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From Darkness into Light:Lamenting, Healing, Celebrating Stories,

and Entering New Stories of Trauma

Leader Magazine Summer 2016 Worship ResourcesWritten by Andrea Opel

IntroductionViolence, loss, abuse, tragedy—these are experiences that shape our lives with the dark contours of pain, grief, terror, shame, and fear. These are stories that do not stay segmented in the physical, emotional, or relational realms of our lives. They form our spirituality, our theology, and our worship, whether we are a survivor, an offender, or a bystander of trauma. This series of worship services is created to provide space for survivors to lament and receive healing from the pain of trauma. It is also meant to be a space for lamenting the brokenness of offenders of trauma, and to confess the silence of the Church that has denied grace to its Body. The stories and experiences that have been hidden in darkness will be welcomed, so that they may open and receive Light. This worship series is to create a threshold, a place to begin to move beyond the narrative of trauma into a wider story of new life and continued creation.

In our laments for those who have experienced trauma, and those who have created trauma both directly and complicitly, we give space to name our pain. This is the first step necessary for healing, and allowing Light to enter into the darkness of our pain. There must also be space for all the emotions roiling in that darkness- anger, grief, shame, terror; and the questions that rise with them. By welcoming these into the voices of worship, we trust that God also welcomes our whole lives with grace and love.

The Scripture texts for this series were chosen with an intention to connect to the experience of a trauma survivor, but also to hold God’s presence and faithfulness before us in worship. A survivor of trauma may find connection in the sense of being overwhelmed, like drowning in a flood, with wave after wave of pain. Trauma, for both survivors and offenders, has a dramatic way of shifting our perspectives of the world, of ourselves, even those who we know care for us. Even the church has turned away and hidden the pain of abuse and trauma.

However, authors of Psalm 88 and 89, and the Bent Woman of Luke’s gospel, never waver in their faith that God will hear their prayer. God is present in our lament. God listens for our cries of pain, our angry accusations, our pleas, and even our questions. Christ sees us, even when others push us away. He reaches out to us, offering healing for even the deepest and longest endured suffering. God settles the chaos of our human lives with a love that never ends. God is big enough to hold our stories with us. God is here, in this space of naming, waiting to transform the darkness.

Guidelines for Worship PlannersThe worship services in this series follow a sequence that moves the worshiper through the process of healing from trauma. However, healing will not happen for everyone in the same way, or at the same time. Healing from traumatic experiences can be a lengthy, sometimes a spiraling lifelong, journey. For those reasons, I suggest using these worship services over a span of several weeks, perhaps once a month or more, rather than in consecutive weeks.

These worship services are also formed to include practices to promote healing and a sense of peace for survivors of trauma. These practices are found in the movement prayer of the Call to Worship, the breath prayer of the assurance, the education and meditation options for the children’s time, and the rituals suggested as worship responses. Worship leaders may also facilitate a safe space for survivors by providing a calming presence—avoiding blame, using gender-inclusive language and images of God, asking for permission before touching someone, providing worshipers options to choose how they respond in worship, and welcoming the individual needs of each worshiper.

Each service is organized using five movements of worship: call to worship, confession/lament and assurance, hearing God’s Word, responding and sending. A sixth movement of praising or prayer can be added using the hymn suggestions. Worship leaders may use the prayers and songs suggested in these outlines in worship that would best fit the gifts and style of their congregation.

Further, this series is only a beginning place for congregations. Worship leaders may want to add prayers or songs that have been meaningful for your congregation during times of grief and trauma. You may also lengthen the series to include services acknowledging and lamenting specific losses, violence or traumatic experiences. A public service of confession and forgiveness, or a formal congregational covenant to offer a safe place, may be needed. Worship leaders and pastors may collaborate to discern the healing needs of your congregation.

This is difficult work, and deep, hard listening to ourselves and to others. This is also needed work, in order to bring healing and change. We cannot walk into the light until we name the darkness we live in. Christ journeyed into the depths of pain, violence and shame, into death, before rising into the resurrection. God is present in the depths of darkness just as fully as God is present in the resurrection. God is listening to our laments, joining our cries and groans. God will also join our shouts of celebration and freedom.

Andrea Opel is a child & adolescent therapist at Oaklawn Psychiatric Center in Elkhart, Indiana, providing healing support for children and families who have experienced trauma and grief. She attends Belmont Mennonite Church, Elkhart, where she is frequently involved in worship leading, facilitating Sunday school classes, and other ministry.

