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Sunday, April 28, 2013 “To move closer to God in all that we do”

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier

Catholic Community of Faith

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Regular Mass Schedule

Week Day


6:30am & 8:15 am

Saturday 8:15 am


Saturday Vigil Mass

5:00 pm

Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 10:15 am (Gym)

11:30 am


Every Saturday after the 8:15am Mass

April 29-May 4 Mon 6:30AM + Ray Vogel 8:15AM + Bill Lambrecht L Frank & Mary Ann McGinley Tues. 6:30AM + Purgatorial Society 8:15AM + Carl Ebert Wed. 6:30AM + People of the Parish 8:15AM + Mary Shaungnessy Thurs. 6:30AM + Ill of the Parish 8:15AM + Arthur & Virginia Roth Fri. 6:30AM + Deceased of the Parish 8:15AM + Ray Vogel Sat. 8:15AM + Our Armed Forces 5:00PM + Brad Coletta

May 5

8:00AM + Phillip Later + Mary Ostry 9:30AM + G. Egmon + Ralph McKee + Francis O’Meara Byrne 10:15AM L Betty Pagotto-80th Birthday 11:30AM + People of the Parish + Deceased L Living

Stewardship Report Sunday, April 21, 2013

Collected at Church $9,263.00 Thank you for suppor ng your Church!

The second collection this weekend will be for the St. Thomas of Canterbury Scholarship Fund.

Some masters of the spiritual life have said we need to have a mellow heart as Christians. It is important ad-vice. A mellow heart indicates a gentle and serene attitude which overflows into my relationships with others. I develop a mellow heart in many ways, for example, in the Sacrament of Rec-

onciliation and in prayer. The effect of these two prac-tices is to make one less judgmental and harsh, more understanding and mellow. In today’s gospel, Jesus again tells us the basic ele-ment of the Christian life, the non-negotiable, the es-sence. “As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Christian love is to do something that will help someone. What happens when I perform an act of love for someone? A person is helped and something happens to me, I be-come more sensitive, more Christian, and, yes, more mellow. In today’s 1st reading, we see something else will happen. In today’s 1st reading, Paul and Barnabas report to the church at Antioch about their successful missionary work. “They called the church together and reported what God had done with them.” As we show loving be-havior, we make ourselves fertile ground for the action of God in us. We are made to be open to God and how he may use us. When we perform acts of Christian love, a lot happens – we are made more mellow and we are made open to God’s actions in and through us. Easter Blessings, Fr. Sheridan

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Brittany Parish and

John Toussaint—1

Mary Kate Fahrenbach and

Joseph Venturini—1


Jason Harlan - Grandson of Joe Ficek Rev. John Barkemeyer - Son of Hank & Germaine Brian Lutz-Son-in-law of Charlie and Ann Jonaitis Brian Walsh-Nephew of Peg McIntyre Jesse Goutier-Cousin of Chris, Michael & Laura Farina Shane Lawson-Cousin of Kari Clarke Brian Krupp-Cousin of Jim Krupp Scott Horst-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Koop Tracy Hanson-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Krupp Stephen Thale-Grandson of Jim & Frances Thale K Anniston-Grand-Nephew of Nancy Graham Lt. Cmndr. Andrew A. Nelson (USN/USMC)-Son of David Nelson Conor Proteau-son of Deidre & Greg Proteau David Lore Mayo-Friend of Carpenter Family Matthew Crowcroft-Friend of Carpenter Family Patrick Heiny-Nephew of Debbie Armenta John Smeeton-Son of Andrea & Jack Sweeten Richard Linehan-Son of Richard & Elaine Linehan JT O’Rourke-Grandson of Peter J. O’Rourke Col. Robert Werthman-Son of Dr. Joan Werthman O’Rourke Jonathan O’Dell-Great-grandson of Marion & Mike Eberle Ted Morrison-cousin of Paul & Kay Malm John Wesley Hobbs-nephew of the Weschler’s Jeff Groom-nephew of Louise Sanborn PFC Joseph Devroy-grandson of Marlene Devroy Jake Kreigbaum-friend of Millers Sgt. Daniel Koch-brother of Laura Koch Family & Friends of Bob & Jean Quinn James Harrison—great grandson of Thea & Vito Vitale Luke Stensberg—friend of the Revords Lt. Peter Finley Adams USMC—grandson of Diana Madden Art Knurenko—friend of Watson Family Brandon Galgay-friend of the Matt Revord family Tom Smith—nephew of John & Mary Smith John Robbins—nephew of John & Mary Smith Greg Latta (USN)—friend of the Sasso’s Spc. James Kerls—son of Bob & Karen Kerls Capt. George McDonnell (USMC)-son of George Sr; Grandson Lee McDonnell Do you have a family member or friend in the Military (stateside or overseas)? Call the Parish Office and we will put their name on our prayer list . When your Armed Services member returns to civilian life, please let us know so that we can remove his or her name from our list. Thank you for your cooperation.


