week 3 newsletter

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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This was the third week at camp for the P’rachim. We had so much fun! Each

day we started off with our play dough and dot paint. Everyone loved making

stars and spaghetti with the different molds and tools. We also saw how dot paint

can be used either to make numerous dots or interesting lines. This was a great

exploration week for all of the P’rachim.

The P’rachim had a lot of fun in all of the different specialty activities this

week. In baking, we made cookie cakes that tasted delicious. We loved rolling

the cookie dough in chocolate chips and sprinkles. It even made our hands smell

good! We also spent time painting in art this week, but not the usual way. Nor-

mally we paint with our hands or brushes; this week we used the edge of craft rolls

to paint our papers. Following this, we added tissue paper and fabric onto our art-


There were so many other activities taking place this week, like kicking balls in

super soccer stars, and moving in different ways in gym. We ran, walked back-

wards, and even skipped. It was a great chance to get all of our energy out. A spe-

cial moment this week was on Thursday, when we got to see two shows and have

a picnic in our classroom! Everyone smiled when the puppets came out! Eating

sandwiches and seeing so many exciting things really brightened our week.

P’rachim was so busy this week and we can't wait for more!


Morah Stephanie and Morah Hannah

A Message From Morah Jamie

We “Beat the Heat” this week in camp! It might have been over 90 degrees outside but

we managed to stay cool in camp. We went swimming, played in the sprinklers, en-

joyed a puppet show and even ate some ice cream. Sorry we didn’t share any! We look

forward to next week when we will be celebrating Purim!! Have a wonderful, restful

Shabbos and try to stay cool.



The boiling heat did not keep the D’vorim from having an awe-

some week! We enjoyed channeling our inner artist in art with

Morah Debbie and baking delicious cookie pies with Morah


With Coach Leora we learned how to throw and catch a football.

Coach Junior and Coach Zack taught us more skills, like strong

kicks at the goal and little dribbling kicks, in Super Soccer Stars.

During science Morah Simona taught us about yeast and we

made "elephant toothpaste" and watched it overflow! On Thurs-

day we enjoyed an awesome puppet show and music class and

then enjoyed an Ice cream party! Shabbat Party was so fun

thanks to Yoni!

Can't wait to see what's in store for next week!

Morah Yona

Morah Sarah

Morah Rachel

Parparim Wow! Another fun-filled week has flown by at MDS Camp for bunk Parparim!

This week, during Gym, we learned how to throw and catch a football! We threw the

footballs through hoops, over hoops, and across the gym! We learned that when you run

with the football you should hug it so that it doesn’t fall out of your hands! During

Kinderdance we practiced all of our different stretches! We were so happy that Teacher

Charles was back! We even had a cheer “tuck, pike, straddle!” We also practiced our

crab walks and had a crab walk race on the “beach.”

This week in Art we made so many exciting projects! We used model magic to dec-

orate our very own hanging plaque! You can hang it on your door knob or as a picture on

your wall! We also painted our very own ceramic characters! Some of us chose to paint a

turtle, a frog, or even a watering can. Thank you Morah Debbie! In Science this week

we learned all about yeast and how it makes different ingredients rise and bubble up. We

even made our very own “elephant toothpaste!” We mixed the ingredients together and

watched as they all reacted to the yeast and bubbled right out of the water bottle.

On Wednesday, we had an exciting birthday party for Aaron Eckstein! Mazal Tov

to Aaron and his family on his third birthday! On Thursday we enjoyed so many fun

treats and activities at MDS Day Camp! First we started off our morning with a camp

puppet show. We joined all the bunks and watched “Goldilocks and the Three Bears!” It

was so funny! After the puppet show we enjoyed our very own special music class. Mr.

Patrick taught us all about different instruments and we even got to conduct our very

own orchestra, made up of all the kids in Bunks Parparim and D’vorim. We also got to

practice our notes on Mr. Patrick’s keyboard. We then had an indoor picnic, with ice

cream sundaes for dessert! We got to use sprinkles, chocolate chips, and even fudge!

