weird & wonderful restaurants of the world

Post on 04-Aug-2016






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No matter what the distinct signature of each restaurant and serving fine cuisine underwater or in the sky. All of these restaurants share the same different goal to turn an ordinary meal into an unforgettable event. for more details :-


Weird & Wonderful Restaurants Of The World

Ithaa Undersea Restaurant, Maldives

Jacques Cousteau meets Blue Water Grill at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island’s Ithaa, the world’s first aquarium-style underwater restaurant, set 16 feet below the surface of the Indian Ocean between a lagoon and coral reef.

Those lucky enough to score one of the dozen seats can dine with the fishes, surrounded by clear acrylic and 180-degree, below-water views.

The Clinic, Singapore

Singapore now has its own molecular gastronomy restaurant to join the ranks of Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck and Chef Ferran Adrià’s El Bulli, where food takes the form of weird science experiments: foams, liquid nitrogen, even an ultrasonic mixing technique used to create unique emulsions. Only The Clinic has gone a considerably bizarre step further. 

Dans le Noir?

Dinner in the Sky

Elevating foodies to new heights over cities all over the globe like Paris, Brussels, and Dubai, Dinner in the Sky offers 22 seat-belted guests a chance to dine at a seven-ton table attached to a crane, hovering 165 feet in the air. 

Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei

Fortezza Medicea, Volterra, ItalyThis may be one of the world’s most difficult reservations to secure. After all, not even New York’s Masa requires a thorough background check and the "OK" from Italy’s Department of Justice.

That’s because, in addition to serving fluffy gnocchi and robust Chiantis, most chefs, waiters, and sommeliers are also serving 25 to life. 

Redwoods Treehouse

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