welcome back to school! ms.jilek: human geography

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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WElcome back to school!Ms.Jilek: Human Geography

EQ: What is Human Geography 9/8

Bell Ringer

Make a nametag on the blank paper•Write your first name and last initial•Draw a model/diagram which represents you•In your model include at least 5 things that describe who you are or what you like•My example is on the board

Syllabus• Rules and materials (late sign in/what did I

miss binder/late work forms)• Remind.com and parent consent for filming• HW: Annotate 1st 2.5 (through grading)

pages of syllabus and sign up for remind(tomorrow)

• Who are you-Thursday• Parent Signatures-Thursday• Materials-Thursday

Answer questions below on the back of the activity sheet for today

•A. What do you think you are going to learn about in this class?

•B. What do you expect from this class? (content, activities, rigor etc.)

•Discuss as class

Ice Breaker Activity

• You have 4 minutes to get to know your classmates and connect your lives to Human Geography

Class Discussion

• Share out answers

• Find units that match topics

EQ: What makes an excellent discussion? 9/9

Bell Ringer (Put nametags out)

•Multiple Intelligences Survey-take survey and read about your highest results.

•Discuss results-Students stand up for each

•Add to name tag and who are you sheet


• Who are you?

• Parent signatures-syllabus and filming consent form

• Materials


• Wiki

• Student station and Ponder post its

• Grading scale (HW late points, participation)

• Questions from HW annotations

• Finish filling in units and questions at the bottom of the sheet from yesterday

Answer on the back of sheet from yesterday

• A. Why is it important to know how to engage in respectful and meaningful discussion?

• B. Write 3 discussion norms for our class

• Write norms on the board

• Read academic conversation sheet

• Star 2 norms that you already excel in or will be easy for you and circle 2 norms that you will find difficult and want to improve this year

Discussion Practice!

• Do you agree with the results of your multiple intelligence test? Do you think your intelligences are valued at school and you are able to learn and express learning in these ways?

• Kenwood should have uniforms


• Who are you?

• Parent signatures-syllabus and filming consent form

• Materials

EQ: What makes a good reader? 9/10

BR: Personal Reading History

•Read and answer the questions on a piece of notebook paper

• Class discussion-personal reading history

• Tutoring days/ times (Tuesday-after school, Wednesday-lunch, Thursday-before school)

• Binder organization

• You Rock/late documentation

• Explain class roles-vote on roles


• Letter to future self-Monday

Bell Ringer 9/11

• Reading and writing assessment

9/11 Discussion

• Do you have a personal connection to 9/11?

• What are your beliefs, opinions and thoughts about 9/11

• What questions do you have about 9/11?


• Letter to self-Monday

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