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JUNE 9, 2015



PO BOX 278


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>> Please take your seats. Thank you.>> Excellencies. Distinguished delegates. Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, could you please take your seats? On behalf of the secretary general I have the great honor and pleasure to declare open the 8th session of the conference and states parties to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities on a personal note I will tell you it's very special to take on my old role as president and chairing a meeting in these halls. I want to immediately move into the agenda item two after the opening of the session. Namely election of the president and other offices of the conference. I will later deliver a statement after consultations among all region groups states parties elect to the states parties to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities for the 8 and 9th sessions the bureau consists of Republic of Korea as president elect. And Brazil, Italy, Poland, and Tanzania as vice presidents elect. May I take it it is the wish of the conference that it elects the Republic of Korea. I hear no objections it's so decided. May I also take it that it is the wish of the conference that it elects as vice presidents bring Brazil, Italy, Poland Tanzania. I hear no objections. It is so decided. Congratulations to the new members. It is now my honor to invite his excellency ambassador of the Republic of Korea to step up to the podium to assume the presidency of the conference and I have the honor to also invite the chair of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities and the civil society representative to proceed to the podium to join the next session of the meeting. [Pause].>> Good morning, everyone. Good morning would you like to take a seat, please? It is indeed an honor for the Republic of Korea to be the president of the 8th session of this Conference of State Parties and on behalf of the vice president, Brazil, Italy, the Republic of Poland and the United Republic of Tanzania. I wish to express our profound appreciation for your confidence in us to take up these important positions. First one to article 34, paragraph five the necessary quorum for the meeting is two-thirds of the states parties. As there are 154 states parties to the convention, the quorum is, therefore, 10 if states parties. It was verified by the secretariat that the required quorum for the conference is obtained. With this, may I now proceed? To item three of the provisional agenda, which is the adoption of the agenda. May I take it, that the conference wish to adopt a provisional agenda as contained in document CRPD/CSP/2015/1. I see no objection. It is so decided. We shall now proceed to the organization of work which is item four of the provisional agenda. The first item should be NGO accreditation and registration. A list of non-governmental accreditations were testing accreditation was circulated to all state's parties on 11 May, 2015 in accordance to the rules of procedure of the conference. We have now received any request or notice against these requests for accreditation. Therefore, it is understood that the list of NGO applications for accreditation is approved and the NGOs may participate in future conferences of states parties as of service. It is so decided. In keeping with past practice, the conference also wishes to welcome participation by the national human rights institution as a service. Represented here by the international committee of national human rights institutions. At the podium I'm very pleased to recognize his excellency, the previous secretary general and representative of the secretary general. Ms. Maria, chair of the committee and the rights of persons with disabilities. And also extend a warm welcome to our colleague representing civil society organizations Mr. VENKATESH. Excellencies, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, one of the main pillars of the United Nations work is the protection and promotion of

human dignity and human rights. In this area we have come a long way among other things by adopting international conventions and the rights of vulnerable, social minority groups, such as women, children, or minority racial groups. The convention on the rights of persons with disabilities came into existence as the most recent of these human rights conventions. This was adopted in 2006 and came in force in May 2008. In the nine years since the adoption of the CRPD the international community has taken significant steps to advance its implementation. Yet, we see a great deal of work remaining to be done. Together, we must continue to make every effort to achieve the goals of the convention, to create societies without discrimination and exclusion, and promote empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities. We have to focus our efforts on ensuring equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. In education, health, the provision of services in employment, and all aspects of life. To date, there are currently, 154 states party to the convention. Our challenge is to turn the form commitment expressed by states party to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities into concrete actions and practices and tangible outcomes on the ground. We know progress has been made in many of our countries and by the United Nations. But more needs to be done and can be done to make a difference in the lives of over 1 billion persons living with disabilities. This year, the U.N. will see the conclusion of the term of the millennium development goals and the member states are about to adopt a new post-2015 development agenda around a sustainable development framework. Against this background the bureau, in consultation with our regional members has chosen as the overarching theme of the conference mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 development agenda. Under this year's theme our conference will focus on the following. First, mainstreaming disability and the reduction of poverty and inequality. This is an important theme that goes to the heart of development and recognizes the interrelationship between poverty and disability. It is also timely for us to look for closely at disability and poverty in light of the emerging post-2015 international development agenda which aims to be inclusive participatory and leave no one behind. The second subtheme improvement of disability data and statistics objectives and challenges. Underscores the importance of ensuring that quality data and statistics are collected, processed, and utilized to inform development policy. This is also essential to evaluate and monitor implementation of policies and programs aimed to advance sustainable development for or including persons with disabilities. The third subtheme is addressing the as a rule is addressing women, girls, children's right to education, humanitarian crisis. In recent years, there has been progress in recognizing the increased vulnerabilities and exclusion experienced by different groups of persons with disabilities. Including in situations of humanitarians crisis. However, much work remains in terms of fully addressing these areas. We look forward to contributing to the review and discussions and ongoing work in the area of children's access to education, through the informal pattern on this subtheme on the final day of the conference. Importantly, this subtheme was also chose on the underscore the inclusion saves lives in the humanitarian crisis and need to proactively concert and engage persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in all stages of development. I look forward to the next few day to explore options for further partnerships among state parties, the United Nations entities. Civil society and other stakeholders to advance our shared mission that is the realization of the goals of the convention for persons with disabilities and promotion of disability inclusion in all aspects of development and society. I now invite the general to deliver a statement. You have

the floor, sir.>> Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you, Mr. President for the opportunity to open this 8th conference of states party to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. I am especially pleased to be here but I vividly recall when this landmark treaty was adopted here in New York in April 2006 several of you were here at this time I'm sure. I had the honor then to serve as president of the U.N. general assembly and the adoption followed five years of negotiations. I can still remember the standing ovation and rousing applause of hundreds of delegates at the adoption and not least applause of representatives of civil societies and NGOs who had played such an important role in the journey towards this landmark treaty. If I may continue to be personal I can tell you I served with the prime minister in Sweden and I remember the day when he invited someone to become minister of social affairs back in the early 80s. He was blind. And a wonderful person who played an important role -- and still place an important role for the people of disabilities. I invited him when I was U.N. ambassador to a dinner. At that time I was living in an apartment high up in New York facing the east river. He asked me before we sat down for dinner, what is a view like here and the sun was setting and I described everything around me. And around the apartment. And then when the guests came and we sat down he said to all the guests, look around here, don't you think we have a wonderful view? And the sense of knowing this problem, the disabilities, still had the style and elegance to say I am over this, I will manage this and was a very successful minister of social affairs. At the time I called this treaty the first convention of this magnitude for this century. Our fundamental message then and now is that all human beings are equal. And that we constantly have to live up to this assertion of human dignity. We should always come back to the U.N. charter which I carry in the pocket ever since the early 80s also. It's written in the preamble. And if you need to recall it pick it up. And you have also university declaration of human rights if you need further documentation if you need more about what this organization is all about. The next three days are your opportunity to take stock of past achievements and look ahead of strategies for the future. This is especially important in 2015 which secretary has appropriately called a time for global action. We are working to shape an inclusive, successful and sustainable society for all guided by new vision for development for the next 50 years that member states will adopt in September. The post-2015 development agenda basically builds on the charter of the united nation forged 70 years ago based on the timely commitment to build faith in human rights in the human person to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. The convention of 2006 marked a conceptual shift from a charity and medical approach to the human rights based view of disability. This shift will guide us I'm sure in the right direction going forward. I commend the conventions 154 states parties and the 86 that have ratified or exceeded to its optional protocol. I invite these steps to invite laws and policies which give effect to the rights enshrined in the convention in doing so you translate these rights into reality. This will also provide a substantive platform for a rights-based implementation of the forthcoming sustainable development goals. Similarly, I call on all other country to join the convention and carry out its provisions the convention is complimented by the high level meeting of disability development in 2015 which many you you attended. This document reflects the growing engagement by civil society. Especially organizations of persons with disabilities. It provides guidance on building a rights-based inclusive and successful global development framework. As president, excellencies, distinguished delegates I

