weekly e-newsletter october 4, 2009heraldsofharmony.g3.groupanizer.com/sites... · at the tampa bay...

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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Information on SUBSCRIBING or UNSUBSCRIBING to the Heralds of Harmony email list can be found by visiting the

following link: http://lists.heraldsofharmony.org/listinfo.cgi/allhoh-heraldsofharmony.org

Weekly rehearsals: Tues, 7PM at Scottish Rite Auditorium, 5500 Memorial Hwy Tampa. Map link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5500+Memorial+Drive,+Tampa,+FL&sll=27.981251,-


Inside this issue:

Weekly E-Newsletter October 4, 2009



Tues, October 6

Regular rehearsal - 7pm

and weekly afterglow @

Recently seen at HoH ...

Kent McClean

Keith Starks

Connor Starks

Josh Starks

Dean Estabrook

Jacksonville Contest ’09 is History 1

Our next rehearsal 1

At our recent rehearsal... 1

Newsletter subscription info 1

Map Link to our rehearsal hall 1

HoH events and rehearsal info 2

Chorus elections are coming 2

HoH Breaks out the Christmas music 2

Another photo caption contest 2


HoH online store 3

HoH Trading Post 3

Helpful links & HoH contact info 3

Another district chorus preliminary contest has come and gone. This weekend (October 3) the Heralds com-peted for the chance to represent themselves (and the rest of the Sunshine District) in the BHS International Convention to be held in Philadelphia in July. This district chorus completion was as stiff as it has ever been with outstanding singing coming from many different corners of the state. When the dust settled, the Heralds found themselves congratulating their harmony brothers from Jacksonville who captured the spot in the 2010 International contest. But the Times Union Performing Arts Center rang with the Heralds beautiful chords of “STAR MEDLEY” and “SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW” … as the guys performed under the superb direction of Steve Jamison. The Heralds, as always, extend their deepest thanks to their family and friends for all their support and loving encouragement making our awesome hobby possible. IT’S GREAT TO BE A HERALD!

October (rehearsal 6, 13, 20, 27)

Oct 13 - Annual HoH leadership elections

21 - HoH Board Meeting

November (rehearsal 3, 10, 17, 24)

17 - HoH Board Meeting

December (rehearsal 1, 8, 15 )

Dec 12 - Heralds Christmas Shows at TBPAC

16 - HoH Board Meeting

January (rehearsal 5, 12, 19, 26)

13 - HoH Board Meeting

Jan 24-31 - BHS Midwinter Convention…

...in TAMPA!

April 9-10 - Spring Contest/Convention in


Calendar of HoH Events:

Page 2


Back by popular demand — Heralds’ photo caption contest

Sheesh… you leave out this feature from the newsletter for just one week and people get all bent out of shape. So, alright already. Here you go. Here’s the latest work of art upon which you can focus all your witty, clever and family-oriented poetical energies. Email your suggested caption to: comm@heraldsofharmony.org Winner announced next week. (We shutter to think!)

Over the next couple of weeks the Heralds will be conducting the annual selection of chorus leadership. The proposed slate of officers has been presented to all active members and it will be reviewed once again at our next rehearsal when any additional nominations may be submitted. The actual voting by chapter members will take place on the evening of Oct 13. Many thanks are extended to Bob Weber and the rest of the HoH Nominating Committee for an excellent job in this year’s process.

The Tampa HERALD

It’s time once again for

Christmas Music…. The Heralds have broken out their holiday charts once again in preparation for this year’s concerts at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center on Dec 12. Wouldn’t YOU like to sing this great music with them. If you’ve ever been part of the Heralds in the past and have sung these wonderful songs, why not come on back and get into the Christmas spirit on the risers! We all know that NOBODY TELLS THE CHRISTMAS STORY LIKE THE HERALDS. And, we’d LOVE for YOU to tell it with us!

Page 3

SO… “who you gonna call” ? Need HOH information/assistance re: “FINALE” music and software:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com (727-505-2095)

HoH rehearsal videos:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH music librarian:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com


HoH learning tapes/cds:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com (352 638-0683)

Chorus membership issues:

Bryan Hevel bryan.hevel@verizon.net


HoH “Rookie” program and information:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH E-Newsletter content & website:

Brad Grabill bradgrabill@yahoo.com

(727-560-8960) HoH uniform coordinator:

