west silver spring

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 West Silver Spring


    SchematicDesignRecommendationsThe following summarizes the site specific design recommendationsthat are incorporated into the facility plan as shown on the 1"=50f-0"scale schematic design drawings. Portions of the drawings have beenreproduced as plan details below to illustrate concepts.Jones Mill Road CrossingThis section describes the recommendationsfor crossing Jones Mill Road when the RockCreek Trestle is reopened to trail users andtrail use increases significantly.

    Once the Rock CreekTrestle is reopened, itwill be difficult to keep trail usersfrom crossingJones Mill Roaddirectly at the trail (see Figure18) . Appropriate sidewalk widths, cross-walks, clear sight lines, and timing of pedes-trian signals will needto beaddressed.Existing ConditiondlssuesCurrently, the existing GeorgetownBranchTrail users are directed to the existing cross-walks at the signalized intersectionof JonesMill Roadand Jones Bridge Road. There isa

    push buttonfor pedestrians. However, thetiming of the signal change is not frequentenoughto keeptrail users from jaywalking.

    Figum 15:Viiw east fromJones Mill Road(existingblind trailcrossing is to thetight around thecomer end behindthe tree). Thecumnt signalincludes apedesttiancrossing phase

    When the RockCreekTrestle is reopened,there will bea large increase in the number oftrail users desiring to crossJones Mill Roaddirectly at the existing Georgetown BranchTrail right-of-way. However, southboundmotorists on Jones Bridge Roadturning rightonto Jones Mill Roadcannot see the trailintersection(Figure15).showing limitedThere isan existing sidewalk onthe south-boundside of Jones Mill Road leadinguptotheexisting crosswalks. However,there is nosidewalk or shoulder connecting the existingcrosswalkback to thetrail on the northboundside of Jones Mill Road(Figure 16). Currentlytrail users head north to the intersectionofJones Mill and Jones Bridgefor a shortdistance and cross at the signal to SusannaLane and into Rock Creek Park (see Figure


    available space fora trail secbonconnecting fromthe existingcrosswalkto theGeoqptownBmnch Tmil(photograph fromGeorgetownBranch crossinglocation)

    (photograph takenat existingmsswalk)

    Facility Plan the Ca i tal Cresce and Metro olitan Branch3

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    Figurn 18: ExistinglntersedionConditions (inset)and ProposedIntersectionEnlargement

    EnlargedJones Mill RoadIntersection

    ExistingTrail Route(Susanna Lane)

    Susanna Lane

    Two existing crosswalkswith push buttons andpedestrian signals

    5 Shoulder New signal for

    Tnll toBotheda TnilbSilverSprlng

    New signal fortrail users

    The Maryland-NationalCapital Park and Planning ~ommissic-

    Move vehicle stopline back behindtrail croming andprovide new signalon mast arm behindcrosswalk

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    OptionsConsideredTwo options were considered for addressingthe intersection ssuesat Jones Bridge Road:directingtrail users to the existing intersec-tion, or expandingthe intersectionto incorpo-rate the trail crossing. A pedestriancrossingor underpasswas also considered, butultimately rejecteddue to the uncertainty ofthe future Transitway design and thedesire ofthe trail users to eliminate unnecessarychanges in grade. A rampsystem withundesirable visual impacts and right-of-wayrequirements from adjoiningpropertyownerswould have beenrequired.Option 1: BarrierDirectingRail Users toExistingCrossingThis optiondirects trail users to the existingcrosswalk byconstructing physicalbarriers(42" high minimum)to deter them fromcrossing the street directly at the GeorgetownBranchTrail crossing of Jones Mill Road.This option would require that the existingconnecting sidewalk onthe west (south-bound)side of Jones MillRoad beutilizedand that a new connecting sidewalk beconstructed onthe east (northbound) side ofJones Mill Road(requiring the constructionofa timber retainingwall).The existing signalwould need to be modifiedto lengthenthe 'WK' hase of the signal.The existing intersection raffic volume data

    would needto beexamined to determine thefeasibility of modifying he pedestrianphaseofthe signal and its impact on level-of-service.Additional modifications to accommodate theincreased number of trail users at the existingcrosswalks include:Accessible curb ramps (2)Relocate northboundand southboundsignal poles to make room for trail userswaiting to crossPaintedcrosswalks with longitudinal linesfor addedvisibilityOption2: Redesign(Expand)the Intersec-tion to IncorporatethemilCrossingThe second option is to redesign(expand) theintersectionto include the trail entrance to theintersectionso that the trail users can crossJones Mill Roaddirectly. The same issues of FjWm 19: Planthe impact on intersection evel-of-service willneed to beexaminedfor this option. pmfenrwl andalternate routes PorJones Mill RoadProposed Impmvemenls Crossing. heexisting SusannaPreferredRoute (Optlon2) Lane mute is shownThe recommended route is to redesign as the dashed line(expand) the intersection so that the trail users leaving thecancross Jones Mill Road directly. Thiswill to therequire changes to the signal to allow for notth.dedicatedpedestriancrossingtime that is longenough in durationandfrequent enough for

