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Minutes of the first Eastern Cape Disability sector Briefing session hosted by the NMMU, at the North campus conference centre, Port Elizabeth, 3 April 2012


Archery- Para EC Joey and Anton Swart, SANAA Para Archery Committee: Shaun Anderson; Association for Persons with Physical disabilities NMB: Brian Bezuidenhout; Department of Health Rehabilitation: Zodwa Gxolo and Paddy Padayachy; Dept of Social development and Special Programmes: Lenon Jarman; Eastern Province Sports Association for the physically disabled: Jean Miggels; ECOSOC (SA Chapter)Looks Matoto; Fort Hare University: Lily-Rose Nomfundo Mlisa; Nkosinathi Foundation for Partially Sighted and Blind: Hazel Marshall and Lauren Jonas; NMB Disability Desk: Mr NR and Mrs Jakavula, Themba Mzantsi and Mzoxolo Ngumbela ; NMMU: Dr S Muthwa (DVC: IS), Mr Steven Thomas, Mr W Muller, Mrs Antoinette Goosen, G Saunders, Ruth Sauls, Sheri-Ann Pietersen, K Matiso, R-A Levendal, Duduzile Mhlongo, Xolani Sandlana, Duncan Monks, Sakhe Zweni, Andrew Manona, Karen Snyman, Yanga Sibelekwana (SRC); Northern Lights school for physically disabled and Cerebral Palsy learners: Sal Bartis; QuadPara Association of the Eastern Cape: Zolani Ruleni; SA Lib for the Blind: Melton Kivitts; SA National Council for the Blind Eastern Cape: Thandile Gladile; Sight Seekers: Anton van Rooyen; The Sponge Project:Tony and Crystal Webb; Walter Sisulu University Dr Daphne Gumbi (33)


Mr Jacques Hugo, Cape Recife School, Ms Sheraldine Septoo, PE Mental Health, Mr Sicelo Duze, Algoa Bus, Mr Kevin Hustler, NMB Business Chamber, Mr Lukas Gresse, General Manager, Cerebral Palsy Association, NMB Disability desk Councillor Lawrence Troon, NMB Disability Desk Mr Mabuti Dano, Ms Lizelle van der Vyfer from Aurora and ex-NMMU student, Mr Roger Adams, Deputy Dean of Students, RHODES university, Ms Thobile Sifunda, Chief Director: Institutional Support and Capacity Development (Rights of People with Disabilities, EC), Ms Gail Cilli, Retina SA EC, Clare Hubbard CE Mobility, Emma Emmerich (OT), Ms Christelle Fey, NMMU Marketing and Corporate Relations, Ms Carolyn Weir, ex NMMU graduate with Hearing impairment (13).

Programme Outline:

Agenda:11.30 Registration12.00 – 12h55 Luncheon 13.00 – 13h15 Introductions, Objectives and expectations (Facilitator: Mrs Ruby-Ann Levendal, Director:

Transformation and Monitoring Unit, NMMU)13h15-13h30 NMMU Disability Services Unit briefing13h30 – 15h30 Briefing session and discussion opportunity for collaboration amongst stakeholders15.30 Closing comments and way forward (Mr K Matiso, Dean of Students, NMMU and Facilitator: Mrs Ruby-Ann

Levendal)15.45 to 16.00 Refreshments and departure

Objectives of the session:1. Enhance the relationship between Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and other relevant external

stakeholders within the Eastern Cape Disability sector.2. Establish a stakeholders’ forum across public and private sectors to advance disability issues within the Eastern Cape.

Outcomes of the session:1. Identified areas for collaboration amongst the stakeholders2. Identify date for follow-up meeting in the second semester 2012

Guidelines for the briefing sessions:o Current and completed projectso Planned projects


o Challenges and constraints faced by the organization

Introductions, Objectives and expectations (Facilitator: Mrs Ruby-Ann Levendal, Director: Transformation and Monitoring Unit, NMMU)

1. Delegates were welcomed 2. That this was the first session of its kind bringing together an array of public, private, community and Higher Education

sector participants. 3. An apology was made up front for any omissions and shortcomings.4. The focus of the session to be openness and honesty in terms of expectations and contributions, sharing of resources,

knowledge and best practice, the first of many consultation sessions

13h15: Briefing session and discussion opportunity for collaboration amongst stakeholders

The Manager: NMMU Disability Services unit, Ms R Sauls, presented on current services, structure and model, current number of students enrolled, projects envisaged for 2012 and 2013 as well as the challenges facing NMMU in terms of Disability.