welcome your focus on mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 development agenda. This will help advance our campaign to leave no one behind. And ensure a life of dignity for all. A life of dignity for all. I thank all of you who have proposed references to persons with disabilities in the sustainable development goals and negotiations. I encourage you all to work out global indicators that reflect the rights enshrined in the convention and as you know and as the president just underlined data will be crucial to ensuring that persons with disabilities are counted and included as we aim to achieve these goals. This convention must guide our global, regional and national processes on the road ahead. Our work in the United Nations is not meaningful unless it is translated to the nations and, indeed, to the local communities in the end and to the people. Remember, the first three words of the charter. We the peoples. We the peoples. We are here to serve the peoples. When it come to both peace, development, human rights and a life in dignity. The tragic fact is that persons with disabilities are among the most excluded and isolated still in practically all regions of did world. We need urgent action to reduce exclusion, inequality and discrimination. The special repertory on the rights of disabilities is participating in this conference for the first time in a new capacity. I command her focus on the equal and accurate standards of living. We must give priority of addressing the vulnerability of persons with disabilities. I call for effort to support those facing multiple discrimination. This relays particular to women and girls. Disadvantaged youth and older persons the new vision for sustainable development should offer a framework for bold action, benefitting all. Even before the adoption of the new agenda I encourage action by all states. Every action should include the right for all students including boys and girls with disabilities. I've seen too many places where that is not the case. As a former coordinator I wish to call the attention for the persons with disabilities in times of disasters, refugee movements migrants movements, humanitarian emergencies. The result of the conference on disaster risk reduction and the on going consultations in the summit next year have underlined the persons with disabilities are disproportionately left behind. I'm confident that states parties will take a lead in rectifying this in all areas. In closing, dear friends, let us use this conference to strengthen your cooperation and partnerships. Member states, the public and private sector, U.N. entities, civil society and particularly those persons with disabilities should all come together. We must now join force to build a rights based post-2015 development agenda that is used for persons with disabilities and their communities. Empowering persons with disabilities and securing their rights will advance society as a whole. We will all gain from this. Let us turn this landmark convention into a reality for persons with disabilities. We should recall that the quality of society ultimately is determined by how it deals with and treats its most vulnerable citizens. This is the message of the first three words of the preamble as I just recalled and I thank you for your attention.>> (APPLAUSE).>> Thank you Mr. Deputy secretary-general for your inspiring words. I now invite Ms. Maria. The chair of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities to deliver her statement.>> Good morning to all of you. And special greetings to the president of the conference of the parties convention. The ambassador to the representatives of state parties and everybody attending here. On behalf of the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities in the United Nations we warmly greet all of those who are here. We know that time is brief and that's why I focus a message on those

points which I believe are substantive. First of all we should bear in mind that both the conference of states parties and the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities, were born of the convention of the rights of persons with disabilities. And it is a mandate of both bodies to make the model of human rights of persons with disabilities visible and crosscutting. That is our powerful function. Furthermore we are aware that we are at a unique moment. A transcendent moment which is the definition of the post-2015 agenda and social development and sustainable goals where all of us are invited to participate. I also wish to let you know that the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities has made statements which highlight the importance of the framework of human rights. Of persons with disabilities. In the process of social development and I wish to publicly acknowledge the chairpersons of treaty bodies of human rights of the United Nations who also have made statements backing the point of view of our committee and the human rights model for persons with disabilities. The final report of the open-ended working group on sustainable development calls for special -- five special objectives and seven goals. Giving special mention to people to people with disabilities. Inclusive education, quality education, the goal of inclusive accessible and sustainable economic growth. The goal of reducing inequalities in and among countries. The goal of achieving inclusive, safe, sustainable cities and human settlements and, finally, the fifth one, which is mentioned people with disabilities is a goal on strengthening the means of implementation, reinforcing the worldwide advance for sustainable development. Through the building of capacity and making data available. This -- having said this, we focus on the fundamental tasks and challenges which you, we, and all actors involved in this process must face. The first change which must be met by March 2016 is drawing up the indicators based on the human rights framework especially that of persons with disabilities. Today we should not think that the measurement of social development is based solely on the GDP. We must use the themes of equality, nondiscrimination, justice, the fight against corruption, making systems of intellectual property more accessible by persons with disabilities and this is also why we call for drug up statistics which use the convention of persons with disabilities as a guideline and the standards enshrined therein. Secondly, there is also a deadline for this particular goal which is July of this year, 2015. And that is the meeting on financing for social development is going to be held. It is of the greatest importance of course to present the perspective in the human rights model of persons with disabilities so that financing will be appropriate and I wish to stress something very important here. We've had many achievements in this financial document, the outcome document of the open-ended working group, however, it could have indicated as an objective for example when reducing quality, the consistency of rights of people with disabilities we believe of the recognition of people with disabilities as equal with the law. Legal personality. Not suffering from exploitation or abuse or being subject to cruel treatment. Our goals which should be met before the end of this process. Also as previous speakers mentioned it is important in the human rights model for those to be present in the main activities of the United Nations such as the humanitarian summit and climate change. I wish to indicate that as long as major groups are present as a category, it is -- very important that among the nine major groups considered we have a group ten. People with disabilities to contribute to the work of the United Nations and the strategic planning of the organization in a multidirectional fashion and lastly, to conclude I would like to tell you that we believe that the United Nations should be a guiding light for social development and in the same way

accessibility to these buildings and to these activities that are taking place should be comprehensive in compliance with the secretary general's bulletin. For the persons with disabilities it is fundamental to continue building links with the conference of states parties because of the leadership that the conference should have when it come to sustainable development goals and the post-2015 development agenda. The committee is standing ready to cooperate together with civil society, United Nations, and other stakeholders. Thank you very much.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the chairperson for our statement. I now invite Mr. VENKATESH to deliver his statement.>> Chair, excellencies, and ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of persons with disabilities all over the world and the organizations. I have respect for those who are dying even as I speak of hunger. Billion people over the world have some disability. Many of them are poor. Desperately poor. Poor enough to die of hunger and there's a moment in time when you can give them hope what stroke of your pen. The CRPD has a promise of bringing about change in the lives of persons with disabilities in 150 countries who have -- adopted it and it's a great -- it's a phenomenal step forward. Yet, 20% of persons with disabilities form the poorest people in the world it's not good enough to suggest when we mean poor people we mean all poor people. When we say men we mean disabled men as well but we know that's not true in real life. The people with disabilities are not explicitly mentioned in rule one. That they will be excluded and left out. The MDG has contributed tremendously to the indication of poverty in the world but persons with disabilities do not form part of this success story. But there's a moment in time to put this right. Being invisible from the goals means being invisible from the benefits. There is some statistics of poverty. 805 million people are estimated to not have enough food to eat. You can estimate a lot of these people have disabilities. Many people do not have adequate drinking water. 150 are people with people with disabilities. We should proceed forward and there's no mention of persons with disabilities in goal one this will be dead in the water. The inclusion of persons with disabilities has benefit for all and makes economic sense. In Bangladesh it was estimated the reduction of ages attributed to the low level of education among persons with disabilities and the caregivers was a loss to the economic of 54 million dollars a year. Similarly, in Pakistan, providing rehabilitation of those with disabilities would increase household mechanic. These show -- this is develop for all not just people without disability. Let me end my presentation with a real life anecdote. There was a woman and her husband. They earn one dollar a day. They have three children. One of whom has a physical disability. She told me once I was told, that my child needs a pair of crutches and it'll cost 10 dollars. To go to the town with my child to all of her crutches and to go again to collect the crutches with my child would cost me one dollar fifty cents each time there are three dollars and I have to lose -- I cannot go to work for two days and I will lose two dollars in wait a minutes. Total I need fifteen dollars. Sir, please tell me, should we starve for three days in order to get this child a pair of crutches or get a pair of crutches and continue to starve. Millions of women with millions of mothers with children with disabilities will ask the same question today, your excellencies, will you look them straight in the eye and tell them that they have to wait another fifteen years before they are included in goal one. Please amend the most important goal of all. The goal one, to end poverty in all its form. Everywhere and add the necessary indicators and targets with a stroke of a pen, make the simple change and end persons with disabilities in goal one and give hope to millions of mothers with

disabilities like ARI. Please use your pen for justice and let me rest my case. Thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank him for his statement. We have now concluded our opening session. I would like to thank all the opening speakers for their statements. At this point I would have a brief two-minute pause so that these at the podium can be excused from the podium and we can continue with the busyness of the day. [Pause].>> Please take your seat so that we can start. Would you please take your seats, please? Please take your seat. Please take your seat, please. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. We would like to start. Take your seats, please. We will start. And please be quiet. Thank you. I now invite the secretariat to make announcements concerning safety and security the background document logistics including the requirements and other practical information about the conference. Please.>> Thank you very much, chair. I would like to make a short briefing on the documentation accessibilities side events the documentation of the conference consists of provisional agenda and background notes. Which background notes were developed to facilitate a round table discussion and is -- they are available on the U.N. enable website and on the papers marked portal. Furthermore statements under agenda item five are general debate will also be posted on the paper smart portal. Delegation who wish to post a full statement are kindly requested to send them to the secretariat in accessible Word format. Department of affairs, dependent of manager have been working closely to make this conference accessible to delegation and their -- and other participants. And this includes accessible seating, sign language, and CART service for the session. For the official sessions. Official documentation is available also in braille on request. Further accessibility requirements maybe addressed to us, the secretariat or please send an e-mail concerning -- your accessibility requirement to enable@UN.ORG. Delegates and participants are also invited to use the United Nations accessibility center located at level 1B. This has assistive devices and open to all participants for use during the conference. Side events. The secretariat has facilitated the side events for 52 side events. During this conference. The side events organized by governments, U.N. agencies, civil society organizations and other stakeholders will be held at this level in another location. A list of side events is available on the U.N. enable website. Thank you very much.>> Thank you for the statement. We now move onto item 5a on the agenda which is the general debate. Inscription to the general debate was announced during the preparation on 7th May. An announcement on the general debate was accordingly placed in the U.N. journal. The speakers list was open for inscription between 19th May and 1st June and was closed by 5 p.m. on 1st June. I would like to draw your attention to the 3-minute time limit anticipated in the guidance note and communicated to all delegations in the U.N. journal announcement a copy is before you for your reference. As the president of the conference I wish to seek your cooperation in strictly observing the 3-minute limit in your statement. The longer the general debate the shorter the interactive sessions. By abiding to the time limit delegations inscribed in the speakers list will contribute to safeguarding the substantive character of the Conference of State Parties. The bureau has tasked the chair to impose the time limit. Also as just announced by the secretariat delegations may avail themselves of the opportunity to post their full text of statements by