5th Sunday of the Easter Season. In the first reading today we find that it was extremely brave of Paul and Barnabas to re-turn to the cities of Lystra, Iconium and Antioch because on their first visits the people had stoned Paul and threatened to do so again. What they were doing was establishing churches with lead-ership and it was quite brave of them to return and continue. Hence, today we heard Paul say, “It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” Then we are reminded that Jesus spoke to the disciples just before He was going to die. He said that He was going to glorify God, and at the same time God was going to glorify Him. This was how He described the Crucifixion. The cru-cifixtion was not a shame,. But a victory, and He asked His disciples to sacrifice themselves for one another, “To love one another as I have loved you.”.

3 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

Schedule of Events For the Week Sunday, April 28 11:30 ACTION Mass Monday, April 29 7:30 p RCIA U Tuesday, April 30 1:00 p Fr. Rich’s Transitions U Wednesday, May 1 7 pm Adult Choir pr C 7:30p St. Vincent de Paul FW Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3 9a Moms & Tots Xn Saturday, May 4 9a WORD U Sunday, May 5 7:30p ACTION Xn

Remember your loved ones, whether sick, passed away or on a happy occa-sion, with a mass from St. Francis.

4 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

Scripture Series May 6, 7, 8 Table Fellowship with Jesus: What does it mean? Noted scripture scholar, Fr. Bill Burton will present a series based on the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles reflecting on table fellowship. The theme is a great topic for the Easter season. Join us for this insightful, thought provoking, enjoyable conversation with scripture. Father Burton teaches at a Franciscan seminary in Boyton Beach, FL and has travelled a great deal around the U.S. doing parish missions and adult presenta-

tions. He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and a doctorate from the Pontifical Biblical Gregorian University, amongst oth-er degrees. He is an avid cyclist and technology whiz with a passion for sharing his love and knowledge of scripture. Join us for one evening or all three! Fr. Bill is a wonderful teacher and entertaining presenter. All presentations will be in the Xavier Room 7:30-9:00 each evening, May 5, 7 and 8. Jesus said to them, "Come, have breakfast." And none of the disciples dared to ask him, "Who are you?" because they realized it was the Lord. Jesus came over and took the bread and gave it to them, and in like manner the fish. This was now the third time Jesus was revealed to his disciples after being raised from the dead. Jn 20:19-31

Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass

The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 22, 2013, at 2:45 pm at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 N. State St., Chicago, IL. Couples married in 1963 interested in at-tending this celebration should contact the parish office (ask for Marilyn) to register. 847-256-4250 or sfxparish@comcast.net. The deadline for registration is June 14th.

Fr. Bill Burton, ofm

5 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

St. Francis Xavier Parish In collaboration with

Ss. Faith Hope & Charity PariSH, Winnetka, IL and

Donnellan Family Funeral Services, Skokie, IL

A Community Seminar for Grieving Families

With Dr. Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D.

Helping Yourself Heal When Someone Dies;

Loving from the Outside In,

Mourning From the Inside Out

Date: Monday, June 10, 2013

Time: 6:00pm—9:00pm

Location: St. Francis Xavier Parish, Wilmette, IL

Complimentary and Open to all

A suggested donation of $10.00 per person at the door is appreciated, but not required, to help defray cost of this event.

