welcome to the dat minyan welcome to the candles candles ......on ellie’s bat mitzvah. may she...

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Mazel Tov to Chaim and Bara Loewenthal on Ellie’s Bat Mitzvah. May she continue to be a source of pride to her family and nation.

Rabbi Moshe Taragin joins us this Shabbat as Scholar in Residence. See complete sched-ule and bio on Page 4. Rabbi Taragin is a pop-ular teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) and widely sought-after lecturer.

High Holidays registration has begun. Please complete the form at DATMinyan.org/hh2016 by Sept. 4 to receive a reserved seat. Thank you to Aaron Segall for once again spearheading this important project.

Fifth Annual DAT Minyan 14’er Hike—This Sunday, August 21, hiking Mt. Evans from Summit Lake, NE face. Round-trip length: 3.5 miles. Led by Ari Hoffman. Sha-charit 7:30 am at the Echo Lake trailhead. Hike 8:30 am. Free. To RSVP or more info, apolot-sky@yahoo.com.

Mor Shapiro Tribute Kiddush—Please help sponsor a special Kiddush next Shabbat, Aug. 27, in honor of our outgoing Youth Director Mor Shapiro at DATMinyan.org/Kiddush.

Project Inspire Shabbaton Sept. 9-10, featur-ing local speakers, in conjunction with the Jewish Experience and many Denver shuls.

Youth Snacks sponsored by Josh and Mara Baraban in honor of Meena’s 5th birthday, and by Ari and Miriam Hoffman in honor of Batya and Shalvi’s birthdays. Sponsor youth snacks at DATMinyan.org/youth.


DAT Minyan Rabbi Joseph Friedman 6825 E. Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 www.datminyan.org

Please help make our Tefillot meaningful by refraining from talking during Davening.

Welcome to the Parshat Noach

October 25, 2014 1 Marcheshvan 5775

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Welcome to the DAT Minyan Shabbat Nachamu—Parshat Va’etchanan

August 20, 2016 16 Av 5776

Fri. August 19


August 20

Sun. August 21

Mon. August 22

Tue. August 23

Wed. August 24

Thu. August 25

Fri. August 26

Shacharit Shema before 9:41 am

6:35 7:30, 9:00 8:00 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:35 6:35

Mincha 6:15 7:20 7:20 7:20 7:20 7:20 7:20 6:05

Maariv Shema after 8:31 pm

After Mincha 8:29 After Mincha

After Mincha

After Mincha

After Mincha

After Mincha

After Mincha

KIDDUSH will be at the Loewenthal home, 7015 E. Bayaud, in honor of Ellie’s Bat Mitzvah. All food has been prepared under the Va’ad at BMH-BJ.

SEUDAH SHELISHIT sponsored by the Shul.




After Mincha D’var Torah Rabbi Taragin MPR

“Moshe’s Final Plea to Enter Israel”

8:45 pm Oneg Shabbat Rabbi Taragin Horowitz 316 S Magnolia

“Rav Lichtenstein and the Labor of Religion”


8:30 am Tefillah Warm-Up Morah Gross DAT

During Hashkama (About 9:00 am)

D’var Torah Rabbi Taragin 112

“Defining Ahavat Hashem and Yirat Shamayim”

Haftarah/Mussaf Parsha Class Rabbi Gitler 112

After Mussaf Derasha Rabbi Friedman/Ellie Loewenthal


5:20 pm Gemara Shiur Rabbi Taragin 112 “Can it Be a Mitzvah to Lie?” (men and women)

5:15 pm HS Boys Gemara Nathan Rabinovitch Rabinovitch 151 S. Olive

6:20 pm Shiur Rabbi Taragin MPR

“Keriyat Shema and the Anthem of Jewish History” (men and women)

After Mincha Seudah Shelishit Rabbi Taragan MPR

“Rav Amital: Striving to Be an Angel but Accepting Our Humanity”

Tue. 7:30 pm Netivot Shalom

(women only) Dr. Shelly Ciner Ciner



6:30 pm Rabbi’s Class Rabbi Friedman MPR

“The Informed Soul: Providence and Suffering— Bad Things Do Happen to Good People”

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Candles (10/15): 6:03 Candles (10/16): 7:01 Candles (10/17): 6:00 Havdala (10/18): 6:58 Candles (10/24): 5:50

Candles: 6:24-7:31 Havdalah: 8:30

Parsha: 958 Haftarah: 1196

WELCOME to Scholar in Residence Rabbi Moshe Taragin. See below.

PLEASE WELCOME Jamie Katz, our new Inter im Youth Coordinator for the DAT Minyan! Jamie brings a wealth of creativity and experience to our shul, and we are so excited to have her join our staff!

Jamie's first day will be Aug. 26, and 2016-17 youth programming will begin soon after that.

WELCOME to Ellie's grandparents, cousins, Aunts and Uncles from Israel, and Martin from Slovakia, who are here for Ellie’s Bat Mitzvah.

Refuah Shleima

Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shleima. Names are kept on the list until the next Rosh Chodesh. Help us keep the list accurate by verifying the necessary details each month on the Cholim GoogleDoc.