What a yummy treat! Thank you Morah Jamie for a great idea!

We ended off our week with a fabulous Shabbat Party with the whole camp. Can’t wait

to see what’s in store for next week!

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Sarah, Morah Rachel, Morah Miriyam

Another week at camp has gone by,

This week was so terrific oh me! Oh my!

We floated away and blew bubbles too,

We always have a splash with the Swim Jim crew.

Model Magic plaques and dot pictures are what we made in art,

Romero Britto's flowers was our favorite part.

In science we made elephant toothpaste,

It's only for touch and not for taste.

We watched the bubbles foam up and out,

It was so funny- we couldn't help but shout.

Cookie pies in baking was so delish,

We added our own toppings and put them in a dish.

Coaches Junior and Zachary taught us how to play in teams,

Playing Super Soccer Stars is not as easy as it seems.

Beat the heat on Thursday was such a big blast,

The Puppet Show and ice cream really went by so fast.

With Coach Leora we practiced our football throws,

We all got to perform our touchdown dance throws.

We are so excited to see what's in store,

The Dagim are awesome, who's ready for week four?

Tziporim Another week has gone by so fast.

Although it was short, we still had a blast.

We talked about Tisha B'Av and why it is so sad.

We learned about Bnei Yisrael's sins and why they made Hashem mad.

We also discussed all of the things you can do,

So our dream of a third Beit Hamikdash can quickly come true.

Teacher Charles taught us how to hip hop dance,

And how to do a proper somersault, with the correct stance.

In gym we learned about the sport football,

And how to run and hug the ball, so that it will not fall.

We also got to score touchdowns, and preform our own end zone celebra-


It was so much fun to see everyone's celebratory dance creations.

In science we experimented with yeast and saw it come alive.

We learned that it needs to eat and breath in order for it to thrive

We then mixed the yeast with some soap and hydrogen peroxide,

And watched the chemical reaction, with our eyes opened wide.

A volcano of foam erupted from the bottle.

And kept on going and going, like it was on full throttle.

In baking we made some delicious cookie pies,

And a mystery dough, for a special next week surprise.

Art this week was so fun, we all had a ball,

Making Romero Britto-inspired flowers and beach themed plaques to

hang on the wall.

Instead of the trip we celebrated a day to beat the heat,

with a puppet show, bubbles, and ice cream, it was a real special treat.

Please stay cool and rest up for week number four,

with so many exciting things planned, it will not be a bore.

Shabbat Shalom!

Morot Karen, Sarah, and Mollie

The Malkot had a blast in camp this week!

Kinderdance with Teacher Charles got us on our toes! We learned how to do

different hip hop moves and danced the session away!

In Swim Jim, some of the Malkot are learning how to swim all the way to the

bottom of the pool to collect the swim rings! The other girls are learning how to

swim backstroke and blow bubbles in the pool! We sure love to splash and have

a great time!

“Beat the Heat” day was so much fun! We got to watch a puppet show, play in

the sprinklers, had an inside picnic, and even got ice cream for dessert! So yum-


The Malkot girls are becoming great artists, thanks to Morah Debbie in the art

room! We love having art every day. We get to paint, color, draw, and mold all

different types of art projects and materials! We are so proud of our artwork,

and can’t wait to show it to you at the end of every week!

Have a great weekend and a good Shabbos! Can’t wait to see you next week!

Morahs Dossie and Chaya


We had a great third week at camp this week and hope that everyone

had a meaningful Tisha B’Av. This week, we had our first Kinder-

dance class with Teacher George, learning how to make ourselves big

and small while calling out our names and favorite colors!

We learned about batting and throwing in gym and decorated our own

picture frames in arts and crafts! With the extra hot weather we went

to the pool almost every day and went in the sprinklers! Our trip to the

aquarium this week was canceled because of the heat and instead we

spent the day inside to keep cool! We had a special puppet show and

made ice cream Sundaes!

Quick reminder - next Tuesday, 23rd is Purim In July! Please have

your son dressed in swim gear ready to head to the pool with their cos-

tumes in their bags (which will be put on when we get back).

