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  • Weekend Five Exam Prep

    In addition to the questions on the exam, you will also be required to label Bones and Bony Landmarks, label Muscles, and understand Joints and Movements of the Body.

    1. What is the definition of stretching? a. Method of bodywork to lengthen and elongate tissues b. Yoga technique that decreases muscle tone c. Method of relaxing musculature d. Technique that strengthens musculature

    2. What can be defined as a resistance to stretch?

    a. Compression b. Elasticity c. Tension d. Contraction

    3. Fascial adhesions contribute to which condition of tissues?

    a. Elasticity b. Stretch c. Passive tension d. Contraction

    4. What joint actions would best stretch a muscle that flexes, abducts, and medially rotates

    the arm at the shoulder joint? a. Flexion, abduction, and medial rotation of the shoulder joint b. Flexion only of the shoulder joint c. Extension, abduction, and lateral rotation of the shoulder joint d. Extension, adduction, and lateral rotation of the shoulder joint

    5. A characteristic of passive stretching is that it:

    a. Can only be done with the assistance of the therapist b. Occurs when the therapist assists target muscles to contract c. May be also done actively without assistance d. Can only be done without the assistance of the therapist

    6. Which muscle is best stretched by performing extension and lateral rotation of the thigh at

    the hip joint? a. Tensor fasciae latae b. Sartorius c. Rectus femoris d. Psoas major

  • 7. Which type of stretching is best done before a workout? a. Static b. Dynamic c. PNF d. CR

    8. Which activity is appropriate before stretching?

    a. Engage in physical exercise b. Take a hot shower c. Place a hot pack on the area d. All of the above are correct

    9. To stretch the adductors longus and brevis, the client’s thigh is:

    a. Abducted and flexed b. Adducted and extended c. Abducted and medially rotated d. Adducted and laterally rotated

    10. What is the palpation key for the tensor fasciae latae?

    a. Resist flexion of the leg at the knee joint b. Medially rotate and flex the thigh c. Laterally rotate and flex the thigh d. Drop anteriorly off the adductor longus tendon

    11. What is the palpation key for the adductor longus?

    a. Most prominent tendon in the groin region b. Laterally rotate and flex the thigh c. Between the gracilis and medial hamstrings d. Resist flexion of the leg at the knee joint

    12. Which of the following is (are) the chemical messenger(s) of the endocrine system?

    a. Capillaries b. Sebum c. Hormones d. Antigens

    13. Which of the following is true regarding the endocrine glands?

    a. Use ducts to transport their products to the site of action b. Include sudoriferous glands, sebaceous glands, and salivary glands c. Are ductless glands and possess cells that produce glandular secretions called

    hormones d. Are located in the skin

    14. Which of the following mechanisms regulates the amount or hormones secreted by an

    endocrine gland by stimulating the opposite response? a. Positive feedback system b. Negative feedback system c. Hormonal control system d. Neural control system

  • 15. What is a synonym for the hormone epinephrine? a. Adrenaline b. Calcitonin c. Vasopressin d. Cortisol

    16. Which of the following glands is both endocrine and exocrine?

    a. Pancreas b. Thymus c. Adrenals d. Pineal

    17. What hormone has an effect similar to the sympathetic nervous system?

    a. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone b. Glucagon c. Epinephrine d. Vasopressin

    18. What is a synonym for the adenohypophysis?

    a. Adrenal cortex b. Posterior pituitary c. Adrenal medulla d. Anterior pituitary

    19. Which gland(s) contain(s) islands of specialized cells called the islets of Langerhans?

    a. Pancreas b. Testes c. Pineal d. Ovaries

    20. Which gland(s) produce(s) an secrete(s) hormones that help to regulate carbohydrate

    metabolism? a. Testes b. Pineal c. Pancreas d. Ovaries

    21. Which gland(s) contain(s) the corpus luteum?

    a. Pancreas b. Testes c. Ovaries d. Pineal

    22. Which of the following gland(s) secrete(s) the hormone prolactin?

    a. Anterior pituitary b. Posterior pituitary c. Ovaries d. Pancreas

  • 23. Which gland(s) secrete(s) luteinizing hormone, or LH? a. Ovaries b. Anterior pituitary c. Posterior pituitary d. Pancreas

    24. Which gland(s) secrete(s) the hormone aldosterone?

    a. Adrenal cortex b. Adrenal medulla c. Anterior pituitary d. Testes

    25. Which of the following gland(s) secrete(s) the hormone oxytocin?

    a. Posterior pituitary b. Ovaries c. Thyroid d. Adrenal cortex

    26. Which gland(s) secrete(s) the hormone estrogen?

    a. Anterior pituitary b. Posterior pituitary c. Ovaries d. Testes

    27. Which gland(s) secrete(s) the hormone progesterone?

    a. Anterior pituitary b. Ovaries c. Adrenal medulla d. Thymus

    28. Which gland(s) produce(s) secrete(s) growth hormone, or GH?

    a. Posterior pituitary b. Testes c. Pancreas d. Anterior pituitary

    29. Which hormone stimulates protein synthesis for muscle/bone growth and maintenance?

    a. Thymosin and thymopoietin b. Growth hormone c. Adrenocorticotropic hormone d. Androgen