Dr. Wolfelt is the Founder / Director for the Center for Loss and Life Transition In Denver, Colorado. He is an internationally known educator, author and speaker in the area of grief and loss. His website is: http://www.centerforloss.com/

Content to be explored includes: • Exploring the “Ripple Effect” of Grief: Loss of Self, Security and Meaning • Understanding Unique Aspects of Your Personal Grief • Learning the Value of Your Grief Symptoms in Five Domains • Identifying Six Central Needs of Your Mourning & Befriending Hope and Transformation

This compassionate program will provide you support in your personal grief, and also assist participants who want to learn more about helping a family member or friend that is experiencing grief and loss.

Because seating is limited, we ask that you please register as soon as possible. Please email sfxmoc@gmail.com or call for a registration form

(847) 256-2273.

Please register on or before June 6, 2013.

Refreshments and materials will be provided. Materials for purchase will also be available.

St. Francis Xavier Parish 524 Ninth St.

Wilmette, IL 60091 Seminar will take place in the

Xavier Room Located on the St. Francis

Xavier Parish Campus Between Greenleaf and

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith 6

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith 7

On April 14, 2013 the Wilmette Interfaith Religious Leaders (WIRL) conducted their fourth annual “North Shore In-terfaith Leadership Award” ceremony. Two of the handsome young men in the group picture of award recipients were from ACTION, St. Francis Xavier’s youth group. As noted in the award nominations, the Colin Richards and Austin Eichenlaub were selected for their outstanding service in ACTION and for many other community activities. Also receiving awards for their religious and community good works were members of Wilmette’s two Jewish com-munities (Sukkat Shalom and Beth Hillel), the Baha’i Community, First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette, Trinity Methodist Church, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Muslim Community Center, Morton Grove. They are all high school students in the North Shore. It was a great opportunity to recognize and reinforce the good deeds of so many fine young people. They all clearly enjoyed the formal recognition and award certificates. Their parents and members of their faith communities were very proud of them.

The Agape Ringers In Concert at St. Francis Xavier Church—Sunday, May 19th at 4:00 pm. The popular auditioned handbell ensemble was featured on WTTW’s “Artbeat Chicago,” enjoys an on-going col-laboration with pianist/composer Joel Raney, and has per-formed with jazz trumpeter Orbert Davis, the Rockford Symphony, the North Shore Choral Society, the Illinois Brass Band, the Elgin Choral Union, the West Suburban Symphony, and the West Towns Chorus. The fifteen mu-sicians have a collective ringing experience of over 375 years, and perform on 76 bronze Malmark handbells and 73 Malmark Choirchimes. Founder and director of The Agape Ringers, David L. Weck is an editor at Hope Publishing in Carol Stream,

where he is solely responsible for creating and developing the company’s handbell catalog. Mr. Weck serves as a guest conductor at handbell events all over the United States and Canada, as well as Puerto Rico and Japan. The Agape Ringers is noted for beautifully orchestrated presentations of entertaining and varied music. Listeners are entranced by the ensemble’s energy, precision and musicality. Since its founding in 1992, The Agape Ringers has made over 250 appearances across North America, Puerto Rico, and England. The ensemble has been featured as per-formers and teachers, including the Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians Conference for Church Musicians in Green Lake, WI, and national events of the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers (AGEHR). Free will offering.

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith 8

VISIT ROME, THE VATICAN, ASSISI, SIENA AND FLORENCE Sept. 29 thru Oct. 8 2013 Kieran Lyons and Fr. Chuck Faso will lead 30 pilgrims through highlights of our Christian sacred places in Italy. Would you like to join us for this wonderful tour and experience of art, history, archeology and sites of our faith heritage? The trip is all inclusive and the weather in Italy this time of year is known to be wonderful. It includes stops in Cascia, and San Gimiganano (the most remarkable of the Tuscan hill towns). Our trip will include an audience with Pope Francis and being in the medieval town of Assisi for the celebration of the Feast of St. Fran-cis! We will also celebrate Mass daily in many of the great chapels and churches of Italy. For more information contact: Trans World Travel (847) 432-2400 OR Kieran Lyons at the parish office 847-256-4250. There are full color brochures about the trip with prices and details at the parish office!