Chaya Miriam bat Shoshana Dinah bat Chayala Hadassh Bat Fruma Rahel Yonatan Zeev ben Neta Hillel Yerachmiel ben Ariella Meir ben Shaindel Moshe Feivel ben Rose Yosef ben Malka Naomi bat Sarah Rina bat Leah Tinok Ben Naomi Malka Shaina Meryl Bat Rivka Tzipora Rut bat Cissie Yehudit Chava bat Masha Yona Malka bat Pola Chaya Orah Bat Sarah Yonah Ben Frima Amiriyahu Tzvi ben Esther Leah Avraham Shalom ben Henna Avraham Ben Mirel Carmel ben Tirtza Devorah Leah bat Chanah Zev ben Yehudis Sarah Esther bat Faiyge Ida bat Esa Leah bat Sarah Leah Devora Kivitiya bat Chaya Guy Chaim ben Rita Malka bat Sarah Menachem Yitzchak ben Yisraela Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah Naftali Yisroel ben Yisraela Noa Shani bat Chaya Bracha Rabbi Ephraim Ben Henna Raphael Asher ben Sarah Tziporah Raphael Yotam ben Efrat Rav Ephraim ben Henna Sandra Miriam Shoshana bat Chanah Sarah Shoshanna bat Sarah Shashi bat Batya Baila Shirley Hasia bat Devorah Shoshanna Bat Smadar Tirtza bat Sarah Tirtza Chana bat Malka Yaakov Mordechai ben Chana Yael Meira bas Yisraela (Rabbi) Tzvi Gershon ben Shaindel Shaina Raizel Chaya Chanah Elisheva Rivka bat Sarah Rochel Leah Nechamah bat Esther

Torah from Rabbi Wein RabbiWein.com

The Torah reading of this week contains within it portions that we read in the synagogue on the morning of Tisha

B’Av. With unerring accuracy the story of the Jewish people is predicted in full detail. The consequences of national sin and of an immoral society are outlined – the destruction of the Temples, the loss of national sovereignty, exile, persecution and a history of horror and unending dangers and sacrifice.

The history of the Jewish people, by its very nature, is peculiar and different than all others. There are no nations, rac-es, religions or groupings of people who can be deemed guiltless. So then the question arises, why were and are we singled out for our particular fate and story? And the answer that the Torah itself grants us is that all of this is a result of the ancient and eternal covenant of the Lord made with our ancestors and renewed with us in every generation and every circumstance.

It is very difficult to deal with or explain the nature of a never-ending mutually binding commitment. Agreements are made on a daily basis with governments and individuals, companies and partnerships, with advance knowledge that these commitments are not permanent and are subject to change, as circumstances dictate. Conflicts of interest always arise and out-side circumstances will always vary from what they were originally. But the nature of the relationship of the Jewish people to its Creator is such that the commitments never change and the obligations of the original covenant are always in force.

The return of the Jewish people to Zion and to the Land of Israel can only be seen and understood in light of the com-mitment described in the Torah reading of this week. Thousands of years ago Moshe foresaw that eventually Jews would leave the Exile, whether forcibly or voluntarily, and would return to their ancient homeland. Somehow, this is part of the covenant between Israel and God.

And so, over the last two centuries Jews came home, first in a trickle and then in a steady stream and finally – regard-ing the Jews of Russia – in a mighty torrent. All sorts of Jews made this journey – socialists, communists, secular Zionists, religious Zionists, religious anti-Zionists, believers, and freethinkers all somehow made this passage of return.

The ostensible reasons for their so doing are varied in the extreme. But even to the most jaded of our observers, it should be clear that there is an underlying motive that drives this story. And that is the eternal bond of the original covenant made with our father Abraham and renewed through his generations and millennia of Jewish life by countless others.

The harrowing story of the Jewish exile, represented by the sad fast day of Tisha B’Av represents one Cont’d on Page 4

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. שבת


14’er Hike Mincha 7:20p Bishul Akum after Maariv

8/22 8/23 Ciner Class 7:30p

8/24 Informed Soul: “Providence and Suffering”

8/25 8/26 8/27 Mor S. Tribute Kiddush Learning on the Lawn

8/28 Mincha 7:10p Bishul Akum after Maariv

8/29 8/30 Ciner Class 7:30p

8/31 Informed Soul: Prayer, Petition, and Merit”

9/1 9/2

9/3 Rosh Chodesh Learning on the Lawn

9/4 Rosh Chodesh Mincha 7:05 Bishul Akum after Maariv

9/5 9/6 Ciner Class 7:30p

9/7 Informed Soul: “Return and Reconstruction”

9/8 9/9

9/10 Project Inspire Shabbaton Trugmans Visit

9/11 Rosh Chodesh Mincha 6:50 Bishul Akum after Maariv

9/12 9/13 Ciner Class 7:30p

9/14 Rabbi’s Class

9/15 9/16

9/17 Naomi Friedman Bat Mitzvah


DAT Minyan: A dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages dedicated to meaningful prayer, personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education and Religious Zionism.

extreme of the terms of the covenant. The dawning redemption of Israel, the people and the land, which we are witness to if we but remove the blinkers from our eyes, is the other part of the covenant. In the words of the rabbis of the Talmud, Israel, Torah and God are one. We are all bound together in the great and holy covenant that guides our national existence.