    Facility Plan for the Capital Crescent and MetropolitanBranchTrails

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    trail users without backing up traffic. Thetiming of the signal should be designed toaccommodate500 users per hour at peakweekend and summer evening use.In addition to the signalization changes,surface markings and signage would berequired according to the Manualof UniformTraffic Control Devices (MUTCD) guidelines.iese markings and signage include:"Pedestrian Crossing" warning signs (onall three approaches to the intersection)"Bike Route" marking signs (2)Painted crosswalk with longitudinal linesfor added visibility"Pedestrian Signal" regulatory signs (2) atthe trail crossingConcrete aprons at the trail crossingwhere it meets the roadway travel lane.vf an agreement with MCDPWT cannot beworked out regarding the signal, then barrierswill need to be constructed to direct trail usersto the existing crossing. Barriers will need tobe of sufficient size (42" high) to keep trailusers from crossing over the top and mustmeet County roadway design guidelines.Over time, pressure may increase for adedicated pedestrian phase (all red lights) atthis intersection. To accommodate thispotential change, the guardrail should bedesigned so that an opening could be createdfor the trail, leaving the rest of the guardrail inplace. The guardrail will then continue toprotect the approach sections to the trail,making it safer to access the trail from neigh-borhoods to the north and south.

    interim route will need to be used as aconstruction bypass route to keep the trailopen during the TransitwayITrail constructionperiod. Where the Rock Creek Trestlecrosses the existing Rock Creek Trail, over-head protection will be needed for trail usersbelow, if it is to be used as a constructionbypass.CommunityUnkagesThere is an existing on-road bike lane alongJones Mill Road south of the trail crossing.This bike lane should be connected to thefuture Capital Crescent Trail as a Shared-usesidewalk by reconstructing 8' wide sidewalkswith a 4' separation from the road edge andincorporating a box beam guardrail for furtherprotection. Currently, reflector poles mark theseparation.Both alternatives will require right-of-way andsidewalk improvements along the north boundsides to connect the trail with adjoiningneighborhoods to the notth and south of thetrail crossing. A timber retaining wall wouldneed to be constructed to support the side-walk on the northbound side of Jones MillRoad and an existing split rail fence wouldneed to be relocated.

    Relationship to Pmjwed TmnsitwayThe TransitwayrnailDraft EnvironmentalImpact Statement (DEIS) indicated the use ofdepressed grades to allow for a below gradeTransitway and trail crossing of Jones MillRoad.During construction of the Transitway, aconstruction bypass route will be needed westof Jones Mill Road (beyond the scope of thisstudy.)TheexistingSusannaLaneIRockCreekTrailThe Maryland-National Capital Park and PlanningCommissio

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    Jones MillRoad - StewartAvenueThis section describes the recommendationsfor improvements to the existing GeorgetownBranch Trail that will be needed once theRock Creek T M l e s opened (beyond thosethat will be included with the Rock CreekTrestle reconstruction project).ExistingConditiondlssuesThe existing trestle (Figures 20 and21) willbe replaced with a prefabricated bridgestructure built on existing piers and footings.The project will be bid out in early 2001 as adesign build project. It is anticipated that thedesignlbuild project will include any surfaceand safety improvements needed to accom-modate an anticipated evel of peak use at500 userslhour.When the Trestle reopens, it will raise anumber of issues that will need to be ad-dressed immediately including the Jones MillRoad crossing discussed above:Drainage problems east of the bridge

    caused a washout of the trail.The surface will need to be improved toaccommodate the full range of users thatare anticipated. This may require atemporary asphalt surface that will requireless maintenance than a crushed stonesurface. The crushed stone surface onexisting portions of the Capital CrescentTrail do not receive adequate mainte-nance to ensure safety.An overlook and rest stop with seatingshould becreated as part of the perma-nent trail design to take advantage of theattractive views and provide opportunityfor interpretation of the Rock Creek Valleyand the history of the Georgetown BranchRailroad.A linkage is needed to connect the trail toRock Creek Park. The permanentTransitwayKrail alignment will be locatedon the south side of the proposed Transit-way, and therefore, the linkage will needto also beconstructed on the south sideto avoid potential Transitway and trailuser conflicts.

    The current interim trail connects to theGeorgetown Branch Trail at the intersectionofTerrace Drive and Grubb Road. This accesspoint should remain and the interim trail (anon-road bikeway) converted to a communitylinkage.

    BetweenGrubb Roadand StewartAvenue,thefollowing conditionsshould beaddressed:There are extensiveamounts of debrisand litteralongthe trail betweenLyttonsvillePlaceand StewartAve.There are manytow trucks and deliverytrucks crossing the trail using the existingright-of-way. There is not an adequatesight distance for the vehicles crossing thetrail to see oncoming trail users (bicy-clists). This should becorrected intheinterim by first placingstop signs for trailusers and second, providing"bicyclecrossing" warning signs for vehiculartrafftc onthe driveways. A permanentsolution should be incorporated nto theTransitwayKrail project design.Drainage improvementsshould be madein the washed out areas near the Countysalt domes (Figure 22).