"Those who listen to us and observe us must be able to see in our actions what they hear from our lips, and so give glory to God! I am thinking now of some advice that St. Francis of Assisi gave his brothers: preach the gospel and, if necessary use words. Preaching with your life, with your witness." ---Eucharistic Celebration Homily of Pope Francis, Basili-ca of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Third Sunday of Easter, 14 April 2013

Retreat for Veterans "Coming Home" is a Christian-based retreat program designed to help military men and women come to spiritual healing and reconciliation with God and with one another in the light of the Gos-pel message. For many soldiers, life, including their spiritual life, has been forever changed by the experience of military service, deployment, and mobilization. This program specifically addresses the issue of Post-Traumatic Spiritual Stress Disorder. This is a two-night weekend retreat offered at no cost to veterans and their significant other (should they wish to attend) in a place of safety, respite, and support. What does it cost? The retreat is FREE. We ask for a $25 registration fee which is refunded upon attendance at the retreat. When and where does it happen? May 3-5, 2013; Camp Manitoqua, 8122 W Sauk Trail, Frankfort, IL Who are the facilitators? Retreat leader and veteran, Sister Linda McClenehan, OP, MS, served as a sergeant working in communications in the southern area of Vietnam. She is a Dominican Sister and licensed counselor whose full-time ministry involves helping veterans deal with trauma. Augie Sisco, Major, USMC (Ret.) served in Vietnam. He is a retired businessman, married, a father and a grandfather. He is active in his parish, and is the assistant director for our Vets' Ministry.


To become a part of our Parish family, please pick up a Kelly Green Packet in the back of church or at the Parish Office. You can also contact us through our website at www.sfxparish@comcast.org. Or if you regularly worship at St. Francis, and have not registered as a parishioner, we ask that you fill out a packet in order to be kept up to date with mailings, email blasts etc. We thank you for joining us! KEEP US UPDATED! Have you moved? Married? Changed your phone number or email address? Help us keep our Census up to date. Email: sfxparish@comcast.net with your new information. Thank you!

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith 9

Welcome SFX Newcomers! Many new parishioners have joined our St. Francis Xavier Community this past school year. Below is a list of names A through F. If you meet any of these newcomers, please extend a warm welcome to them.

Alex & Janice Baria Family Chad Blankenbaker Family

Donald & Suzanne Bodner Family Timothy & Deneen Brennan Family

Michael & Kelly Carlton Family Stephen & Jenelle Chalmers Family Tom & Monica Choquette Family

Cory Coniff Family Ryan & Amy Devore Family

Paul & Celeste Donnelly Family Brad & Melody Drake Family Neal & Terra Driscoll Family

Norma Egmon Byron & Jenny Eguiguren

Ben & Christine Ferdinand Family Leo & Betty Finn

Jennifer Fitzpatrick Family Michael & Marita Foy Family

(more names in next weeks bulletin) If there are any newcomers that we missed or who did not receive a directory and a list of the parish ministries please contact Bozenna Haszlakiewicz, Parish Council Welcomer, at 847-251-6169 or bozennahasz@gmail.com

10 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

More news from our Galette Chambon Last fall six barrels of shoes donated by SFX parishioners were shipped to Haiti. Once the shoes arrived in Galette Chambon, the women of Immaculee Conception parish organized them for sale to the community at large. The proceeds of the very suc-cessful “shoe store” in Galette Chambon helped to underwrite the tuition of some of the students at the parish school who do not have the ability to pay. The remaining proceeds provided enough money to finish the construction of a new parish kitchen and food depot. Thanks to the joint efforts of SFX and Immac-ulee Conception parishioners, the parish kitchen and depot have a roof protecting the food and the cooks. The word from our partners at Immaculee Conception is keep the shoes coming! So please drop off any used or new shoes in the back of church. Members of our Committee will insure that they are shipped to Haiti as soon as we can fill the barrels again. As always, thank you for your generosity and your prayers for our friends at Immaculee Conception parish.

Small sampling of shoes being prepared to put into barrels.

2 of the 6 barrels filled and ready to deliver to the container for shipment to Immaculee Conception.

The “Kitchen” before the shoes arrived.

The Kitchen now...thanks to the shoe money.

Interior view of the Kitchen

The Kitchen in action!