sending a soft copy of paper smart for posting their electronically. This opportunity is open to all delegations. The official conference report will also reflect all delegations, thus delivering or submitting statements. Before I give the floor to the first speaker, I would like to advise you on some revisions to the list of speakers. Romania and South Africa will speak at slots number 14 and 15 as the secretary was informed that the speakers from the two delegations are now available to speak. Exchange between Belgium and Hungary shall be made. According to their agreement. Estonia was the first on the speakers list but requested to speak in the afternoon. I also recognize the following new inscriptions that is El Salvador, Bangladesh, Nigeria. Reflecting these changes may I first invite his excellency -- her excellency miss Cecilia of Ecuador to speak.>> Hello. Good morning. Hello. Good morning. My name is ESKA. Distinguished representatives of the states parties and civil society, in recent years Ecuador has made major progress in protecting, promoting and guaranteeing the rights of persons with disabilities in compliance with the domestic legal framework. The constitution of the republic and the United Nations on the rights of persons with disabilities and the optional protocol. The key has been making disability visible on the public agenda two times in 2007 and 2014. Through the presidency of the republic, efforts focused on the task of making persons with disabilities visible providing a response to their immediate needs and of course within the framework of the so-called Ecuador without barriers program. Decent housing and financial transfers were some of the actions taken besides the first study on disability in Ecuador which made it possible to focus more closely on the needs of the disabled people. There was also the passage of the organic law on disability in 2013 a new effort began which was a program Ecuador lives inclusion creating the technical secretariat of persons with disabilities. To transfer to the various constitution of government, the care, and work that had been done until that time. Our secretariat is responsible for coordinating the various areas of government action for persons with disabilities. Conceptualizing and implementing activities for the the full inclusion of people with disabilities. We're working on four strategic lines, productive inclusion, providing advice and support for business projects of persons with disabilities investing 5 million dollars over 2014. Participatory inclusion, strengthening the social network, working with 64,000 people with disabilities. And universal access to apply plans, methods for accessibility and other priority care groups the fourth access is risk reduction. For the inclusion of people with disabilities to plan of -- for disaster reduction and recovery. Let me share some of the fruits of -- Ecuadoran experience over the past eight years. First of all, disability must be raised to the highest level of the government and public agenda. Since other goals cannot be obtained if we don't take into account the needs and perspectives of the people with disabilities and this must go beyond simply providing response and include strategic actions to comprehensively integrate them. Thirdly developing countries are perfectly able to take specific decisions for inclusion. Lastly, countries must make the most of every opportunity in this particular case, mechanisms for south, south cooperation and in this fashion, we can mention that Ecuador is always prepared to share its knowledge and experience with countries around the world as well as learning and applying lessons learned by others because the entire world must make inclusion a reality. Thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the representative of Ecuador for his statement and obviously that was not Cecilia so if you have a change please inform the secretariat in advance so I can announce their names correctly. Thank you. And now I'll give the floor to Ms.

Nicola Wagner. Minister for disabilities issues of New Zealand. You have the floor, ma'am.>> Chair, I am delighted to be attending my first Conference of State Parties in my role as the minister of disability issues. This is a role which allows me to advocate for persons with disabilities at the highest level of government. The New Zealand government warmly welcomes the appointment of miss cat Leah as special repertory on disability. We believe her wide and long-standing experience working for the rights of persons with disabilities, will serve her well in this important role. Our government commends the focus at this conference on the inclusions of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 development framework. This inclusion is key to ensuring that the framework benefits all peoples of the world. Persons with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in conflict situation. And New Zealand welcomes the growing recognition of this in the security council. Our membership of the council has given us the opportunity to advocate for the prediction of citizens in situations of conflict particularly persons with disabilities. The growth of disability rights worldwide has been assisted by both the development of the caucus of indigenous persons with disabilities within the world conference of indigenous peoples and the growing recognition within the Pacific region of the importance of ratifying and implementing the conventions on the rights of persons with disabilities. New Zealand also warmly welcomes the increased focus of women with disabilities. As evidenced by this issue at the 20 year post Beijing program of action event at the 59th session on the commission on the status of women. Our government holds a strong view that the best expertise on how to implement the convention lies with persons with disabilities themselves. Our commitment to article 4.3 of the convention is shown by the codesign of the action plan 2014-18 by persons with disabilities and government agencies. Through their representative organizations. We have at a unique mechanism for implementing article 33 on national implementation. We include the coalition, a group of disabled peoples organizations on an independent monitoring mechanism. This is another way of demonstrating our commitment to drawing on the experience of persons with disabilities themselves chair there are two areas amongst others where we are taking practical steps to ensure persons with disabilities can live a good life and contribute to their communities just like others. The first is employment. Our government recognizes that making sure that persons with disabilities have the same opportunities to secure meaningful employment is key to advancing their rights. The other area is changing the way persons with disabilities receive disability support and services. To ensure that they have maximum choice and maximum control. Our government warmly welcomes the opportunity to be at this conference of states parties. We look forward to further progress and implementing the conventions on the rights of persons with disabilities. So they can fully exercise their rights as citizens worldwide.>> I thank minister -->> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank minister Wagner for her statement and I give the floor to her excellency to Kerry Ann IFIL. President of the senate of Barbados.>> Mr. President, I first wish to congratulate you on your election to steer the work of the 8th session of the conference of states parties. We confirm or commitment to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and to the development of an inclusive and just society. We are at the convention to achieve these objectives. I am pleased to report that Barbados launched a monitoring committee on the rights of persons with disabilities in July of 2014. This multisector committee of which I am

chair comprises members with diverse technical skills. The committee has reviewed draft legislation in the areas of the prevention of discrimination, building standards, and road traffic safety. Aimed at improving the overall well-being of persons with disabilities, it will convene a key stakeholder forum in July 2015 to further review the draft legislation and make necessary recommendations. Mr. President, Barbados, a small island developing state with a limited resource space continues to work to achieve the goal to become a fully developed and people-centered society through new development pathways. With regard to persons with disabilities, Barbados continue to create an enabling environment that promotes equal opportunities, integration and participation in all aspects of society and provides a platform for us to realize our full potential. This goal can only be achieved through the active participation, ongoing collaboration of civil society the promotion and protection of rights of persons with disabilities will continue to be a national priority in our post-2015 development agenda. However, Mr. President, Barbados faces great challenges the repercussions of the financial crisis continue to reduce our ability to achieve our development goals despite this, Barbados -- we have prioritized and sustained its social safety nets. The sub themes of this year's conference resonates with Barbados. We are cognizant of the multifaceted and complex nature of poverty and its intended outcomes. Reduction can only be achieved with the empowerment of persons with disabilities. We recognize that mainstreaming disability requires a holistic intersectoral approach and a paradigm shift. Due to our insufficient capacity there is a possible reliance of data with regards to our persons with disabilities. Over the years with support from partnerships, government and civil society, organizations have -- have intensified their efforts to reduce poverty, inequality and exclusion, a number of initiatives have been implemented to achieve this including a revamping of the social policy framework that guides social development and intervention. The fully accessible Barbados program which continues to be spear headed by the Barbados council for the disabled. At all levels the involvement of persons with disabilities is being encouraged. We remain fully committed to a realization of a society that includes all of its citizens. We are on the rights with persons with disabilities and are committed to advancing the rights both on our island and throughout our region. I thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank her for our statement. I now give the floor to his royal highness prince MIRED. Head of higher council of affairs of persons with disabilities of Jordan.>> Thank you Mr. Chair. Distinguished delegates. Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank the delegates and the secretariat for their tireless efforts. I also would like to convey our condolences of the people of Nepal caused by the several recent earthquakes we, too, mourn the thousands of migrants who have risked their lives in search of a better life and have perished as a result as well as the refugees who flee for their lives. As everyone knows natural disasters cause immense despair and destruction and render those destitute or very often disabled. Hence our gathering today is of great importance. Not just those who are witnessing disstars but us all. This is stipulated in article 11 in stipulations of risk. Our conventions are timely because in situations such as those names and faces become numbers and human beings with no prior knowledge of life with a disability have to face a new reality and experience which is at most, incomprehensible to them and their families. That is why, Mr. Chair it is on us as the states parties to the convention to make this disability more visible. To transform the experiences of the disability community and all its diversity into available information, practices and know how. The agenda with

