welcome to our parisien learning community check out your child’s goals!!! 1. hello parents! your...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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WELCOMEto our Parisien Learning Community

Check out your child’s goals!!!

1. Hello Parents! Your child has written 2 goals for fifth grade

(one academic & one “success” behavior) on foam shapes.

Please take time to read them.

2. Now….it’s your turn to write goals you have for your child in

fifth grade.

3. Write one goal on each of the blank foam stars (one academic

goal and one “success” behavior/social goal) with a


4. These will be shared & posted for your child.

Back to School Night

Grade 5 Room 23

Mrs. Kathy Egan M.Ed. Elementary Education

Reading Specialist CertificationNational Writing Fellow

Warwick Elementary School2015 - 2016

Reaching new heights in 5th grade!

Getting to know Mrs. Egan!


Family Reunion

Kaitlyn, Evan and Mom-mom

Kaitlyn, Jamie, Tim Lainey

Tim, Kaitlyn, Jamie

Mr. Egan and Kaitlyn

The Family

Tonight’s AGENDA

Developing your child socially and

emotionally“Be the best you can be!”

• The Facts and Logistics About

Fifth Grade

Developing Your Child Socially & Emotionally

What can you expect our Parisien Learning Community to look like?

WHO are we?

Common goals

Give Feedback

Make mistakes

Problem Solve

Laugh a lot!


Learn & Grow

Care & Show Compassion

Values vs. Rules

Our class has identified values that they deem important to their success as people and students.

We will be good role models, helping each other practice these values every day

Our classroom management system is based on practicing these values

Warwick Wonders, Power Paws

Think Breaks






Questioning & Understanding through Engineering, Science, & Technology

Monday: Library Tuesday: Art (in classroom) Wednesday: MusicThursday: Quest Friday: Physical Education

A Typical Day in 5E

• 8:45-9:15 Arrival/Morning Tasks/Announcements

• 9:15-9:55 Special

• 9:55-10:35 Science/Social Studies

• 10:35-11:55 Math

• 11:55-12:55 LUNCH/RECESS

• 12:55 – 2:25 Reading

• 2:25 – 3:25 Writing

• 3:25-3:40 Class Meeting/Pack UP

• 3:40 – 4:05 Dismissal

Social Studies/Science9:55-10:35

Marking Period

Units of Study


Nature’s Recyclers

2Indians and Exploration


3 and 4

The Road to the Revolution

The Revolutionary War

WeatherThe Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Introduction to the Westward Expansion

Math 10:35-11:55

• Students switch classes

• Xtramath.org 3 times per week (checked every marking period)

• Everyday Math Games Online

• Homework posted on teacher sites

• Maintain math notebook

• SRB & Study Links online accesseverydaymathonline

• Test Alerts with standards/skills being assessed (few days prior)

• www.tenmarks.com

Accelerated Math Rooted in fifth grade CBSD curriculum Enhanced with sixth grade CBSD concepts & skills Accelerated pace

Report Card Grades *Scores of meeting and exceeding the standard for all descriptors in MP 4*Scores of exceeding the standard for more than one descriptor during MP 4

Teacher Recommendation REQUIRED

4th Grade End of Year Test 90 % or higher

4th Grade Portfolio Task B 80% or higher

4th Grade PSSA Score 1132 (top 25 %)

Lunch & Recess11:55-12:55

Most days this time is available to students for extra help


• Lead 21, Comprehension Tool Kit and Shared Reading

• Book Clubs with Small Groups

• Independent reading• Book log in assignment book (Parent initials every night)• At least 100 minutes every week• Students must always have

a book with them! Online log of finished books Biblionasium

• Read Aloud (and snack time)

• Discovering new words and bringing them to life

• Engaging text and active, close reading is always the goal!

Writing/Language Arts 2:25-3:25

· Inclusion model· Writing Studio Format· Lucy Calkins Units of Study Text types: ~Narrative ~Opinion ~Informative (research/non-researched based) ~Test Taking genre · Mentor Texts· Writer’s Notebook & Binder· 5 Domains

· Focus, content, organization, style, conventions· Grammar· Spelling

· 2-3 activity pages due every Friday· Must be completed in cursive!· Test on Fridays

Class Meeting 3:25-3:40

• Focus on social/emotional through activities and conversations

• Development of our Parisien Learning Community

• Reflect on our progress toward meeting the day’s targets and review of targets for following day

What should I expect in regards to homework?

• Daily (except Friday) & posted on my teacher site

• Assignment book/ please sign each night

• 50 minutes maximum

• Independent (reading, math, spelling)

• Studying for assessments

• Reading each night

• Missing Assignment Sheets

Part Three: Fifth Grade Logistics/Business Items/Wrap Up

Special Events and Privileges for Fifth Graders

Band opportunitiesSchool playPicture Day, 9/30/2015Birthday Celebrations Peace Valley Nature Center, Ecology Field Trip – Wednesday, Oct. 21st

• Reading Olympics OpportunitiesSpring Field Trip (TBD)

Parent/Child Book Club

Firegirl by: Tony Abbott

Book Club: Friday, December 4, 2015


Tangle of KnotsBy: Lisa Graff

Book Club: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What school policies do I need to know about?


• Immediate excuse note/email

• Call/Email for work to be sent

• Volunteers need clearances


• Inform nurse of any medical changes

CBSDEffectively Communicating

Student Progress

Reporting Student Progress

Marking Period End of MP11/5/2015

Parent Portal availability

1 11/5/2015 11/18 Conferences 11/23 and 11/24


2 1/26/2016 2/10

3 4/7/2015 3/23 Conferences3/24


4 6/14/2015 6/14/2015

What will my child learn in fifth grade?

• How to be a classroom community member/leader

• How to achieve his/her personal best each day

• How to be a thinker and be aware of his/her thinking (metacognition) in all academic areas

• How to independently think and question and develop supported opinions in order to

have deep, respectful academic conversations

with confidence

Student curriculum websites

• Math: www.everydaymathonline.com

• www.xtramath.org

• www.tenmarks.com

• Social Studies: www.learntci.com

• Reading: www.wglead21.com

• Type to Learn 4

• Teacher Site: www.cbsd.org/Domain/1493

How do I communicate with my child’s teacher?


Teacher Site: www.cbsd.org/Domain/1493

School phone 267-893-4050 Ext 1261

Notes in Assignment Book

Why should I leave here tonight feeling excited about my child’s school year?

• I promise to embrace your child like my very own

• I will differentiate my instruction to meet your child’s academic/emotional strengths and needs

• I will maintain communication with you

• I love what I do each day and your child will know that!

UnityAuthor Unknown

I dreamt I stood in a studio,And watched two sculptors there.The clay they used was a young child’s mind,And they fashioned it with care.One was a teacher, the tools he usedWere books, music, and art.One a parent with a guiding handAnd a gentle loving heart. 

UnityAuthor Unknown

Day after day, the teacher toiled,With a touch that was deft and sure.While the parent labored by his side,And polished and smoothed it o’er. And when at last, their work was done,They were proud of what they had wrought.For the things they had molded into the child,Could neither be sold nor bought. And each agreed they would have failedIf each had worked alone,For behind the parent stood the schoolAnd behind the teacher the home. 

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