website 102 google slides

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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I have a WebsiteNow What?

Rule #1

Make it easy to be found

Rule #2

Make it easy to be understood


First you have to start out with the building blocks

AnalyticsTo get to where you want to go you have to know where you are.

1. Google Tools

● Analytics

● WebmasterTools

● Google+

2. Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines

BrandingIs your URL a simple message? ● Twitter ● Facebook page● Instagram● Pinterest● LinkedIn● Google+ / YouTube / Google Pages / Hangouts● Tumblr

You may not want to maintain all these social platforms but think of them as your online company billboards that link together and lead back to your website

MetatagsHow do you want people to find you and how do you update your metatags?

Page Title<title>Up to 70 Characters of Keyword-relevant text here</title>

Meta Description “Your Slogan”<meta name=”description” content=”155 characters of message matching text with a call to action goes here”>

Other tagsGoogle Authorship(?) and other tags

Google Webmaster tools your best resource

Contact MeYou want to make it easy for people to contact you and/or provide feedback.

● Online Contact form● Google Voice phone number● Should I put a clickable email● Your “WhoIs” information


Creating a page that people enjoy and will want to visit again and again

Columns and WidthYour website might look great on your computer monitor but that is not the only way people are viewing your site anymore.

● Experts agree that there is no perfect “size”● Test your site by viewing it on various devices including TV screens large

and small.● Websites are being viewed by mobile devices at least 50% of the time.

Make sure your website translates to mobile.● Test Test Test ● What does your website look like on various smartphones? Tablets?

ColorPinterest - Red

Amazon / McDonald’s - Orange

Facebook - Blue (46% of respondents favorite color)

Groupon - Green

What is your favorite color and how does it make you feel?


Text Background ColorThe Color that you choose for your website is important. People spend so much time online everyday that if your website text is difficult to read this will make them click away fast.

Think about a rule of 3 when it comes to font sizes. Try to stick with one font and limit that to 3 sizes.

The Color that you choose for your website is important. People spend so much time online everyday that if your website text is difficult to read this will make them click away fast.

Think about a rule of 3 when it comes to font sizes. Try to stick with one font and limit that to 3 sizes.

Images● Make sure your pictures tell the story● Since the arrival of Pinterest sites have become more and more visual● People expect to “see” what you’re saying before they read what you’re

saying● Unrelated pictures on a website can make it confusing● Never use an image that you do not own or is not in the public domain

Do not assume that giving a picture photo credit is enough

Image Optimization● Optimize pictures for the web. Large picture files will make your website

load slowly and may have people clicking away before your page is even loaded. Resize your photos to around 300 x 500 size for the web.

Online resource:

These two pictures look the same but the one on the left has a massive number of pixels and may slow your site down when it comes to load time

PromotionGrowing your audience

● Social Media Sites● StumbleUpon● Reddit● paid promotion via Facebook● LinkedIn groups● Blogwheels● Google Adwords● Offline● QR Codes● Mobile Marketing

SEOSearch Engine Optimization

● Metatags● Google Yourself

Using the search term you would use to find your website.Look at the sites that come up above yours and analyze what it is that makes them work.

● Set up Google Alerts● Social Media

You don’t always have to be on but you do have to be responsive.


How do I make money from my website?

Ways to make money onlineBelow is a list of conventional methods of making money from your website

● Your site as billboard for your own product or serviceMake sure your contact form works - test test test

● Selling items directly from your website● Linking to an Etsy or other like store● Kickstarter campaigns● Online store

Online AdvertisingCPI and CPM

Cost per impression and Cost per Mille

Sources: Google Adsense Amazon CPM advertising Linkshare - ( ad / affiliate blur )


See Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketingexamples

● Amazon● Commission Junction● Linkshare● NakedWines

There are a number of affiliate marketing sources and can be used very effectively. Check with TOS for each affiliate to ensure you are following their rules and that you get proper payment. Nothing worse than advertising for someone and finding out later you didn’t do it right.

The Affiliate Summit West 2015 is sold out which really says something.

The online businessMake sure you are following state and federal laws

● Check with your accountant to ensure your business is set up correctly● connected bank accounts● FTC regulations regarding online advertising

The Full Disclosure

For more information

Mary Heston208-298-9148


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