downpour was not raindrops, but gritty ash. Mount St. Helens had erupted. Our hayfields, which were ready to be harvested, became totally flattened as they were covered by several inches of ash. Later, I hired two men with swathers to cut the flattened hay. I asked them how they would accomplish what appeared to me to be an impossible task. They just smiled and said, “Whatever it takes.” As it turned out they found the hay could only be cut in one direction at a very slow speed. Sickles wore out quickly because of the ash and had to be sharpened or replaced, but true to their word the job was completed and the hay was saved.

Since 1980 I have used the motto “Whatever it takes” in my ranch work, home life, and church work too many times to count. Whenever I am asked how we are going to solve some problem, I usually reply, “Whatever it takes.” I know that can be a vague answer and more explanation is often necessary, but the point is the same. Let’s get the job done!

I know sometimes we can forget God’s purpose for our lives and the goals he has set for us. The work and worry of this world can get us off track quite often. It is all too easy to concentrate most of our time and effort on the challenges of this life. Leaving little time for us to think about God’s purpose and plan for our souls. But even when we wander off track, Our Lord is always there working out his purpose for our best interest whether we realize it or not.

What does God want for us? He wants us to have eternal life with him in heaven “whatever it takes.” It can be hard to recognize God’s plan when we are facing hardships, disappointments, illnesses or death, but as Christians we are assured our Lord is working things out in our best interest no matter how the circumstances may seem to us at the time. God’s Word tells us in Isaiah 55:9, “As the heavens… thoughts.” I remember a couple months after Mount St. Helens blew. My sister gave birth to a boy with Downs Syndrome and heart problems. Tyler lived only a short time. At first it was very difficult for our family to accept his death. What good could God possibly bring out of this situation? Our human desire for Tyler was clearly different than God’s plan. As I look back today nearly thirty years later it is as clear to me now as it was then that as a baptized child of God, Tyler entered heaven without going through the troubles and hardships of life on earth. As Christians we will face losses and tragedies that we do not always fully understand. But by our faith and the promises of a loving God we know all things work out for our good and for our salvation.

God’s plan for each of us is different. Tyler was only a small child but as I write this I am also thinking of Hilda Seibol, a reminder of a purposeful Christian life having lived over ninety-two years to the glory of her Savior. Through the many years I have known her she has quietly set an example of her tremendous love of God’s Word. In the last few years she has continued to attend worship, Holy Communion, and Bible classes when it was difficult for her to do so. To me and others, she is an example of “whatever it takes” to stay connected to her Savior and his gospel.

“Whatever it takes” could never be demonstrated more clearly than when our loving God sent his only son to die a shameful, horrible death on a cross in our place. Our Savior, Jesus, willingly took our sins on himself and gave us his righteousness to ensure our eternal life with him and our loved ones in heaven.

The next time you take the Lord’s Supper, consider Redeemer’s communion rail and how it’s designed. The reason for the half-circle shape is that it reminds us of a full circle. We approach the visible half but the rest of the circle is filled with saints that

already know the joys of heaven. What a blessing to be reminded of fellow believers like Tyler and other Christians we have known who have gone ahead of us. They are right there with us at each communion table we attend.

Remember the flat ash-covered hay field? The only way to save the hay was to slow down, redirect the cut, and keep the sickles sharp. I believe God is constantly directing his believers, slowing us down and keeping us sharp through his Word and sacraments. Our God will do whatever it takes to save us. Thank you, Jesus, for your grace!

No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the pow’r of Christ in meFrom life’s first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from his hand;Till he returns or calls me home – here in the power of Christ I stand.

“In Christ Alone” – Christian Worship Supplement #752

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