1. Questions and comments-NMMU Disability Services presentation1.1 Disability unit structure and model

1. Clarification was sought around the difference between the post of manager and Head of Disability, 2. More guidelines and communication is recommended around such processes


3. Mr Matiso responded that the Executive Committee of Senate (ECS) review process translated into an amended mandate requiring adequate resourcing and senior leadership within the Disability services unit in order to drive the mandate.

4. The internal processes are still being followed in implementing the recommendations of the 2011 NMMU ECS Disability Review process.

2.Questions and comments-Funding resources

1. Clarification was sought around Efficiency funding referred to in Ms Sauls’s presentation.a. The Efficiency funding process is available to all universities which meet the criteria and operates within

designated procedures, where calls for proposals were requested.b. NMMU Student Affairs submitted a proposal to request funds to enhance its facilities and backlogged

infrastructure projects2. Clarification was sought around whether Deans of faculties treat faculties as business units and thereby do budget

planning accordingly. In this manner, all requirements should be budgeted for including disability related needs.3. Budgeting for transformation and change should be the job of the Dean and thereby fundraising should be the job of

the Dean including fundraising for disability needs.


4. The NMMU Dean of students responded by stating that the role of the deans in terms of budgeting is to submit requests to Management (MANCO) who submits to Council ad who finally approves requests.

a. The DVC: Academic is represented at Council and who is a member of Management (MANCO). b. Therefore the Deans do not have the final say. Council does the final approval.c. The 2011 NMMU Executive Committee of Senate (ECS) decision to review disability processes at NMMU,

was approved and supported by ECS, where the Deans are represented. Therefore the Deans are knowledgeable and have supported the recommendations of infrastructure, policy and budgetary recommendations within the document.


d. The Capital projects now adhere to building regulations and the residences are spending millions in providing additional accessible rooms, due for completion 2013.

e. The NMMU Student Affairs division as it relates to disability, does not rely on the Deans and are making concerted efforts to avoid making repeated mistakes of the past.

f. The merger process saw the inheritance of the previous Vista campus, which was very inaccessible to mobility and many other users with disability. Subsequently more than R60 million rand had been invested into making the now Missionvale campus facilities more user-friendly. Additional ramps, hoists and accessible paths have been erected. The upgraded library facility boasts lift access and has dedicated accessible laboratory space for students with disabilities. It has become a beacon of hope to the surrounding community, where the NMMU provides community services in the form of primary health care, legal aid, support to high school learners, access to the facilities by faith groups, sporting groups, Educators from surrounding schools, among other. Mr Matiso indicated that there is still a long to go.

g. He expressed confidence that the Deans of faculty will be supportive of recommendations and requests.

3. Questions and comments – Recruitment and employment

1. Clarification was sought on how much contact NMMU has with the public sector in terms of driving the 10% recruitment of persons with disabilities


a. NMMU DSU creates awareness within its Graduate Placement unit, which is responsible for student placements and recruitment.

b. The DSU interacts with GPU as a partner and have had many interactions. c. The DSU is also open to calls from industry searching for graduates with disability and make such vacancies

available to the student clients in its database. It is then up to the student to make contact with industry.