    Figure 20:View East alongabandoned RockCreek TrestleBridge (top)

    Figure 21:Looking North atthe Rock C m kTrestle Bridge fromRock C m k Trail(bottom)

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    Figure 22:V i w west towardsdrainage problematea near Countysalt d o m

    Figure 23:viiw wesf oforiginal GeorgetownBranch r i g h t 4way TheTransitwaypm$ecfwill mquite cut andfill and mtainingwalls to fi t both thetrail and Transitway

    A concernwas raisedabout the aestheticandenvironmentalquality of the industrialarea betweenLyttonsville Road andStewartAve. Dueto the proximityof theTransitway, the aesthetic enhancementswill need to be designed andconstructedas part of theTransitwayrrrailproject.There is not enough room to make theseimprovementsnowwithout havingtoremove them later. There is notenoughinformation known about the final align-ment of the Transitway (1 or 2- track,etc.) to preparea design. However,aesthetic enhancements in this area arecritical to improvingthe overallquality ofthe trail experienceandthey should beincluded in the finalTransitwayKraildesign.

    11 Capital Park and Pla

    Proposed lmpmvementsInterimimprovements includedwith theopening of the Rock Creek Trestle (byMCDPWT)The interimtrail will be openedwith onlyminor modification o the existing trail surfaceas neededto makethe trail safe. Debriswillneed to be removed, drainage problemsfixed,and the surface made usablefor a peakanticipateduseof over 500 userslhour.SurfaceOverall, it is recommended that the interimtrail for the CapitalCrescentTrail be con-structedutilizing a temporary2-inch asphaltsurfacealong with minor modificationsto theexisting ballast to support the trail, as dis-cussed in the General Design Recommenda-tions on page 9. Asphalt is recommendedover crushedstone. Asphalt will be easier tomaintainand safer to usethan the crushedstone surface, andwill be morecost effectiveover the temporary periodbetween theopening of theTrestleand the constructionofthe Transitway.This would provide a much safer and morefamily oriented temporary surface for trailusers. If theTransitway is not funded forconstruction, then the asphalt surface can berepairedand resealed. The crushed stonesurfacewould requireannual maintenanceandwould not be suitablefor all types ofusers, such as young children, roller bladers,strollers,etc. Norwould it be ideal for usersinwheelchairs.The County Councilwill have to approve theuseof the asphalt andstipulatethat it will bea temporary surface. This would have to beimplementedseparatelyfrom the Rock CreekTrestle DesignIBuildprojectdue to budget.However, the asphalt couldsimply be laidover the top of the preparedsurface thatresultedfrom the designtbuildproject.Stormwater management will also have to beincorporated nto the designof the asphaltoverlay. Drainageshould be consideredaspart of the Rock Creek Trestle designlbuildproject.


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    F%n detail showinglocation of RockCrsek Tiaillinkage

    Figure 25:Section showingexisting conditionsand location ofinterim trail



    CenUrNns-MdGmqwwm rM U u ,

    Figum 26:Section showingproposed linkage toRock Creek Parkand the PermanentTmnsitway/Trail

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    Atemporary, prefabricatedbridge is to beplacedonthe existingpiers that are alignedwith the existingrail line. This structurewill bereplacedwith a permanent structure as part ofthe TransitwayKrail project.

    CreekLinkageThe linkage to Rock Creek Park can beachievedby constructing a switchbackalongthe entire portionof the existingCounty right-of-way utilizing a 5%maximum slope switch-ing back at the east end of the right-of-wayand then descending down on a 5% slopepath to the park property. Most trees can bepreservedby utilizinga switchback to mini-mize cut and fill neededto accommodatethetrail linkage.raryT PI-

    An interim parkinglotshould be constructedatLyttonsville Placeonexisting M-NCPPCpropertyat the comer of Lyttonsville Place andBrookville Road.The DElS indicatesthat aFigun, 27: futureTransitway stationwill be locatedthere.Plan detaiiofthe The future stationsite would bea good placefor an interim parking lot. The nearest parkingwit Lyttonsvile

    Place isat Rock Creek Park and is used byjointagreementwith the Synagogue. The temp*rary trailhead should include a kiosk, paytelephone andwater fountain. These should

    be located so that they do not have tobemovedat a later date.Trail Crossingof IruthMalDrivewayThe trail should beon a raised"speed ablenwhere the industrialdriveway crosses thetrail. A speed table isa raised platform longerthan a vehicle designed to slow drivers downto an acceptablespeed (usually lessthan 15mph) Signs should beplacedto warn driversof the crossing and speed table.At the same time, stop signs should beinstalledfor trail users, includinga warningsign, stop bar, concreteapron, bollards, andcrosswalk striping with longitudinal markingsto increasevisibility.This dual approach clearly gives the vehiclesthe right-of-way at the intersection, but slowsthem down to a pointatwhich they can reactand drive defensivelythrough the intersection.Relationship toProposed Transhay/Tmii (PermanentAlignment)The Transitway alignment shown inthe DElSis proposedto runalong the same alignmentas the existing interimtrail. The permanentalignment of the trail is envisionedto beoff-center along the southernedge of the right-of-

