welcome to ….. eecs 1520 computer use: fundamentals or how i learned to stop worrying and love the...

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Welcome to ….

EECS 1520Computer Use: Fundamentals


How I learned to stop worrying and

love the computer

EECS 1520 -- Computer Use: Fundamentals

Instructor John Hofbauer

Office 2016-LAS

E-mail hofbauer@eecs.yorku.ca

Office hours see course website

Course website www.eecs.yorku.ca/course/1520

EECS 1520 -- Computer Use: Fundamentals

Evaluation• 9 Homework (2% each = 18%)

– weekly, paper printouts in dropbox

• Tests (first, 15%; second, 20%)– in class, approx. 45 minutes long

• Final Exam (47%)– All multiple choice: 100 M/C

questions with answers placed on Scantron form

– Content: all readings in Topics

EECS 1520 -- Computer Use: Fundamentals

How to do well in this course

• do all the homework exercises!

• read the book and study the notes

• attend lectures

• seek help if confused; ask questions

• write both tests


Video:Video:The Machine that Changed the worldThe Machine that Changed the world

Primary Website:Primary Website:waxy.org/2008/06/the_machine_that_waxy.org/2008/06/the_machine_that_changed_the_worldchanged_the_world

See “Week-01.1-video.doc” See “Week-01.1-video.doc” for more informationfor more information

A Short and Condensed History A Short and Condensed History of Computingof Computing

Part IPart IAncient History: up to 1930Ancient History: up to 1930

New book coming, Oct 7New book coming, Oct 7

Origins of Digital ComputersOrigins of Digital Computers

Early Calculating MachinesEarly Calculating Machines


Jacquard Loom (1804)Jacquard Loom (1804)

Charles Babbage (1791–1871)Charles Babbage (1791–1871)

Babbage’s Difference EngineBabbage’s Difference Engine

World’s First ProgrammerWorld’s First Programmer

Legacy of BabbageLegacy of Babbage

1880-1901 The Birth of the Modern 1880-1901 The Birth of the Modern Mechanical CalculatorMechanical Calculator


Hollerith TabulatorHollerith Tabulator

Early Pocket CalculatorsEarly Pocket Calculators

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