5. Questions and comments- Blind and Deaf sector1. Clarification was sought on admitting completely Blind and Deaf students into NMMU and what is being done to

prepare.2. Nksoinathi Foundation for the Blind and partially sighted, honorary chairperson, Mrs Hazel Marshall, commented that

she qualified in Physiotherapy, as a blind person, in London, and had to cope on her own. a. She had to meet the criteria and expectations of the course; otherwise she was not going to graduate. b. She does not agree that Blind persons cannot operate independently and that with training can cope. c. She indicated that no further progress has been made by the Eastern Cape universities in terms of

supporting Blind students, and particularly no further developments by NMMU since the last Blind student in the 90’s.

d. A request was made to NMMU to engage on consulting on admitting Blind and partially sighted studentse. The sector has many ideas, suggestions and recommendations of cheaper technologies, independent

mobility can be achieved3. It was suggested that the universities visit the NGO’s as they have the expertise4. It was suggested that the Eastern cape universities visit the other SA Universities who do admit Blind students and

learn from them5. Mr Webb indicated that family support has been a major success factor for Blind students in the past and this may not

be the case at present with Blind studentsa. As technology has improved, the need for family support has decreasedb. The Deaf sector was not present and thus their voices are not heardc. The remaining NGO’s not represented should be approached who have expertise to shared. The universities are challenged to move beyond the classroom in order to bring about change (Cape Times

article)6. Nkosinathi Foundation reps requested a meeting to discuss the hindrances perceived and to decide a way forward.Responses

7. The DSU manager responded that further consultation is required for the Blind and Deaf project since broad resourcing and planning would be required.

6. Questions and comments Policy changes


1. A student delegate used his own example of choosing to change courses since he was struggling too much to cope with the outputs of his course from a practical aspect and due to the nature of his condition.

a. The suggestion was made to amend the NMMU disability policy to identify what specific support is available for specific disability categories

2. Mr Matoto suggested that the name of the NMMU Policy on persons living with disability be amended to exclude “Living” as he felt that persons with disability do not live with a disability

a. The medical model was highlighted where this creates a dependency state of mind with associations of barriers, isolation, and imprisonment. The delegate sketched the scenario of special needs schools ill-managed and from where learners chose to escape to avoid the treatment experienced.

3. Mr Webb indicated that the medical model was still being utilized and is still current.4. The SRC mentioned that it presented a proposal to Council on creating a portfolio for Disability within the SRC.

a. It awaits feedback. b. A campaign for visiting schools should be formalized indicating collaboration between FUSION and the SRC

and supported by MCR.

5. Questions and comments- Student Counseling partners1. Clarification was sought around the role that Student Counseling partners play at the universities and that they do not

seem to be on the page as Disability unitsResponses

2. At NMMU the DSU and the Student Counseling Career and Development centre (SCCDC) collaborate well. a. Since 2011, statistics are shared between the DSU and SCCDC, ensuring more accurate statistics when

reporting to HESA. b. NMMU DSU screens applicants and refer those with emotional, psychological and psychiatric conditions to

the SCCDC for support. c. If any support is required from the DSU, the SCCDC notifies accordingly. d. All extra time students are screened by the DSU and also referred to the SCCDC if point 6.5 applies.

3. Questions and comments – Corporate Marketing department/Awareness/LSEN/Mainstream schools1. A request was made that the corporate marketing departments play a more active role in marketing to the feeder

schools in the Eastern Cape. This is not the role of the Disability units and that Marketing departments assist the disability agenda in this manner

2. A delegate visited a school called Vukhuhamba where the learners see matric as the ultimate and no future beyond matric.

a. Khanyisa school also presents the same dilemma, where the matriculants perceive no future beyond matric level.

b. Marketing programmes are required to stimulate the learners and encourage them to strive for morec. RPL programmes are required where individuals are skilled in certain areas but these may not be recognized

and which could assist in entry into university.3. The FUSION rep indicated that their action plan for May will include more disability sport awareness activities and

reiterated that their society does market to the wider student body.4. The FUSION chairperson indicated that their society is very active among students on campus.

a. He reminded the meeting that all mainstream schools are legislated to be inclusive and to cater for all disabilities

5. The SRC rep suggested that a campaign for visiting schools should be formalized indicating collaboration between FUSION and the SRC and supported by MCR.

a. The SRC should avail itself more to the students with disabilities and FUSION. It will include FUSION in its June operation SANGENA where he recommends that they should plan to visit LSEN schools

8. Questions and comments- Disability sport

1. The delegates required feedback on efforts around enabling disability sport on the NMMU campuses.2. Mr Anderson, National Archery Association, commented that the NMMU Sport department still has archery equipment

in its possession that was donated to it, and is subsequently not being used.a. There has been a request to hand over all equipment to the national archery association, which will ensure

that it will be utilized.


