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Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 2, Design The Perfect Lead Magnet.

I’m assuming that you’ve heard the phrase, the money is in the list. Well, that’s not entirely true.

You could have an email list of 5,000 people who are not your ideal clients, who have a discount mindset and would never buy from you. In that case, the money is not in the list. When you have this kind of email list, you run a launch and are sadly disappointed with the results. You worked so hard to create the service, program or product… and you wonder, what did I do wrong? Why didn’t people buy… they really need this.

The reason you didn’t make the sales you thought you’d make is because you don’t have the actual people who need what you are offering on your email list because your brand and marketing isn’t directly targeting your ideal client.

On the other hand, when you do the work to define your ideal client and create a lead magnet that is directly targeted to them, you are able to build an email list of ideal prospects who truly desire what you have to offer.

Then you build a relationship with your subscribers by consistently sending them good content via email - - the content could be either a blog, a video, an audio, a poem, or a recipe… you consistently send content you know will be helpful for your ideal clients.

So you see, the money is only in the list when it’s made up of ideal prospects who know, like and trust you and who believe in your ability to give them the solution to their painful problems.

And that’s what we are here to teach you… how to attract the right leads and turn them into loyal clients or customers via your email sales funnel.

When you can do that on demand, 24/7 you no longer have to ask the question, “how do I get more clients.” You no longer feel the anxiety of, “I need more clients. I need to make money.”

Implement the From Lead To Launch system and you’ll have stability in your business… you’ll have focus and you’ll confidently know how to generate revenue on demand. Consistent sales is the name of the game and we want you to feel at ease knowing that you have the right strategies in place to guarantee that you are making consistent sales.

Sales success is all about the numbers.

The more targeted people on your list, the more clients or customers you will have. For example, if your email list totals 500 people and you put out an offer to join your group program, at a 5% conversion rate which is on the high end of average, that’s only 25 people.

But if you have 1,000 people on your list you’d double your number of clients to 50. Fifty people paying you $250 for a 6-week program is $12,500, pretty sweet right?

But you wouldn’t have those 25 or 50 people without first doing your ideal client profile and creating a targeted lead magnet. So if you want to grow your business and make 5-figures each month then it’s important that you continue to do the work we are teaching you.

In this class -- Design The Perfect Lead Magnet we will be teaching you how to use free content as an ethical bribe to build your email list of prospective ideal clients.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this class:

Lesson # 1: What a lead magnet is and why you need one Lesson # 2: 3 different types of lead magnets Lesson # 3: How to setup your lead capture and thank you pages Lesson # 4: How to create the lead magnet content Lesson # 5: Where to promote your lead magnet

Not having a lead magnet that is used to collect qualified email leads on your website, at free talks, at trade shows, during networking and on social media is a critical mistake.

In order to have a consistent flow of new clients and customers it’s essential that you prioritize email list building… and the best way to do this is by using the perfect lead magnet to collect qualified leads.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Lesson # 1: What Is A Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is a piece of free content that you create with the intention of using as an ethical bribe to collect your prospective ideal clients contact information AKA leads.

Make no mistake about it, while the content is free, meaning leads don’t have to pay anything to access it, there is a transaction, a value exchange that needs to happen in order for the prospective ideal client to access the content.

The prospective ideal client has to enter their contact information on your lead capture page - - they fill in their name and email in order to get the free content delivered to them viaemail. When that transaction happens you’ve then got a new lead to nurture, market and sellto.

A lead magnet could be…

• A long-form blog post that includes a call to action within it to get instant access tothe lead magnet.

• A Multi-Day challenge that focuses on solving one small problem.• A pdf resource guide that gives prospective ideal clients a quick reference to source

things they are looking for or always asking questions about.• A pdf checklist designed to make life easier for them.• A 3-part video series that guides them to learn something.• An audio training or interview.

The perfect lead magnet promises a solution to a problem. It’s usually part of the bigger problem you are solving in your paid services, programs or product.

It moves the prospective ideal client from point A to point B. No one wants more information. We are all in information overload. What prospective ideal clients want is an outcome.

What will they gain after they consume your content? How will their life improve? Refer back to your ideal client profile. What is one, singular problem you can solve quickly?

For example:

Get instant access to 7 ‘grocery store’ foods that will reduce bloating, water retention and curb sugar cravings within 24 hours of eating them.


Wasting too much time doing repetitive admin and customer service tasks each week? Get FREE instant access to my favorite 11 FREE tech tools that will save you 5 hours a week and practically automate your online business for you.

The perfect lead magnet is specific. It communicates a promise. It solves a problem. It gives the prospective ideal client a small win in advance of working with you.