Dick Sipple wsipple372@aol.com


Tampa Chapter 2009 Officers and Boa rd of Directors President Bill Phipps president@heraldsofharmony.org Immediate Past President / VP-Events Nick Schwob nickschwob@tampabay.rr..com Treasurer Al Kelly treasurer@heraldsofharmony.org Secretary Larry Clapp secretary@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Music and Performance John Pennington jppennington@comcast.net Vice President - Membership Bryan Hevel membership@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Public Relations Steve Matheson contact@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Financial Development Bill Phipps development@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Performance Marketing Dave Roberts Daver1103@aol.com Board Member At Large Joe Kane ('09) bbshopr@verizon.net Board Member At Large Lee Lawrence (‘10) llawrenc@vha.com Board Member At Large Brian Bovino (‘11) bovino2000@aol.com Interim Music Director Steve Jamison chorusdirector@heraldsofharmony.org Assistant Music Director & Vocal Coach David Mills proclamation56@gmail.com

Helpful links...

Heralds of Harmony (HoH) – www.heraldsofharmony.org

HoH Online Photo Galleries- http://www.heraldsofharmony.org/gallery/

Sunshine District (& Sunburst) - www.sunshinedistrict.org

Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) – www.barbershop.org

HarmonetLite - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HarmonetLite

The original Harmonet - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bbshop

Finale NOTEPAD Software - http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/

Be sure to visit the SHARED RESOURCES page in the M embers area of the HoH site each week. You never know what you might find there!

The Tampa HERALD

1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round tabl e was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too mu ch pi. 2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan isl and, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. 3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still. 4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algeb ra class because it was a weapon of math disruption . 5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and go t a little behind in his work. 6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. 7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and w as cited for littering. 8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.. 9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie. 10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. 11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it. 12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. 13. Two hats hanging on a hat rack. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here; I'll go on a head.' 14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigge r. Then it hit me. 15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said : 'Keep off the Grass..' 16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.' 17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in moti on. 18. The short fortune-teller who escaped from pris on was a small medium at large. 19. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper sp ray is now a seasoned veteran. 20. A backward poet writes inverse.. 21. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In f eudalism it's your count that votes. 22. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a ta ste of religion. 23. Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe se cts!


Information on SUBSCRIBING or UNSUBSCRIBING to the Heralds of Harmony email list can be found by visiting the

following link: http://lists.heraldsofharmony.org/listinfo.cgi/allhoh-heraldsofharmony.org

Weekly rehearsals: Tues, 7PM at Scottish Rite Auditorium, 5500 Memorial Hwy Tampa. Map link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5500+Memorial+Drive,+Tampa,+FL&sll=27.981251,-


Inside this issue:

Weekly E-Newsletter October 11, 2009



Tues, October 13

Regular rehearsal - 7pm

and weekly afterglow @

Recently seen at HoH ...

Chuch Steiner

Keith Starks & son

Norman Delapouyade

But Sullivan

Jeff Parker

& HoH member RAY SCALISE

Photo memories from Jacksonville 1

Our next rehearsal 1

At our recent rehearsal… 1

Newsletter subscription info 1

Map Link to our rehearsal hall 1

HoH events and rehearsal info 2

HoH online store 2

LONGTIMERS of the week 2

Another photo caption contest 2

Barbershop on the TONIGHT SHOW 2

More great photos from contest 3


Helpful links & HoH contact info 4

Here’s what we got… “Eat more veggies!” “Hot Dog! I'm on a roll.” “Life's more fun in a bun!” “And you want sauerkraut too?” AND THE WINNER IS…

“I wish I WEREN’T an Oscar Meyer wiener.” (Winning caption submitted by Steve Matheson.)

October (rehearsal 13, 20, 27)

Oct 13 - Annual HoH leadership elections

November (rehearsal 3, 10, 17, 24)

12 - HoH Board Meeting

December (rehearsal 1, 8, 15 )

Dec 12 - Heralds Christmas Shows at TBPAC

10 - HoH Board Meeting

January (rehearsal 5, 12, 19, 26)

14 - HoH Board Meeting

Jan 24-31 - BHS Midwinter Convention…

...in TAMPA!

March 13 - HoH Performs at Mariner Church in

Spring Hill, FL

April 9-10 - Spring Contest/Convention in


Calendar of HoH Events:

Page 2


& This week’s HoH photo caption contest

Here’s the latest from our “art gallery” … so give it your best shot. Email your suggested caption to: comm@heraldsofharmony.org Winner announced next week.

Sunshine District's & HoH’s own Harmonious Hunks were featured on the Tonight Show on Thursday, October 1, 2009, along with many

other Barbershoppers at the BHS International Convention in Anaheim, CA, over the July Fourth weekend this year. If you missed it you can watch it online from the NBC web site. Go here: http://www.tonights howwithconanobri en.com/video/ episodes/ #vid=1162776 You'll find the segment between 11:46 and 17:00 on the play bar.