3. Clarification was sought around the new high performance centre and whether it will be accessible to users with disability.

a. Clarification as sought about how NMMU is promoting disability sport.b. Clarification was sought around whether the current enrolled students are being exposed to disability sport

initiatives.c. The suggestion was made to initiate a disability sport desk within the department of Sport at NMMU

4. The NMMU Sport representative, Mr Steven Thomas, responded that there was no disability desk at present and that communication is currently done through the Disability unit.

a. There is not specific funding model applied to disability sport.b. The archery equipment has been donated to Londt Park as per the request of the EC Archery Association.

5. The QAEC representative, Mr Zolani Rolani, indicated that he is involved with codes such as weight-lifting, swimming and wheelchair-racing in the townships, and that he could be contacted for any support.

6. The FUSION chairperson, Duncan Monks, responded that their society created awareness of disability sport in conjunction with the Disability Unit during 2011 of sport for persons with disability, via their lecturers in general and via the In our Shoes programme via the Disability Unit.

a. An awareness session was held showcasing Blind cricket during September 2011.7. The NMMU Disability Co-ordinator responded that various efforts were initiated during 2011, around disability sport,

namely Blind cricket, wheelchair-tennis, Boccia. a. The NMMU cricket team participated with the Blind cricket team from Khanyisa School for the Blind and

partially sighted during September 2011. b. 32 students from the Missionvale campus attended the Boccia sporting event which was supported by Cape

Recife school athletesc. various communications methods were used to attract and inform students, such as bulk sms, emails,

posters, word of mouth, direct marketing to student leadersd. Students are made aware but cannot be forced to attend events. It is also up the student body to show

interest and not only expect the DSU to play a solitary role. e. Students with disabilities themselves should also show initiative and prompt their peers. Students with

disabilities often can only cope with their academic responsibilities and do not have the energy to take on additional activities, which may or may not take place on campus.

f. They would much rather prefer to participate in events which take place on campus where they can interact with their peers at their level.

8. Mr Tony Webb, commented that the capacity of the person with disability is vital and those who better capacitated are better able to manage extra mural activities beyond the pressure of academics.

a. The capacity at school level appears to be better to allow learners to also participate in sporting activities.b. He felt that communications are largely ignored, such as sms etc.

9. A student rep, Mr Sakhe Zweni commented that there was no clear platform to address matters and therefore they took it upon themselves to form a society, called FUSION. The executive themselves are still experiencing difficulties to cope with executive responsibilities and society offices and SRC Council venues being inaccessible, to mention a few.

a. A student introduced wheelchair-tennis as no concerted efforts were being made. Group sports are not always supported.

10. One of the delegates commented that information is not readily available from the NGO/Associations sector of available adult sporting codes and where they take place.

11. Ms Christine Saunders highlighted the codes that are available to the province and the metro and the process through which participants can move to gain a place provincially etc.

a. She indicated that the NMMU Sport rep, Mr Andre van Zyl, has not been attending association meetings and therefore minimal information flowing between NMMU and the association.

Questions and comments –infrastructure and Accessibility

1. The APD member suggested that students do their own audit of universities to reflect a more truer version of how students see accessibility, and that particularly the NMMU audits may not be as relevant as they could be.

a. He felt that students may feel intimidated to speak up.2. Mr Tony Webb responded that he was commissioned to do the audits between 2002, 2004 and 2006 across all the

NMMU campuses. He would welcome updated information.3. A FUSION student rep indicated that more should be done about indicating accessible routes at NMMU campuses,

especially those used during emergencies and leading to exitsa. After hours and over weekends, locked doors continue to pose problems to wheelchair-using students and

dangerous roads have to be negotiated, where students could be knocked by ongoing traffic.b. Dark passages also pose problems during overcast days and after hours


c. A suggestion was made of using lines indicated on the ground indicating exits, or accessible routes

Questions and comments – Independence of persons with disability

1. Mr Lenon Jarman, commented that he is the only Social worker with quadriplegia in the Eastern Cape, and now at Masters level, enrolled again at NMMU.

a. He recommends that persons with disability must strive toward independence and do things for themselves.

