welcome to donnybrook tidytowns · 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2007 276 2007 2018 2017 2016 2015...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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Welcome to

Donnybrook TidyTowns

Information Evening & AGM

11th February 2019

Hampton Hotel, Donnybrook


1. Introduction – Sean Brennan

2. Finance - Declan Connolly

3. Governance - Alice Healy

4. Projects for 2019 - Sean Brennan

5. Open Floor

Congratulations – Donnybrook

Winners of a National TidyTowns Sustainability Award 2018

Winners of the Best Urban Village in Dublin City 2018

Silver Medalist – Best residential area Dublin City 2018

IntroductionBrief History - Reminder

Established and entered Tidy Towns Project (2007) 2013,covering the area from Donnybrook Church through to AnTaisce Bird (The Grove) sanctuary Morehampton Road.

Along with our stakeholders our focus is on enhancing thestreetscape, promoting the environment and showcasingwhat the community of Donnybrook has to offer.

Well recognised professional brand built up over the years.





St. Stephens Green


Eglington Road

Bective RFC

Old Wesley RFC



Tara Towes Hotel →





MAP Notes.

A → B defines points between

Village Boundary and Red line

marks main route

Adjudication area divided into 3

maps on following pages with

suggested routes.

2018 Report

Building upon previous years success

2018 - best year ever.

All-Ireland TidyTowns

11 additional points awarded. !! - Our

growth over the years has be constant and

this is down to sticking to our plan.

290/2019 ObjectivesReminder

5 Year Project Plan - final year.

Improve on adjudication score.

Enhance the Village-Scape

Become a modern sustainable & Vibrant Village

Grow the Group



Community Communications


Annual Information Sessions

Where we StandNational TidyTowns Success

From base of 215 to 287 points toward our goal of 290.













0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Total Points Progress

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2007










Where we StandAll-Ireland Tidy Towns Success

Donnybrook Scores by Categories

Highlighted text show our Major growth areas for 2018.

Category Max 2007 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Community Involvement & Planning 60 32 33 33 33 36 38 38

The Built Environment & Streetscape 50 29 32 33 38 38 39 42

Landscaping and Open Spaces 50 30 35 35 36 37 39 41

Wildlife and Natural Amenities 50 15 24 24 24 24 27 27

Sustainable Waste and Resource Management 50 5 8 8 9 10 12 15

Tidyness and Litter Control 90 46 47 45 46 50 50 51

Residential Areas 50 28 32 33 35 36 37 37

Approach Roads, Streets and Back Areas 50 30 30 32 32 32 34 36

TOTAL MARKS 450 215 241 243 253 263 276 287

26 2 10 10 13 11

Major Projects Completed 2018

Some of the projects that got us the points

The Plaza

Major Projects Completed 2018Seat and Retreat

Major Projects Completed

Maintaining the BuZz Shelter



Upcycling at Donnybrook Youth Club / Playschool

Don’t Leaf it To others Campaign


growth with

over 35


• Featured in adjudicators report• Loads of history and variety

Heritage Trail at the Crescent (Church Lane)

2. FinanceDeclan Connolly

Current financial Status

Our revenue sources

New initiatives

Main expenditure items

Accounts for 2018

Grant’s and Awards for 2018

• 3k Prize Funds from prize awards

• 2.5k From DCC Neighbourhood Awards

• 500 euro from National Tidy Towns award

• 1k Special Pobal National TidyTowns Grant. (seating)

• 400 euro grant from Local Agenda towards the

Mulberry Lane.

• 800 euro grant – aid from Dublin City Community

Development grants scheme.

• 504 euro grant – for educational workshops.

• Huge support and recognition from the various

Government agency bodies.

New Financial Initiatives for 2018/19Swap your Sandwich board for planter

• Duel purpose to incentivize

the businesses of de-

cluttering our footpaths with

sandwich boards

• 680 euro PA thus far.

• South Dublin Credit Union on

Board for 2019

• Enquiries from Donnybrook

Fair, Lyke Nu & MAO.

Other fund raising initiatives.

Church Gate collection

Donate Button on our website.

Proposed by Nick at AGM last year.

Major Expenditure Items

• Living Wall Project

• Mobile Watering System.

• Maintenance of Village

• Branding - jackets high viz etc

• Insurance

• Planters & planting

• Workshops.

• Administration – IT website,

correspondence etc

3. Community Development & Governance- Alice Healy

Community Events

Our Volunteers

Constitution and Governance Code

Election of Committee for 2019

Community EventsTeam Clean-Ups

Easter Egg Hunt

EventsSouls of Donnybrook

Our Volunteers

Growth of 5 additional volunteers from 2017 –huge asset.

Allows for new initiatives – Charlies Island, Trough, Fred’s Island

Mix of Like minded people with passion for surroundings and Village.

Offers platform community to voice concerns on their environment.

Our Volunteers

Also drawing from community services such as:

St. Margaret's Day care Centre Donnybrook .

Probation services programme

Volunteer Ireland

We need more Volunteers

Background team equally important as the - on the ground team

If you have IT skills – excel, word, email to help with administration

Financial Skills – to help with grant applications

Organisation Skills – to help set up rosters / follow up with team

Gardening Skills

Interest in environment

Constitution & Governance

Singed up to Governance Code of Ireland for voluntary groups.

Constitution adopted in 2015. All members must sign up to.

Fully accountable, meetings decisions documented. Split between Electronic and meet & greet.

Compliance with Dublin city Council Voluntary groups code of ethics.

Good and professional brand since established. 2016.



Parish Newsletters etc.



Election of Committee 2019

Proposal for Sean(ie) to stay on as Chairperson.

Proposal of Alice to stay on as Secretary

Proposal for Declan Connolly for Treasurer.

New position of Youth Committee Officer –Denise Brennan.

Request for Volunteers from floor.

Volunteers automatically invited to meetings if they so wish.

Amendment to constitution.

4.4 The AGM shall elect from within their numbers a

Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. No committee member

shall fill more than one position. Only one officer position per

household, business or grouping of the aforesaid three

principal officer positions

4.4 The AGM shall elect from within their numbers a

Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. No committee member

shall fill more than one position. Only one officer position per

household, business or grouping of the aforesaid three

principal officer positions, (Chairperson, Secretary & Treasurer).

4. Plans & Projects for 2019Sean(ie) Brennan

Along with maintenance and upkeep of

existing infrastructure.

Living Wall at Plaza

Mulberry Square / Lane

Sustainability / Composting

Dodder Greenway collaboration

Lamp Standards

A new plan

Donnybroook Plaza – Project Living Wall

Project Mulberry

Declaring Donnybrook a Biodiversity Village

• Flora and Fauna of area

• Educational.

Collaboration with

• Dodder Action Group

• Dublin City Council

Dodder Greenway

BuZz ShelterEco Zone

Restoring our Lamp standards

• Stronger alliances with the Business community.

• Collaborations with our educational institutions to win over next generation of community activists

Our new Plan

Village Development Plan (VDP)

QIR coded walking trail

Thank You All Very

Much for your attention

attendance & Support


Open Floor – Q & A

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