welcome to it133 software applications unit 2. agenda this seminar we will cover: announcements ...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Welcome to IT133Software Applications

Unit 2


This seminar we will cover:AnnouncementsRemindersWordGetting started with assignment

Please ask questions at any time, just raise your hand //


CongratsAll is Graded-check your gradebook feedback

Discussion Tips


Please ask any questions you have. If you would like to inquire about grades (or other private issue) I will be on IM after seminar.

Contact Information

The fastest way to contact me is by email:

nmaines@kaplan.eduOffice Hours ID: nmaines@kaplan.eduMondays 1pm-2pm, ET Make sure you identify name, course and seminar time

Virtual Office

Chapter 2: What will Word Processing do for Me?

This week's seminar will focus on MS Word and its basic features. We will discuss the ribbon features and a variety of other basic Word features. We will also review this week's project.

Chapter 2: What will Word Processing do for Me?

When you first open Word, you may be surprised by its new look. Most of the changes are in the Ribbon, the area that spans the top of Word.

The Ribbon brings the most popular commands to the forefront, so you don't have to hunt in various parts of the program for things you do all the time.

Why the change? To make your work easier and faster. The Ribbon was thoroughly researched and designed from users' experiences so that commands are in the optimal position.

Chapter 2: What will Word Processing do for Me?

There are three basic components to the Ribbon. It's good to know what each one is called so that you understand how to use it.

  Tabs. There are seven basic ones across the top. Each represents an activity area.

  Groups. Each tab has several groups that show related items together.

  Commands. A command is a button, a box to enter information, or a menu.

Chapter 2: What will Word Processing do for Me?

At first glance, you may not see a certain command from a previous version of Word. Fret not. Some groups have a small diagonal arrow in the lower-right corner .

The arrow is called a Dialog Box Launcher. If you click it, you'll see more options related to that group. Those options will often appear in the form of a dialog box that you may recognize from a previous version of Word. Or they may appear in a familiar-looking task pane.

Speaking of previous versions, if you're wondering whether you can get the same look and feel of a previous version of Word, the simple answer is, you can't. But after playing around with the Ribbon a little, you'll get used to where things are and will like how easy it makes getting your work done.


Chapter 2: What will Word Processing do for Me?

Inserting an Image:1. You click the Picture Tool

command on the Insert tab. 2. You select a picture. 3. You choose the picture4. Once inserted you can resize or

move the picture.

Unit 2 Assignment

Project Details:Part 1: Write a Cover letter1. Include your name, address, and phone number (address can be made up).2. Include the company name and address to where you are applying (address can be made

up ifnot supplied).3. Include at least 3 paragraphs where you introduce yourself, highlight your skills (at least

3skills), and state why you are good fit.4. Change the font type to Arial and the size to 12 for your address and company's address.5. Bold the Company's address6. Set margins to 1 inch for the top and bottom and 1.5 for the right and left margins.7. Indent the first line of each paragraph.8. List your skills using bullet statements.9. Checked for and corrected any spelling and grammar errors.10. Project meets all the requirements as outlined above, is properly named (saved as) and

postedto the dropbox on time.

Assignment Rubric

1. Include your name, address, and phone 0-8

2. Include the company name and address 0-8

3. Include at least 3 paragraphs where you introduce yourself, highlight your skills (at least 3 skills), and state why you are good fit. 0-8

4. Change the font type to Arial and the size to 12 for your address and company's address. 0-8

5. Bold the Company's address 0-1

6. Set margins to 1 inch for the top and bottom and 1.5 for the right and left margins 0-8

7. Indent the first line of each paragraph 0-8

8. List your skills using bullet statements 0-8

9. Free of spelling and grammar errors 0-8

Total (Sum of all points)

To Do

Seminar DONE (or alternate Quiz)Unit Assignment for Unit 23 posts on 3 different days---1 response to

main prompt with at least 100 words—first post no LATER than Saturday

Well Done

Questions? Thanks for a wonderful Seminar – have a

fantastic week. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me via Kaplan email or IM.

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