From Darkness into Light:Lamenting, Healing, Celebrating stories,

and Entering new stories of Trauma

Service One- Crying out in the Darkness: A Service of lamentFocus Statement: God is present with us in the darkness.Texts: Psalm 88

Song Suggestions:Jesu tawa pano (Jesus, we are here) SJ 6When in the hour of deepest need HWB 131When from the darkness SJ 102Why has God forsaken me? HWB 247Through our fragmentary prayers HWB 347By the waters of Babylon SJ 22

Worship Visuals:For those who use a worship table or other visual space, create a landscape using burlap or dark colored cloth and rocks. Have some rocks prepared with the words pain, fear, violence, abuse, anger, and shame written or painted on them. Letters will need to be bold and big enough to be read by the congregation. These stones can be placed on the visual space prior to the worship service or during the Call to Worship (*) in the form of an altar or cairn.

For those using digital or projected visuals, images of rocks or darkness may be used, along with the words suggested above.

Call to Worship:Leader: God is here [Raise hands above head]

God is here [Hold hands outstretched toward congregation] God is here [Hold hands over heart](Repeat alone)(Repeat, inviting the congregation to join)

Leader: God is here, visible and invisible, living within the stories of our lives. Today we enter this space to bring our stories of pain, fear, violence, abuse, anger, and shame. *Place stones on table.You may be one who has experienced the darkness of trauma. You may be one who has acted in violence and perpetrated trauma. You may be one who holds the stories of others who know this darkness. Today we bring these stories to God, lamenting the pain and suffering that trauma brings. Even in these stories, God is here.

Prayer:God of all life,You are present with us in this place.You co-author the stories that shape our lives.We pray that you would hear our lament todayas we seek healing and hope.Transform this darkness into light.Amen.

Lament:Leader: O God, We cry to you from the depths of darkness that takes hold of our lives and covers so many.People: Oh Lord, hear our prayer.Leader: For those who know the terror and pain of violence and abuse, and for those who have acted violently and abusively.People: Oh Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: For those who have carried unbearable loss, anger, and sorrow.People: Oh Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: For those who came seeking healing in your church, and found more pain.People: Oh Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: For those who have lived with shame and blame, and for those who have spoken lies of shame and blame.People: Oh Lord, hear our prayer. Leader: For those who have hidden their suffering in silence, and for those who have silenced the suffering.People: Oh Lord, hear our prayer. (Observe a moment of silence or sing Kyrie eleison HWB 144.)All: Holy God, hear our cries of lament. We will be silent no more. We will hide in this darkness no longer. Bring us into the light. Amen.

Assurance:Leader: God is here in the naming of our pain, in confessing our sin and silence, in lamenting our loss. In the naming and confessing and lamenting, we are opened to the light of God.

Breathe in the light of God,filling your whole body.Breathe in the love of God,radiating through your whole being.You are held in the light.

Children’s Time:Option 1: Children’s time in this week can be used to teach the children how to pray a lament. Read Psalm 88 from Psalms for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval. Help the children know that God wants to hear all of our prayers, even in the hard and scary times in our lives. Invite the children to follow these steps with you as their own silent prayer: 1) Begin with the words “Oh God, my life feels hard right now.” 2) Silently tell God about what feels hard or scary or sad in your life right now. 3) Ask God a question you might be wondering or confused about

during this hard or scary time. 4) Spend a moment in silence listening to God. 5) Thank God for listening to your prayer and being with you.

Option 2: Talk with the children about what trauma is and what to do if they experience something traumatic. Books like A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret Holmes or Brave Bart by Caroline Sheppard are helpful ways of talking with children about trauma and the effects of trauma.

Remind children of the people in the congregation (i.e. pastors, Sunday school teachers, mentors, parents) who are safe to talk to or get a hug when they are sad or scared.

Sermon Seeds:The Psalms are rich with prayers of lament, crying to God for salvation. Psalm 88 is perhaps one of the darkest laments, as the author pleads for God’s presence “in the depths of the Pit”. This lament song is unable to even move toward words of praise, as is usual in other lament psalms. The author prays daily, morning and night, with pleas of pain, visceral accusations, and demanding questions.

Despite the implicit understanding that God is not going to save him from death or the darkness, the author never wavers in his faith that God will hear his prayer. God is present in our lament. God listens for our cries of pain, our angry accusations, our pleas, and even our questions. God is big enough to hold our stories with us. God is here, in this space of naming, waiting to transform the darkness.

What are we holding in this space? What has been hidden in darkness, waiting to be named and transformed? How can we offer love and grace to each other, as we lament together?