Exploration Group for Men

The group is process oriented – there is a focus on the here and now. The goal of the group is to deepen one’s spiritual life with the expressed desire for holy, family living as authentic Catholic formation. During the course of their time together, men will explore issues related to spirituality, relationship, and vocation, through prayer, conversation and group activities. Groups of 6-10 men, including a facilitator, Fr. Richard Jakubik, Psy.D., LCSW, will commit to meet-ing twice monthly for 1 1/2 hours for a total of ten sessions. Each gathering has a session plan that serves as a guide for the time together and as a springboard for discussion. A session typically includes an opening reading, a check-in, a time to focus on a topic or activity consistent with the purposes and principles of the group, check out, and a closing prayer. Group members are invited to make a free-will offering after each session to the Catholic Charities Holbrook Counseling Center.

Dates: May 4 & 18 Time: 7-8:30am

Location: Parish Office Please call the parish office to register for the Men’s Group.

Women's Transition and Spirituality Group: Exploring issues related to Faith, Career, and Change.

The Women's Transition and Spirituality Group is a small group of women who commit to being together during their time of transition to discuss their feelings, struggles, and triumphs. During the course of their time together, they will explore issues related to spiritual growth and enrichment, relationships, and professional development, through prayer, conversation and group activities. Groups of 6-10 women, including a facilitator, Fr. Richard Jakubik, Psy.D., LCSW, commit to meeting twice monthly throughout the year (November 2012-June 2013) for 1 1/2 hours. Each gathering has a session plan that serves as a guide for the time together and as a springboard for discussion. A session typically includes an opening reading; a check-in; a time to focus on a topic or activity consistent with our purposes and princi-ples; time for silence, and a closing prayer. Group members are invited to make a free will offering after each session.

Dates: April 30, May 14 & 28

Time: 1-2:30pm Location: Parish Office

RSVP: 847-256-4250


11 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

Monthly Food Drive

May 4th & 5th, 2013

12 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

Please put Votive Light Enve-lopes in the recessed box in the wall by the Sacred Heart or by the statue of Mary.

Mrs. Jacob Suker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fardoux

Thank you To the following people for their contribution to our Easter Flower Fund allowing our Church to truly be beautiful. And thank you to the committee who worked so hard decorating the church for Easter.


St. Thomas Cantebury

Canned Goods Dry Goods Tuna Pasta Fruit Rice Soups Beans Corn Crackers Vegetables Cookies Canned Meats Ramen Noodles Green Beans Mac n Cheese Peanut Butter Creamer Powdered Milk Cereal

SFX Women’s Book Club In May our Book club will be dis-cussing the story of an Irish orphan who comes to work on a tobacco plantation. We follow her story as she finds where love and loyalty are to be found. BOOK: The Kitchen House AUTHOR: Kathleen Grissom DATE: May 21st @ 9:30 AM LOCATION: Mallinckrodt Community Center REVIEWER: Jean Quinn HOSTESSES: Donna Fugazzotto (256-2126) & Jean Quinn (256-8359)

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith 13

The Working Boys’ Center – A Fami-ly of Families (WBC) in Quito, Ecua-dor is currently accepting applications for its year-long volunteer program. Volunteers work in a variety of areas including the day care center, accred-

ited education program, vocational training, small busi-ness management, and home building. Though most volunteers teach in some capacity, no degree in educa-tion is required. The volunteer experience is for one or two years and begins in August of every year. All vol-unteers must be college graduates and proficient in Spanish. If you know someone who might be interested in join-ing the WBC volunteer program, please contact Patricia Jessup at 414-534-8285 or patria.jessup@workingboyscenter.org. More infor-mation on our volunteer opportunity is available at http://www.workingboyscenter.org/volunteer. The Working Boys’ Center – A Family of Families is co-directed by Sr. Mary Miguel Conway, sister of pa-rishioner, Mary Charles.

WORD: Holy Listening Each week we gather to relax and listen to a short passage from scripture, reflect on God’s word, respond in prayer, and rest in God’s presence. The scripture passages are taken from the Sunday Gospel to support our jour-ney. This ancient but simple process allows God’s word to touch us in our daily lives and transform our hearts. When: Saturdays 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. On-going . Where: The “Upper Room”

Second floor at the SFX Parish Office

Small groups offer a valuable way to enrich our faith and provide us with companionship for our journey. There is no need to commit to every Satur-day, come when your schedule permits. Everyone is always welcome.