the sustainable goals provide us with the opportunity to do so. The proposed drafts submitted by the United Nations open working group on the SDGs is a great effort however it would be even better if a focused goal were to be added and if disability were to be mainstreamed across the board in a more visible and obvious manner beyond the independent variable. Even though there probably would be considerable push back to many or most of the suggestions made by our delegations vis-à-vis is SDGs it remains incumbent upon us to address the issue of disability at every occasion it needs to be made abundantly clear what the intended goals mean for people with disabilities the more vague and general the goals are the more chance that people with disabilities will be marginalized or the goals will be misinterpreted or misunderstood. That is why the language in the document has to be made crystal clear. If it is not abundantly clear then the fear that we all have that implementation will fall short may, in fact, become a reality. We basically can not leave anything to chance. Nor do we have the luxury to make more mistakes. We have to get it right this time. People with disabilities in most countries around the world have been waiting for a very long time to see tangible results. The SDGs must not become just another bunch of lofty goals on paper. For people with disabilities, the keyword is clarity. Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates we must look at the true scope of the magnitude pertaining to children, women, and men and their children. If we don't we will diminish the voice of the constituents to whom we answer. Once more, we will go against the very promise we pledged in 2006 which when the conference came to life to protect and ensure the full equal employment by those with human rights and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. Thank you, Mr. Chair.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the prince for his statement. And I now give the floor to his excellency, Mr. Mustafa the minister of social welfare, gender, and children's affairs of Sierra Leone. >> Mr. Chairman. Let me congratulate you on your election and assure you of my delegations full support and confidence. As all are aware, Sierra Leone is participating for the ongoing fight to achieve the case of the disease which has imposed grave challenges the government has made my country a place for the disabled. Please allow me to observe a moment of silence for all the victims of the Ebola virus. Thousands of them. May their souls rest in perfect peace. Mr. Chairman, in spite of our trial we have demonstrated in the commitment of the human rights instruments, treaties and conventions with special emphasis on the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. In the last few years Sierra Leone has made remarkable progress in the era of those with disabilities at 2011. The establishment of the national commission of persons with disabilities in 2012 and the five year strategy plan to guide effective implementation of disabilities. With the programs and activities. The setting up of a special needs department at a university to treat special needs education. The inclusion of disabilities specific questions in the questionnaire of the pilot phase of the national censures conducted. The development of education policy that has assistive device for accessibility by persons with disabilities. The formulation of a national policy to foster the active participation of persons. The safety net program that encompasses persons with disabilities and importantly the appointment of myself, a visually impaired person to serve in the executive arm of government as minister. Mr. Chairman, the Ebola virus has caused immeasurable impact on households of all income lives but the shock to the vulnerable groups. In the government we have now become involved more than

ever before. Through these measures the government is not only cushioning the effect of poverty but also striving to ensure that this protection is a building block of leaving those groups from poverty. We need to measure our efforts in the post-2015 agenda. My litigation is of the view that the post-2015 agenda should be built on equality to provide a framework. That is universal inclusive and accessible to all. There should be an environment with resources that has participation by all small and large states. As country we made much progress. But mainstreaming the rights of disabled persons remains a daunting challenge to be addressed sooner rather than later. As such, we would like to call on actors to double efforts and to map out practical strategies to mention disability in the post-2015 development era. While we have made remarkable achievements in promoting those persons with disabilities we still recognize that the road is yet far and bumpy on this note and on the view of the socioeconomic impact of the Ebola virus epidemic. We would like to talk about financial support in providing special needs experts such as sign language trainers, orientation trainers, the expertise that will provide the services to aide persons with disabilities and significantly enhance their lives. While we reaffirm our commitment to work with the international committee and other key stakeholders to improve the quality of life is a hope that will decisively and collectively consider the need to implicitly include this ability and framework in order to build a genuinely inclusive society and deliver development for all I thank you for your audience.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the deputy for his statement. And now give the floor to her excellency. The commissioner for matters related to persons with disabilities of Germany.>> Mr. Chair -- Mr. Chair. Let me first of all congratulate you to assuming your chairmanship we wish you all the best and assure our full support. Let me now focus on the implementation of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in my country, Germany. Where we continue to make good progress. On 26th and 27th of March, 2015, exactly six years after the convention entered into force in our country, Germany presented its initial report to the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities in Geneva during the hearing it became clear that the CRPD has initiated a very important debate within the German society on the way in which people with and without disabilities should live together. This concerns the field of education just as the field of training and employment or the planning of public space. So name but three examples. But, regardless of this debate and the first success stories, a lot remains to be done. In its concluding observations, the committee gave us more than 60 concrete recommendations. For improvement. Which we are now closely reviewing. Mr. Chair, I can already assure you at this point that over the course of this legislative period key projects of the German government in the field of policy for persons with disabilities, will follow up on many of the recommendations. Let me now outline the three most important projects. One, adopting a federal -- participation law. Second, amending the equal opportunity for people with disabilities act and the third, further developing the action plan designed to implement the CRPD at the national level and in German development cooperations. Central disability project of the government is the drafting of a participation law which will with this piece of legislation we would like to significantly improve the living circumstances of persons with disabilities. We aim to further develop integration assistance so that it involves into a modern right to participate. The focus is on people and their special disability related needs. The reform will take into account the self perception of people with disabilities who would like to shape their personal lives themselves. And are striving for self-determination.

The plan is to adopt this law into in 2016 for entry into force in the following year. Another important project on our agenda is the reform of the equal opportunity for persons with disability act. The BGG for short. Accessibility and the discrimination ban to be observed by public authority are important elements of the BGG. The act which has existed for ten years now is -- has to be developed further on the basis of the CRPD requirement. For example, we are planning to set up mediation body within my office which is to resolve cases of discrimination in -- according with the BGG. Activities for further developing this Act are in full swing and will come to conclusion within the entry into force on the end of this year. The third key project of the government is updating the National Election Plan, NEP which is designed to implement the CRPD in Germany. We are working on this project with -- in tandem with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations. For this review, we will take into account the results of the evaluation of the first action plan and the very helpful concluding observations of the CRPD committee. The government has also undertaken a participation report which, for the first time looks into the living conditions and opportunities of persons with disabilities on the basis of indicators. The revised national action plan will identify areas where further actions requires into -- in order to effectively implement the CRPD on the ground. In addition we are developing a new strategy which will provide a framework for medium and long-term processes to change the structure and the practice of developing cooperation. Our goal is to systemically implement the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all measures of German development cooperation, Mr. Chair, let me I sure you that the implementation of the CRPD in Germany remains high on the government's agenda. We are certain that the new measures, which I have described here today will lead to further progress and, therefore, a better and self-determined life for all persons with disabilities in Germany. I thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank commissioner for her statement. And now I live the floor to her excellency, Miss PERNILLA, BARALT of Sweden.>> Thank you, chair. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start by thanking the secretariat for the preparations of this conference. I also would like to thank the representatives of the civil society for your presence here and your hard work. The full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities is the process of the convention and the reason we are here. I welcome this opportunity to take part in the discussion and describe some of the important work going on in Sweden achieving these goals. Sweden submitted its first report on the implementation of the convention to the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities in 2011 we had our first dialogue in April 2014 we find these dialogues very helpful and inspiring and consider the concluding observation important contributions to our work. The Swedish government attaches a great importance to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and we are presently initiating the preparations for a new disability strategy. In our review, the disability policy in Sweden must be founded on the convention. The recommendations from the committee will, therefore, be considered within this process and will be important when we shape our future disability strategy and its related actions. The Swedish government has also decides on concrete measures based on the recommendations when it come to awareness raising and information. The Swedish representation has launched an awareness come campaign with the purpose to prevent discrimination. Let me put it like this. Physical accessibility will not be sufficient to ensure persons with disabilities their full enjoyment of human

