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October 8, 2017

this week’s issue

Worship | Church Life | God’s Word

Men’s Ministry | Women’s Ministry | Student Ministry

Kids’ Ministry | Preschool Ministry | Leadership Team

Connect Church

If you are visiting with us for the first time, WELCOME!

We are glad it was your choice to worship Christ with us today.

We hope this time of praise and the study of God’s Word will be an encouragement for you.

Please join us between services for refreshments and fellowship.

I love this church because

my church family reflects

1 John 4:7, “Beloved,

let us love one another,

for love is of God; and

everyone who loves is born

of God and knows God.”

I serve Jesus with you by

helping with the Middle and High School students. I’ve traveled

to Haiti on two of our mission trips. I serve at the local outreach

opportunities presented at Connect Church. I am involved with

a Bible Study group and Discipleship with the men in our

church. I also help set up for the saints and unto the Lord so

that we can gather together in His name.

Christians in America are blessed to have complete

accessibility to the Bible. With such ease of access, many

of us sometimes forget what a blessing it is to be able to

read Scripture at any time. The possession of a Bible

would result in persecution in numerous other countries

around the world, but Americans have the freedom to

open up Scripture and hear God’s Word.

... reading the Bible is only the beginning of where God’s

Word can lead on your faith journey.

The Bible is not for speed-reading. Instead, slow down and

ponder what you’re reading. When you come across a

verse that you find meaningful to your life, meditate on it.

Read the passage multiple times, and allow it to speak

into your situation. From Crosswalk.com

Acreage campus


Royal Palm campus



In Times Like These

Will Lopes

The Love of God

North Central University


Chris Tomlin

Except for Grace

The Martins

Whom Shall I Fear

Chris Tomlin

Acreage campus

Here For You

Matt Redman

Whatever You Want

Gateway Worship

Like Incense



Chris Tomlin


Chris Tomlin

Christmas Production

Worship Choir Rehearsals No experience needed

and it’s open to anyone.

Rehearsals begin at 7:30 PM

Royal Palm Coffee Shop.

The Christmas Production will be held

at the Acreage campus on Dec. 24th.

Multiple award winning and GRAMMY nominated artist Jeremy Camp

just released his new studio album, The Answer.

"I can't wait for everyone to hear these songs," shares Camp about the

new album. "After all these years, it's amazing how the well to draw

from never runs dry, when we rely on Him. The Lord continues to give

deeper and deeper songs that speak to different seasons of life.”

Download this album for a season of uplifting and encouragement

through these songs.

Make plans now to attend this conference which will both

inspire and challenge us as parents, grandparents, or simply

concerned adults who desire to influence children and youth

for God. What will the next generation look like? That all

depends upon how much we will invest in their future.

Church Life

God’s Plan for Giving There’s a simple principle in Scripture that provides an answer to the question of “How much?” The idea comes from … 2 Corinthians. In these verses, the apostle Paul explains exactly how much you should give. “Every man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Perhaps you were expecting something that looks a little more like a financial plan. Paul doesn’t offer any calculations of gross and net, nor does he share depreciation schedules or dividend tables. He just says to give whatever you decide in your heart to give. That’s it. And while it may not seem like a very substantive answer, it’s the only answer we need to guide our giving. In a way, the plan is refreshingly simple. “Not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

From Fields of Gold

Our formal offer to the developer of Westlake,

Florida to purchase the property for a

permanent Acreage campus has been made.

Prayerfully, the company will accept our offer soon. You have been so

faithful as a church family to give toward the purchase of the land through

your gifts to FORWARD – Faith in Action. The current amount given is

$315,986.06 which is 27% of the $1,183,172 pledged amount. Thank you!


Ask an Operation Christmas Child

Representative Today!

Starts today

Join our pastors as they

lead us in greeting our

Acreage neighbors!

October 14th at 8:30 AM

we will meet at the

Acreage Burger King.

Our purpose for the

morning is to distribute

Connect Church invitations and visit those we meet. Don’t miss out on this

Outreach Mission opportunity to make new friends! For more information

contact Pastor Jim. jim@cc.today.