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    way on a lowerterrace. This necessitates heconstruction of retainingwalls to accommo-date both the Transitway and the permanentalignment of the trail within the available right-of-way. Therefore, a permanent trail cannotbeconstructed betweenJones MillRoadandStewart Ave. until the retainingwalls aredesigned as part of the Transitway/Traildesign phase.Const~ction ypassA bypasswill beneededduring the construetion phaseof the Transitway/Trail project tomaintaincontinuityalong the Capital CrescentTrail. It is recommended that the existinginterim route from Susanna Laneto the RockCreekTrail connecting through Rock CreekPark to FreymanandTerrace Drivescould beusedagain as a constructionbypass (pinkdashed line onthe Facility Plan, Figure 5).The Transitwayrrrail DElS indicatesthat theRock CreekTrailwhich crosses under theRock CreekTrestle would have to beclosedduring construction. Alternate approaches toconstruction management should beconsid-ered to keep the trail open as muchaspossible.From the Terrace Drive access, the Countyowned right-of-way iswide enough to con-struct a permanent section of the trail as a"constructionbypassn o connect with theWshington Suburban SanitationCommission(WSSC) property on LyttonsvilleRoad. A trailconnectioncould be incorporated nto existingproperty setbacks (either along the northorwest side of the property, connecting toLyttonsvilleRoadthrough the WSSC prop-erty).This then connectswith the Rosemary HillsRecreation Center providingaccess to LanierDriveand the TalbotAvenue Bridge. Tempo-rary "Sharethe Road" and"Bicycle Route"signs should be placed along the constructionbypass route as part of the Transitway design.

    CommunityLinkagesA permanent, off-road, shared-use sidewalk isproposed asa community linkageto connectthe CapitalCrescentTrailwith the GwendolynCoffield CommunityCenter. This linkagecould beconstructed prior to the Transitway1

    Facility Plan for the

    Trail project. A portion of this linkage could beused asa construction bypass for the Transit-way project. The linkage would utilize the eastside of LyttonsvillePlace and the north side ofLyttonsville Road. Itwould cross the street atmid-blockbetween the intersectionof Figum 28: ViewLyttonsvilleRoad/Lyttonsville Placeand looking east onMichiganAvenue. LyttonsvileRoadshowing crossingAn easementwould be requiredalong the locationedgeof Lyttonsville Placealong with a timberretainingwall. The westbound curb alongLyttonsvilleRoadshould beextended outwardto widen the available space for the connect-

    Figum 29:Existing path withinRosemary HillsPark to be utilizedas pad of thecommunity linkage

    Capital Crescent and Metropolitan Branch ~ r a i r -

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    ing linkage, and to protect the existing streettrees.Accessible curb ramps, painted crosswalkswith longitudinal lines for greater visibility,along with hazard identification beacons wouldbe needed for the mid-block pedestriancrossing. Located along the low volumesection of Lyttonsville Road, this sectionprovides a safer place to cross to get to theRosemary Hills Recreation Center than at theintersection of Lyttonsville Road andLyttonsville Place (with its continuous rightturn allowed without stopping).The community linkage crosses two drive-ways, requiring the installation of new curbramps. No utility poles would have to berelocated to accommodate the communitylinkage.Coordination IssuesThe interim trail alignment should be re-viewed by the Mass Transit Administration(MTA) to ensure coordination with theTransitwayfirail project.The existing interim trail (Susanna Laneconnecting to Rock Creek Park to TerraceDrivelGrubb Road) will need to be used as aconstruction bypass for the Transitwayfirailproject.The Rock Creek Trestle designlbuild con-tract should include all of the measures

    necessary to create the interim trail betweenJones Mill Road and TerraceRd.1Grubb Rd.access point. This includes repairing thesubgrade by removing debris and directingrunoff away from the trail.Right-of-way would beneeded along theeast side of Lyttonsville Place to constructthe community linkage from the trail to theRosemary Hills Recreation CenterAesthetic enhancements should be pro-grammed into the Transitwayfirail FinalEnvironmental Impact Statement (FEIS)process through the industrial sections ofthe area. This requires coordination be-tween the Facility Plan and adjacent indus-trial property owners during the FEISprocess.

    22 The Maryland-NationalCapital Park and PlanningCornmissio~

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    does not appear to have been used for over ayear as it is overgrown with woody plants.Avenue - Ta'bot Bridge Flexible office space and industrial uses areThis the found on the south side. The CSX Sidingapproach tomlwating the merges with the CSX main line at the end oftown Branch lntenm TW l off Bm kw'Ile Road KansasAve. is needed romand addresses the of at the CSX to construct the trail along the siding andCSX Siding. to access the slo~ina ooded hillside connect-Existing Conditions/IssuesThe County right-of-way ends (GeorgetownBranch) and the CSX right-of-way (referred toas the CSX Siding) begins just east ofStewart Avenue. Currently the GeorgetownBranch Trail Interim Route follows BrookvilleRoad to connect with 2"*Avenue. TheBrookville Road section is unsuitable forbicycle use due to the extensive number ofdriveways that must be crossed, many ofwhich are industrial and have vehiclesstacked, blocking progress for the trail users.This section of the existing interim routeshould be replaced as soon as possible.

