web viewthe thirteen colonies: massachusetts. founded by pilgrims and puritans. pilgrims: separate...

Post on 23-Mar-2018






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The Thirteen Colonies:

Massachusetts - Founded by Pilgrims and Puritans- Pilgrims: separate from Church of England

* Came on Mayflower* Wrote Mayflower Compact

- Puritans: purify Church of England- Colony to be an example – a moral society- Heretics or nonbelievers could be banished

Rhode Island

- Banished dissenters from Massachusetts- Religious freedom – total separation of church and


King Philip’s War- Wampanoag chief Metacom [called King Philip by

English] organized an alliance to wipe out the settlers

- 1675- Startled Puritans- Many Indians killed

Connecticut - Adopted the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut [a

Constitution]- All adult males, not just church members, elected

the governor- Expansion from Massachusetts

New Hampshire - A royal colony

------------------------------------------------------------------ New York :

- Originally Dutch [New Netherland]- In 1664, British seized and renamed New York- King granted to his brother, James, the Duke of


New Jersey :- James granted a portion of his land to two of the

king’s closest advisers- Name in honor of one of the men from the island of


Pennsylvania - To pay a debt, king gave the land to William Penn- Penn was a Quaker- Advocated pacifism and the “inner light” of every

individual – no need for Church ministers- Complete religious freedom


- Penn bought more land- Later this land became the colony of Delaware

Maryland - Lord Baltimore was given a land grant- Granted religious freedom to Catholics who in

England faced persecution

Virginia - Jamestown

- Tobacco- House of Burgesses

North Carolina - From Virginia- Tobacco

South Carolina - from Carolus, the Latin word for Charles, the king- Plantation economy

Georgia - A colony where the poor could start over

- A haven for people in debtors prison- Banned slavery but did not last

For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance:•Jamestown•joint-stock companies•indentured servant•Puritan•King Philip’s War•William Penn•Quaker•mercantilism•Navigation Acts “The time may come…when the colonies may become populous and with the increase of arts and sciences strong

and politic, forgetting their relation to the mother countries, will then confederate and consider nothing further than the means to support their ambition of standing on their [own] legs.”~ quoted in The Colonial Period of American HistoryPREDICTING EFFECTS:Consider Nehemiah Grew’s prediction for the colonies in the Personal Voice above.

How do you think the British government would respond to his prediction? What issues do you see arising as potential sources of tension between the colonies and Great Britain?

TAKING NOTES: Identify the effects of each of the causes listed in the chart below.Cause EffectVirginia colonists needlabor to grow tobaccoPuritans are persecutedin EnglandWilliam Penn acquiresPennsylvaniaParliament passes theNavigation Acts

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