The Tampa HERALD

Our warmest congrats to these 3 guys who got their BHS renewals this week. No doubt about it… they’ve been around a LONG TIME! 25 years - Pat Bauer 42 years - Steve Jamison 43 years - Dave Larson

Many thanks to Jim Colvin and John Santamaria for sharing their pictures with us. If you would like to see more of their Jacksonville photos, you can view them via an online album found at the following web address: http://picasaweb.google.com/jc4467/20091003HOHAt Jax?authkey=Gv1sRgCLTyz4OAo97qnAE#

Page 3

SO… “who you gonna call” ? Need HOH information/assistance re: “FINALE” music and software:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com (727-505-2095)

HoH rehearsal videos:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH music librarian:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com


HoH learning tapes/cds:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com (352 638-0683)

Chorus membership issues:

Bryan Hevel bryan.hevel@verizon.net


HoH “Rookie” program and information:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH E-Newsletter content & website:

Brad Grabill bradgrabill@yahoo.com

(727-560-8960) HoH uniform coordinator:

Dick Sipple wsipple372@aol.com


Tampa Chapter 2009 Officers and Boa rd of Directors President Bill Phipps president@heraldsofharmony.org Immediate Past President / VP-Events Nick Schwob nickschwob@tampabay.rr..com Treasurer Al Kelly treasurer@heraldsofharmony.org Secretary Larry Clapp secretary@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Music and Performance John Pennington jppennington@comcast.net Vice President - Membership Bryan Hevel membership@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Public Relations Steve Matheson contact@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Financial Development Bill Phipps development@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Performance Marketing Dave Roberts Daver1103@aol.com Board Member At Large Joe Kane ('09) bbshopr@verizon.net Board Member At Large Lee Lawrence (‘10) llawrenc@vha.com Board Member At Large Brian Bovino (‘11) bovino2000@aol.com Interim Music Director Steve Jamison chorusdirector@heraldsofharmony.org Assistant Music Director & Vocal Coach David Mills proclamation56@gmail.com

Helpful links...

Heralds of Harmony (HoH) – www.heraldsofharmony.org

HoH Online Photo Galleries- http://www.heraldsofharmony.org/gallery/

Sunshine District (& Sunburst) - www.sunshinedistrict.org

Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) – www.barbershop.org

HarmonetLite - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HarmonetLite

The original Harmonet - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bbshop

Finale NOTEPAD Software - http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/

The Tampa HERALD


Some classics from our


files. (More of this sort of genius work

next week!)

Information on SUBSCRIBING or UNSUBSCRIBING to the Heralds of Harmony email list can be found by visiting the

following link: http://lists.heraldsofharmony.org/listinfo.cgi/allhoh-heraldsofharmony.org

Weekly rehearsals: Tues, 7PM at Scottish Rite Auditorium, 5500 Memorial Hwy Tampa. Map link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5500+Memorial+Drive,+Tampa,+FL&sll=27.981251,-


Inside this issue:

Weekly E-Newsletter October 18, 2009



Tues, October 20

Regular rehearsal - 7pm

and weekly afterglow @

Recently seen at HoH ...

Chuch Steiner

Keith Starks & sons

Norman Delapouyade

Bill Manion

Rob Nichols

John Koehler

Dean Davis

Frank Ierna

The annual Heralds Christmas Shows will take place on Saturday, December 12, 2009 in the beautiful Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center. Mark you calendar NOW, and remember... NO ONE TELLS THE CHRISTMAS STORY LIKE THE HERALDS!

For online ticket ordering or phone contact...and more details - click HERE:


Christmas show tickets NOW ! 1

Our next rehearsal 1

At our recent rehearsal… 1

Newsletter subscription info 1

Map Link to our rehearsal hall 1

HoH events and rehearsal info 2

HoH online store 2

2010 HoH Officer election results 2

Another photo caption contest 2

Pick up some hotties at rehearsal. 2

The recent Youth Harmony workshop 3


Helpful links & HoH contact info 4

October (rehearsal 20, 27)

November (rehearsal 3, 10, 17, 24)

12 - HoH Board Meeting

December (rehearsal 1, 8, 15 )

Dec 12 - Heralds Christmas Shows at TBPAC

10 - HoH Board Meeting

January (rehearsal 5, 12, 19, 26)

14 - HoH Board Meeting

Jan 24-31 - BHS Midwinter Convention…

...in TAMPA!