    ing the siding at knsas Ave. to Talbot Ave.Options ConsideredThree options were considered as a means ofaddressing the right-of-way issues associatedwith the CSX Siding segment:constructing the permanent alignmentalong the southern edge of the CSXSiding right-of-way and linking to TalbotAve through the CSX parcel at the end ofKansas Avenue;bypassing the siding by utilizing theabandoned right-of-way at the end ofStewart Ave. and utilizing Kansas, Penn-sylvania, and Michigan Avenues townnectwith ~albot~ve nue;nd,There appears to be enough room on the bypassing both the CSX Siding andsouth side of the CSX Siding to construct the Stewart Avenue abandoned right-of-waytrail without impeding the future construction by utilizing Lyttonsville Place, Lyttonsvilleof the Transitway. However, there also Road, Gwendolyn Coffield Communityappears to besome right-of-way encroach- Center, and Lanier to connect with Talbotments at the Kansas Avenue end that will Avenue.need to be addressed prior to construction.The MTA will also need to confirm that theycan construct the Transitway while reserving Proposed Improvementsa 12-18' wide trail corridor right-of-way and by Pnf.ned D.rign: UsecsXsldinNdbotbuilding a construction fence to protect trail Pempnentusers. The recommended o~tions to use the CSXSiding if right-of-way 'can be obtained fromThe l i t t I~sediding is Owned CSX' The CSX and the encroachment from the adjoiningrecycling center on the north side is the most industrial on the siding at the end ofrecent user of the railroad siding. The siding Kansas Ave can be msolved. CSX also owns

    Figurn 30: Vmw ofCSX Siding lookingeast from StewartAvenue.

    I F W y Plan for the Capital Crescentand Metropolitan Branch Trails

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    illustratingrelationshipofp~oposedpemnen t trailalignment withlocation ofP~POWTransitway (abovegrade option)

    EXISTING SIDING TRANSITWAY RowALIGNMENT(DEIS 1996)the six parcels between Kansas Ave. and proceed unimpeded and later to serve as aTalbot Ave. The plan recommends proceeding barrier between trail users and the Transit-with the design and construction of a perma- way (Figure 32).nent trail within the CSX Siding right-of-way.The route then connects up to Talbot Ave and The constructionof the Kansas to Talbotthe Talbot Ave. Bridge in the same location as segment would require a timber retainingthe proposed permanent alignment. A wall along the northern sideof the trail justsuitable barrier fence will be needed as part of after the intersection of Talbot and Michigan.the design to allow Transitway construction toh e Mwyl .d-Mat landCapital Park and PlmningCoimmirsim

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    Use of the timber retaining wall also keepsthe trail within the public right-of-way andmore than 50' from a live CSX rail line.Alternate: UseStewartAve. to KansasAve.as InterimTrailIf the right-of-way cannot beobtainedfromCSX, then it is recommended that an interimtrail beconstructed along the southboundside of StewartAve, to KansasAve. utilizing --an existing right4f-wayat the parking lot atthe endof StewartAve. to connect to Kansas. i'- 2 4This involves reconstructingand extending 'T --the curb and gutter along StewartAve, a totalof twelve feet to make room for a 10-footwideshared use pathway (narrowingStewartAvenue).The existing brickwall, now partiallycrumbling, would have to beopened upandrepairedat the ends.The curb extension should beconstructedupnarrow the roadway approaching the trail.&o Brwkville Rd. to avoid havingto stripe and the Rose signs approaching the trailportionof the on-street route from boththe traffic to move Over directions (Maine and PennsylvaniaAvenues.)immediatelywould have the eventual benefit

    Figum 33:View looking northalong StewartAvenue - mad to benamwed from 48'to 36' toaccommodate trail(alternate to CSXSiding alignment)

    of narrowingthe crossingwidth for the An on-street route through Pennsylvania andpermanentTransitwayTTrailproject -for both Michigan Avenues will beutilized to accessthe Transitway and trailusers. The resulting Talbot Ave. and the Talbt Ave. Bridge on ancrosssection of StewartAvenue would retain interim basis until the pemanent trail align-two 7-foot parking lanes and two 11-foottravel lanes (36foot total) compared to the ment is constructed along the CSX Siding.

    Figum 34:Viiw looking easfalong KansasAvenue - mad to bedesignatedas anon-stmt bike route(alternate to CSXSiding alignment)

    current excessive 48' total width (Figure35). GwendolynCoffieldCommunityCenterThe use of KansasAvenue as an on-street Llnkagebike route would require the placement of If right-of-way cannot be negotiatedfromeither CSX or for the

    EXISTINGCURBTO CURBFacility Plan for the Capital Crescent and Metropolitan Branch Trails

    Figum 35:Cross-sectionlooking south atStewarf Avenueshowing curbextension asrequired toatxommodatealternate mute


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    Figum 37:Cmss-sedonlooking south at theterminus of StewartAvenue adjacent toexisting parking lot

    the Rosemary Hills Park, down LanierAve,and finally linkingupto the proposedTalbotAve. Bridge.