Questions and comments – Fort Hare University

1. The Director Student Counseling, Fort Hare, Ms Mlisa, commented that she has been fighting for disability services since 1999, and is receiving minimal support. She made an empassioned plea for support on how to make management listen and pay attention

a. Mr Brian Gallant has been appointed as Dean of Students, but requires support.b. She has made requests to their Marketing department to get LSEN schools to be treated as feeder schools

and to get their buy-in on corporate marketing initiativesc. The terminology used in and by the sector is not uniform. She requires support in keeping abreast and being

kept updatedd. She recommends that the NGO sector engage the Eastern Cape universities and keep them accountable.

The pressure needs to come from the outside as well and not only from the universities themselves.e. She enquired whether expertise only lies within the NGO’sf. How can the expertise be mainstreamed and shared?

Questions and comments –LSEN schools

1. Mr Webb suggested that the LSEN schools must be engaged so that the transition from crèche to Higher Education can be better managed, through early identification and managing of needs.

2. The Northern Lights school for Cerebral Palsy and LD rep, Mrs Sal Bartis, indicated that a very useful research project was run at their school by the CP Association, which focused on the needs of the learners and obstacles experienced by them as well as looking at the transition experience from LSEN school.

a. The programme was stopped due to lack of funding.Responses

3. The facilitator Mr Ruby-Ann Levendal suggested that information of the programme be made available to determine its validity and whether it could be expanded. She suggested a team approach comprising the NMMU departments Social development, Psychology/Education to collaborate with the school on continuing the programme.

15h30: Closing comments and way forward (Mr K Matiso, Dean of Students, NMMU and Facilitator: Mrs Ruby-Ann Levendal)

Mr Matiso, Dean of students summarized the discussions and paved a way forward.

1. Ongoing consultation will be required with all stakeholders and that the focus should be on accountability.a. Report back to the forum with further consultation and feedback on action steps taken.b. The agenda to be finalized by input from forum members and the next meeting to be held during September

2012, during Disability Awareness month.c. The convenor to be NMMU Disability Services unitd. Stakeholders are encouraged to forward more ideas and proposals of further collaboration. e. A follow-up session will be arranged during the second semester.

2. Blind sectora. Session to be held with SANCB members to investigate the support to Blind persons by the Eastern Cape

Higher Education sectorb. The needs to be identified, an agenda to be drawn up, twinning to be investigated e.g. niches and

partnerships, technology and best practice among others. The Deans of faculty to be included in this meeting


3. Hearing a. The Hearing sector had not been represented despite the fact that they were invited.b. A concerted effort to be made to approach this sector and that a separate session be arranged.

4. NGO’s a. That a list of NGO’s be obtained, where each specifies their capacity and involvements in order to forge

collaborative initiatives, whether in terms of equipment, knowledge sharing and so on.5. Feeder schools

a. The Eastern Cape universities must work with the feeder schools and formalize programmes with them.b. Actionc. NMMU MCR and FUSION to collaborate on the suggested ideas and action plans indicated by FUSION.

6. Disability Sporta. A session to be arranged with NMMU Sport, DSU, Disability Sport sector, FUSION b. An action plan to be developed

7. FUSION/SRCa. Support must be rendered to the FUSION society. FUSION to identify where the areas of support is required.b. FUSION society is an affiliate of the SRC and therefore the SRC to release budget to FUSION to assist in

their endeavours.c. SRC

i. The SRC mentioned that it presented a proposal to Council on creating a portfolio for Disability within the SRC. It awaits feedback. A campaign for visiting schools should be formalized indicating collaboration between FUSION and the SRC and supported by MCR.