rights. We could say that we need mental ramps to accompany our physical ones. Other key areas are education and work. The government point out to the right to work on an equal basis with others according to article 27 in the convention as an area of special concern. We all know especially us sitting here that work is key to inclusion and participation in society. Ladies and gentlemen, chairperson, I want to continue by recalling the commitments made in the outcome document made by the high level meeting in September 2013. We especially call attention to the part which implies the importance of closely involving persons with disabilities in the elaboration, in the implementation, and in the monitoring of the merging post-2015 development agenda. This agenda must achieve results for all, at all levels. And it must increase accountability. No girl, no boy, no woman or man should be left behind. We must be able to access -- assess needs and to analyze barriers. We must be able to process, to measure process and alert challenges. For this, we need a coherent framework for monitoring. Statistical data, this aggregated must be placed to address those with disabilities. Let us use those coming days to discuss further how these achievements can be realized. I would also like to call the new mandate of the special repertory on the rights of persons with disabilities by the human rights council. Mrs. Catalia. Sweden welcomes this engagement of this repertory leading the establishment of the new development agenda beyond 2015. To conclude, Sweden looks forward to the United Nations high level meeting on sustainability development goals in September and want to underline the importance of a disability inclusive process. With the aim to realize a disability inclusive development agenda beyond 2015 it is also our strong belief that the monitoring of the agenda needs to go hand in hand with the implementation on the rights of persons with disabilities. Thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the deputy for her statement and now to Mr. John Alexander. The deputy minister for gender, children, and social protection of Ghana.>> Mr. Chair and delegates. It is a great honor to address the 8th session. You and the members of the bureau on your election. My delegation is confident that your rich experience will ensure a fruitful outcome of the session. Distinguished heirs, and initiative action in addressing the actions in Ghana. Who constitutes a large percentage. My statement therefore lies in the government of Ghana. To develop their full potential and participate in the mainstream of national development processes. Ghana has patience with disability act 715 in the year 2006 the Act provides the framework for protecting the rights of those with disability in Ghana. The Act established a national council of those with LCPD to provide strategies to implement the Act. Distinguished chair of our council was part of the delegation. Persons with disabilities are extremely -- are mainstreamed in Ghana's protection strategy and poverty reduction efforts. Under the government, over 23,000 persons with disability have a benefit from a cash transfer program. In the year 2013 an amount of 1.5 million dollars was disbursed to these people who met most of their most basic needs. These beneficiaries were also registered under the national health insurance claim to have free medical care. Furthermore, the government of Ghana allocated 2% of the revenue under the district assembly fund to the most vulnerable among persons with disability in our local government areas. I.e., the district municipal, and metropolitan assemblies. The beneficiaries have access to health care, assistive devices and training and improvement of their businesses. The national care council on businesses with disabilities has developed a mechanism to independently monitor the funds. The national council of persons with

disabilities was collaborating with an investment fund for electronic communications to implement an employment training. The government has also collaborated with the federation of the disabled. To rule out a variety of intervention geared towards addressing the needs of those with disabilities. Distinguished chair, to address the challenge of inclusion of those with disabilities particularly women when it come to education, the national council on persons with disability has been conducting a public awareness campaign against those attitudes to persons with disabilities. Those in the education system. Children in public schools and enjoy free basic education. The government is also helping some first and second cycle public education institutions such as the college in cape coast and to provide facilities that would make it possible for persons with disabilities in those schools to have a positive education experience. Special education institutions have been established in Ghana to help provide education for those with disability who may not be adequately accepted in the regular schools. Additionally the education service has been piloting inclusive education in two thousand schools in Ghana with the support of UNICEF it has developed an inclusive policy with the objective that all children including those with disabilities, especially those with religious and minority backgrounds get access to formal education. Distinguished chair, to the persons with disabilities to information, services and public -- act 751 of 2006 some public institutions have written materials especially in learned institutions have copies in accessible format often with the help of the brilliant translation center of the Ghana blind union and this is provide as a function by the Ghana broadcasting cooperation. To say the effective plan for persons with disabilities, the national council on persons with disability is starting on the register all persons with disability in Ghana the objective is to make a database to design programs specifically tailored to address those with disabilities. These programs have made life a little bit comfortable than before. However we need to protect the right of persons with disabilities. Because of welfare and the life of the nation. Wrong and negative perceptions and beliefs persist against disability persons in the cultural arena. Disability is seen as a case or a taboo and nonproductive. The government of Ghana is determined to do all they can to ensure our families, communities and institutions change these wrongful perceptions and attitudes. The government faces an acute shortage of resources needed to address these deficiencies in the environment and modifying them and for public and private institution to train or employ an adequate number of sign language interpreters as well as provide reading materials in accessible format. We currently are working with the Ghana division for the disabled to develop standards on accessible designs. There are those who are informing the house that within the ministries of Ghana it is the visually impaired who are talking about these affairs. In conclusion, there's a lot of work left to be done but I assure you that the government will do everything within its power to promote, protect and insure full and equal endurement of human rights and the development of freedom of these in Ghana and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. We will forge partnerships including in the private sector and on international level to achieve the lofty goals. I thank you very much for your attention.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank deputy for his statement. And now give the floor to his excellency Mr. LOV VERMA. Secretary, department of disability affairs, ministry of social justice and empowerment. India.>> I would like to congratulate you. We were on the rights of persons with disabilities in March 2007. And the convention was subsequently ratified in October

2007. The Indian institution stipulates that the state should ensure equality, freedom, justice, and dignity of all individuals. This implies an inclusive society for all. Including the persons with disabilities who constitute 2.21% of the total population of our country which means a total of 26.8 million persons which must be bigger than the population of many countries. Article 41 of the constitution of India is particularly relevant with regard to persons with disabilities. It directs the state to make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement within the limits of capacity and development. Mr. Chair, in order to effectively implement policy, and to ensure persons with disabilities of equal opportunities protection of rights, and a short participation and social processes, India has in place a mechanism for coordinated action amongst all stakeholders through the body. This is the body constituted under the main legislation. Mainly the persons with disabilities, equal opportunities, protection of rights, and full participation act of 1995 focusing on persons with disabilities and the entitle elements. Combined efforts have successed in developing an infrastructure in the form of various, national, regional institutes and rehabilitation services to provide courses and trainings to cater to the needs of persons with disabilities. New national centers of excellence such as the national institute of universal design and the national institute of mental health being established. Research development is also a focus on various aspects of disabilities being promoted by the government on service, models and programs, like public awareness, advocacy, early intervention, education, vocational training and adult independent living. Innovative research to improve the quality of persons with disabilities is also being undertaken. Mr. Chair, the government has planned schemes which are being implemented in the five year plan of the country. I wish to inform you that the government has lunched an action plan for skilled training by the year 2022 through various stakeholders. For achieving universal accessibility a nationwide flagship campaign has been initiated to focus on the built environment, transport systems and information and communication ecosystem. Financial support is provide by the government to the persons with disabilities in various ways. There are schemes in place for providing high-end devices for persons with disabilities to improve accessibility. Financial assistance is given to non-governmental organizations for the purpose of rehabilitation, education, and vocational training. Major initiative has been taken to intensify awareness to promote legal rights of persons with disabilities. Mr. Chairman, in order to harmonize the main legislation of 1995 a new bill, namely the rights of persons with disabilities bill, has recently been introduced in our parliament. Once enacted, this will increase the rights and entitlements of persons with disabilities, protect them from discrimination. We facilitate mainstreaming, access to care and treatment and enforcement of mechanisms. We enable the environment so that all persons with disabilities are able to enjoy their rights equally with others and realize their full potential. I would like to add that India's initial country report with reference to the obligations under the U.N. CPRD has summarized. We must find the international cooperation through the exchange of capacity building and provisional technical assistance. Focus on inclusion of persons with disabilities in the formulation of development policies and enhancing the accessibility to education, health care, and employment is an absolute must. An exclusive agenda will ensure overcoming agendas. I thank you.>> Thank you for your statement. The floor is now to her excellence si the deputy minister for women, children, of South Africa.>> Thank you very much. Chairperson and let me take the opportunity to

congratulate you. Last time I was here South Africa did go to elections and the deputy minister of social development. Allow me to thank the bureau for organizing the conference. Once again, and to just remind all of us that, indeed, reducing inequality and eradicating poverty among persons with disabilities is everybody's business if we want to improve these families and communities. It can't be the responsibility of only state parties, a few government departments or disabled people's organizations. Families or communities. But it is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Children, young people, adults and older persons with disabilities are equal citizens with equal rights in a democratic South African society today. It is with pride but yet humility that I can share with this conference the elements of some of the security measures South Africa has taken on the road to eradicate poverty. Among the many steps we have the indigenous citizens policy where each and every poor resident accesses a subsidized state housing either an owner or renting it and persons with disabilities has access to additional top up subsidy that makes the house fully accessible and has full needs. All these households do receive free water as well as sanitation and municipal services. And that is in accordance with the above mentioned policies. Our children with disabilities under the age of six have access to free health care services including rehabilitation services as well as assistive devices of their needs. A cash transfer constituting of a grant for both adults and children taking care of persons with profound disabilities is paid out monthly. It should be noted that this includes military veterans and these grants intended to acknowledge the cost of disability and the reduction in income whilst we are working on ensuring that our empowerment and affirmative action programs will have results. Persons with disabilities have access to subsidized public transport in the main centers where it is available. We have great thing to the World Cup in 2010 because it is, in short, as it becomes available. At post-school training, institutes have access to an extensive array of grants including assistive devices as well as technologies and personal assistance to ensure they participate. And this is supported by each and every institution of higher education having a disability text. Taxpayers are able to collect rebates on all disabled expenses. The family member has to make sure they register their dependent. We supply employment and skills development, job seekers and employees are therefore protected with from discrimination when seeking employment and can access reasonable accommodation support. These are a few measures taken to eradicate poverty. We acknowledge that this is not only the beginning and further work is required to increase these opportunities in addressing compounding marginalization within the disability group. Experience with both the environment factors. We acknowledge more work needs to be done to support the empowerment of people with disabilities in knowing their rights. The benefits they are entitled to and accessing root cause where these are not available. Cabinet will be approving the policy in the next few months and this is a major step. The processes of domesticating the CRPD and will be followed by legislation. Chairperson, this policy intends to actually ensure that the rights and to equality and reliance strengthen governance and administrative systems provide a platform. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the United Nations and its agencies particularly to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and to the tremendous support we receive. We strengthen our policy and evaluation instrument. Aimed at accelerating the quality of outcome. In concluding allow me to all on us present here to support the awareness day on June 13. Citizens need our individual and collective support and protection to ensure that they are and feel safe. The