Think of the last example. It solves a problem and is specific.

The problem is that the lead is spending too much time on repetitive tasks. The solution is that they need to have the list of the 11 free tech tools. The promise is that those tools should save the lead at least 5 hours a week.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

The content isn’t overly complicated or complex. It’s content that is laser focused and can be consumed quickly.

Why You Need The Perfect Lead Magnet.

It’s simple really… how else are you going to collect leads if you don’t have anything to offer leads in exchange for their contact information. A person’s name, email or phone number holds tremendous value - - it’s your job to create the perfect lead magnet so that it’s perceived equal in value to their contact information.

The perfect lead magnet is the entry point into your world. It’s the opening door to your sales funnel.

It gives you the opportunity to welcome the new leads into your world and introduce them to your personality and teaching style. It gives you the ability to build rapport and trust prior to selling to them.

People buy from people they know, like and trust.

The lead magnet does more than inform... it should be created with the intention of actually changing the state and mindset of your prospective ideal client so they become primed to enrol in your services or programs or buy your product.

Way #1: Facilitate a WIN.

The content should be actionable enough so that the lead can immediately implement whatever instruction you are giving them so that it results in a quick win. In other words, you want the lead to take action on whatever you are teaching them so they obtain a confidence building positive result.

Way # 2: Overcome potential objections.

Prospective ideal clients will have objections that will block them from enrolling in your services or from buying your products. It’s important for you to be acutely aware of these potential objections so that you can overcome them before the lead thinks of them.

You can include the top objections in your lead magnet content either as paragraph headings or as a Q & A section.

Way # 3: Inject social proof.

Demonstrate to your leads that you’ve helped other people just like them. And if you can help other people just like them then surely you’ll be able to help them too. Use examples whenever possible of client experiences. Adding social proof in the form of written testimonials, before and after photos or video testimonials will skyrocket your credibility and help to build trust with the lead.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Lesson # 2: 3 Different Lead Magnets

Choosing the type and format of the lead magnet you create is actually the easy part. You’ve already done the hard part in creating an ideal client profile and determining the big promise your lead magnet is making.

In this section we are going to outline 3 different kinds of lead magnets that we know work really well to attract and convert ideal clients.

You don’t have to create all 3. Pick one to create. Choose the type and format of the lead magnet based on what would benefit your ideal client the most.

As we work through each of the 3 lead magnet examples, we are going to recommend a format with each example, but again, you don’t have to create it in the format we suggest. Always think about what’s best for your ideal client.

Remember the goal is to create a lead magnet that can be quickly and easily consumed.

Here are some things to think about when choosing a lead magnet format:

Think of the life stage of your ideal client - consider how your prospective ideal client would like to consume the content.

For example, if your ideal clients are post-natal moms then you’re not going to want to create a lengthy pdf… an audio format would be best so they could listen to it while walking, nursing or grocery shopping.

Keep it simple - Choose the lead magnet type and format that you can easily create. You should be able to create your lead magnet in under a week’s time.

Take the path of least resistance - Stay within your strengths. This is not the time to test out video if you’ve never filmed a video before. Choose a format you feel comfortable with so you can get it created quickly.

Rapid consumption is better - You’ve offered a promise and the ideal client wants the outcome. The faster the ideal client can take action and get the benefit of your promise the quicker they are primed to move through your sales funnel.

Ok, now it’s time to choose the best kind of lead magnet for your business and ideal clients.

Lead Magnet # 1 - The Resource Guide

If you’re familiar with the tech platform Leadpages this is the kind of lead magnet they recommend in their trainings. The 1-2 page resource guide is mostly text. It’s the lead magnet we recommend if you don’t think of yourself as a great writer or are new to writing, marketing and client attraction.

What resources do you curate? Well, that depends on the promise you are making. Are you saving your ideal client time, money, energy or improving their health, their mood, even their sex drive?

When deciding what resources to curate think back to your ideal client profile. What is a question or challenge your ideal client commonly has? How can you make their life easier?

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Do they ask you about supplements, time management, tech tools, design tools, travel destinations, kids programs? Would it be helpful for them if you put together a resource guide of meal examples, paid ad templates, recipes, brand recommendations etc.

What resources do your ideal clients want so badly they’d be willing to pay for the information but instead feel like they are getting a gift because the resource guide is positioned as free.

Once you know the promise you’re making, the next step is the fun part - - the curation research. Once you’ve got your list of resources compiled, lay them out on a word document; add some nice fonts, colours and images and you are done. Your perfect lead magnet is created.

