web viewthe plate below shows research activities on sri at ogoo farm, western area rural. ... of...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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SRI IN SIERRA LEONESRI was introduced in Sierra Leone in 2001 and over ten thousand farmers are now practicing the methodology on their farms. SRI work has been introduced to farmers by several NGOs, the research institution and by the Ministry of Agriculture. They include the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), West African Rice Company (WARC) and World Vision Sierra Leone (WV-SL). Also with funding from the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme in Sierra Leone (WAAPP-SL) SRI is been undertaken by the Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI) and Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS).


During the year 2014 several activities were undertaken and they include “Training on the concept of Innovations Platform (IPs)” for Extension Workers, National Farmers Federation of Sierra Leone and SLARI staff (Plate 1). This training enables participants to understand fully the concept of Innovations Platform and its formation.

Plate 1: A cross section of participants being trained on the concept of Innovations platform.


After the training different innovations platform were formed in each district (14 districts) in the country.

In another engagement Extension workers from the 14 districts were trained during the month of June (2nd -3rd), 2014 on the principles and practices of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Mr. Samuel S. Harding, the focal person, SRI Sierra Leone gave an overview on the concept principles and practices of SRI, and presented results for work done by different organization undertaking SRI since 2001 to 2013. Below are SRI champions in training sessions.

Plate 2: Resource people (Champions): Daniel H Saidu (left) and Gerald Aruna (right)


Performance of SRI plots in farmers’ fields (2014).

The plate 3 below shows Pa Adikalie’s farm in Kambia district, northern Sierra Leone.

One week after transplanting and plate 4, three weeks after transplanting.

Plate 3: one week after transplanting Plate 4: Three weeks after transplanting

Plate 5: Pa Adikalie now embraces SRI farming as the way forward to reduce poverty.


Pa Adikalie a farmer of two wives and six kids at Rotifunk, Gbile Dixion Chiefdom, Kambia district, northern province  that has been engaged in farming for over 20 years, said he is happy for the new method of planting which he said he started last year on just one hectare of land. He said the Nerica L 19 rice variety is what they received from the research and they only started the process and from the trial this is much better compared to the farmer-based system.

Plate 6: Pa Adikalie’s first wife admiring SRI rice from their farm

The farmer maintained that ever since he started farming, this process is very good in terms of yields and that although it is time consuming, after harvest he will get a reward for their hard work. From 2014 harvest Pa Adikalie production from one hectare of land was 200 bushels as compared to his usual 50 to 60 bushel he normally produced from his conventional practice. He


said, it may take me out of poverty. Now my wives and children can stay at home instead of coming to the farm with me. My children will have enough time to focus on academics.

The plate below shows research activities on SRI at Ogoo farm, western Area rural.

Plate 7: Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm with Palm Kernel Cake incorporated 10 t/ha

(Back row) and without PKC (front row) at Ogoo farm, Western Area Rural, Sierra Leone.



Plate 8: Field supervisor (Daniel Yambasu) and field technicians at work collecting field data at maturity before harvest.


Yield From research trials on farmers’ fields.

A research project funded by WAAPP-SL, entitled “Assessing the Suitability and Profitability of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Methodology under farmers’ circumstances in Sierra Leone” was carried out in the Inland Valley and mangrove Associated Swamps in five districts (Kambia, Port Loko, Western Area Rural (Ogoo Farm), Bo and Kenema) in 2013/2014 cropping season. The objectives of the research was to (i) determine the effectiveness of the SRI system in increasing rice productivity, (ii) assess the cost benefit and socio-economic aspects of the SRI practices and (iii) confirm the SRI Methodology in Sierra Leone for planners and farmers.

The yields in table 1 for the different treatments across locations were significantly different at p = .05 for treatments and locations effects. Incorporation of palm kernel cake (PKC) as organic matter and transplanting of a single 12 day-old seedling at a spacing of 25 cm x 25 cm, gave higher yields compared with no organic matter incorporation and the conventional method. Yields were higher in Bo followed by Western Area and Kenema in that order. Table 2 shows the net benefits and marginal returns for different treatment scenarios. Shifting from conventional practice to SRI methodology; higher net benefits were obtained as compared to the other two alternative scenarios. The least net benefits were obtained from a shift from conventional practice to transplanting of a Single 12 day-old seedling at a Spacing of 25cm x 25 cm. From the marginal rate of return (MRR) [table 2] obtained for all alternative scenarios, shifting from the conventional method to transplanting of a Single 12 day-old seedling at a Spacing of 25cm x 25 cm gave MRR of 2082, 1791, 1791, 1355 and 1064, for Bo, Western Area, Kenema, Port Loko and Kambia, respectively with a mean MRR of 1617 across locations (alternative scenario 2) and shifting from transplanting of a Single 12 day-old seedling at a Spacing of 25cm x 25 cm to transplanting of a Single 12 day-old seedling at a Spacing of 25cm x 25 cm with application of PKC (alternative scenario 1) gave an MRR of 172, 196, 114, 33 and 91 for Bo, Western Area, Kenema, Port Loko and Kambia, respectively, with a mean of 121 (alternative scenario 1). The result in Table 3 shows the cost benefit ratio of the different alternative scenarios to be positive. This indicates that the benefits for all the possible


alternatives shifts are economically rewarding meaning that with the use of just three of the basic principles of SRI (transplanting of a Single 12 day-old seedling at a Spacing of 25cm x 25 cm) on a well prepared land is rewarding to poor farmers who cannot afford to purchase organic manure. However, incorporation of organic manure gives higher net benefits to farmers who could afford to buy organic manure.