Church Life Seniors,

Join us October 13th at 6:30 PM in the

Activity Center on the Royal Palm

campus for a time of fellowship, fun, games,

laughter, and a great meal.

Bring your favorite side dish to add

to the dinner as we enjoy this time together.

See you then!


Make plans to attend the

upcoming family friendly movie

night with your children. There will

be free popcorn, candy, pizza and

drinks for everyone to enjoy.

Please register at cc.today for this

‘free’ event to reserve your seat

and treats today.

It’s not too late! Join in this Wednesday Evening for a University of Christian Life course. Royal Palm and Acreage campuses 7:00 PM

Mission Statement

To glorify God by leading others to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

October 15, 2017

Royal Palm campus 9:30 AM - Dr. Dale R. Faircloth 11:00 AM - Pastor Josh Sharpe

Acreage campus 9:30 AM - Pastor Jim Sims 11:00 AM - Dr. Dale R. Faircloth

Teaching Pastor Schedule

Photographs contributed by:

Dennis Jordan & Gaby Altman


Last Week’s Attendance & Offering

Offering $ 34, 312.93

20/20 Vision $ 999.00

Royal Palm campus • 6:00 PM • $5.00 per person

The meal for the week:

It’s a Chick-fil-a Night!

Royal Palm campus 756

Acreage campus 198


October 8, 2017

Royal Palm campus 9:30 AM - Pastor Mike Eleveld 11:00 AM - Dr. Dale R. Faircloth

Acreage campus 9:30 AM - Dr. Dale R. Faircloth 11:00 AM - Pastor Jim Sims

Resource Center

Royal Palm



9:00 AM to 12:30 PM


6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

God’s Word - Time With God

This Week’s SOAP


M Exodus 25:1-2

T 2 Corinthians 9:7

W Exodus 25:3-8

TH Exodus 25:9

F Exodus 31:1-6

S 1 Samuel 16;7

Main Passage for October 15

Exodus 25:1-9; 31:1-6 CSB

Memory Verse: Exodus 31:6

“I have also selected Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, to be with him. I have put wisdom in the heart of every skilled artisan in order to make all that I have commanded you.”

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17

Observation: In this well-known passage of Scripture, God gives us the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments are vertical commandments, commandments that focus on our relationship with God. The last six commandments are horizontal commandments, commandments that focus on our relationship with our fellow man.

It is clear that God has expectations for us to live a righteous life. God wants us to live in right relationship with Him and our fellow man on earth. When we obey the commandments, we open the door of God's blessing in our lives. When we disobey the commandments, we invite God's correction, rebuke and discipline in our lives. It's as simple as that.

Application: God's expectations require personal action on our part. Obedience is not left as an option but as a command. After reading, studying, and understanding the commandments, we should set our hearts on obeying them. Our intentional obedience will bring about the blessings of a right relationship with God and our fellow man.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving me clear commands in the Bible. Please help me to set my heart on living a life of obedience. When I fail to obey You, please remind me to quickly ask for forgiveness. Thank you for your instruction, correction, rebuke, and training in righteousness that equip me for every good work. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen.

How Do I SOAP?

Today’s SOAP - from Pastor Sam Jay

Scripture - Read the passage of Scripture for the day and allow God to speak to you. Write down a verse which spoke to you.

Observation - Write your observation as to what is happening in the text. What do you believe is the point of the passage?

Application - Write down how the Scripture passage applies to your life today.

Prayer - Ask God to help you use this Scripture for greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.

Grab your Bible, a pen, and a notebook.

Get ready to hear from God

through His Word!