regulatory name calling and hate speech stops. They access the services to protect them against diseases that compound their disabilities. They access education and employment opportunities, they enjoy the same rights as all of us do. South Africa supports the SDGs as current point and we note the challenges in terms of one in three and in particular, calls for collective action and accountability in ensuring that the interest and rights of persons with disabilities and in particular those experiencing compounding marginalization are protected and promoted in the development agenda. We stand by to provide our support and expertise in this regard. I thank you madame chair.>> (APPLAUSE).>> Thank you deputy for your statement. During the next speaker's statement I will have to excuse myself because I need to attend a press conference in my capacity as president of conference. Vice president of conference ambassador representative of Brazil will chair the remainder of the morning session. I now give the floor to her excellency president of the national authority for persons with disabilities of Romania.>> Thank you very much. Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. I am president of the national authority for the people with disabilities from Romania. I would like to congratulate you on your election. I would also like to thank the bureau members and the secretariat for organizing this session. It is my honor to address the 8th session of the Conference of State Parties to the U.N. convention on the right of persons with disabilities organized under such a topical term. 2015 is a year of opportunity and no effort should be spared in order to ensure the adoption of the transformative post-2015 development agenda. That will guide our policy and activities in the next 15 years. As our target is to live no one behind attention should be paid to the person with disability who are in many cases subject to multiple form of discrimination. The interlinkage between disability, poverty, inequality and even exclusion can be addressed and many barriers can be overcome. In this period, Romania is implementing this -- the provision of the convention. Mr. President, the Romanian government has undertaken measures to straighten its administrative capacity through the establishment in February this year of the national authority for the person with disabilities. Which is the specialized body of central public administration responsible for promoting, protecting and monitoring the implementation of the U.N. convention. With extensive effort, the fight against discrimination on ground of disability and the promotion of equal opportunity and equal access to service of general interest, become horizontal terms. It is, therefore, comprised in all sectorial strategy with impact of persons with disabilities such as the national strategies for the protection and promotion of children's right. Gender equality, social inclusion, health and employment. These strategies will be straightened by specific action to promote equal treatment and combat discrimination on disability criteria. The development of the first national strategy with this base on the convention, the national strategy of society without barriers with people with disabilities is part of this effort. The national strategy focus on the following topics. Right and liberties, health, education, accessibility and mobility, employment, social protection, and living standards. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the available contribution of person with disability and their organization in designing these strategic document. We count on their active involvement in its implementation as well. Mr. President, we have carefully analyzed the current situation. Its limitation and, further, envisage precious measures to pursue the rights. For all people with disabilities. One of the commitments that we have take

the national strategy is to establish a network of nonresidential community based services for people with disabilities. These services will be based on the assessment of the individual needs of the person and will contribute to the growth of personal autonomy. While preventing segregation and respecting his her rights. We are in the process of developing the calendar and the most accurate types of intervention require by establishment of such comprehensive plan for the institutionalization, targeting the transition from institutional care based system to a community based system. From this perspective, local authority will be encouraged and supported in the process of drafting their own plans for developing community services as needed. As need ladies and gentlemen for the first time we intend to monitor the national plan on accessibility of the physical, informational, communicational environment to promote reasonable accommodation as well as assistive device and technologies. Another area of concern reflecting in the national strategy is the access of person with disability to the labor market we have developed policy in order to increase the rate of persons with disabilities in employment which currently is a relatively small rate of only 14%. Mr. President, I have focused my intervention on several key items regarding persons with disabilities they are also relevant for a successful sustainable development aiming at inclusive society. The persons with disabilities should be recognized not only as beneficiaries but also as agent of development. Thank you for your attention.>> I thank her excellency, president of the national authority for persons with disabilities of Romania for her statement. And I call the secretary of rights of person with disabilities and active aging of Malta you have the floor.>> Thank you. Mr. Chair. Just to say the least it's been incredible. It's had an affect on our major institution creating a readiness for change and transformation. We shift from a medical model approach to the visibility agenda. But I believe that the crucial benchmark and point of reference this the transformation experience are the consequence of bringing all the stakeholders together, persons with disability leading the agenda and politicians, policymakers, academics to support as necessary and as required. What we tried to do in Malta is to emulate this model adopted by DUN and place disability rights at the top of our agenda with persons with disability themselves as protagonists of this very important agenda. During this last year, we strengthened and increased the provision of our services to cater for more needs at community level. And also provided a sound legal identity to reinforce our national service provision agency. One main priority was to lay out a number of legal pillars and strengthen the existing ones to ensure that we do not only pay lip service to persons with disability but to help this community in a concrete and tangible way to enjoy the same rights and opportunities and provide the required tools to combat discrimination which is causing severe hardship, exclusion and poverty amongst persons with disability and their families. We are currently reviewing the cornerstone legislation which is the equal opportunities Act of 2000 and we also bolster the unemployment persons with disabilities act for those employers and persons with disabilities themselves who are reluctant we are constantly promoting inclusion and combatting poverty and the initial results are remarkable with 20% of persons with disabilities finding employment in the last few months. We also make sure that the Acts are in place with the necessary structures established and we enacted a very important legislation which is persons with disability representation act of 2015 to ensure that persons with disabilities are fully represented and government decision-making bodies and authorities. Moreover the social enterprise act will be short table 0 in parliament and the sign language recognition Act is being debated in

parliament and we are at the final draft of the final protection act. And major cornerstone in our legal framework is what the cabinet of ministers has approved just before I left Malta that is the U.N. CRPD act. This is therefore providing strong legal framework for production against discrimination and the remedy before the institutional quart which is over and above the existing remedies and the implementation monitoring mechanism. Mr. Chair, the truth is that we cannot away from the fact that persons with disabilities still rank among the people who are at risk of poverty and struggle with social challenges and other issues which in Malta we are transforming into opportunities themselves. Naturally ensuring that persons with disability have protection from discrimination, providing this right shield against abuse and ill treatment. Strengthening our support services and improving our worker's capacity. The foundation of the national distribution strategy which will be launched by the end of the summer following the launch of our last December launch as indicated in our report from November. We are starting to collate data to trace and track the required needs of this community. Indeed, with all the changes and the investment taking place in Malta, we can see the sector advance only if we collate the necessary data and this national database will be an important part of our systems progress and will also be an important source of information from research-based policy. Mr. Chair, the post-2015 development agenda is an important and crucial advancement of the millennium goals. It is significant that we ensure these communities are streamlined and responsive to all the needs. Consequently we must be guided by this development agenda under the constant leadership and monitoring of the United Nations. No one is to be left behind. And we need to keep enhancing our efforts toward streamlining this agenda. Having transparent institution is crucial and once again this conference is not only important opportunity to engage in the debates, to share perspectives among different countries. To link up and support each other but is the recognition that the sector will only move forward if lead by persons with disabilities themselves. Let them be the protagonists the notion of equal opportunity inclusion, community development and social cohesion remain the focal point of our debate. Our government is committed to ensuring that the standard of living and the quality of life is not only maintained but enhanced to ensure a fair society for all thank you very much.>> I thank you for the acting aging from Malta and I call upon his excellency the deputy secretary for gender, children, of Malawi. You have the floor, sir.>> I thank you for giving me the floor. The Malawi delegation welcomes this opportunity to participate in the general debate. Malawi is committed to ensuring that the rights, needs, and aspirations of all persons with disabilities are part and parcel of the national development agenda. As such, Malawi ratified the commission on 27th August, 2009. As a nation, we share the view that the coming in of the convention has brought in a new global perspective and therefore, contributions of persons with a disabilities to the progressive realization of national growth need to be acknowledged. Vice chairperson, the theme of this year's conference is timely and provides a good platform to reflect on frameworks and strategies. Malawi believes the inclusion of these objectives, expected outcomes and indicators in the post-2015 global development agenda should provide a reference and a justification for all member state to focus on the disability issues in the more concrete way. In light of the interest of discussions at international levels Malawi trickles down to such a force of existing regional levels. Similarly, repropose that the role of regional commissions should be strengthened to enable them support, commitment at the global level. We also underscore the importance of consultation and active engagement of