8. Financial Aida. That awareness must be created in the sector of the earmarked bursary funding availableb. That the unique needs of students may not be fully met by the disability bursaries and that stakeholders must

assist to identify where the gaps arec. That Mr Wayne Muller was present in the meeting and was available to stakeholders for consultation

9. Auditsa. The suggested audit by the members is supported and input from the students will be supported.

10. Fort Harea. Support must be made available to Mr Brian Gallant, the Dean of Students at Fort Hare. The Student Affairs

model of NMMU could be used as a basis?11. FET sector

a. There are two FET colleges in the NMB metro namely PE College and the EC Midlands College. An audit of the colleges must be encouraged and proposal submitted to DoHET for funding. APD and The Sponge Project to assist.

12. Student Counseling partners a. To be included in the future interactions as stakeholders

The facilitator Mrs R-A Levendal summarized that the meeting had achieved its objectives of:

1. Enhancing the relationship between Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) and other relevant external stakeholders within the Eastern Cape Disability sector.

2. Establishing a stakeholders’ forum across public and private sectors to advance disability issues within the Eastern Cape.

The facilitator Mrs R-A Levendal summarized that the meeting had achieved its outcomes of:

1. Identified areas for collaboration amongst the stakeholders2. That a date for follow-up meeting in the second semester 2012 was identified

The meeting adjourned at 16.00 and continued with networking session.



Addendum A: Contact Details for the attendees and those who tendered apologies



Name Designation

Email Tel No. Cell number


Services Types of Disabilities supported

Projects 2012 Projects 2013


Albinism Association

Nosipho Royi


072-233 9108

Algoa Bus Company

Sicelo Duze



Development EC Archery Association

Joey Swart Development Officer



Development EC Archery Association

Anton Swart

Archery Athlete


Association for Persons with Physical disabilities NMB

Brian Bezuidenhout

Executive Director




Accessibility, awareness and sensitization

Consult on accessibility matters


Wheelchair Wednesday, to create awareness on accessibility issues, lobbying business to bring about change, to donate 50 wheelchairs to children

Extend the children’s day care centre facilities to reach into Kwazakhele and Walmer Township

Cape Recife school

Jacques Hugo

Acting Principal



Department of Health Rehabilitation

Zodwa Gxolo

Rehabilitation Manager for the health district NMB




Broad disability services support

Various Ensure all disabled in community is in receipt of services, sub districts event day in November/Dec,

Ensure all disabled in community is in receipt of services

Lack of sufficient transport, lack of sufficient staff in the district, difficulty to reach recipients due to wrong information, assistive devices received late due to funding


Department of Health Rehabilitation

Paddy Padayachy

Oral Health Co-ordinator




Oral Health

Target foundation phase schools and covering clinical and prevention, education and awareness programmes

Foundation phase schools

Early learning expo across various sub-districts Early learning expo across various sub-districts

Dept of Basic Education

Raymond Beukes

CES: Education Social Support Programmes




Special Education Needs

Placement of learners with special needs


Dept of Social development and Special Programmes

Lenon Jarman

Social Worker




Social services

Social Services

All Generic prevention and intervention services and awareness programmes

Eastern Province Sports Association for the physically disabled

Jean Miggels

EC Representative


Physical and Visual

EC Disability Sports Council

Christine Saunders




ECOSOC (SA Chapter)

Looks Matoto

Deputy Chairperson




Observer missions, human rights, influencing policy direction at AU level, international relations

Observer mission deployments, election, observer mission training

Various African Peerr Review mechanism, election in SADC countries



Fort Hare University

Lily-Rose Nomfundo Mlisa

Director: Student Counselling Unit

lmlisa@ufh.ac.za 040-6022279/2081


Facilitator, presentation skills, counselling, psychological testing

Higher Education

All Establish DU, 1. To conduct survey on students needs2. To write a proposal for funding3. To negotiate for a DU coordinator for Alice4. To conduct a sensitization and accommodation workshop by end April5. To create data base on resources for people with disability

To continue with unfinished business in 2011, Create data base for student needs, Conduct rigorous awareness campaigns on disability