    Figure 36: CommunityLinkagesWew southeast of The StewartAvenueIKansasAvenue linkage,overgrown CSX if constructedas an interim trailwould makeSiding as it slopes an appropriatecommunity linkageto the trailup to meet the CSX from the adjoining neighborhoodsand com-Mainline mercialbuildings.The Rosemary Hills Recre-ation Center community linkage, ifcon-structed,would also make an appropriatethen the GwendolynCoffieldCommunity constructionbypassroute. Therefore, both ofCenter linkage should beconstructedas an these initial investments in an interimtrailinterimtrail. The ultimategoal is to remove would havepermanent benefitsto the Corn-the interimtrail from Brookville Roadas soon munity.aspossible.

    CoordinationIssuesRelationship to Transitway The StewartAvenue to KansasalternateThe permanenttrail can be built immediately if requires sorting out the ownership of theCSX right-of-waycan be obtainedand MTA vacated rightaf-way at the end of Stewartagreesthat the Transitwayconstructioncan Avenue. Apparently, the right-of-waywastake placeadjacentto the existingtrail without never legallyacated, yet fie erception isdamagingtheconstructedtrail (with approprim that itwas vacated. This may create a legalateprotectionmeasures).The permanent issuefor the County in trying to reclaimthealignment of the trail climbs uptoTalbotAve. vacatedright-of-way.through theCSX parcels at the end Of Kansas The StewartAvenue to Kansasand is locatedwell above the location of the also requires approval byMCDPWT toadjacent live rail (more than 50' away). designateKansas, PennsylvaniaandMichiganAvenues as on-street bicycleConstructionB~pass routes.Since the constructionbypasswill already be The preferredpermanent trail alignmentutilizinga section of the GwendolynCoffield must bereviewedby MTAto ensure coordi-CommunityCenter linkage, theentirecon- nationwith the Transitwayl'railproject.st~uctionrea near the CSX Sidingcouldbe he preferredroute through thecsx Sidingbypassedby continuingthe linkagethrough area requires right-of-wayfrom CSXandresolutionof theencroachmentbyanadjoining owner near KansasAvenue.



    The Maryland-NationalCapital Park and Planning Commission7

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    Talbot Ave. Bridge - 16" S tThis sectiondescribestheprekned nterimrouteneeded o bypass the steepslopesadjacentto Woodside Mews.ExistingConditions/IssuesRight-of-way issues,neighborhoodconcernsand physicalconstraintsfound inthe vicinityof the Talbot Ave. Bridgeand Woodside Mewsrequirethe use of an interim trail alignment.Issues include:Steeply slopinggrades betweenWoodsideMews and the CSX right-of-way requiretheuse ofvery high retainingwalls to fit boththe trail andTransitway.Therefore the permanenttrail alignmentmust beconstructedintandem with theTransitwayto avoid reconstructing hetrail when the Transitway is constructed.I Several residentsalong Grace ChurchRoadexpressedconcernsabout thesafety of trail usersand their childrenplaying in the yards along GraceChurchRoad. This isdue to the numberofvehicles that turn left illegally onto theTalbot Avenue Bridgefrom Grace ChurchRoad. Grace ChurchRoadcontains

    Figum 38:View east fromTalbotAvenueBridge lookingtowards trees infront of WoodsideMews (lei?)--peed bumps already. The recom-mendedsolutionendorsed by the largemajorityof residentsalong this street istomake Grace ChurchRoada onewaynorthboundroutebetween3" and4&.This will reinforcethe desiredturningmovements onto the TalbotAvenueBridge. The design also recommendscreatinga separate pedestrianlbicyclespan that can be constructed as part ofthe interim trail but serve asthe perma-nent crossingof he CSX right-of-way.An existing right-of-way along 3'('Ave.


    HyTuti)39:Plan and sectionM a i l showinqpmbmd locefonrrnd mqubidclearem&& brthwrPP-d TaIWA m n u Fxddt ianandBiqchBridge

    Facility Plan for the Capital Crescent and Metropolitan BranchT ~ Q

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    Figure 40:View northeastalong GraceChurch Road showing existing 5'sidewalk and 21'road width I

    Figum 41:View east along9Avenue right-of-wayand utility easementconnecting toLyttonsvilleRoad

    Figure 42:Pmfemd andalternate interimroutes betweenTalbotAve. Bridgeand 1665 Street

    combinedwith WSSC right-of-way isneededto provideaccess from GraceChurch Road throughto LyttonsvilleRoad.A mature specimen mapletree must bepreserved in this right-of-way.LyttonsvilleRoad is48' wide. Only 36' arenecessary to accommodate two travel

    lanes and two parking lanes. The remain-der of the road can be reallocatedto trailuse.Crossing 16thStreet is difficult due topavement width and traffic speed (possi-bly requiring a pedestrian activated light).Once onthe east side of 16" Street, thereis limited right-of-way at the end of NoyesLane. Use of this side of the street mayrequirea constructioneasement andrepair of landscapedisturbed by construetion.On the west side of 16'h,the alignmentwould need to stay behindthe guardrailon l @ St., utilizinga wide level terrace. Itwould then descend the wooded hillsidepast the Park Sutton pool to get under16&Street (therewill bean impact totrees near the underpass).The Park Sutton parking lot presentsanoption to reduce the impactto trees, butwill requireADA accessible rampsto buildup enough elevationto get underthebridge.

