week 2 exploration: storyboard

Post on 30-Nov-2014






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Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard


My journey has been eventful, discovering who I am, and what I

want to be, has been an interesting emotional roller


My father is my greatest influence, he always told me

education is the key and it will open great doors for me.

He was not an entertainer but he commanded a room, he had such a

great personality, he was always the life of any party and a great dancer.

He was a great story teller, he was funny and he didn’t need a mic to get peoples

attention, once he entered a room people would gravitate towards him naturally.

He had a powerful voice, and if he was on camera or had a mic,

every body would be glued to him, and nothing he did was scripted.

I was always blown away, I told myself

when I grow up I want to be just like him.

We loved recording ourselves especially on birthdays, and when we listened to it later it sounded like a real show, I knew

this is exactly what I wanted to do.

As I entered my teen years I lost track of who I am, it’s so ironic

how, in the midst of discovering myself I lost my way.

I was changing and I felt I had no control, I felt

misunderstood, insecure, I felt different.

I thought I needed to be a certain way to be accepted, so I emulated what I

saw on TV, and the Media greatly influenced my life negatively.

When I finished high school I was lost, I didn’t know what I wanted

anymore, I kept putting my dreams on hold,

I was un happy and I was not headed to a great path, I started working full time, in a

job I didn’t like.

My dad never gave up on me, he always encouraged me to go back to school, he believed in me and always

said I shouldn’t be afraid to stand out.

Just because I don’t do things like everybody else doesn’t mean there

is something wrong with me.

He constantly reminded me the world is at my finger tips,

and loved to say “the ball is in

your court, what are you going to

do with it?”

He encouraged me to do what I love, and not settle. He couldn’t wait to

see me graduate, he was so excited.

Unfortunately he died before I went back to school.

I felt like my world was coming to an end, my best friend, my role model,

my number one fan was gone.

There were times I felt I would never make it, but I kept hearing my Dad's voice

saying ” Don’t be afraid to stand out, be you, show the world what your made of.

These words kept replaying in my mind like a record.

One day I was watching a documentary on PBS called Merchants of the cool, it displayed how media purposely misleads young people, it was an eye opener, I realized that’s me and

many other young people.

With the help of my parents who never gave up on me and God, I changed my life, and wanted to be a positive voice for young people, I decided to go back

to school, so I can achieve this goal.

I joined Full Sail University and I am living my dreams. My job is a daily

reminder of why I need to follow my dreams.

I also want to make my father proud, he wanted the best for me and paved the way so I can succeed, and I have faith God will

get me through.

I have found my way, I am passionately pursuing my dreams, and elated I will be graduating on July 1 2016, and finally doing what

I love.

Looking at my classmates stories I realized each of them has been

through a lot, every one had a moment where they were at the bottom,

but they didn’t give up they pushed and pushed to have a better life.

They were lost for a little while but they found their way.

I am inspired by each of their stories and I draw strength from them, I want to encourage them and remind them

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney.

Keep dreaming until your dreams come true, and if you love what you do you will never work a day in

your life.

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