    30. Which hormone is stimulated by low blood levels of glucose, causing the liver and the

    skeletal muscles to break down stored glycogen into glucose? a. Insulin b. Glucagon c. Thyroxin d. Cortisol

  • 31. A common principle in all health care fields, what is the term used for permission for treatment or professional services?

    a. Informed consent b. Scope of practice c. Licensure d. Professional courtesy

    32. The process involved in appraising a client’s condition based on subjective reporting and

    objective findings is: a. Assessment b. Plan c. Recruitment d. Evaluation

    33. Information that is measurable and quantitative and obtained by the therapist is called:

    a. Subjective b. Propaganda c. Objective d. Diagnosis

    34. What gives the therapist authorization to release certain information from the client t

    specific parties? a. Release form b. Consent form c. Intake form d. Confidentiality form

    35. What is the process of providing written information regarding client care?

    a. Empirical b. Confidentiality c. Documentation d. Subjective reporting

    36. Where the following muscles overlap, which muscle is most superficial?

    a. Piriformis b. Gluteus medius c. Gluteus maximus d. Gluteus minimus

    37. Which position stretches the gluteus maximus?

    a. Flexed thigh and flexed knee joint b. Extended thigh and flexed knee joint c. Flexed thigh and extended knee joint d. Extended thigh and extended knee joint

    38. What joint action of the thigh at the hip joint is most effective to engage and palpate the

    entire gluteus medius? a. Flexion b. Extension c. Abduction d. Adduction

  • 39. What muscle is immediately deep to the tensor fasciae latae? a. Gluteus maximus b. Vastus lateralis c. Gluteus medius d. Vastus medialis

    40. Which are the attachments of the tensor fasciae latae (TFL)?

    a. Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) to the pes anserine tendon b. Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the iliotibial band c. Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) to the iliotibial band d. Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the pes anserine tendon

    41. Which are the attachments of the adductor longus?

    a. Pubis to the linea aspera of the femur b. Pubis and ischial tuberosity to the linea aspera of the femur c. Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) to the medial shaft of the femur d. Pubis to the pes anserine tendon

    42. Which are the attachments of the gluteus medius?

    a. External ilium to the greater trochanter of the femur b. External ilium to the lesser trochanter of the femur c. Internal ilium to the greater trochanter of the femur d. Internal ilium to the linea aspera of the femur

    43. Which is an action of the tensor fasciae latae?

    a. Medial rotation of the thigh at the hip joint b. Medial rotation of the leg at the knee c. Posterior tilt of the pelvis at the hip joint d. Flexion of the trunk at the spinal joints

    44. Which is (are) an action of the gluteus maximus of the thigh at the hip joint?

    a. Lateral rotation b. Extension c. Adduction d. All of the above

    45. What are the actions of the gluteus medius at the hip joint?

    a. Abduction of the thigh b. Flexion and extension of the thigh c. Anterior tilt and posterior tilt of the pelvis d. All of the above


    46. A patient may have reduced pain perception when taking an analgesic.

    True or False

    47. Use of vigorous techniques is indicated with a patient whom is taking anti-inflammatories.

    True or False

  • 48. Patients using NSAID’s may not be able to provide accurate feedback regarding comfort of techniques during massage.

    True or False

    49. Medications never affect aspects of treatment planning, nor duration of the treatment.

    True or False

    50. Please list the 4 macronutrients essential for human survival and growth.

    51. List 5 major uses of fat.

    52. What are the 4 main uses of water in your body?

    53. Your muscles are _________% made up of water

    54. Food = Energy (measured in calories).

    a. Carbohydrates: _____ gram(s) = 4 calories

    b. Protein: 1 gram = _____ calories

    c. Fats: _____ gram(s) = 9 calories

    55. Which two of the following are synergists of the sternocleidomastoid? (Circle all that apply.)

    a. Levator Scapulae

    b. Splenius Capitus

    c. Trapezius

    d. Middle Scalene

  • Diagrams & Labelling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bloodstream Endocrine Cell Hormones Neuron Neurotransmitters Postsynaptic Cell Target Cell Medical Terminology Give meaning for the following roots:

    adren / o ____________________________________

    mastoid ____________________________________

    ren/o ____________________________________

    chondr/o ____________________________________

    thym/o ____________________________________

    andr/o ____________________________________

    cost/o ____________________________________

    thyroid/o ____________________________________

    aut/o ____________________________________

    ger/o ____________________________________

    Give meaning(s) for the following suffixes:

    -crine ____________________________________

    -megaly ____________________________________

    -plegia ____________________________________

    -trophy ____________________________________

  • Give meaning (s) for the following prefixes:

    endo- ____________________________________

    hemi- ____________________________________

    tri- ____________________________________

    para- ____________________________________

    hypo- ____________________________________

    exo- ____________________________________

    supra- ____________________________________

    hyper- ____________________________________


    What are the origins?

    What are the actions?


    What is the insertion?

    What are the actions?


    What are the origins?

    What are the actions?


    What are the origins?

    What are the actions?


    What is the insertion?

    What are the actions?


    What are the origins?

    What are the actions?

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