representative organizations of persons with disabilities in these processes. Vice chairperson, in compliance with the convention, the Malawi constitution equals peoples rights. There is a section that guarantees no discrimination of those with disabilities. And further we guarantee the rights of development and the enjoyment of social political development. Section 31 gives essential consideration of the obligation of the right to women, children and persons with disabilities. The disability act of 2012 is a major milestone of the CRPD by the Malawi government. There's the equalization of opportunities for persons with a disabilities through the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with a disability. Vice chairperson, the government of Malawi through the ministry responsible for disability is undertaking several initiatives in mainstreaming disability in his policies and programs at all levels as follows. Development strategy to inform programming. Creating institutional arrangements for disability at national level through the national coordinating committee on disability and undertake the possibility of sectors through training in disability mainstreaming. Development of multisectorial plan. And reviewing of national policy or equalization or opportunities for persons with disabilities to incorporate merging issues. Despite the achievements as outlined we're also facing challenges in the implementation of policies and programs. Recently, Malawi has experience increase at gross human rights violation of persons. They are being abducted, killed and their remains being exhumed for body parts. However, I'm pleased to report that some measures are being carried out to address these atrocities. At a national level they have taken a lead in condemning these inhumane acts a multisectorial committee on the response to atrocities with these people was established and implementing strategic intervention and implementation plan which includes education and awareness and is finding security and carrying out research. Strengthening justice and victim support. Enforcing -- enforcement of laws on human body parts trafficking as well as capacity building of the people with this disease. We are financially supporting some of these interventions. Let me report that Malawi has finalized this initial and second report and will submit to the committee on the rights of persons with disabilities in due course. In conclusion the Malawi delegation looks forward to fruitful discussions during the course of this 8th conference. We have commitment to support issues as an integral part of the international development and the post 2015 development agenda. I thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank deputy secretary of Malawi and I call deputy state secretary ministry of human capacities Hungary.>> It is an honor and privilege more me to represent Hungary for the 8th conference for the conversion on the rights of persons with disabilities. I can say without exaltation that Hungary has followed the entire history and acted accurately with the establishment. We are represented already at the ad hoc committee responsible for elevating the convention and the option of protocol to it. Established by the U.N. general assembly. In 2007, Hungary was among the first countries to ratify the document and highly qualified Hungarian experts have been participating in the work under the committee in the rights of persons with disabilities since the very beginning. Currently. It is of utmost importance that the convention is not merely an unknown but that these disability matters become an integral part of the national and international levels. The Hungary government is fully implemented in to the standards deriving from the convention. This is reflected in the most important strategy document of the Hungary disability policy. The national disability program. For 2015 to 2025. Recently adopted an overrunning by the assembly. An action

plan is in the property phrase. With the basic frame of having tangible government measures to the program. Since the ratification of the convention Hungary has introduced policy measures with the document. Just to mention the shaping of the act on sign language, the introduction of the legal institution of supported decision-making, the creation of the university level program on autism which is Europe or the implementation of the strategy based on this latter strategy 660 of 660 people we have soon. And in the years had further about 4,000 persons we will have the possibility to live institutional care and move to community housing circumstances. Mr. Chairman, we have always professed there are still many of us who had to implement or had obligation and had texts emerging from the convention. In our view the convention shows the actions and the highlights. The possibilities. How to proceed. And actions in the years to come in accordance with international standards. Of course in this work there should be comments and proposals and exceptional value for us as they can take us closer in harmony with the message of the convention. In the spirit, the government is carried to take on the disability issues as a priority and based on experience of recent years we would like to rely on the constructive cooperation within the framework of the United Nations. Thank you very your attention.>> (APPLAUSE).>> Thank you state deputy of Hungary for his statement and I call upon the distinguished representative of the Republic of Korea to take the floor. You have the floor.>> Thank you, chairman. In collaboration with DPOs Korean government is trying to embody a human rights based approach as the subject of rights. First, the Korean government continues to apply a human rights based approach to the process of implementing antipoverty policies. For instance, the government is in the process of changing the assistance program which is to provide financial assistance to lower income individuals and families. This program will be modified into a personalized system effective July this year. In order to reflect the specific situations of the groups according to the persons with disabilities. Second, the Korean government in cooperation with the alliance with persons with disabilities based on the need to support their income with the provisional assistance in cash. So the government is making every approach to support the independent living persons with the disabilities able to work. The Korean government is continuing to expand the service to date. To provide assistive devices. You know, to identify the gap between persons with and without disabilities, the Korean government has taken various measures to collect this data, desegregate by surveys. This is particularly critical for the successful implementation of the strategy. Adopted by member countries of the U.N. in 2012. Domestic airports in an attempt to implement the strategy, the Korean government has supported all U.N. project providing consultation on the disability statistics to developing countries in the Asian -- in the region. Through this project, one country received direct consultation in 2014 and another six countries are expected to receive consultations this year. Lastly, the Korean government sincerely hopes that we can continue to serve as a global forum in each relevant stakeholders can contribute to perform to the delight of persons with disabilities through active participation in constructive discussions. Thank you.>> I thank distinguished representative of Korea for his statement and I give the floor to the representative of Poland to take the floor.>> Sir, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for giving me the floor we are now at the point where we are shaping new paths and new directions. To that end, Poland is

proud to have undertaken the advice of the bureau chairman of the conference. Poland is convinced no one can be left behind if we wish to achieve the sustainable development for societies. The development rightly emphasizes social cohesion with no distinctions. Thus, the -- then that recalls the spirit of the convention. Specific far ranging measures are necessary for the -- for disabled people in the local, national, and international level. Sir, education, work and the protection of health are prerequisites for the full participation? Society. We need to add another development. Change in attitudes. In Poland, for example, in great part thanks to the commitment of disabled persons themselves, our activities to ensure the full participation of disabled individuals are financed by the national fund for the readaptation of disabled persons to which payments are made by employers and the state budget. Funds from the European Union round this out. We already have extensive experience in professional activities, particular attention is already being paid to heightening social competence and access to internet information and service the training of local authorities and NGE is another important aspect of this issue. The principle is one of externalization, thus, the organizations of disabled persons are involved in planning action. They are also in charge of implementing projects. To ensure participation in our policies the NGOs are part of the advisory bodies in administration. These are councils of disabled individuals locally and nationally. They have the right to recommend actions and new legislation. In addition, on the level of central administration, there are four dialogue on health care, education, and support services. Sir, the motto nothing about us without us is we are convinced ours. We are convinced civil society in which everyone participates is the basis to achieve the objectives of the post-2015 development program I thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the distinguished representative of Poland and I give the floor to Brazil.>> Mr. President, distinguished delegates. Brazil takes the opportunity of the conference of the states parties to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. To reiterate its commitment to the full and effective implementation of the obligations which are contained both in the convention and in its optional protocol. Brazil has been undertaking considerable efforts so that Brazilian society can benefit from instruments that ensure the exercise of citizenship by all people in an equitable fashion. With regard primarily to equal rights for persons with disabilities, public policies implemented over the past eight years premiered every single aspect of a citizen's life. Especially when it come to social advances. Social advances have been the defining trait of our federal government in recent years. It has been possible to note considerable success in actions taken by the government to fulfill the rights guaranteed and provided for in the convention. A significant part of those actions were carried out under the umbrella of a national plan. This national plan involved 15 ministries. The amount of almost 3 billion U.S. dollars has been invested so far in actions for education which represents 24% of the total amount. The focus on health care, 19.5%. Social inclusion, 1.5% and accessibility, 55%. Mr. Chairman, this has been translated into over 15,000 new multifunctional resource rooms which have equipment, furniture and educational materials for specialized education services. These services are provide for children with disabilities. Also 2,304 buses have been supplied to make it possible for accessible school transportation to be provide to 16,000 students with disabilities. 57,500 schools all over Brazil have been provided with federal resources. And furthermore, 606 translators and interpreters of Brazilian sign language have been hired in federal