TORAH FROM RABBI WEIN (cont’d from Page 2)

DATMinyan.org/Audio Over 100 local classes—listen or download!

Cooking for Shabbat Commuting to Work Driving to the Mountains

The Jewish Experience Presents Lilyan Klinger Mah Jongg Tournament—Sunday, August 28, 10:30 am-4:00 pm. Cost: $36 before August 15, $45 thereafter. Pre-registration required at www.TheJE.com/mahjongg. Proceeds to benefit the Jewish Experience and MOED: Mikvah of East Denver.

* Shabbos of Inspiration with Project Inspire—Shabbos Parshas Shoftim—September 10—City-wide Shabbos of Inspi-ration with Project Inspire. Featured speakers include Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Chaim Sampson, Rabbi Simcha Barnett, and lay leaders from across the country. Classes will take place at local shuls in the East Side, in the West Side, and in the Southeast. This event is brought to you by The Jewish Experience in cooperation with local shuls: Aish Denver, Bais Menachem, DAT, EDOS, Kehilas Bais Yisroel, Zera Avrohom.

* Motzoei Shabbos Nachamu Kumzitz—The Denver Community Kollel invites the entire community to a kumzitz on Motzoei Shabbos Nachamu, August 20, 9:45 pm, at the Joseph home, 1390 Tennyson St. Live music, inspirational singing, Divrei Torah and refreshments.

Denver NCSY Presents Monster Mini-Golf—Sunday, August 28, 5:00 pm at 8227 S. Holly St. For high school. $10. RSVP: Email or text Denver NCSY Director Rabbi Yisrael Katz, ykatz@ncsy.org, 818-277-0727.

* Learning Opportunity for Women—"Finding Meaning in Life through the Torah"—A six-class series on Megillas Ko-heles. Wednesdays 7-8 pm at the East Side Kosher Deli. August 17, 24, 31, and September 7, 14, and 21. $5 per class. Taught by Ms. Dasi Indich. For more information please contact Mrs. Elka Popack 720-224-8484.

* Save the Date! Mega Kids Challah Bake, Sunday morning, September 25 at the BMH-BJ social hall. Join hundreds of kids from around Colorado for this amazing event with special Rosh Hashanah programming. Children ages 3-12. Please visit www.coloradokidschallah.com for more information and to RSVP or call 303-329-0213.


DAT Minyan Rabbi Joseph Friedman 6825 E. Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 facebook.com/datminyan

* DAT Minyan only certifies Kashrut of events it hosts or co-sponsors.

PARENTS: You are responsible for supervising your children,

including Friday night, Shabbat afternoon, during kiddush and if they are not in groups on Shabbat morning.

It is our responsibility as a Shul to leave the building clean and for no damage to occur to the school's property.

The DAT faculty and staff have been working very hard to prepare for the start of school next week,

and we are accountable for ensuring the classrooms, bulletin boards, and teacher's supplies and property are undisturbed.

proudly welcomes

Renowned Educator

Rabbi Moshe Taragin }

Shabbat Nachamu,

16 Av 5776 August 19-20, 2016

Erev Shabbat, August 19

After Mincha—D’var Torah “Moshe's Final Plea To Enter Israel”

8:45 pm

Oneg Shabbat at Reb Noam and Yael Horowitz, 316 S. Magnolia

“Rav Lichtenstein and the Labor of Religion”

Shabbat, August 20

After Hashkama “Defining Ahavat Hashem

and Yirat Shamayim”

5:20 pm Gemara Shiur (Men and Women): “Can It Be a Mitzvah to Lie?”

6:20 pm (Men and Women): “Keriyat Shema and the Anthem

of Jewish History”

Seudah Shelishit “Rav Amital: Striving to be an Angel

but Accepting our Humanity”

Schedule and class titles subject to change.

For latest details, see www.DATMinyan.org.

Biography: Rabbi Moshe Taragin has been a Ram at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Gush Etzion for the past 22

years. He has Semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, a BA in Computer Science from Yeshiva College, and an MA in English Literature from City University. Rabbi Taragin previously taught Talmud at Columbia Uni-versity, lectured in Talmud and Bible at the IBC and JSS divisions of Yeshiva University, and served as Assistant Rabbi at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue.

In addition, Rabbi Taragin currently teaches at the Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion. He is the author of an Internet shiur entitled "Talmudic Methodology" with over 5,000 subscrib-ers, a weekly shiur on Pirkei Avot with over 1400 subscribers, and he has delivered hundreds of audio shiurim featured on the Yeshivat Har Etzion “Audio Beit Midrash” (KMTT) as well as on YU Torah Online. Rabbi Taragin has authored a Yom Ha’atzmaut Machzor for Koren publishing house.

Rabbi Taragin, his wife and eight children reside in Gush Etzion.

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