
Post on 10-May-2015






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Educational Technology Foundations:Overview

Week 1

William Paterson University


About This Course

This course is an overview of the use of computers and other technologies as tools for the classroom, based on “national technological literacy standards.”


National Technology Standards• International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

developed by the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for all Students (NETS-S) http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/NETS_for_Students_2007.htm

• International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) developed by the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for all teachers (NETS-T) http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/NETS_for_Teachers_2008.htm

• ISTE/NCATE Technology Facilitation (TF) program standards, geared for programs in educational computing and technology teacher preparation: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTechnologyFacilitatorsandLeaders/Technology_Facilitation_Standards.htm


Student Learning Outcomes

• The learning outcomes for this course are also aligned with the ISTE / NCATE, Technology Facilitation (TF) standards.

- Demonstrate knowledge and skills….by creating a troubleshooting / technology help guide.

- Demonstrate the ability to stay appraised of technology development..……by creating a PowerPoint presentation

- Assist others in identifying educational technology resources…..by creating a website

- Research and engage in online discussions of social and legal issues


Required Texts / Materials

• Teaching and Learning with Technology (4th edition). Lever-Duffy & McDonald

You can purchase this book from a number of online bookstores.

• Jump drive (Always make back-up files)


Course Assignments

No exam: Performance-based:

• Class attendance and participation:10 points

• Trouble-shooting guides: 20 points

• New technologies presentation using PowerPoint: 20 Points

• The use of technology paper: 15 points

• Resource based website (using Dreamweaver): 20 Points.                      

• Educational technology issues discussion: 15 points(This will occur in the virtual space on BlackBoard).

Please see a few samples at: http://euphrates.wpunj.edu/faculty/anh2/WPUEdTech/      


BlackBoard Learning System

URL: http://bb.wpunj.edu/

(You will be graded on your initial response to the discussion question and your contributions to the collaborative discourse including subsequent postings to classmates' postings (at least 2 comments to your classmates, besides your initial response to the discussion questions). You are encouraged to post substantive subsequent postings (not just "I agree with what you said.") that will further contribute to a progressive and productive discussion.)


Ground Rules

1. Please keep in mind that you should submit all of your assignments by the given due date, by 11:59 pm (EST). Late work will not be accepted, except under special circumstances, such as illness or prior permission from the instructor.

2. Professionalism is important. Grammar, spelling, style, organization, and clarity count.

3. For all of the references and citations, please follow the APA style.

4. For all of your assignments, save them in the following manner:"lastname_firstname_NameOfAssignment" e.g.) ”Smith_John_Gradebook”

5. Academic Integrity: You are expected to be honest in all of your academic work. Be sure to review William Paterson University's policy regarding academic honesty: http://ww2.wpunj.edu/ADMINSRV/HR/FacultyHandBook/AcademicIntegrityPolicy.htm




What To Do Now?

• Introductory discussion on Blackboard’s Cyber Café forum (tell us about yourself): http://bb.wpunj.edu/




What is Educational Technology?In this class:

Educational (or Instructional) Technology is the umbrella term that encompasses both instructional applications of technology and administrative applications of technology.

Instructional Technology is the problem analysis, solution design, development, implementation, management, and evaluation of instructional processes, and resources to improve learning and performance in education and at work (Reiser, 2001).

Reference:Reiser, R., (2001). A history of instructional design & technology: Part I: a history of instructional media. ETR&D, 49(1), 53-64.


Technology Integration…..• What does it mean to integrate technology into learning?

– Learning about Technology: Technology becomes a goal to learn.

– Learning with Technology: Technology becomes:• A tool to support knowledge construction.• An information vehicle for learning about other forms of

subject matter, such as math, science, and history.• A context to support learning-by-doing.• A social medium to support learning by conversing.• An intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting.

(Reference: Jonassen, et al. (1999). Learning with Technology: A constructivist perspective. )

TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)

• Coined by Mishra & Koelher (2006).

• Attempted to capture some of the essential qualities of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching.

• Stressed that teaching and learning with technology requires an understanding of the complex set of interrelationships among pedagogy, content, and technical knowledge.

• Emphasized the interactions between and among three forms of knowledge (TK, PK, CK), rather than seeing these as three distinct knowledge bases.





• Role-playing game: Quest Atlantis: http://atlantis.crlt.indiana.edu/legend/index.html

• Online database of animal natural history: Animal Diversity Web: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/index.html

• Procedural simulations:Froguts: http://www.froguts.com/


By Next Week

• Get the textbook ASAP.

• Read the assigned reading materials under weeks 1 and 2.

• Discussion Question for weeks 1-2

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