Table 1. Yield (t/ha) of different treatments across location.

Treatment Location Bo Western Area Kenema Port Loko Kambia Mean

Conventional (farmer’s practice) 2.2 1.7 1.5 2.2 2.3 2.0

SRI methodology 7.5 6.8 5.9 5.3 5.5 6.2

Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm 3.7 3.0 2.8 3.2 3.1 3.2

CV (%) 10.6

LSD (0.05) Treatment 0.15 Location 0.34

SRI = Transplanting of a Single 12 day-old seedling at a Spacing of 25cm x 25 cm + organic matter (PKC).

Table 2: Partial budget and Marginal Rate of Returns: SRI methodology across locations for 2013.

Alternative Scenario Bo Western Area Kenema Port Loko Kambia Mean

Net benefit(Le)

Net benefit(Le)

Net benefit (Le)

Net benefit (Le)

Net benefit (Le)

Net benefit (Le)

SRI vs Conventional

SRI vs Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm

Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm vs conventional



















MRR: Shifting from Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm to SRI

MRR: Shifting from conventional to Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm














Table 3: Benefit Cost Ratio: SRI methodology across locations for 2013.

Alternative Scenario Bo Western Area Kenema Port Loko Kambia Mean

Benefit Cost ratio Benefit Cost ratio Benefit Cost ratio Benefit Cost ratio Benefit Cost ratio

SRI vs Conventional

SRI vs Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm

Single 12 day-old seedling at 25cm x 25cm vs conventional





















ENGIM-SL is one of the non-governmental organizations involved in SRI implementation. During the year 2014, Mr. Declan, a documentary video maker from Flooded Celler productions Ltd in Britain, came to Sierra Leone in the month of June. He was sent by Cornell University to film the activities of SRI in Sierra Leone. The work of ENGIM in Mendesora village and the Mapity Farming Enterprise, were a show case as best practices in SRI (system of rice intensification ).When he arrived in Mendesora he was very happy to see the village tidy and all of the people involved in agricultural activities particularly the SRI. He filmed all the processes of the SRI. After he went to Mapity Farming Enterprise to film the SILC group in their usual savings meetings (SILC is usually integrated with SRI and other activities that ENGIM-SL develops in the communities).

“Mendesora United “SILC (Savings and Internal Lending Community) group integrates SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in its agricultural activities. Last year with the SRI project the group was able to produce 4.5 tons /ha of rice (in 2014). A figure far above the average conventional method for IVS (Inland Valley Swamp) yields in Mendesora Village and surroundings. The SRI method has as advantage the following: saving on seed cost as the seed requirement is less, Cost of external inputs gets reduced as chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used, more healthy and tasty rice as a result of organic farming practices. Higher yields due to profuse tillering, increased panicle length and grain weight, seed multiplication with less quantity of parent seed and Farmers can produce their own quality seed.

This group also provides loans to its members from their weekly savings as and when necessary. Part of their SILC funds are also use to replace damage tools initially provided by ENGIM and to also meet with some of their commitments to their community such as repairs to


their Mosque and many more. Of course the group maintains a simple insurance fund for emergencies.We are very much impressed and proud of this group of farmers because they now understand the SRI methodology and enjoy using SRI not only on their common field but also in their second year, 4 of them are now practicing SRI in their own fields. So ENGIM-SL is pleased with the good work of “Mendesora United” SILC group and counts on this as a big achievements.


: ‘’MENDESORA UNITED’’ SRI field awaiting transplanting


Mendesora Village: SRI second year is already in progress.

“Mendesora united” SILC group is almost completing the transplanting of rice in the field. The group is now enjoying the system without the direct supervision by ENGIM. We are glad to say 15 out of 30 members are now practicing this system in their individual fields making the adoption rate of this methodology at 50 % in this community. The upland SRI trials demonstrated in Mabethor community in Buya-Romende proved more than it was expected. The variety used in this demonstration is CCA with duration of 120 days. And it was also used in some plots in Mendesora and it is now in the bird scaring stage. We are glad to say the SRI methodology is promising in Sierra Leone.

SRI Upland Trials- Seedlings were transplanted with a ball of earth from the nursery


SRI Trials in the Farmers Field in Mabethor Village-Buya Romende


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