learning institutions to ensure accessibility for students with hearing impairments. 20 Brazilian sign language degrees have been established. 117 specialized rehabilitation centers have been certified and are now fully operational. 6,000 oral health professionals have been qualified to treat persons with disabilities. 205 inclusive residences have been built. They -- also 1.2 million adaptable housing units have been built. We have also been work on a new national plan for the care of people with disabilities. In Brazil -- Brazil is a reference of a country that guarantees the rights of persons with disabilities with justice and equity when it comes to opportunities. Thank you very much.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the national secretary for the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities of Brazil for his statement and I call upon the representative of Italy to take the floor.>> Thank you Mr. President. We align with the statement that we make with the European Union and have a few remarks with the rights of persons with disabilities and in Italy with regards to the themes on the agenda of this relevant meeting. According to the last world report on disability published in 2011 more than one billion people approximately 15% of the world population experience some form of disabilities. In 80% of these people live in developing country. Persons with disabilities face abnormal barriers keeping them from society on equal basis with others and are more likely to suffer from poverty and exclusion than those without. There can be no development without the empowerment of these people. We need their full society not only a moral imparity but a smart choice. This is the cost of the all action. Italy remains strongly committed to these fundamental instrument signed in 2007 and ratified in 2009. This is the focus for the Italian cooperation. We are stating in 2014-2016 a development assistance. Immediately after that, the convention, my country calls on all the main stakeholder to follow through the convention mechanism. The Italian cooperation is first guide on the ability in 2010. We began working on this playing proud in 2013. The action plan is an inclusive process with society, DPOs, the institution in the central and local level. Academia and research centers the action plan identifies policies strategies, two, increase policy plan and design, three, advisable plan. The emergency situations including persons with disabilities. Five, making the most of the experience and the best process development by the private sector in the area of disability. The action plan also identified geographical priorities and put special emphasis on knowledge and information sharing. As well as awareness in recording how specific programs make far reaching change. Mr. President, it is with this approach that Italy also as the vice president with the states party is strongly committed to contributing to the effort in the post-2015 development agenda. And in particular, to have the view and needs of the persons with the disabilities to reflect what is adopted in September. We will work with the inclusion of all. Whatever their disability or not, so as to shape a world that is just for all human beings. I thank you.>> I thank distinguished representative of Italy for his statement and call upon the distinguished representative of the Philippines to take the floor.>> Thank you, Mr. President. We are honored to participate in this conference. The theme of this year's conference mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 development agenda is of great importance to my country. In 2014 we were the main sponsors for persons with disabilities towards 2015 and beyond. Mr. President, the Philippine institution values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for all human rights. Our national human rights plan aims to

mainstream human rights standards into all parts of national government and of national life. The plan fully reflects our obligation to safeguard the human rights of vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities. The Philippines strongly supports measures for empowerment of these vulnerable groups. And advocates policies that aim to raise their participation and integration in society. Hence, the importance of obtaining the millennium goals and building on these to achieve the post-2015 agenda. Allow me to share the steps that the Philippines has undertake on the ensure that national policies and programs are inclusive and accessible to all. And that the needs of persons with disabilities are taken into consideration and integrate that in all aspects of social economic and political development efforts. Mr. President, the Philippine National Council on Disability Affairs or NCDA the lead government agency in policy formulation and program development for -- for persons with disabilities has engaged national government agencies, local government units, NGOs and disabled peoples organizations. To establish local disability structures responsible for policy formulation, monitoring an evaluation of the implementation of disability relevant loss and policies. At the local government level and inclusion of a disability agenda in programs and projects of local government units and NGOs. In the first quarter of this year, the NCDA organized 33 functional disability related structures. Develop 9 organizations and trained more than five hundred local leaders, NGO members from 12 provinces and cities on disability laws, programs and policies. The regional committees on disability affairs or RCDA have met in regional clusters during the first half of this year to provide direction to all RCDAs on the role of field officers in translating national loss in programs and services for persons with disabilities another the grassroots level. The cluster meetings, which gathered front line agencies mandated to promote and ensure the rights of persons with disabilities, showcase the RCDAs best practices in building the capacity of persons with disabilities to fully participate in social and economic activities in their respective communities. Two months ago, planning and budget officers of government agencies and PWD leaders met to formulate the 2016 action plan for the PWD sector and to develop a roadmap for the Philippine decade to make the right real for persons with disabilities. We continue to find way to assist and provide benefits for PWDs, who now enjoy discounted rates of 20% and purchases of domestic airline tickets, medicines, hotel accommodations, as well as at restaurants, sports, and recreational centers, theaters, cinemas and other places of leisure. Mr. President, as the post-2015 development agenda is being finalized our hopes that PWDs are not left out in development activities to address basic issues of food security, nutrition and accessible health services. Education, and employment. And other social protection programs. Persons with disabilities are agents of development and we must all assist support and continue to empower them in that role as we implement the post-2015 development agenda I thank you.>> I thank you for your statement and call on Singapore to take the floor.>> Thank you for giving me the floor and for your able leadership of the conference. This year's conference takes place at a critical time. As member states expect to adopt an agenda. If the new development agenda is truly to leave no one behind the rights of persons with disabilities must be taken into account. We welcome the attention given to persons with disabilities in the sustainable development goals. We hope that they will be duly incorporated into the post-2015 agenda during this conference Singapore is coorganizing on 11 of June to talk about accessible inclusive urban development and also cosponsoring a side event together with the Republic of Korea. All are welcome. To achieve a truly inclusive society.

Governments need to take a holistic approach: Singapore we have the overarching framework in becoming an inclusive society where persons with disabilities are fully integrated and can realize their full potential. Having a master plan is only if first step. We also established the necessary support systems to implement it. The open door programs subsidizes the cost employers incur to recruit, train, and undertake job accommodations for employers with disabilities. Look for fair credit schemes. They benefit thousands. To improve accessibility for commuters with mobility challenges the government has sent us grants to help the cost with new vans and buses. All public buses are looked to be wheelchair accessible by 2020. There's more to facilitate travel for persons with disabilities. We have also improved access to information. This includes the mandatory for persons with disabilities in auditoriums and concert halls. To aid those with visual impairments we use tactile information. To enhance the assistive technology and promote adoption, the scope of our government funded assistive technology fund will be expanded to cover persons with disabilities for all ages for all purposes to August 2015. We have adopted a pragmatic approach to build an inclusive society for persons with disabilities and to fulfill our obligation to the convention. We are right now in the midst preparing our first report on the persons with disabilities and we look forward to a fruitful dialogue with the committee on the issues Singapore. Thank you.>> (APPLAUSE).>> I thank the representative of Singapore and call upon the distinguished representative of the Dominican Republic to take the floor. The last speaker at this morning's session. You have the floor, sir. [Pause].>> Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, the Dominican Republic express the congratulation to you, chairman, upon your designation of this chair of 8th conference on the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Look towards September, the Dominican Republic hopes that this meeting will serve as platform to develop immediately stronger inclusion policies for the protection of the rights of disabled people. As well as stressing the fact that the post-2015 development agenda will make the disability perspective a crosscutting one and in this vein we hope that today's meeting will serve as an encouragement for those states that have not ratified the convention. We wish the warmest welcome to those who have signed the convention over the past year. The Dominican Republic showed the report last April. And we hope to continue strengthening this important body. Mr. Chairman, the government of my country has doubled the budget for the government agency responsible for disabled people which is also conducting the work to prepare the guidelines for the application of the law which has passed to protect the rights of disabled people. The national statistics office has just conducted a national survey of multipurpose homes which is oriented to gather social, economic, environmental indicators on persons with disabilities and their families thus strengthening a trend in the Dominican Republic to build policies which are scientifically sustainable. When in fact I should highlight the public policies and the inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families is the program of care for the -- children and infants with a different kind of disability carried out by the office of the first lady through the comprehensive care centers for disability. We have also brought together programs initiated in the first months of this new government's mandate. And I should highlight the Dominican orchestral theater and has carried out more than 200 artistic presentations throughout the country throughout the ministry of culture. Mr. Chairman, the coming out of the hiding place program makes

the most pressing needs visible. It is a process of bidding responses to these needs articulated between all stakeholders and local managers and until now we have had an effect on some parties and we are working on reaching all municipalities in the country. Establishing a work agenda with a multidimensional focus and responses. Mr. Chairman, the ministry of education has made significant progress by -- in inclusion in education. The presidency of the republic through the national literacy plan has made it possible for thousands of disabled persons to be -- to learn to read and write. It is worth highlighting the knowledge of terminology to refer to people with a disability and their families through a national and regional campaign was begun go years ago. At this time, Mr. Chairman, there's a coordination with the Dominican Republic to harmonize the legal standards in the country with the convention. The constitution of the Dominican Republic and organic law 513. We are making progress in universal access. We are coordinating with a corresponding ministries. The work that needs to be done to guarantee access conditions in new building projects especially in the notorious sector. Mr. Chairman, from July 22-24 of this year we will be holding the first conference on accessible tourism in Latin America. It is our directive to promote accessible tourism both in our country and other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean which are similar realities besides creating a space where the issues can be presented as well as the accompanying challenges and the competitive advantage in terms of tourism. As well as the economic benefits that would be made available. And we should not forget the fact that accessible tourism is inclusive because it attracting older adults, pregnant women, families with small children. And the important segment of health, tourism. We cordially invite all of you to attend this conference. We continue to work with deaf persons in the main museums besides fully remodelling with high acceptability for visitors. We also have beaches that are certified as being accessible under the blue flag program. We also have an accessible cave for wheelchair users. Where they can see the cave paintings of our forefathers. Accessible tourism is an excellent tool to develop in the convention. It is a perfect combination of social, economic, environmental and human rights development. Mr. Chairman, the Dominican state is preparing itself to develop major initiatives for people with disabilities and their families. We will announce these shortly. My delegation is willing to make every possible contribution so that this session will be a successful one. Thank you very much, sir.>> (APPLAUSE).>> Thank you. I'd like to thank the distinguished representative of the Dominican Republic. That's the end of our list of speakers for this this morning. This afternoon we shall hear with Estonia. And then the rest who are inscribed on the list. The first meeting is concluded. We will continue the current agenda at 15:00 p.m. sharp. The meeting is adjourned.

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