Wishing you all an amazing Shabbos!

-Yoni, Matin & Max


Baking With Morah Shari

This week in baking we had

so much fun making our very

own Cookie Pies. We took

turns mixing ingredients and

shared what we wanted in our

pies and how we thought they

would taste. When our dough

was finished we each got a

piece and were able to add

our favorite cookie toppings

to them. Our individually

created pies look so yummy!

They taste amazing as is, or

warmed up, and are really

yummy with your favorite ice

cream on top! Enjoy!

Cookie Pies

1 cup or 2 sticks margarine,


3/4 cup granulated sugar

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 eggs

2 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix sugars, add margarine,

eggs, salt, vanilla, baking so-

da and flour.

Refrigerate for 1 hour or


Add toppings of your choice

(chocolate chips, sprinkles,


Mold into pan.

Bake and Enjoy!

Week 3 - Gym is IN at MDS camp!

By Coach Leora Sulimanoff

Gym was a blast this week! We had our daily warm ups where our campers have

shown great progress in following our routine and listening to directions and have

shown improvement in skills such as skipping, going backwards and sideways

and even doing jumping jacks! We took our throwing and catching skills and

moved onto the next all-American sport; FOOTBALL!!

The campers learned how to hug a ball on OFFENSE to keep it safe from the DE-

FENSE. They learned how to HAND OFF the ball to their teammates and even

how to score a TOUCHDOWN in the END ZONE! The older campers had a fun

game of offense/defense where one child tried to get a touchdown before the oth-

er could stop him/her. We practiced catching and throwing our footballs. We used

various targets as our campers tried to throw the ball. They were thrilled when

they hit them! We also reminded campers about good sportsmanship and taking

turns. Additionally, we had time this week to just have free play in the gym

which is always a camper favorite. We can’t wait until next week!

Art With Morah Debbie

Romero Britto was the artist of the week for the MDS campers. We looked at

his use of pattern and bold color in everyday objects. Wooden plaques were

decorated with Model Magic and a range of different materials ranging in tex-

tures from smooth to rough. Please enjoy your new wall hanging! Some of the

children chose to decorate ceramic money boxes in a number of exciting differ-

ent ways. Check your child’s art projects for his/her stunning creations. Enjoy!

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Debbie!

Shabbat Party!

Last week’s Shabbos party was really such a

hit. We learned the Hamotzi and washing

hands song, which really helped us get into

Shabbos mode. We danced and sang all to-

gether as a camp which was so much fun.

Everyone's energy and excitement truly

showed. Our coffee crumb Shabbos cake was

delicious! We can't wait to have another Shab-

bos party next week.

We “Beat the Heat” at MDS!

“Beat the Heat” Ice Cream Party

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Science With Morah Simona

This week in science we learned that yeast is alive! First we looked at

dry yeast with a microscope and it just looked like sand. Children did

not think that it was alive. Then, we compared three different bags:

plain yeast, yeast with water, and yeast with sugar and water. After a

few minutes of being on the sunny window we saw the bag with the

yeast, sugar and water was growing and filling up with bubbles! The

yeast was eating the sugar and breathing out air - it was alive! Then

we mixed yeast with warm water again, and mixed it with hydrogen

peroxide and dish soap in a bottle. The mixture reacted and came

foaming out the top of the bottle! We called it elephant’s toothpaste.

As a follow up, once we knew that yeast needs sugar to create bub-

bles (carbon dioxide), we mixed yeast with some sweet drinks to see

with which one it would react the most. We put yeast, water and a

sweet drink in each bottle, then we covered the tops with balloons.

Then we watched to see which balloon would inflate the most. See if

your child can tell you what makes challah rise and grow.

Camp Is So Much Fun!


Tuesday, July 23rd is Purim in July! Start thinking about awesome cos-


If you haven't already done so, please send in suntan lotion that can stay in

camp. This is to ensure we have lotion for every camper.

Remember to log onto www.Snapfish.com to look at camp photographs!

See You Next Week!

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