    Abnafives ConsidelledFive options were consideredfor addressingthe complex set of issuesfound between theTalbotAvenue Bridge and 1@ Street:Option 1 - Useof Grace Church Road,the Damr street (an unbuilt Dublic road

    T ~ary land-~a t imlapital Park and Planning Commissio

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    right-of-way)and theWSSC water lineeasement at 3* Ave. to LyttonsvilleRoadand crossingat its intersectionwith 16thoutilizetheeast side of 1 P Street;Option2 - Use of GraceChurch Road,the paper street and water lineeasementat 3*Ave. to LyttonsvilleRoad, thewestside of 1@ Street staying highup on theslope untilpast the pool, and crossingunder 1@ Street usinga fill sectionbehindthe bridge's crash barrier;Option3 - Use of GraceChurch Road, tothe existingsignalizedintersectionat 2ndAve. and 1@Street.Option4 - Use of GraceChurch Road,the paperstreet andwater line easementat 3*Ave connectingto thearea behindthe Park Suttonapartmentsand obtainingan easementfrom Park Suttonto getunder the 1@ Street Bridge utilizinga cutsection behindthecrashbarrier;Option5 - Constructingthe retainingwallrequiredat Woodside Mewsto accommo-date the trail and theTransitwayas partof the permanentalignmentandconnect-ingto the back side of the parkinglot atParkSutton to get under the 1W StreetBridge (utilizinga cut section behind thecrash barrier).The first four options share a commonelement in theuse of Grace Church Roadandtheexisting rightof-wayandwaterlineease-ment to connect to Lyttonsville Road. Thefirst two options continueon LyttonsvilleRoadby extending the curb out 12' and reallocat-ingthe right-of-wayfor use as the interimtrail.The third optionuses Grace ChurchRoadtoconnect to the existingsignal at 2" Ave.insteadof crossingat 1P. The fourthandfifthoptions share the use of a cut section togain access under the 16'hStreet Bridge.Proposed lmprovemenfsPreferredDesign: Utilizingthe EastSideof1 PStreetA permanentsectionof the trail is recom-mendedto continuefrom TalbotAve. up toand includinga new pedestrianspan adjacentto theTalbotAve. Bridge(linedupwith GraceChurchRoad). The designof the spanwillneed to meet the CSX requirementsforcrossinga live freight railand leave roomforfuture transit construction.

    6 w orth alongAfter crossingto the northside of the tracks at Street towadsTalbot, the preferreddesign is to widen the 0r0-d,-.-,-----existingsidewalkalong Grace Church Road LyttonsvileRoadand convert Grace Church Roadto a one-wav cmss in~busroutebetween3*and4aAvenues. A ptit ion she~teratleff)in support of the one-way conversionsignedby 11out of 13ownersonGraceChurch Roadwas submittedat the November 15publicmeeting. Wideningthe existingsidewalk to10feet would leaveroomfor a 16foot widetravel lane (one-way). Thiswould requiretwocrosswalks and stop controlsfor bothbicy-clists and cars at the intersectionof GraceChurchRoadand3* Avenue, and GraceChurch Road and Avenue.Alternativelyan8' trail could be paintedon theeast side of Grace Church Roadand sepa-ratedby a 2' raisedconcrete rumblestrip.This would leavean I 1 foot travel laneandthe existing5' sidewalkwith noon-streetparkingallowed. A thirdalternatefor contin-uedconsideration isaone-way pair of on-road

    Figum 44:View notthwestfromParJcSuftonpatking lot

    Facility Plan for the Capital Crescent and MetropolitanBranchTrails

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    V ~ Wooking eastshowing location ofLyttonsvilleRoadcut& extension

    Figum 46:C~DSS-sectionshowingLyttonsvilleRoadcurb extension(lookingeast)

    bikeways using Hanoversouthbound andGrace Church Road northbound.A final designdecision will bemade in consul-tation with MCDPWTand the residents ofGrace Church Roadas part of the final designphaseof the project.The interim routewill connect to LyttonsvilleRoadthrough the extended right-of-way on3dAvenue. Additional right-of-waywill need to

    beobtained from a private parcel, or byutilizingthe existing water line easement.The routewill cross Lyttonsville Roadeast ofthe entrance to the Park Sutton parking lot.LyttonsvilleRoadwill be narrowedto 36 feetwhile maintaining existing parking. Theexisting sidewalkwould bemaintainedalongwith the new 10'wide trail which will beconstructed 5 feet from the proposednewcurb.The preferredinterim route then crosses 1ahStreet at Lyttonsville Roadand utilizestheavailable right-of-way onthe east side of 1W.However, the State HighwayAdministrationmust agree to install a pedestrian activatedsignal with enoughcrossing time andfre-quency to meet users' needs. This intersec-tion already serves as a Metro bus stop and aschool bus stop (both north andsouthbound),yet pedestrianneedsto safely cross the streetat this locationare not currently met.The route onthe east side of 1@ Street canbeaccommodatedwithin the existingright-of-way by maintaining a 5' landscape stripbetweenthe existingcurb and a 10' asphalttrail. Guy wires onone utility pole would needto be relocated to accommodate the trail.Once the permanentalignment is constructed


