week 01

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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ISIT 351IT Project

Annual 2012

AUTUMN LECTURE 01Introduction & Administration

Some people you’ll meet

• Lecturer & Co-Ordinator: Dr Bob Brown

– eMail: bobbrown@uow.edu.au

– Office: 39.108 Phone: x3758

– Consultation:<subject to change>

• Monday 13:30-14:30

• Tuesday 08:30-10:30

– All other times by appointment ONLY

• Tutors: Andy & Bob & Dane(in alphabetical order)






This is your chance to

show us what you’ve learned

over the last few years


Subject Description

• This subject is a group project, conducted under the supervision

of an academic staff member(s).

• Staff members will propose real-world IT projects ranging from

the selection and implementation of IT to the development and

implementation of software systems.

• Involves: project planning, group coordination, seminars and

individual presentations, research of proposed application

domain, preparation of reports and, depending on the project,

various system development methodologies.

• Students will form teams, each of which will design, implement

and document a solution to one of the proposed projects.

• Teams will meet weekly with supervisors to discuss progress

and problems.




Subject Objectives

• On successful completion of this subject, students

should be able to:

1. gather necessary information about

the domain of their problem

2. develop a project plan

for a small group working on an IT problem

3. execute that plan to produce

a viable solution to an IT problem

4. communicate effectively (both orally and in writing)

the results of their investigation

5. communicate effectively with

their team members


Provisional Enrolment

• Will be considered on a case-by-case basis

– I *may* be able to waive the pre-req

in some cases … NO GUARANTEES

• See your Degree Co-Ordinator & *fix* your workload/schedule before I can even consider anything else …




Provisional Enrolment


– As this is a CAPSTONE subject, I must assumethat you are TOTALLY familiar with the concepts from previous topics … (DFDs, UseCase etc)

– So it is up to YOU to keep up

• This will probably require a considerable amount of independent extra study.


Attendance Requirementsaccording to UOW regulations:

• It is the responsibility of students to attend all lectures, tutorials,

labs, seminars, practical work etc. for all of the subjects in which you

are enrolled.

• It should be noted that the amount of time spent on each 6 credit

point subject should be at least 12 hours per week,

including lectures, tutorials & labs etc.

• thats all lects & labs PLUS 8 hpw of your Facebook time

– Full Time student = FULL TIME JOB .. (3 subj = 36 hpw)

– Satisfactory attendance is deemed by the University, to be

attendance at approximately 80% of the allocated contact hours.

– To maximize learning outcomes, it is strongly recommended that

students attend all lectures.

– Failure to meet minimum attendance will result in a Technical Fail







Schwalbe, K.


Information Technology

Project Management

(6th ed).

Cengage learning.



Pinto, J.K

Project Managementachieving competitive


Pearson pub.





Week Proposed Topic Reading

1Intro: Assessment, approach

and IT project managementNo tutorial

2What is project management?

who is the project manager?Chapter 1 Textbook,Individual Reflective Report due

3 The IT Context in project management Chapter 2 Textbook

4 Why do so many IT projects fail Prepare questions for special Guest

5 Special Guest lectureChapter 3 TextbookMicrosoft Project Tutorial

6 The project management process in class quiz

7 SDLC - SAD - RE - BPM Student Project work

8 Methodologies, methods, techniques & tools Student Project work

9 Project Integration Management Chapter 4 Textbook

10 Project scope management - the WBS Chapter 5 Textbook

11 Project human resources management Chapter 9 Textbook

12 Group PresentationsStudent Project Report Part A dueProject presentations due

13 Review Preparation for Spring Semester

Tutorial Classes… no tutorial classes in week 1

ALSO PLEASE NOTE: there will be no tuts in week 8 due to the ANZAC Day Holiday … so tuts will run to week 13

• 1: Mon….17:30-19:30….3.122

• 2: Mon….17:30-19:30….3.123

• 3: Wed….08:30-10:30 ….3.123

• 4: Wed….15:30-17:30….3.123






– To emulate the real world workplace,

your group will be assigned to you

• And NO. You cannot “swap” for any reason.

– It will be a RANDOMN selection, with some

consideration to spreading skills etc.

• Formation

• Politics

• Meetings

• Conflict resolution





1. Tutorial participation &

individual reflective report 10% IndividualWeeks 2-12 AUTUMN SESSION

Due in tutorials

2. Project Report Part A: Group

incl Presentation 25% GroupWeek 12 AUTUMN SESSION

3. In class quiz 5 % IndividualWeek 6 AUTUMN SESSION

in tutorial Class


5. Mini-Deliverables 15% IndividualSPRING SESSION:

eek 5, Week 6,

Week 8, Week 10

7. Project Report Part B: Group 25% Group Week 12 – SPRING SESSION

8. End of Spring Session Exam 20% Individual Exam Week – SPRING SESSION



WebCT - eLearning

• This subject will make extensive use of eLearning

– Make sure you can log on (that’s your responsibility)

– Lecture notes will become available there (but DON’T contain sufficient information

for you to pass without attending class)

– Most assignments will be submitted through ‘drop-boxes’

– Your Group Work project may involve use of WebCT

discussion boards

appropriate (ie: professional) online conduct is required at

all times … it is a factor in your assignment marks


• This subject is in two distinct CHUNKS

– IS Design Proposal

– Project Management




$3.1m Parliament House website a year late February 14, 2012 smh.com.au

• A "major breach" of Australia's Parliament House computer network partly contributed to a $600,000 cost blowout &12-month delay in constructing the newly designed parliament website which is due to launch to the public this Friday evening.