March 13 - HoH Performs at Mariner Church in

Spring Hill, FL

April 9-10 - Spring Contest/Convention in


Calendar of HoH Events:

Page 2


& This week’s HoH photo caption contest

Here’s your newest chance at stardom… Email your suggested caption to: comm@heraldsofharmony.org Winner announced next week.

The Tampa HERALD

-”Gather around, Close your eyes, and interlock your fingers, feel the force.” -”No, no, no, Lynn...Joe...Steve....Dave...you're not listen-ing. For the last time, it's RING around the rosy, not SING around the Rosy.” -”OK, now this is how babies are made. The mommy and daddy start by holding hands...oh, never mind, you guys will never get it.” -”I'll tell you how you can make the audience ‘feel’ the per-formance, AFTER you take these Chinese handcuffs off me. I'm a judge for Pete's sakes. I have rights.” -”Hands off guys--that's my water!” - “… patty cake, patty cake…” ...AND THE WINNER IS….

At a recent HoH rehearsal, the following individuals were selected to serve the chapter in positions of leadership for 2010 (and beyond). Many thanks for their gracious willingness to serve the Heralds. They deserve our strong support and ongoing encouragement. Slate of Officers for 2010 President: John Santamaria Secretary: Larry Clapp Treasurer: Al Kelly Vice-president Music & Performance: Joe Kane Vice-president Chapter Development: Bryan Hevel Vice-president Public Relations: Steve Matheson Vice-president Finance Development: Bill Phipps Immediate Past President: Nick Schwob Board Member-at-Large, 2010: Randy Lawson Board Member-at-Large, 2011: Brian Bovino Board Member-at-Large, 2012: Mark Tuttle

“…and for our next exercise, lets all sit around the score sheet and sing ‘Kum bay ya my lord’” Submitted by Danny Wunderlin

LIKE PEP-PERS? If so… come to rehearsal and pick up a package of the home-grown hotties from Bob Weber. He’s making them available for a donation to the Youth

Page 3

SO… “who you gonna call” ? Need HOH information/assistance re: “FINALE” music and software:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com (727-505-2095)

HoH rehearsal videos:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH music librarian:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com


HoH learning tapes/cds:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com (352 638-0683)

Chorus membership issues:

Bryan Hevel bryan.hevel@verizon.net


HoH “Rookie” program and information:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH E-Newsletter content & website:

Brad Grabill bradgrabill@yahoo.com

(727-560-8960) HoH uniform coordinator:

Dick Sipple wsipple372@aol.com


Tampa Chapter 2009 Officers and Boa rd of Directors President Bill Phipps president@heraldsofharmony.org Immediate Past President / VP-Events Nick Schwob nickschwob@tampabay.rr..com Treasurer Al Kelly treasurer@heraldsofharmony.org Secretary Larry Clapp secretary@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Music and Performance John Pennington jppennington@comcast.net Vice President - Membership Bryan Hevel membership@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Public Relations Steve Matheson contact@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Financial Development Bill Phipps development@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Performance Marketing Dave Roberts Daver1103@aol.com Board Member At Large Joe Kane ('09) bbshopr@verizon.net Board Member At Large Lee Lawrence (‘10) llawrenc@vha.com Board Member At Large Brian Bovino (‘11) bovino2000@aol.com Interim Music Director Steve Jamison chorusdirector@heraldsofharmony.org Assistant Music Director & Vocal Coach David Mills proclamation56@gmail.com

Helpful links...

Heralds of Harmony (HoH) – www.heraldsofharmony.org

HoH Online Photo Galleries- http://www.heraldsofharmony.org/gallery/

Sunshine District (& Sunburst) - www.sunshinedistrict.org

Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) – www.barbershop.org

HarmonetLite - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HarmonetLite

The original Harmonet - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bbshop

Finale NOTEPAD Software - http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/

The Tampa HERALD

Some more Selections from

our “HEY LOOK…

I FIXED IT” files.


Information on SUBSCRIBING or UNSUBSCRIBING to the Heralds of Harmony email list can be found by visiting the

following link: http://lists.heraldsofharmony.org/listinfo.cgi/allhoh-heraldsofharmony.org

Weekly rehearsals: Tues, 7PM at Scottish Rite Auditorium, 5500 Memorial Hwy Tampa. Map link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5500+Memorial+Drive,+Tampa,+FL&sll=27.981251,-


Inside this issue:

Weekly E-Newsletter October 25, 2009



Tues, October 27

Regular rehearsal - 7pm

and weekly afterglow @

Recently seen at HoH ...