14 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith





http://www.wilmettepark.org/userfiles/gillsonmap_color.pdf (area 5/6)SAVE THAT DATE

Questions call David 224-725-3673

Scrip Cards Available at Both the School and Parish Offices We have Dominick's, Panaeras, Carson’s, Starbucks, WalMart, Whole Foods, Target, Walgreens, Jewel, Barnes & Noble, Gap, Gilson’s, Lands End, Whole Foods, Dunkin Donuts plus many more. Use scrip cards as an alternative way of paying for your everyday purchases (instead of cash, checks or credit cards), or give them as gifts. Retailers return 2% to 23% of your card purchases back to St. Francis. This is a very easy way to raise money for St. Francis, all at no extra cost to you! You can also order on-line at www.shopwithscrip.com and choose from hundreds of retailers. The St. Francis enrollment code for new users is 1598FD4E18544. Checks or cash payment only. Orders are due every other Friday, with cards available for pickup by the following Wednesday.

Bulletin Ad Space

SFX has been contacted quite a few times by parishioners asking about putting “For Sale” or “For Rent” ads in the bulletin. Now you can!

Our bulletin publisher, JS Paluch is offering low-cost ad space for our parishioners.

$25/single space ad per week $50/double space ad per week

The possibilities are endless for short term announcements, including:

In Memory of In Honor of

Graduation Announcements Best wishes, and much more!

Short term announcements are also ideal for:

Garage Sales Space for Rent

Help Wanted

Contact JS Paluch (not the parish office) at 800-621-5197 or email customercare@jspaluch.com.

Important information regarding communion visits and pastoral care of the sick for the homebound and hospitalized. Please read carefully. Your spiritual needs are very important to the staff at St. Francis. To insure that you received the desired spiritual care if you are hospitalized or homebound with illness, please assist us by providing us with the following. Hospital: If you would like anointing prior to a scheduled surgery, please call the parish office to schedule an anointing with priest. You may also receive anointing at the hospital when there is an emergency. When you are admitted to the hospital it is critical that you or a loved one identifies your religious affiliation, your parish name and your desire for pastoral care and communion visits. The patient may also call the Ministry of Care line to request communion at the hospital. A minister of care will make sure the hospital is informed of this request. Homebound: Trained ministers of Care are available to bring communion to our parish sick and homebound. Ministers also visit local assisted living and nursing care homes. To schedule a visit, please call the Ministry of Care line at: 847 256-2273 press 0 and a Minister of Care will return your call.

Ministry of Care Visits Sunday, May 5

After 8:00 Mass Hospital

P Wassmann**

M Cordell J Avery

C Burgeson J Grant

J Lober +

Mather Place D Fusco

After 9:30 Mass Home


K Bliss C Conway S Crome

S DeRosa + L & J Glunz

P Tyska M Ware

J Zuercher

Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Schedule —May 5 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:30am 10:15am 11:30am

Greg Hadley Mary Quinn Marjorie Sasso Patti Schumann Carol Stutz Paul Tyska Jim Williams

Cathy Burgeson Mary Ann Rodgers Brian Van Vlierbergen

H.O.P.E. Helping Other Parishioners Enthusiastically

H.O.P.E. is an outreach program of the St. Francis Xavier Parish established by the Women’s Club for the purpose of providing assistance to parishioners in need of support such as: Transportation to and from doctor’s appointments, church, the grocery store and parish activities. The preparation and delivery of meals due to illness, hospitaliza-tion, a new birth, death of a family member or other crisis situations. Regular visits to elders in the parish to provide company or help with some light household needs. Assistance with household tasks that do not require professional help such as moving boxes, hanging a picture, or organizing a shelf. These services are provided to members of the St. Francis Xavier parish community by members of the parish. If you would be interested in receiving OR providing assistance in of the above ways please call the parish office at 847-256-4250, ext. 36 and leave a message or email us at sfx.hope@yahoo.com

Good Samaritan Network: Network of parish outreach organizations that maintains a current file of local service resources available to you, your fami-ly, or your neighbor. Call 847-604-4181 Confidential Voice Mail.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to helping the poor and others who have come upon difficult times. As Vincentians, we serve those in need through one-on-one counseling, as well as providing financial and other help to those who have fallen on hard times. If you or someone you know wishes to meet with us, please contact the parish office at 847-256-4250 and ask for extension 44 and leave a short message. We will respond as soon as possible. All Inquiries will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

The St. Francis Xavier Parish Peace & Justice Ministry has a new website! Visit www.sfxpeaceandjustice.org for information regarding current peace & justice events, resources and links to other organizations

St. Francis Bereavement Ministry 2013 Calendar and ongoing resources Blessed are those who mourn

Grief Support Group Meetings

The St. Francis Xavier Grief and Loss support group will be meeting for sessions in late winter / early spring. The dates are as follows:

Community Speakers Forum The Grief Speakers Forum are community forums that are held bi-annually at St. Francis Xavier Parish from 7-9 pm. All sessions are free and open to the public.

