wh2 sol 3 review

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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The reformation

For centuries leading up to the reformation, what institution had dominated religious, thought and action?

A: The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church’s reluctance to change led to a new movement known as the _________________ ________________. This movement gave birth to new political (ex. Democracy) and economic institutions (ex. Capitalism).

A: Protestant Reformation

The Merchants had been upset with the catholic church for banning what practice that helped them start businesses?

A: Usury (making loans with interest) Usury helped CAPITALISM take root

during this time.

What did Catholic leaders such as Johan Tetzel sell as penance for sins, allowing people to buy their way into heaven?

A: Indulgences

Which man started the Protestant Reformation with his posting of the 95 Theses (his complaints against the Church)?

A: Martin Luther

What were Martin Luther’s 3 major beliefs on religion that differed from the Catholic Church?

A: Salvation by FAITH ALONE The Bible as the Ultimate

Authority (not the Pope) All humans are equal before god.

Catholic v. Protestant


Priests/Clergy Commoners




What was the name of the French Protestant Reformer who believed in PREDESTINATION (God determines at birth whether someone is saved or not)?

A: John Calvin

How did John Calvin believe those who were predestined for heaven would show their faith?

A. Living a righteous life Strong Work Ethic

Which major Protestant reformer broke with the Church mainly for disliking the political power of the Pope?

A: Henry VIII

Key Leaders

Henry VIII’s disagreement with the Pope became a serious problem when Henry wanted to get a _________________.

A: Divorce

Reformation in England

After forming the ANGLICAN church as the major protestant church in England, who did Henry VIII place in head of the church?

A: Himself (and all future

monarchs) This was so he would not

have to share power like he had done with the Pope

Key Leaders

Which important Protestant leader is described below?

Expanded Anglican church Tolerant to dissenters Started colonization efforts for England. A: Elizabeth I

Reformation in England

Elizabeth I and England’s victory over ______________ and their naval fleet (the armada) in 1588 protected England as a protestant country.

A. Spain

Reformation in Germany

The Reformation in Germany led to Conflict as the Protestants in the _____________ areas started to support Lutheran Churches and break away from the Pope.

A: Northern

Reformation in Germany

The ______________________ dynasty that led the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (Germany) chose to stay loyal to the Catholic Church.

A: Hapsburg

The THIRTY YEARS’ WAR in Germany was mainly fought by which two sides (______________ vs _______________)?

A: Catholic vs. Protestants

Reformation in France

While initially persecuted for their beliefs, the HUGUENOTS (protestants in France) were granted religious freedom by the ________________________________.

A: Edict of Nantes

Reformation in France

By supporting the Protestant side in the 30 years’ war, French Catholic leader CARDINAL RICHLIEUE changed the focus of the 30 years’ war from a religious war to a __________________ war.

A: Political

Catholic Reformation

One Catholic dissenter prior to Martin Luther who encouraged people to READ the Bible for themselves in their own language was:

A: John Wycliffe

Another dissenter in the Catholic church prior to Martin Luther who was martyred (killed for his beliefs) was:

A: Jan Huss

Catholic Reformation

The Catholic Church’s efforts to reform from within and get more followers was known as the:

A: Catholic Reformation

Catholic Reformation

What was the name of the group of Catholic priests who tried to spread Catholic doctrine to other parts of the world?

A: Jesuits The Society of Jesus

The Catholic Church established the ____________________ to punish HERETICS that criticized the Church.

A: Inquisition

During the Reformation, literacy increased due to what invention?

A: The printing press

Who invented the printing press? A: Johannes Gutenberg

In protestant areas, why was the Bible translated from Latin into vernacular languages?

A: Because few people could read Latin.

Protestants encouraged people to read the Bible for themselves.

T/F: After years of fighting in the Reformation between Catholics and Protestants, eventually the two sides became more tolerant of each other.


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