welcome to iosh chiltern branch · 2019. 5. 17. · 18th april 2019 program 1.15pm lunch 2pm...

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Welcome to IOSH Chiltern Branch

18th April 2019


1.15pm lunch

2pm – 2.30pm Chiltern Branch AGM & Chair’s Welcome

2.30pm – 3pm Bev Messinger

3pm – 3.30pm Margaret Dodwell

3.30pm – 3.45pm Tea Break

3.45pm- 4.45pm Panel Debate

Speakers: “The Leaders Perspective”

Bev Messenger IOSH CEO

Margaret Dodwell Lewisham Homes CEO

If You are New Come Say Hello!





Access to past presentations


Chiltern upcoming events

– 18th April – The Leaders Perspective: Ask the CEO with Bev Messinger

& CEO Margaret Dodwell CEO Lewisham Homes

– 16th May – Shuttleworth College, All Day – Booking now open!

– 20th June – Soft Skills – OSH Coaching for influence, Michael Emery


Would you like to sponsor an Event?

Shake, Rattle & Roll

Noise, HAVs, Work Equipment at Shuttleworth College

16th May 2019 All Day Event

Members £45 Non Members £60




1. Welcome

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Treasurers Report April 2018 – March 2019

4. Branch Chair Report – What Have we Achieved this year

5. Election of Member to Branch Committee for 2019

6. Election of Principal Branch Officers and Chair for 2019

7. Address – What to expect in coming year

8. AOB

Financial Update





IOSH second budget payment

• 30% of our income attained from organised events

Thanks to our supporters

• 70% our income attained from IOSH

• Total Income = £3480

Financial Update

• 87% of expense (including speakers cost) on branch meetings –maximum benefit to members

• 11% - Committee planning meetings• 2% - Admin cost





Branch Meetings Executive Meetings

Financial Update

• Expense £5205.47 (includes an IOSH reclaim of £1061.97)

• Income £3480• Expenses (excluding the reclaim) £4143.5• Deficit = £4143.5 - £1061.97 = £-663.5





Expense vs Income

Expense Income

Chairs Report - What have we achieved?

BRE – May 2018 & Feb 2019

Survey Results 2019

Main Points

• 10% Return

• 60% respondents have been to an event in last year

• Topics are the main driver for people attending closely followed by

being part of a professional community

• The welcome received had biggest satisfaction rating followed by

hotel facilities

• Most people prefer to meet at Holiday Inn followed by Milton


• Afternoon slots work well, request to shift evenings to 6pm-8pm

• Direct emails preferred comms followed by website/connect

Just some of our supporters

Election of Branch Committee 2019

Ray Jeffery

Rosemary King

Alan Plom

David Thomas

David Whitelegg

Mick Parcell

Principal Officers & Chair

Tony Cox

CommsAlison Newstead


Shurene Bishop-Simon


Tim Birkin


Graham Webb

Vice ChairLouise Hosking


What’s Coming Up

Future Program

1.15pm Lunch & IPD Clinic

2pm – 2.20pm Chairs Intro

2.20pm – 2.40pm Networking

2.40pm – 3.30pm Talk Part I

3.30pm – 3.45pm Tea Break

3.45pm- 4.45pm Talk Part II

Any evening Sessions will be 5.45pm – 8pm with a working snack

What’s Coming Up

• Topics Based on Survey• Structured IPD Clinics• Problem Solving• Use of skills in the room• Mixing Experience• Soft skills to Empower collaboration & influence

• Between other bodies• Regulators• IOSH Groups / Neighbours• Local Business• Grow Branch Reach• Structured Networking

• LinkedIn Review• Extend use Twitter• Local Networking /

Voices• Meeting needs of

global reach members

Sessions you requested

Technical Topics

• Work at Height

• CDM15

• Legal updates, court prep, more from regulators

• Hackitt Review and what comes next

• Fire Safety & fire risk assessment

• COSHH – Dusts, Bio & Chem hazards & PPE

• Lone Working & Remote Working

• Accident Management/RIDDOR

• Transport

• Mental Health Wellness

• Risk Assessment

• Ergonomics / DSE

Soft Skills

• Mentoring Skills

• Behavioural Safety

• Coaching & Effective Management Techniques

• Dealing with conflict & difficult conversations

• Leadership Workshops

• Problem Solving

• Inclusion

• Building Confidence

• Mental Fitness

• Report Writing

Save the Dates

3rd Thursday in each month

• 19th September 2019 – Work at Height

• 17th October 2019

• 21st November 2019 – Legal Update + Evening Session

• 16th January 2020

• 20th February 2020

• 29th March 2020

• 16th April 2020 – AGM

• 21st May 2020

• 18th June 2020

Bev MessingerCEO IOSH

Margaret DodwellCEO Lewisham Homes

IOSH Chiltern Survey Results

Q1 Have you attended branch in last 12 months?

Q2 If “no” why not?

Q3 What would encourage you to attend

Q4 If you do attend why?

Q5 How do you rate the following?

Q6 Where would you like meetings?

Q8 What time suits you?

Q9 How do you prefer to receive info?

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