• Revealed in senate estimates yesterday, the total cost of the new aph.gov.au site, which was meant to go live February 2011, had so far come to about $3.1 million

• The cost blowout and delayed launch follows a botched IT upgrade deployed in December, which brought the parliament site down for 3 days, and attacks on the website by the loose-knit hacking collective Anonymous over Communications Minister Stephen Conroy's internet filtering policy.

• The new site - which people inside parliament have had access to since the middle of January this year - replaces the current one which has been in place for 12 years and will offer "significant new functionality“.



Computer failure let parole violators commit murder: reportApril 19, 2011 smh.com.au

• Seven criminals who had breached their parole orders had committed murder while out of jail and were not identified as parole violators because

of a failing in Victoria Police's computer system.

• The seven had either been charged with other offences while on parole or

had acted in a way that have led their parole being cancelled if police had

known of their situation at the time.

• A failing in the police LEAP computer system meant they had been

allowed to commit murder when they should have been locked up.

• A secret police report revealed the murders could have been prevented if

police who dealt with the offenders over other matters had known they were

on parole.

• Detective Superintendent Gerry Ryan said the computer issue was in the

process of being resolved. ''It's currently in the process

of happening – these things take time unfortunately,‘’.

Technology failure misrouted hiker's 911 calls June 18, 2009 smh.com.au

• A lost hiker who was killed in a helicopter crash after her rescue last

week called 911 repeatedly, but was initially routed to non-emergency

lines lacking the technology to help locate her, authorities said.

• Megumi Yamamoto, a University of New Mexico graduate student

from Japan, dialed 911 after getting lost in the Sangre de Cristo

mountains when she and her boyfriend became separated. She and

State Police Sgt. Andy Tingwall were killed when the helicopter sent

to rescue her crashed in stormy weather the night of June 9.

• Santa Fe County Sheriff Greg Solano said that such misrouted calls

have not occurred in more than a year, after the installation of

technology that uses cell phone tower signals to narrow a person's

location to within a 2-square-mile area through triangulation.



Reasons for Project Failure

• Incomplete or changing requirements

• Limited user involvement• Lack of executive support• Lack of technical support• Poor project planning• Unclear objectives• Lack of required resources

Its about PEOPLE



Website or app: what should start-ups build first? February 8, 2012 smh.com.au

• Roamz founder, Jonathan Barouch says an app was an obvious

choice for his business. Apps are becoming so popular that some

start-ups are bypassing a website in favour of developing their own

smartphone tool.

• Barouch says “We're a location-based service that people access

with their phones, so it made sense for us to focus on the app. We

do have a basic website and we're working on a full-blown site, but

the easiest win for us initially was the app”.

• The advantage of building an app distributed through the Apple

store is the global reach this gives the business. “People all over the

world now use roamz – someone has just uploaded a shot of a lolly

shop in Santa Maria in the US.

• If we'd been a web-based business, achieving

this reach would have been much more difficult,”

Who are your stakeholders?



Model client/users/stakeholders

• Draw stick figures?

• Guess?

• Ask them?

– Ask ‘em what?

• Do they even KNOW?

• If any mere algorithm could yield a perfect solution to multi-dimensional constraint-satisfaction problems …then …

– there’d be NO engineers, architects or designers• Just skilled workers (brick layers, plumbers,


• you’re not here to become a “worker”, but hopefully, an employable & PROFESSIONAL decision maker– &, as responsible ethical professionals,

you must be able to live with your decisions!



So what is this “DESIGN” stuff ?

– WHEN is it?

– WHY is it?

– WHO does it?

– WHAT do they do?

• I think it’s a series of TRADE-OFF’s

– to SATISFY all of a project’s NEEDS (requirements)


– a maximal subset of WANTS (options)


– A bunch of given (& unexpected) Constraints

• Time (inc. speed)

• Money (up front; construction, operation, maintenance, depreciation)

• Materiel (equipment, saw materials, supplies)

• Personnel (stakeholders; users; staff; skills; training; wages etc)

• Legal (Legislation; Regulation; Standards; Copyright IP; TradeLaws etc)

• Technical … etc



Predictive vs. Adaptive

• Predictive design

– Assumes the system is well understood

• development project can be planned & organised in

advance, then developed according to the plan

• Adaptive design

– Assumes that system requirements are

“not well understood”

• Some requirements may only emerge after some

preliminary development work

Toolbox vs Cookbook

• Toolbox

– A suite of techniques & tools

• Up to the “expert”

to use them the best way

– [BUT: how do you become an expert?]

• Cookbook

– Methods & techniques

are pre-defined &

prescribed by some




Functional requirements vs. Non-Functional requirements

• Functional• “fundamental or essential”

• “describe what the product has to do, or what processing actions it is to take”

» (Atlantic Systems Guild 2007)

• Non-Functional• “Not what a software will do, but how it will do it”

» (Thayer 1990)

• “can be subjective [..] & relative..”» (Chung, Nixon, Yu & Mylopoulos 1999)

• “properties [..] such as performance & usability”

• “these requirements are as important as functional reqs for a project’s success”

» (Atlantic Systems Guild 2007)


• What are the first steps TOWARDS being able to make a design … ?



*some* Methodologies

• Process Oriented STRADIS/YSM/JSD

• Blended SSADM/Merise/IE etc

• Object Oriented OOA/RUP etc

• Rapid development RAD/DSDM/XP/WISDM

• People Oriented ETHICS/KADS/CommonKADS

• Organization Oriented SSM/ISAC/PI/PRINCE etc

• Frameworks Multiview/SODA/CMM/Euromethod

• Activity Oriented ATSA/ATSA-OO


• Go learn about:


• What is VETAB ?

• What in an RTO ?


• Mining, Quarrying etc

top related