Responding:Have small river stones ready to pass out to worshipers, with permanent markers. Invite the congregation to write a word or phrase on one side of the rock that names their lament. Each person is invited to carry their stone with them as a reminder of God’s presence in their lament and in their healing. Worshipers may also choose to place their stones on the worship table or altar, adding their personal lament to the laments of the congregation.

Sending:Sing Peace before us (SS 16).

Service Two- Raised into Light: A service of healing and hopeFocus Statement: God keeps working to make us whole.Texts: Luke 13: 10-17

Song Suggestions:Woza nomthwalo wakho (Come, bring your burdens to God) SS 50For the healing of the nations HWB 367God remembers SJ 107Healer of our every ill HWB 377I will come to you in the silence SS 49There’s a wideness in God’s mercy HWB 145

Worship Visuals:Continue using the rocks and stones used in Service One. Add strips of white cloth with the words healing, hope, grace, peace, light, and freedom written on them. Include a jar of oil or water to symbolize anointing and healing.

Digital visuals may use this same theme. Images of Jesus healing, hands reaching out, or prayer may also be used.

Call to Worship:(Leader): God is here [Raise hands above head]

God is here [Hold hands outstretched toward congregation] God is here [Hold hands over heart]*Repeat similar to the Call to Worship litany in Service One.

(Leader): God is here in our lament. God is here, in our pain and darkness. God is here, always reaching out to us, always working to make us whole. In God’s grace, we are raised into light.

Prayer: God of all life,We bring to you our painour sorrow and shame,our wounds.We enter your presence,seeking healing and hope.Lay your hands on us,so that we may be raised into Light.Amen.

Confession:Leader: Jesus, we confess that we become blinded by the darkness in our lives.People: Jesus, raise us into Light.

Leader: We confess that our words and actions do not offer grace to those who need your love.People: Jesus, raise us into Light.Leader: We confess that we do not believe that we are worthy of your love.People: Jesus, raise us into Light.(Observe a moment of silence or sing Come, Light of the world SS 3.)All: Raise us into your undying Light of love and healing and freedom.

Assurance:Leader: Hear the words of Jesus, as he reaches out to you:“You are set free.”

Breathe in the light of God,filling your whole body.Breathe in the love of God,radiating through your whole being.You are held in the light.

Children’s Time:Option 1: Tell the story of the Bent Woman from Luke 13:10-17. Invite children to close their eyes and imagine Jesus holding their hand, or touching their shoulder, or giving them a hug. Give them a moment to imagine what Jesus might say to them. Anoint the children with oil or pray with them as a group with the blessing “May you be peaceful. May you be happy. May you be safe. May you be well. May you be free.”

Option 2: Meditation, prayer and mindfulness are all practices that help us to calm our minds, relax our bodies, and remind ourselves that we are safe and loved. Guide the children through a meditation or mindfulness practice. There are many books or online resources available that have prepared meditation scripts. One suggestion is Relax Kids: The Wishing Star by Marneta Viegas.

Sermon Seeds:In the Psalm from last week, God did not answer the author’s questions, or rain down miracles to save him from his death. This is where Christ enters into our story to create a new ending. In Christ there is hope for freedom and healing, a new life. In the story of the bent woman, Jesus reaches out to a person who probably felt similar to the psalmist- in pain, overwhelmed, isolated from God.

Though we do not know what caused this woman to be bent over, we can know that she likely experienced chronic, debilitating pain, the type of pain that becomes controlling and limiting, for eighteen long years. Day after day, she could only see the dirt at her feet, a constant reminder of her pain and shame, with no hope of change. Even the synagogue leaders attempt to refuse her the gift of healing. Yet she was there at the synagogue, seeking God’s presence. And Jesus saw her, called to her, laid his hands on her, and gave her freedom.

When we can only see our pain, Jesus sees us, calls to us, reaches his hands out to us, and raises us into freedom and joy. When others, even those who are meant to care for us, turn us away, Jesus invites us in.

How can we be like the bent woman, persistently seeking God’s presence, receiving Jesus’ call to freedom and healing? How are we like the synagogue leaders who were so focused on following the rules that they missed an opportunity for grace? How can we choose to follow Jesus, to reach out and welcome those in darkness? What is Jesus calling to us?

Responding:Invite congregants to be anointed with oil or receive a prayer for healing from a minister. The congregation may sing prayers for healing during this time. You may also have small strips of white cloth and markers available. Invite worshipers to write their word or prayer of healing to take with them as a symbol of God’s grace. Have information for community resources, counseling or support groups prepared for those who are seeking further healing support. Another option is to receive an offering to support a local ministry or service that supports survivors and/or offenders.