Fort Hare University

Sam Vam Musschenbroek

Career Counselor

samvm@ufh.ac.za 0437047002


Career Counseling

In development stage


Establishment of disability unit

Nkosinathi Foundation for Partially Sighted and Blind

Hazel Marshall

Honorary Vice-President of the SA National Council for the Blind

hazelm@telkomsa.net 0413643390


Nkosinathi Foundation for Partially Sighted and Blind

Lauren Jonas

Computer Trainer


041 487 1150/1



NMB Disability Desk

Mr NR Jakavula

Forum Chairperson




Computer skills and Braille user

Dissemination of information from the Special programmes unit

all disabilities represented in the metro

Khanyisa school for Partially sighted and Blind and the Walmer Project for the Blind; to ensure participation by all persons with disabilities

Business and training entrepreneurship, promoting the recruitment of 10% of disabled persons in all departments, training in building of houses, mainstreaming as an objective

NMB Disability Desk

Mrs Jakavula

PA and Spouse to Mr Jakavula




NMB Disability Desk

Themba Mzantsi

Secretary: Disabled Forum




NMB Disability Desk

Mzoxolo Ngumbela

Scribe for forum members

NMMU Transformation and Monitoring

Mrs R-A Levendal

Director: Transformation and Monitoring


NMMU Student Affairs Division

Mr Khaya Matiso

Dean of Students



NMMU IS Dr Sibongile Muthwa

DVC: Institutional Support

NMMU Health Services

Sr Antoinette Goosen

Deputy Director: Health Services




NMMU Department of Sport

Steven Thomas

Deputy Director


NMMU Disability Unit

Ruth Sauls Manager: Disability Services Unit

disability@nmmu.ac.za 0415042313


Unit represents Psychological, HR, Business Administration, Disability Awareness and advocacy skills

Assessment for reasonable accommodations, awareness and advocacy, services to students and staff with disabilities, implementation of policy and legislative imperatives and infrastructure action plan

Hearing loss, Partially sighted, Mobility impairments. Limited Learning difficulties and Psychological and Emotional impairments in conjunction with the Student Counseling centre

Formalizing of EC disability sector forum, appointment of Head Disability services unit, formalizing budget for unit, awareness and advocacy, continued integration of disability accessibility into mainstream functions

Formalizing of EC disability sector forum, appointment of Head Disability services unit, formalizing budget for unit, awareness and advocacy, continued integration of disability accessibility into mainstream functions

Financial, resourcing, Internal expertise to handle and support conditions, internal collaboration


Duduzile Mhlongo

Student and PRO for FUSION



Represent the NMMU Students with disability

All except Deaf and Blind students who are presently not enrolled at NMMU

Opening ceremony, awareness, community outreach, fundraising month


Xolani Sandlana

Student Executive member


Duncan Monks

Student and Chairperson of FUSION



Sakhe Zweni

Student and FUSION member


Andrew Manona

FUSION member

NMMU ICT department

Greg Saunders

Deputy Director NMMU ICT Services


041 5042808

NMMU Student Financial Aid

Wayne Muller

Deputy Director: Financial Aid

NMMU Marketing and Communications department

Karen Snyman

Recruitment Marketer


Yanga Sibelekwana

South campus representative and BSc Construction Economics Student



Northern Areas Disabled Forum

Henry Moleling


Northern Lights school for physically disabled and Cerebral Palsy learners

Sal Bartis Chief Physiotherapist

salbartis@gmail.com 0414564448


Physiotherapy, classification co-ordinator for the Eastern Cape, Archery coach and convenor

NCS grades R to Matric, Sport for the disabled, Therapy-various

Physical and Cerebral palsy and specific learning difficulties

Support the matriculants, refurbishing of the building, re-start of archery development, swimming and table-tennis

Resurfacing of the tarmac, purchasing of 16-seater kombi, ongoing sport participation and development

Financial, sport equipment, transport, support for Learning difficulties, problems with conduct, Remedial support


PE Mental Health

Merle Blunden

Deputy Director

merle@pemhs.org.za 0413650502


Specialize in the field of mental health, intellectual, psychiatric conditions

Social work services, home programme for children with intellectual and multiple disabilities, promotion and awareness programmes, special day care centres for children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities, group homes, or psycho-social rehab centres, skills training facilities for youth with mental disabilities and prevention programmes