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    under the 1 P Street Bridge, the pedestriansignalwill continueto serve the needs ofpedestriansrequiringsafer access to the busstops.If suitablepedestriantime cannot beob-tained, then right-of-waywill needto beobtainedfrom CSX and Park Suttonto utilizethewest side of 16ihStreet and crossingunderneaththe 16'hStreet bridge utilizinga fillsection behindthe CSX crashwall (ateleva-tion 330 feet).-f CSX or ParkSuttonright&-way cannotbeobtained, then the interimroute should go upGrace Church Roadto2*Ave. and cross atthe existingsignal. The trail could then utilize2nd ve. to connect to the Silver Spring GreenTrail as an on-road bikeway. Alternatively,

    Figum 47: V i wlooking west underthe 1b treetBndge- the interimand pe m ne n t trailwould beconstnrcfied behindthe crash wall



    Ic k +.r.:PRESERVE TREES Figum 48: CrossBY USING DECK STRUCTURE section showingTO MINIMIZECUT AND FILL suggested deckingto ammmodate

    WEST SIDE OF 16th ALTERNATEalternate trailalignment on thewest side of IdSttiset (lookingnorth)

    Facility Plan for the Capital Crescent and MetropolitanBranchTrails-

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    the trail could utilize the3"'Street extended Pursue right-of-way rom CSx, WATArightdf-way to connect to Elkhart and then to and Park Sutton for west side route if2"dAve. signalization cannot beobtained. It may beuseful to pursue both the rightdf-way and

    Community LinkagMonStruction Bypass the signalization changes at the Same time,Construction under the Street Bridge for since both would benefit the neighborhoodthe Transitway would prohibit use of the and the future permanent alignment of theunderpass during the construction period. trail.This makes the crossing at Lyttonsvilie Road Use of the existing waterline easementand 1@ Street serve the dual function of (WSSC) or obtaining right-of-way fromproviding a construction bypass and serving Woodside Mews between the 3dAve. paperthe adjacent residents who use the bus stop street and Lyttonsville Road.on the east side of I@ Street. Approval by MCDPWT for the conversionofRelationship to Transitway Grace Church Road to one-way between3dStarting from the north side of a newly con- and 4*structed pedestrian bridge adjacent to the Approval for pedestrian bridge crossing atexisting Talbot Ave. Bridge, the permanent trail Talbot - cmrdination with MTAto assurealignment would run along the Transitway adequate clearances for both CSX and thealignment and under the 16'h Street Bridge. future Transitway.This will require extensive use of retaining Review by Rosemary Hills Elementarywalls to accommodate the trail. The preferred School regarding placement of the trailalternate along the east side would not require adjacent to the school (not on schoola construction bypass to accommodate the property, but requiring retaining wall adja-TransitwayRrail construction. cent to school and a temporary constructioneasement).Coordination Issues

    Pursue pedestrian activated signal at 16*and Lyttonsville Road from SHA - servingboth the adjacent residents accessing thebus stops and interim trail users. Thiscrossing would also be needed to maintaintrail continuity during the TransitwayRrailconstruction period.

    The Maryland-NationalCapital Park and PlanningCommission7

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    Figute 50:Plan detail showing3rdAvenue madabandonment toaocommodafe trailalignment

    Figute 51:View northwestshowing NoyesLane intemdionwithP venue I


    C 12' PATHWAY ' 5' " 18' ROADWAY 1STRIP

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    Coordination lssuesA constructionfence will need to be builtalong the south side of the trail (2' minimumclearance betweenthe trail and the con-structionfence). Prior to preparingfinallandscapedrawingsfor the trail-relatedimprovements described above, MTAwillneed to determine how muchspace will beneededfor constructionaccess and if theconstruction ence can bemovedfurthersouth to protect proposed replacementplantingsalong the southside of the trail. Ifnot, then the Transitway will needto includethe landscapeplantingsas part of itsconstructionplans.Closureof 3"'Avenue between Noyes DriveandSouth Springwoodalongwith thenarrowing of the remainderof 3~ venue 10 CSX and WATA will need to review theaccommodate the trail will needto be plans to ensure that their access require-reviewedto ensure adequate emergency ments are still maintainedat the endofaccesscanbe maintainedandapproved by Noyes Drive.the MCDPVVT.

    1 L 1O! TRAIL 7 5' 74'DRIVEWAYACCE~


    Future I I I 1 Rssidential-5 10FT.Figgm53:View westat theintersection ofSouth Springwoodand P venue

    Figum 54:Cross section atintersection ofSouth Springwoodshowing changes toexisting madneeded toaccommodate thetmil (looking wesf)

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