S.O.A.P. Scripture • Observation • Application • Prayer


1 Then God spoke all these words: 2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the place of slavery. 3 Do not have other gods besides me. 4 Do not make an idol for yourself, whether in the shape of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth. 5 Do not bow in worship to them, and do not serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the fathers’ iniquity, to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, 6 but showing faithful love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commands. 7 Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God, because the Lord will not leave anyone unpunished who misuses his name. 8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: 9 You are to labor six days and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. You must not do any work—you, your son or daughter, your male or female servant, your livestock, or the resident alien who is within your city gates. 11 For the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and everything in them in six days; then he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and declared it holy. 12 Honor your father and your mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. 13 Do not murder. 14 Do not commit adultery. 15 Do not steal. 16 Do not give false testimony against your neighbor. 17 Do not covet your neighbor’s house. Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. Exodus 20:1-17 CSB

Main Point


*Notes adapted from Explore the Bible, LifeWay Christian Resources. All Scripture passages from the Christian Standard Bible.

God gives a clear standard for holy living.

Next Steps

Additional Resources


If you find it impossible to perfectly keep these Ten Commandments to stay in perfect relationship with God, then pray for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Allow Jesus to wash away your past sins and empower you to live a spiritually victorious life.

“The Five Books of Moses”, F.B. Meyer; “The Exodus from Egypt”, John MacArthur;

“Lange’s Commentary – Exodus”, John Peter Lange; BibleStudyTools.com.

God’s Word - Devoted to Him

Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23A

Romans 1:25 Proverbs 14:12

Mark 1:15B Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 10:9

John 3:16A Colossians 2:14

Philippians 2:13 Ephesians 2:10

Genesis 1:31 Psalm 19:1

In the Bible,

power always follows obedience.

Sharon Jaynes

Obedience Opens the Door

“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15

Heeding God’s Word is more critical than fighting God’s war. Indeed, heeding God’s Word is fighting God’s war. Conquest happens as the covenant is honored.

Do you want the abundant life that Jesus promised (John 10: 10)?

Obey God’s commands.

What’s that? You expected something more mystical, exotic, intriguing? You thought that the abundant life was birthed from ecstatic utterances or angelic visions, mountaintop moments or midnight messages from heaven?

Sorry to disappoint you. “Obedience,” wrote C. S. Lewis, “is the key to all doors.” Don’t think for a second that you can heed the wrong voice, make the wrong choice, and escape the consequences.

At the same time, obedience leads to a waterfall of goodness not just for you but for your children, children’s children, great-grandchildren, and the children of a thousand generations in the future. God promises to show “love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” Exodus 20:6.

As we obey God’s commands, we open the door for abundant life. From Glory Days

Men’s Ministry

Jerry Radder

Men’s Ministry Director


One to One Discipling will

help you grow stronger in

your faith walk with Christ.

If you would like a mentor,

please contact Marlon

Francis at m4francis@gmail.com or Gene

Groat at atgroat619@hotmail.com for more


Men’s Connection Group:

Meets on Monday evenings at 7:30 PM

on the Royal Palm campus.

Contact Edgar Gregory for more

information. (edgar.gregory@pw.utc.com)

Explore the Bible Series

Wednesday • 7:00 PM

Worship Center


Join us for our next Men’s Ministry

breakfast on Saturday, October

28th from 8:30-9:45 AM in the

Activity Center on the

Royal Palm campus.

Doug McCary is a former U.S. Marine Harrier Pilot

and F.B.I. Agent. He is a survivor who has experienced God's protection

and peace in the midst of many dangerous and challenging situations.

Upon leaving his role with the FBI, Doug founded HisLight International

Ministries doing evangelistic missions work world-wide. Doug is the

co-host and founder of SWAT Radio, which can be heard nationally

Monday - Friday at swatradio.com.

When: 7:00 - 9:00 AM, Thursday, October 12, 2017

Where: Hilton Palm Beach Airport, 150 Australian Ave. WPB, FL

Guest Speaker: Doug McCary

Pricing $38.00 per ticket - Register Online at gatheringpb.com

Mark your Calendars NOW! The next Men’s Retreat

will soon approach in the early spring. It will be at Lake

Placid Conference Center in beautiful Lake Placid, FL.

More information to come soon.

Edgar Gregory, along with his Connection Group, would love to have you join them for Bible Study. They meet on Monday evening at 7:30 PM on the Royal Palm campus. Currently they are studying God's Word through the S.O.A.P process. For additional information, contact Edgar at edgar.gregory@pw.utc.com

Women’s Ministry

Understanding what God is saying in His

Word doesn’t have to be difficult.