Chuch Steiner

Keith Starks & sons

Sammy Smith Jr.

Eleanor Solomon

Alexander Beltenko

Ralph Kleinlein

Bob Lang

Order Christmas show tickets NOW 1

Our next rehearsal 1

At our recent rehearsal… 1

Newsletter subscription info 1

Map Link to our rehearsal hall 1

HoH events and rehearsal info 2

HoH online store 2

The NEWEST Herald 2

Another photo caption contest 2

Mid-Winter BHS convention in Tampa 2


Helpful links 3

HoH contact info 3

The days are growing shorter… No, not like less than 24 hours… We just mean that your opportunity to secure the very best seats for the HoH 2009 Christmas show (on December 12) at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center are getting fewer and fewer. Many of the prime seats have been spoken for. But, not to worry. We can still “hook you up” with a great spot in the very beautiful Morsani Hall to hear the award win-ning Heralds of Harmony , the lush sounds of the Liberty Voices , and the gold medal artistry of MAX Q. Join us for another great Christmas show and you’ll go home saying, “No one tells the Christmas Story like the Her-alds!” (And… you’ll be right!) For online ticket ordering or phone contact...and more details - click HERE: http://heraldsofharmony.org/christmas2009/

October (rehearsal 27)

November (rehearsal 3, 10, 17, 24)

12 - HoH Board Meeting

December (rehearsal 1, 8, 15 )

Dec 12 - Heralds Christmas Shows at TBPAC

10 - HoH Board Meeting

January (rehearsal 5, 12, 19, 26)

14 - HoH Board Meeting

Jan 24-31 - BHS Midwinter Convention…

...in TAMPA!

March 13 - HoH Performs at Mariner Church in

Spring Hill, FL

April 9-10 - Spring Contest/Convention in


Calendar of HoH Events:

Page 2


& This week’s HoH photo caption contest

Here’s your challenge… Email your suggested caption to: comm@heraldsofharmony.org Winner announced next week.

The Tampa HERALD

Have you met him yet? Who…? Why John Koehler of course. John’s the newest addition to the HoH risers and the ever-talented (just ask them) Baritone section. Welcome aboard, John!

"Why do I ALWAYS have to sing Baritone?" "Wonder what barber he went to?"

"Ok, when do we go on?" And… the winner is…

"Ok, fellas. Big smile. Just one more for the Saturday Evening Prairie” - submitted by Drew Kirkman:

Click here for more Mid-Winter info: http://www.barbershop.org/tampa-midwinter-conventio n.html

Page 3

SO… “who you gonna call” ? Need HOH information/assistance re: “FINALE” music and software:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com (727-505-2095)

HoH rehearsal videos:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH music librarian:

Ed McKenzie serendipity91@gmail.com


HoH learning tapes/cds:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com (352 638-0683)

Chorus membership issues:

Bryan Hevel bryan.hevel@verizon.net


HoH “Rookie” program and information:

Brian Weber brianlweber@hotmail.com

(352 638-0683)

HoH E-Newsletter content & website:

Brad Grabill bradgrabill@yahoo.com

(727-560-8960) HoH uniform coordinator:

Dick Sipple wsipple372@aol.com


Tampa Chapter 2009 Officers and Boa rd of Directors President Bill Phipps president@heraldsofharmony.org Immediate Past President / VP-Events Nick Schwob nickschwob@tampabay.rr..com Treasurer Al Kelly treasurer@heraldsofharmony.org Secretary Larry Clapp secretary@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Music and Performance John Pennington jppennington@comcast.net Vice President - Membership Bryan Hevel membership@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Public Relations Steve Matheson contact@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Financial Development Bill Phipps development@heraldsofharmony.org Vice President - Performance Marketing Dave Roberts Daver1103@aol.com Board Member At Large Joe Kane ('09) bbshopr@verizon.net Board Member At Large Lee Lawrence (‘10) llawrenc@vha.com Board Member At Large Brian Bovino (‘11) bovino2000@aol.com Interim Music Director Steve Jamison chorusdirector@heraldsofharmony.org Assistant Music Director & Vocal Coach David Mills proclamation56@gmail.com

Helpful links...

Heralds of Harmony (HoH) – www.heraldsofharmony.org

HoH Online Photo Galleries- http://www.heraldsofharmony.org/gallery/

Sunshine District (& Sunburst) - www.sunshinedistrict.org

Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) – www.barbershop.org

HarmonetLite - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HarmonetLite

The original Harmonet - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bbshop

Finale NOTEPAD Software - http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/

The Tampa HERALD


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