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Eng 475 Essay 1Peer Review

Instructions: Please fill out a peer review sheet for each essay you read.

1. Answer all questions below your peer’s essay copy. Be sure to explain all answers in full and complete sentences. (Work will be returned if answers are not written in full and complete sententences.)

2. Also mark the essays you read to offer addition notes, suggestions and support for your peer. (Note: Refer to the Essay 1 Prompt as needed)

1. Does the essay have a title that is unique, that reflects the prompt and the contents of the essay.

2. Does the essay answer the prompt? Are there any parts of the essay that does not answer the prompt? (Please see Prompt 3)

3. Does the essay have an intro paragraph as the first paragraph? Does the intro have all parts of an intro paragraph, including the intro to the specific topic, thesis statement, and essay map? Does the intro respond to the prompt and use key terms from the prompt? Is the writer’s chosen identity term identified in the introduction? Please be sure to assess each of these elements.

4. Are there at least FOUR body paragraphs?

5. Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence? Be sure to underline or highlight each topic sentence, AND write “TS” (=topic sentence) next to the topic sentences in your peer’s essay copy.

6 Does each body paragraph focus on one aspect of the chosen identity term? Do any of the paragraphs discuss more than one aspect? Please note which and what aspects are being addressed.

7. Does each body paragraph have a clear discussion that elaborates on each identity aspect?

8. Does the essay have a conclusion paragraph as the last paragraph of the essay? Does this paragraph have all parts of a conclusion? Be sure to underline or highlight each of these parts and write down “final words,” “restated thesis” and “restated topic sentences” (i.e. a restated essay map) next to the appropriate parts. Note any parts that are missing or incomplete.

9. Is the essay written in the third person? Be sure to mark any pronouns or sentences written in the first person (e.g. “I, me, my, myself, personally”) and/or the second person (e.g. “you, yourself).

10. Is the essay MLA formatted?

11. Does the essay meet the minimum word length requirement?

Eng 475 Essay 112. Is the writing clear and grammatical? Be sure to write “unclear” or “awkward” next to text that is unclear or awkward. Rate the overall clarity of the writing on a scale one through ten.

13. Be sure to note THREE elements of your peers writing that are done well.

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