Intellectual and psychiatric disabilities

In line with services provided in line with services provided


QuadPara Association of the Eastern Cape

Zolani Ruleni


qaec@iburst.co.za 0413642271


Firsthand knowledge and experience of spinal cord injury, broad based knowledge of disability issues

Peer support for persons with spinal cord injuries, empowerment, financial support, education and sport development, outreaches and upliftment

Quadriplegia and Paraplegia

Outreach programmes, development, sport development, Quadhouse PE, Assistive devices and medical consumables, Transport, QASA Education fund, QASA sports fund, Project Tshedza, QASA Road Safety

Outreach programmes, development, sport development, Quadhouse PE, Assistive devices and medical consumables, Transport, QASA Education fund, QASA sports fund, Project Tshedza, QASA Road Safety

Retina SA PE

Gail Cilli

SA Lib for the Blind

Melton Kivitts

Head: Audio Production




Provide Braille and audio leisure and reading books to Blind and visually impaired members

Blind and visually impaired

Braille production, audio production and library services in general

SA National Council for the Blind Eastern Cape

Thandile Gladile

Chairperson and Co-ordinator of community development



SANAA Para Archery Committee

Shaun Anderson




Development of para archery

All Promote and develop para archery at schools,clubs, Rehab centres and universities

Sight Seekers

Anton van Rooyen

Owner info@sightseekers.co.za



Low vision assessment needs, consulting and supplying of assistive solutions for visually impaired and students with learning difficulties

Visually and Learning impaired

In conjunction with Retina SA identify visually impaired learners in the community and mainstream schools. Support and source funding for rehabilitation, training and assistive solutions

The Sponge Project

Tony Webb Owner tony.webb@telkomsa.net



20 years Disability advocacy, outreach, rehabilitation, augmentative alternative communication, accessibility, housing, education, skills development, employment and travel

Provide information on disability resources on a national level

All SMS information service using number 0721722623, Sponge news and views, http://thespongeproject.yolasite.com

As for 2012


Walter Sisulu University

Dr Daphne Gumbi

HOD: Economic Management Science Education (EMS.Ed),Youth, Gender, Persons with Disability Project Manager

dgumbi@wsu.ac.za 0475022539

082 202 1180

Managerial, leadership, advocacy

Services to HE

Physical, Sight, speech, slight hearing impairment

Research proposal on performance of students with disabilities, establishment of the Disability unit, launching of the disability policy, proposal for infrastructure funding from DHET, action plans for 2012-2014

Establish and functioning of YGD centre, adopt Mthatha disability schools

EC Disability Economic Empowerment Trust

Thabiso Phetuka

Chief Executive Officer


OR thabiso@compliancewise.co.za

41 373 2043

Fax:+27 86 512 2990

Mobile: + 27 78 505 1875

The goals of the trust are listed as follows: To acquire and hold equity which should generate dividends on an annual basis. To maintain a database of disabled groups and individuals within the province

To build linkages with institutions and companies that would offer opportunities to disabled people

To facilitate skills development opportunities to disabled people

To link disabled people with suitable employment opportunities

To facilitate preferential procurement opportunities for disabled individuals and enterprises owned by

disabled people To enable the establishment and improvement of enterprises owned by disabled peopl


EC Midlands College

Mrs M Christoffels

Dean of student affairs

randy@emcol.co.za 041 9952000

Courses offered:

Marketing (H S Campus) Office Administration (H S

campus, Grahamstown and Graff- Reinet)

Tourism (H S Campus) Finance, Economics & Accounting

(Grahamstown) Safety in Society (Graff- Reinet) Information Technology &

Computer Science (Park Avenue & Grahamstown)

Electrical Infrastructure Construction (Park Avenue)

Engineering & Related Design (Charles Goodyear Campus)

PE College

CEO: Mrs H.J Grobler



041 585 7771

041 582 2281

Courses offered:

BUSINESS STUDIES Management Marketing Office Administration Finance, Economics and

Accounting Information Technology and

Computer Science Safety in Society

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Engineering and Related Design Electrical Infrastructure

Construction Civil Engineering and Building

Construction Megatronics




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