Sending:Sing Peace before us (SS 16).

Service Three- Living in the Light: A service of celebrationFocus Statement: We celebrate God’s unending love, faithful in the darkness and in the light.Texts: Psalm 89: 1-18, 52

Song suggestions:Freedom is coming Anders NybergHere in this place HWB 6Great is thy faithfulness HWB 327And I will raise you up HWB 596This is a day of new beginnings HWB 640Halleluia, the Great Storm is over SJ 71

Worship Visuals:Continue using the visuals from services one and two. Add large candles to the stones that are lit prior to the service. Have tea lights or smaller candles prepared for the response ritual. If you will be using balloons during the response, these may also be integrated into the worship visuals.

Digital visuals may include images of light, freedom, raised hands, floating balloons.

Call to Worship:(Leader): God is here [Raise hands above head]

God is here [Hold hands outstretched toward congregation] God is here [Hold hands over heart]*Repeat similar to the Call to Worship litany in Week One.

(Leader): God is here with a steadfast love and an undying faithfulness that calms the raging waves and stills the chaos. God heals us and gives us new life. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Prayer: God of all life,we enter your presence todaywith celebration for the love you pour over us.We came asking for healing,and you continue to give it.We came seeking hope,and you offer it abundantly.May we dance and sing and shoutin your eternal Light. Amen.

Celebration of Healing:Leader: O God, you are doing marvelous things in us, and among us.People: We will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever.

Leader: You are healing our pain and brokenness.People: We will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever.Leader: You are flooding the darkness of our shame with light.People: We will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever.Leader: You are freeing us from terror with love and grace.People: We will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever.Leader: You create new life in us and you are leading us into new beginnings.People: We will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever.(Observe a moment for free prayers of thanksgiving or sing Halle, halle, halleluha! SJ 17.)All: Blessed be the name of the Lord forever. Amen and Amen.

Affirmation:You are a beloved child of God. You are standing in the light.

Breathe in the light of God,filling your whole body.Breathe in the love of God,radiating through your whole being.You are held in the light.

Children’s Time:Option 1: This week’s text is a Psalm of praise and thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness. Read Psalm 89 from Psalms for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval. Invite the children to pray their own prayer of thanksgiving with these steps: 1) Begin with the words “I sing of your steadfast love forever, Lord.” 2) Tell God about a time when you knew God was with you or a way that you know God loves you. 3) Thank God for being with you. 4) End with the words “Blessed be the Lord forever. Amen.”

Option 2: Invite the children to tell stories of times they felt God’s presence with them. This may be a highlight of their week, a special hug or word of encouragement from someone, or a feeling of God’s love. Sermon Seeds:Set beside the lament of Psalm 88, Psalm 89 brings the congregation back into an awareness of God’s faithfulness and love. This Psalm opens the doors for celebration of God’s presence in our lives, bringing us out of chaotic darkness. The psalmist also reminds us of God’s covenant with us—to be faithful and to love us unconditionally. This covenant calls for a response of trust. God is always at work to bring us healing and freedom if we are willing to release our lives into God’s care.

What are the ways God has been at work in us and among us during this time of lament and healing? Where have we glimpsed God’s light? How have we received God’s grace? What might we need to release in to God’s care to continue the work of healing and creating?

Invite people to share stories of how they have experienced God’s light, or have hope for healing, in the midst of the darkness of abuse and trauma.

Responding: Option 1: Invite congregants to light a candle to symbolize the Light they have experienced and pray for.

Option 2: Distribute small blank paper or cards with a hole punched in each. Invite worshipers to write a way they have received Light, or something they are releasing into God’s care.

Sending:Sing Peace before us (SS 49).

Have a helium balloon prepared for each worshiper. As the congregation leaves the worship area, singing together, each person may tie their note to a balloon. Release the balloons outside as a way of both celebrating and releasing our lives into God’s care.

Service Four- Entering new life: A service of creatingFocus Statement: We join God in co-creating life beyond the darkness.Texts: Isaiah 43:1-3a, 18-19

Song suggestions:You’ve got a place SJ 4Contai ao Senhor (O sing to the Lord) SJ 12New earth, heavens new HWB 299Awake, awake, fling off the night HWB 448Seed, scattered and sown HWB 545Christ is alive SS 89

Worship Visuals:Add art supplies- paint brushes, markers, crayons, a blank canvas, etc., to the visual elements of services 1-3. You may want to remove some of the stones, strips of cloth or candles to avoid creating a visual that is too busy. The focus should be on the creating theme of this service.