Connect Church has trained mentors who

will help guide you as you seek Christ.

Contact Jodie Schmitz at Jodie@cc.today

if you would like to have a mentor help

guide you through God’s Word.

Rosa Madrigal

Women’s Ministry Director


Student Ministry

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Nights

Wednesday Nights

Royal Palm & Acreage campuses:

High School Students meet on the

Royal Palm campus from 6:30 PM

to 8:30 PM.

Royal Palm campus:

Meets in the Activity Center

at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM.

Acreage campus:

Meets in the Choral and Drama

Rooms at 9:30 AM.

All Middle and High School Students

meet on the Royal Palm campus in

the Activity Center from 7:00 PM

to 8:15 PM.

Sam Fowler

Student Ministry



Rachael Fowler

Student Ministry




If you would like to follow Jesus in obedience to His example in believers

baptism, please contact Pastor Tate Soles or Minister Sam Fowler to

discuss your next step in your faith journey.

Nadine Dillard Awana

Preschool Coordinator nadine@cc.today

Wendi Bean Awana

Kids Coordinator wendi@cc.today

Kids’ Ministry

Rachael Fowler Kids Coordinator


Cindy Tidd Preschool Coordinator


Sage Gaylord Kids Coordinator sage@cc.today

Memory Verse Galatians 6:10b

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us

work for the good of all,

especially for those who belong to the

household of faith.”

Preschool Ministry

Mom & Dad,

The holidays are quickly approaching!

Before we know it life will be even busier

than usual and if we’re not careful, we’ll

all be running on fumes and struggling

to get along! Amidst all of the preparations and parties,

don’t forget to play and rest as a family! Carve pumpkins

together, bake cookies, watch a fun holiday movie, or play

a game. Seek God’s will in what to do with your time and

seize the time you have with your family. “Redeem” your

time as the Bible tells us to in Ephesians 5:16-17.

Here’s what’s going on this Wednesday:

Little “1’s”: GOD made the sun.

Puggles: GOD made the vegetables.

Cubbies: Bear Hug 4

Memory verse:

“For HE spoke and

it came to be” Psalm 33:9


Would you like to stay connected

with AWANA? Join the Connect

Church AWANA group on Facebook.

Also you can sign up for Remind to receive a text

message about weekly Awana activities

text @wbean to the number 81010.


It’s helpful to create a fun learning experience for your preschooler as they consider the lessons they learn each week at church. This week, fill the tub with bubbles and ask your child to blow the bubbles apart to divide them as God blew on the Red Sea to part it. Then talk with them about the power of God.

“The Lord is my strength and song and He has become my salvation;” Exodus 15:2

‹ Preschool Kids ›

Hi Kids,

Today you learned about how God helped Moses and the Israelites across the Red Sea. Circle Moses in the picture. Then tell your parents the answer to these questions: Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? How did God divide the Red Sea? When you are in trouble, what is the best thing to do?

This week we are going on a Bear Hunt! Join us as

we follow clues to find a bear that is holding a special


This month in Awana we will learn about

Operation Christmas Child!

We are

going on a Bear Hunt,

so be ready!

Royal Palm campus

10701 Okeechobee Boulevard

Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

561.793.2475 phone


Leadership Team

Duval Madrigal

Pastor of Ministries duval@cc.today

Josh Sharpe

Pastor of Ministries josh@cc.today

Will Lopes

Pastor of Worship will@cc.today

Tate Soles

Pastor of Students tate@cc.today

Dr. Dale R. Faircloth

Elder and Lead Pastor dale@cc.today

Jim Sims

Campus Pastor jim@cc.today

Acreage campus

4601 Seminole Pratt Whitney Rd.

Loxahatchee, FL 33470

561.385.5871 phone


Carey Julien

Worship Leader carey@cc.today

Clayton Hutcheson


Fred Rogers


Mike Eleveld





Jimmy Maltese

Pastor of Ministries jimmy@cc.today

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