Lead Magnet # 2 - 5 Day Challenge

The Multi-Day challenge is a lead magnet that is created to solve one problem quickly, over a 5 day period using drip content, giving the new lead a small win within 5 days of coming in contact with you.

The problem you’ll help your ideal client to solve should be directly related to the bigger transformation or outcome you are promising in your program.

For example:

Multi-Day Breakfast Challenge - this would be for clients who skip breakfast who also want to lose weight, balance blood sugar and hormones. You teach them why breakfast is the most important meal of the day and how without it losing weight is 10x harder. Then you challenge them to eat a breakfast prescribed by you for the next 5 days so they can balance blood sugar, slim down and reset their hormones.


Multi-Day Instagram Challenge - this would be for someone who is selling an Instagram product. You would create a challenge that gets your leads posting on IG daily. You’d teach them how to use some of the IG tools so they could grow their following over a 5-day period.

With the 5-day challenge, your leads should receive a daily email from you over the 5-day period with a new lesson and action task. You want them to learn and then to take action. Avoid making the mistake of only teaching them without giving them an action task.

The daily lesson could be delivered as pre-scheduled email content or you could get ambitious and record video or audio lessons.

The Multi-Day challenge is great because it gives you time to communicate with your leads, to nurture and build rapport with them and to demonstrate your expertise.

You can take this Multi-Day challenge one step further by adding in a closed Facebook group.

This would give you another opportunity to engage with your leads on a regular basis… the downside to a free closed Facebook group, is that you could overdo it on the teaching, support and engagement and then your leads won’t feel compelled to invest in your service, product or program - - be careful not to give away the farm for free.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

What content should go into your Multi-Day challenge?

Think back to your ideal client profile - - what is one problem your prospective ideal clients have that could be solved quickly?

Think about something they have fear around, something they don’t know how to do but want to do, something that you know they need to do but need ongoing support to achieve.

What can you teach them in 5 days that would help to build their confidence? The intention of the 5-day challenge is to give them a goal and then to get them to take action so they can achieve it.

Then each day builds on the previous so that by the end of the 5 days they have achieved the goal set out by the challenge and feel so good about themselves… then you identify their next problem and offer them a solution in the form of your paid program, product or service.

- You see, no matter how many problems you solve, there will always be another to solve - which is why the lead will feel motivated to work with you.

How do you put together your Multi-Day challenge?

Once you know the specific goal your challenge will achieve you plan out the daily content. Think about the 5 things you need to teach and the order in which they should be taught. Do a brainstorm.

Brain dump all of the details you want your leads to learn and then organize them into first, second, third, fourth and fifth steps. Be careful not to pack in more than one action task in each of the daily emails.

The promised goal you are making with this challenge needs to be as clear and specific as possible.

After you’ve organized your 5 teaching points you’ll need to add an action task to each one. Getting your leads to take action on what they just learned is critical to helping them achieve a win and get the promised results.

The learning lesson each day should be short, no more than 3 to 5 minutes to consume. The single action task should be very clear - - you’ve just learned this, now go and do this today.

Each daily challenge should include a call to action - - you want the lead to report back to you especially if you are using a free closed Facebook group - - Something like, share one thing you enjoyed about today’s challenge in the Facebook group.

Always relate the learning lesson and action task back to the big Multi-Day goal. Explain how it all fits together.

How Do You Deliver The Multi-Day Challenge?

In order to deliver the Multi-Day challenge you are going to need an email marketing platform that has follow-up emails or autoresponders. You will create the challenge content and then 5 daily emails that will be loaded into a follow-up sequence.

Each email will be delivered one day after the previous so that leads can start the challenge anytime they want to.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Let’s go through a suggested email sequence you could use for your Multi-Day challenge. We have a checklist of the recommended components and a 7-day challenge example for you.

Email # 1 - Welcome and Day 1 Challenge (delivered immediately after the lead subscribes)

There are two main sections within this email.

The first section welcomes your new lead into the challenge, gets them excited to participate, reiterates the promised goal and then explains what’s going to happen over the next several days. If you intend to include a link to a free closed Facebook group then you would include it here.

The second section includes the Day 1 Challenge content. This is where you add the learning lesson and action task. If your learning lesson and action task is all text based then you would add it all right into the body of the email. If your learning lesson and action task is video or audio based then you would link to those files.

It’s important to close these emails by building up a sense of anticipation for what’s coming next. The goal is to hold people’s attention so add in a closing paragraph that encourages people to look for the next email you are going to send them.