Communion elements may also be included in the visuals if communion will be celebrated as the response ritual.

Digital visuals may include images of creating, art, or new seedlings to reflect the Isaiah text.

Call to Worship:(Leader): God is here [Raise hands above head]

God is here [Hold hands outstretched toward congregation] God is here [Hold hands over heart]*Repeat similar to the Call to Worship litany in Week One.

(Leader): God is here in the depths of our souls, where seeds of new life have been planted, where we continue to be created again and again.

Prayer: God who makes the earth and skycreates the sea, the stars,and all that is between,speaks into being each bird, fish and creature, and breathes life into our souls,we praise you with all that we are. May our imaginations be opened todayto dream of how you are creating.May the breath you breathe into us,and the spirit you call into being within usjoin Your work of creating our lives.May we trust the truth of your Wordthat all of your creation

is named “Good”. Amen.

Sermon Seeds:The focus of this service is the art centers and experiential worship. If a sermon is given during this service, it is suggested that a brief homily be used. This Isaiah text speaks about the journey of Israel through the wilderness on their journey out of slavery into the Promised Land. God reclaims and redeems the people. God did not prevent Israel from those experiences. Yet God promises to use the soil of our lives, even the dirt created by pain and trauma, to create a new thing- a new way, a new stream of life.

How is God creating and re-creating our lives? How are we joining in God’s creating work in our own lives, and in our communities? What is the Spirit speaking to us as we give ourselves to creativity and art-making?

Blessing the Work of Creating:Invite participants to choose an art center and hold one of the tools they will use to create- a marker, paper, a book, paint, etc. Participants may also hold their hands open, preparing to create.

Leader: O Holy Creator,May these hands that holdthe brush, the pen, the crayon,markers and paperbe your hand creating

People: in this space,in your world,in us.

Leader: May these eyes see with wonder and awareness,and with the grace of your eyes,the beauty created here

People: in this space,in your world,in us.

Leader: May this breath in us be yours,flowing in and out,radiating through our souls and being,releasing into your care and keeping

People: this space,your world,our selves.

Leader: O Holy Creator, O Great Guardian, O Spirit of Mystery,May what is created here

in this space, in your world, in us,be named good.Amen.

Art Centers:Creating art is a form of prayer. It allows us to imagine how we desire God to create in us or around us. And it frees us to see in a new way how God desires to create in our lives and community. It is a way to tell a story, to see the story of God’s creating work in ways that we might not hear.

The following are several suggestions for art centers that can be prepared to allow participants opportunity to enter into creating and art experientially. These centers do not require experience or artistry, only a willingness to perhaps try a new way of worshipping. This service is intended to be very intergenerational with much freedom for participants to follow the Spirit’s leading, though also reflective and prayerful. It may be helpful to have music playing quietly in the background.

Visio Divina: Invite artists in your congregation or community to create art pieces that can be displayed in your worship space. You may also gather prints, books, or other art pieces to view. Art may be focused on themes of creating, new life, healing, or the suggested Scripture text from Isaiah.

Free art: Prepare table space with paper, markers, pencils, crayons, water colors, etc. for participants to create their own art piece reflecting on the Isaiah text, their own prayers, or creating new life.

Window art: If you have windows in your worship space, provide several window paints or markers. Participants can create a window mural with their drawings. If windows are not available, large sheets of plexiglass, mirrors, or large photo frames may also be used.

Prayer canvas: Prepare a large canvas with a grid of small 3-4 inch squares, along with acrylic paints, brushes, and pencils or permanent markers. Invite participants to write a prayer on a square, then paint over it. This will create a painted quilt of prayers. This suggestion is adapted from Chuck Hoffman’s World Canvas Project, as described at http://worldcanvasproject.blogspot.com/.

Coloring: Print clear copies of mandalas or other coloring pages that reflect the themes of this service and the Scripture text. Provide markers, colored pencils, crayons, colored pens, etc. that can be used for coloring. There are many books of reproducible mandalas and coloring pages available in art stores or online.

Responding: Affirmation:(Leader): Breathe in the light of God,

filling your whole body.Breathe in the love of God,radiating through your whole being.You are resurrected into new life.

Celebrate communion together as a symbol of God’s promise. Christ is the very image of God creating new life out of trauma- the betrayal of his disciples, the darkness and pain of Gethsemane, the violence of his death. In the bread and cup, we receive the promise of God’s grace through the pain and assurance of new life.

Sending:Sing Peace before us (SS 16).

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