For more information call please call the Ministry of Care Office:

Scheduled Community Forums:

June 10, 2013 6:00pm – 9:00pm Dr. Alan Wolfelt, PhD., Founder / Director of Center for Life Transitions, Colorado Springs, CO

“Helping Yourself Heal When Someone Dies: Loving From the Outside In, Mourning from the Inside Out.”

Nov. 14, 2013 7:00pm – 9:00pm, Jennifer Nolan, Lay Minister, Parent “I Will Never Leave You, Experiencing Divine Love in our

Darkest Moments.” To register or request information on these events call:

256-2273 or email sfxbereavement@gmail.com

McCormick Pelton

Ted Buenger Carmel Cowan Abigail Foerstner Julie Fox Pat Hayden Richard Pope Kerry Suse

Kelly Schade

Kenny Reese

Dabrowski Gorman

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith 15

Barbara Eichenlaub Mary Kearney Peggy Martin John Smith Eileen Sullivan Marty Watts Monique Watts

Brian Avery Janet Avery Pat Federico Mike Fuller Greg Krohm Mary Thomas Christie Vanderbosch

CHURCH: 9th Street and Linden Avenue, Wilme e, IL 60091 SCHOOL: 808 Linden Avenue, Wilme e, IL 60091 SCHOOL WEB: sfx-school.org PARISH OFFICE: 524 9th Street, Wilme e, IL 60091 PARISH WEBSITE: www.sfxparish.org EMAIL: sfxparish@comcast.net

Pastoral & Support STAFF

Rev. William J. Sheridan, Pastor Rev. Mariusz Manka, Associate Pastor Rev. Edward F. Harne , Pastor Emeritus Rev. Richard J. Jakubik, Resident Rev. Willard Jabusch, Visitor Robert & Karen Kerls, Deacon Couple Pa y Jane Pelton, Pastoral Associate Joan Thesing, Pastoral Minister Sr. Mary Ann Casey, OP, Director, PREP Program Mary Therese Laird, Youth Minister (ACTION) Debbie Armenta, Director, Ministry of Care Kieran Lyons, Director of Faith Forma on Daniel McKenna, School Principal Jo Ebert, Director of Music Judy Krugman, Vito Vitale, Organists Director of Children’s Choir Sheldon Moore, Business Manager Marge Kaup, School Business Office Manager Marilyn Smith, Parish Secretary Sara Crome, Secretary Dani Froelich, Administra ve Assistant PREP Program Darek Bukowski, Maintenance Tadeusz Odbierzychleb, Maintenance Greg Proteau, Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council Ray Gass, Sara Crome, Sharing Parish-Chicago St. Thomas of Canterbury Jeff Later, Betsy Later, Sharing Parish-Hai Immaculee Concep on

BAPTISMS: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements and to register for a prepara on session. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays a er the 8:15 Mass. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Should be arranged at least four months in advance. Call the Parish Office for details. PARISH REGISTRATION: Registra on Forms available in ves bule of Church, at the Parish Office or from our Website.


Parish Offices: 847-256-4250 Parish Fax: 847-256-4254

Parish School: 847-256-0644 Ministry of Care:

847-256-CARE (847-256-2273)

Parish Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm Friday 9:00am-7:30pm

Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm Sunday- Closed

A er Hours Emergency Assistance: 847-256-0709

St. Vincent de Paul Society

For assistance call 847-256-4250 Ex. 44

Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Community of Faith

INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Francis Xavier # 000145 524 9th St. Wilmette, IL 60091 Contact person: Marilyn Smith 847-256-4250 Software: Win 7m MSPub 2003, Adobe Acrobat X Printer: Number of pages transmitted: )(6-8-JL; 2 ad pages) Day & time of transmission: Wednesday am

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