week commencing 13 november at sacred heart · with this in mind, i ... please do be part of this...

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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Issue: 9  Date: 10 Nov 2017

I know it's only November, but we all know that preparations for the 'next big event' have to start well in advance. I can already hear songs being practised around the school and I've now got some (beautifully drawn!) cards to send out before the post gets too busy.


With this in mind, I would ask you all to read the PA section of the newsletter carefully to see if you can help with our Christmas fair IN ANY WAY. There are so many different jobs which need doing and even if you can only help for half an hour, they need your help!


Please do be part of this great event which raises so much money for our school.


Week Commencing 13 November at Sacred Heart

All week                             - Cool To Be Kind Week (see below)

Monday 13 November       - Y6 Boys Football Team vs St John’s N20

Wednesday 15 November  - A-side Rewards Assembly 9.10am

                                           - Y3 Trip to Friary Park

Thursday 16 November      - Odd Socks Day (re Cool To Be Kind Week) - see below

Friday 17 November           - Holocaust Survivor to visit Y6


Top Table Stars

The ‘J’ side top table stars on Wednesday 8 November were: Helena, Nicholas, Darcey, Zoe, Jack W, Isabella D, Emily, Charlie, Joshua W, Rose, Angela and Jack P.  Congratulations to all our ‘Top Table Stars’ and thank you for keeping our Golden Rules and showing kindness to your friends. 


Urgent Reminders

School photo orders must be returned to the school by Tuesday 14th November 2017 at the latest.


Music bills for the Spring Term 2018 must be paid by Friday 24th November 2017. Please advise the school office if your child will no longer be having lessons.


Cool to be Kind Week - (Anti-Bullying) 13 to 17 November


This year the theme for Anti-bullying week is 'all different, all equal'. Teachers will be covering the topic of bullying in class and we also have other activities happening around the school across the week to encourage children to think about this issue and to showcase how fantastic we really are at being the kindest and most caring individuals that we can possibly be.

On Thursday 16th Nov we will be having an 'odd socks day.' The children are invited to attend school wearing odd socks on this day with the idea being for children to be able to express themselves and appreciate individuality.

The children will also be creating a 'good deed feed' throughout the course of the week so please see if you can spot this in the playground! This is a large area whereby children can write down all of the people who are showing kindness in and around school.

And lastly, on Friday 17th Nov we will be celebrating the end of ‘It’s cool to be kind week’ by carrying out 'Little acts of kindness' for one another.




Dates for your Diary

Tuesday 21 November – Year 4 Mass at St Mary MagdalenThursday 23 November - 6J School Assembly (Parents Invited)Friday 1 December - 1J School Assembly (Parents Invited)

– Don’t Be Seen in Green DaySaturday 2 December – SHPA Christmas FayreThursday 7 December – 6A School Assembly (Parents Invited)Friday 8 December - 1A School Assembly (Parents Invited)Wednesday 13 December – FS School Trip to Arts DepotThursday 14 December – FS Carol Singing (in FS’s Classroom)


Operation Christmas Child and Shoebox Appeal

All the children have received information about operation Christmas child and the shoebox appeal. This week, we have been receiving your full shoeboxes but we still need lots more to reach our target of 100 boxes. If you haven’t done so, please complete the shoebox form (with an enclosed donation as indicated on the form) and hand in to the school office with your gift-wrapped shoebox by THURSDAY 16 NOVEMBER. It is important to think about those who are less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year. Thank you!


After School Club – Spring Term Booking Form

The new After School Club booking form for Spring 2018 is available from the school office or can be downloaded from the school website. Please book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.  A 50p discount per session will be given to bookings made before the end of term 2017. 


Reading books in Year 3

As the children move up into year 3, there are some changes to the way they take books home to read.  As they are beginning KS2, most children will no longer follow the star book banding used in KS1, but instead can choose their own books from the book corner in the classroom or the main school library. They are also free to provide their own reading book if it is an appropriate level. An appropriate level is where the pupil has 95% accuracy in their reading. To simplify this and to help the children become independent in choosing a book at the appropriate level, we ask them to use the 5 finger test. This means while reading the first page, they raise a finger each time they come across an unknown word. As long as this is not more than five on this page, the book is suitable for them. A typical chapter book will have approximately 100 words per page.


The teacher will still hear each child read at least once a week and will check that the book the child has chosen is appropriate for their reading level.  If you think that your child is struggling with the book they have brought home, please let the teacher know by writing a note in their reading record books. Their reading record books should come to school every day as their reading day may change from time to time or they may need to change their book.


Y6 Football Match at Whitings Hill School

On Wednesday the Year 6 football team played a match against Whitings school. The final score was 6-3 to Whitings but we still played well. Mr Scaglione said that our performance improved throughout the match with most goals being scored in the second half. Our next match is against St John’s - Year 6 Team.


Parents Association

Front Cover Competition

We would like to thank all the children for the wonderful submissions to the Christmas Fayre front cover competition.


The winner of the competition is Ellie Maloney from 5J.


The runners up by year are:


Wiktoria Smaga FSA

Amber Katin 1J

Ariella Maglieri 2A

Amber Jackson 3J

Joseph Gaughan 4A

Charlotte McGrath 5J

Shannon Keeshan-Surridge 6A


Please look out for the winning entries which will be hanging outside the school next week and once again thank you to Mrs Narduzzo for judging all the pictures.


Raffle Tickets

Every child should have brought home an envelope with raffle tickets enclosed. All envelopes also have bags for donating sweets or chocolates in.  Please read the letter attached and do what you can to support the fayre. Spare raffle tickets will be available from the office.


Thank you to Denise Colbert and her team for their invaluable help with the raffle tickets this year.



Please remember that donation buckets are going out next Wednesday 15th November. As always we ask for the following donations:

1. Luxury gifts, boxes of chocolates, gift sets, candles, perfume, jewellery, photo frames etc.

(Nothing second hand please) for the Family Tombola.2. Children's toys and books.3. Cakes and biscuits.

So please have a rummage around your house this weekend, use this opportunity to declutter and donate what you can to the fayre.


Matched Funding

This is a hugely rewarding scheme that makes up an enormous percentage of the money we raise. Please ask your employers or HR department if they participate and can help.  If you think you are able to help with this or have any questions please contact Uzo via the office. 


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