Email # 2 - Day 2 Challenge (delivered 24 hours after the previous)

In this email you want to recap the action task from day 1. You want to get leads excited about completing it and reinforce the positive feelings they experienced. Then you want to move into day 2 - - communicating why day 2 is the next step in relation to achieving the overall goal.

Include the learning lesson and action task.

To build momentum tease what’s coming up next in the day 3 challenge. Remember to include a call to action - - ask your leads to communicate how they are doing either by replying to the email or by posting it in the Facebook group.

Remember, in the majority of cases these are organic, free leads. In business, it’s rare to have a captive audience of potential clients fall in your lap. Most businesses have to pay to acquire qualified leads. We encourage you to schedule time each day to engage with your challenge subscribers.

Yes, it’s time consuming to reply back or to engage in your Facebook group but people don’t buy from strangers, they buy from people they know, like and trust.

Email # 3 - Day 3 Challenge (delivered 24 hours after the previous)

In this email you want to get a bit more personal and share some details about your story - - you want to demonstrate empathy - - think back to your ideal client profile. How does the prospective ideal client feel at first point of contact with you? What do they think?

Tell a bit of your story from that perspective. Demonstrate to the lead that you know how they feel in this moment. Sharing your story shouldn’t be overlong; one or two short paragraphs at the most.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Try to relate the story back to the day 3 challenge. Connect your story with the action task and communicate how critical it was for you to learn - - then share how it helped you transform.

Now move into the days learning lesson and action task.

Email # 4 - Day 4 Challenge (delivered 24 hours after the previous)

We are coming up to the end of the Multi-Day challenge. In this email you want to review the previous days and summarize the positive results they should be experiencing.

Day 4 is where you can introduce and tease your sales offer - - for example, if you’ve already got great results from this challenge I know you are going to want to know more about my XYZ program or product. I’ll share more about it in the next few days but for now let’s focus on completing the Multi-Day challenge.

After you’ve summarized the previous 3 days and teased your sales offer you include the day 4 challenge learning lesson and action task.

Email # 5 - Day 5 Challenge (delivered 24 hours after the previous)

This is the wrap up email. It screams excitement. Start off the email with something like, “You did it! You’ve got to the last day of the Multi-Day challenge.” You want your leads to feel super excited about finishing the challenge. Communicate how proud you are of them…

Include the day 5 challenge learning lesson and action task. The call to action in this email should be to share one big positive result or shift they experienced.

In the day 5 challenge email you want to walk them through the promised outcome and relate how the daily challenges solved the problem. Then you want to point out the remaining, bigger problem… that’s the problem you’re promising to solve in your program, product or service.

For example, Hey, you’ve solved this mini problem but remember you’ve still got this big problem you need to solve - - include a mention of how you’ve created a service, program or product that will support them.

Congratulate them on a job well done and remind them you’ll be following up in the next couple of days. This is when you transition into your email sales funnel.

Lead Magnet # 3 - A Cheat Sheet

The cheat sheet has a different look and feel to the resource guide. A cheat sheet is a short, quick, usually 1-page guide -- like a blueprint or a mind map.

Like the other two lead magnets -- the resource guide and the Multi-Day challenge, the cheat sheet needs to make a promise and solve a problem.

What step-by-step information do your prospective ideal clients need immediately? A cheat sheet is a great way to collect leads via your blog posts. It provides almost instant results and is very easily consumed.

You would create the content in a Word document and then pretty it up with some nice fonts, colours and graphics. Then save it as a pdf and voila… you are done.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

We’ve included 2 cheat sheet examples, which you’ll find in the download section.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Lesson # 3: Setting Up The Opt-In & Thank You Page

Welcome back… in this lesson we will be going over how to setup your opt-in and thank you pages.

Now that you’ve selected the perfect lead magnet for your business, you’ll need a way to capture the your lead’s contact information and deliver the content. The only way to do this is by creating a lead capture page and connecting it to your email marketing platform.

Now, there are many different names for this type of page:

Landing page Opt-in page Lead capture page Squeeze page Subscription page

It doesn’t matter what you call it but you need to create a page where the free transaction takes place. The goal of the opt-in page is to collect the lead’s name and email so that you can nurture, market and sell to them.

There are 7 essential elements you must have on your opt-in page:

1. The headline: Instantly catch your ideal client's attention with a benefit rich headline2. The benefits: how is this content going to help them, include 3 to 5 bullets,3. The call to action: what do you want them to do?4. The opt in form: you need a place for them to enter their contact info5. Social proof: include a review or success story if you have one6. Lead magnet graphic: create an eye catching graphic7. About you: include 1-3 sentences about yourself, together with a headshot

After the prospective ideal client opts in - - meaning they’ve raised their hand and said, yes, I’d like this information and in exchange for it I’m going to give you my name and email they need to be sent to a thank you page.

