week 2 exploration: storyboard

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Before Media Became Everything

Ever since I was a little girl, I was always confused about what my place was in life. I sang, danced, cheered, acted, fixed computers, made websites and even did the school news broadcasting.

I was not the perfect child, always ended up in trouble which started to make me believe I really wasn’t going to go anywhere in life. I made the choice to change that.

I always looked up to my mother she was my first role model, working with her in communications at the White House gave me my first leap. I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. 

Before I started the MCBS Program I was enrolled at Virginia State University working on an degree in Computer Engineering

Then I transferred to Full Sail University for their new Engineering program.

I had always thought I wanted to work with the hardware of computers believing coding was my life.

But then I realized building a robot is not what I wanted to do, and I want to do more than just work with computers.

Why not do everything, why not be on TV, why not work on computers; but in an area that I LOVE, why not have my own talk show, WHY NOT BE OPRAH. 

Because of that, I switched over to the MCBS Program at Full Sail University.

Because of that, I have been learning all the steps so far I need to become the humanitarian I want to be.

Because of that, I'm not just sitting around creating codes and putting computer back together anymore.

I finally got a chance to learn and do what I love all at the same time. 

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