There are 3 essential elements that you should have on your thank you page:

1. A thank you with next steps: tell the new subscriber what is going to happen now.

2. An invitation: have a call to action to LIKE your Facebook page and/or join your freeFacebook group if you have one.

3. Social media sharing: add social media sharing buttons.

How To Write A Juicy Headline

The headline or subject line is what will catch your ideal client's attention. There has to be something in it for them, if not they won’t feel compelled to continue to read down the page. I’ve got 5 tips to help you craft attention grabbing headlines.

Tip # 1: Use numbers in your headlines

Odd or obscure numbers work better than even ones. The next time you are at the grocery store and are in the checkout line pay attention to the magazine headlines, I bet you’ll find a bunch of headline with the number 5, 7 or 9 in them.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Tip # 2: Use emotionally charged adjectives

I love a good adjective that evokes a feeling. Using words that describes the result is a great way to grab attention. Words like, effortless, fun, strange, essential, painstaking, ultimate, success, mind-blowing, simple, horrifying. Use an adjective to describe the one big outcome you are promising.

Tip # 3: Make a promise.

Be bold in your headline. Offer up a promise or a benefit that they will receive by reading your blog or email. What’s in it for them? For example if you have an article about protein powders, instead of titling the blog something like The best protein powders you could title it The 7 Ultimate Protein Powders That Won’t Break The Bank.

Here’s a headline writing formula I love to use to create awesome headlines:

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

Now that we know what content goes on the opt-in and thank you pages let’s talk about putting all of the pieces of the optin puzzle together. Remember this is the page that you are sending traffic to before they ever see your sales page or receive any sales offers from you. This page is your first impression.

Your opt-in page is connected to your email marketing platform so that when a new lead subscribes their email is automatically dumped into the email list that delivers your lead magnet content and sends out your nurture emails (you’ll learn more about those in a later class) .

We recommend using Leadpages to create the opt-in and thank you pages and Aweber for your email marketing platform. If your budget is super tight then you could just use Aweber to create your opt-in and thank you pages in addition to being your email marketing service provider but they definitely won’t look as nice or convert as well as they would if you used Leadpages.

Now that we’ve covered how to set up your opt-in and thank you pages, it’s time to get down and dirty writing your lead magnet content. Talk to you in the next lesson.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Lesson # 4: How to create the lead magnet content

Welcome back - - in this lesson we are going to work through brainstorming and creating the lead magnet content. Let me start off by saying creating your lead magnet shouldn’t take you longer than a day or two. Yes, you want the content to be stellar and professional… but stellar and professional doesn’t mean that it should take six months to create it.

All content creation should start with the end in mind: What objections are you overcoming and what problems are you solving? You’ve already identified the big promise… the problem you are solving with your lead magnet so now it’s time to map out the content that your ideal client needs to learn and action in order to get the result; the result being to save time, to save money, to have more energy, to lose weight and to learn a new skill etc.

The worksheet that corresponds to this class has an outline explaining how to create your lead magnet content so make sure you download that. In fact, pause this audio, go and download it now and then come back and resume.

We’re now going to throw a kink in your chain. Before you rush off to create your lead magnet content we want you to go back to your ideal client brainstorm. Take some time to get the bigger picture clear in your mind of where your ideal client is now, where they want to go and what steps you need to teach them in order for them to get there.

Where does your ideal client want to be? Where are they now? What are the objections I need to help them overcome? What are the tools I need to share with them? What are the beliefs I need to instill in them?

Based on that picture you can choose which of the three lead magnet options would best serve your ideal clients and work for your business. Now it’s time to roll your sleeves up and create the perfect lead magnet content.

Before you get started here are a few things to bear in mind - -

As experts, we often have a lot that we want to teach. Write everything you want to teach down on the page and then ruthlessly edit it. Read your content slowly, out loud, as if you were teaching or presenting to a class. Doing this will help you hear where you might be getting a bit wordy, or on the other hand, are missing an important part of the message.

Sometimes it can be hard to step out of our own heads, so it can be helpful to share your content with a colleague or friend you trust who can give you feedback.

Keep in mind who you are creating this content for - - if time is the problem you’ll want to create content that is clear, succinct and easily digestible.

Finally, play to your strengths. If writing isn't your thing then record an audio and get it transcribed. If you’d rather record an audio but don’t feel comfortable just riffing, then take the time to script it out. Take the path of least resistance and focus on getting your lead magnet done.

Before you go make sure to check out the class resources in the download area.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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