what 13 ©zono? ozono - chronicling america «...

Post on 24-May-2018






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WHAT 13 ©ZONO? race Ai£1?£&J£,ti0i!,i P r eP* r e d solely and distinctly to improve the condition of the hair of the Negro f S m e d n n i , ^ ? r ^ , e 8 ? , V o ? ! n s . , v e i o b D 0 r l o n 8 ' « « " » mass of injurious nostroms, but a delicately pV^ VUSS Jieuea!1 " eao«'ol to look upon, made to adorn the lady, polish the gentleman benefit TO nth S?^.R ia d d

Je nJ } l d a * e OZONO straightens knotty, nappy. klnsy/rafraetory hair OZONOdoes ?hi,i

wUhont m « ^ ^ n S aTe. n e c e M a1 iy ' ,?? Plaaterlng'downwith greaJf OZONO Individual*Vafcbtenf

hair?o ftl «t°nnJS?SS? l ,ttO0Si U W i l iu C a S 8 ? t h e h a , r t 0 c o m e b a c k o n b a W 8P<»t« It win restoragray 2S Amn m a 5S r a i f -m" U w l • ??^e t h ? h a t c *° g r o w l o n * a n d straight, soft and fine, and beautiful as an April morn It will cure all itching, burning, running, humiliating ScalD Diseases n»n«i™« To/til

GodUness flith r i W ™ * ? ^ , " ^ r , , p p l!D B w a t e r „ l n ^ e babbling brook. Cleanliness to nex°to «nWrV ««H U? .? ! - a "Tr1?®' I f y o u r h a , r l 8 B h o r t a n < l n a r e h and kinky; If your scalp !s covered with ™«- « ? - dandrufl, or Itch, or eczema, It Is doubtless your fault alone If your little ones'beadsa7e a butwhlh' - 8 ^' 8Ca y ' W . W t e e m , D

l ? w,thfierms'andmicrobes, t l u t a n i n r X e totteTnaked"ye*

r t u S S ^ f 8 aPP l nK t h e «,'• * r ? » tbe hair and destroying It forever, and you allow this stateTie1 goon A™%n.lme- " '* J o n r « p J 8 ;^ t o ?V>P t n , » - » doty you owe to yourself, to your child to your Maker 2?2S?hS7«°M J ' S W . 0 Z 0 £ 0 wAn posltlvelyjand permanently remove all the disiwesi and straight^ ™ * 5 d b,?anVufy "J*11***, making It silky and sTossy and black as the raven's wing. OZONO. M M m -pared with.other hair remedies, stands as high a? the mountain peak, f air as theTllyT andglorloulf asthe sun. OZONO is King. The price to 50c a box. It requires about four holes to compete the twStoent



R I C H M O N D , - . VA.

0UR GRAND ©I*FER Write to us at once, enclosing the small sum of ONJJ DOLLAR, andVe will immediately for­

ward to you four large boxes of OZONOC We will also send you one large bottle of ELECTRIC SKIN REFINER, which makes rough skin soft, and brightens the blackest skin, making it several shades lighter. Now, there is much fraud practiced with face bleaches Understand, we do not advertise this bleach to make one white. God alone can accomplish this, and It would be miraculous. Unpin your faith from frauds. We assert that our Refiner will soften rough skin and brighten black skin, but it can do no more Take our advice, don't fool with any bleach that is advertised to make you white, it is more apt to poison you. We will also include one fancy jar of ELECTRICAL SKIN FOOD, which Is a sure remedy for all Skin Eruptions, Pimples, Black Heads, Liver Spots and all Skin Diseases. It will remove Wrinkles, Scars, Facial Blemishes, and will positively take out Small-Pox Pits This is saying a great deal, but It is true. It makes the old look young, and the young look younger. And, lastly, to prove our liberality, we will add a one-pint package of ANTI-ODOR. Thts remedy removes al' smells and odors arising from the human body Its use? are too numerous to mention. Full directions go with all goods. This grand aggregation is worth $3 50 Send $1 .00 , mention the name of this paper, and you will get the goods at once. We ship all goods same day orders are received.

We wish to state that we are a thoroughly reliable firm, having many thousands of dollars In our business. We refer to the editor of this paper, or to any business house in Richmond. Our remedies and our business are founded on the altar of truth. Write your name and address plainly.




f i l e Saintly City and Saintly City /"oiks— Jen *y I ' e m s of Social, Religious and General Matters A m o n g t o e People , Boil-esi ins—'ah

Mr James Banis ter is on the sigk list this week

Let us have the "owl ' cars by all m a n n e r of means

Mr H a i r y Black and Miss Bessie Love weie united in marr iage last week

The deceased l ea \e s a mother and a wife and a host of friends to mourn his loss.

"I haven ' t paid $5.00 for a h a t since I began wear ing the Gordon a n d I buy the b e s t "

For Rent—Two furnished rooms for gent lemen Apply to Mrs D E Tal-bert, 553 Sibley street .

Roomers Wanted—A few gentlemen roomers may find nicely furnished rooms a t 554 Broadway.

Miss Luceille McCleland, of F o r t Macluon Iowa is vis i t ing Mrs E. S. Evans , 461 Robei t street.

One or cwo gent lemen roomers wanted. Apply a t 527 St. Anthony avenu^, or at T H E A P P E A L office.

Mr and Mrs A Diake, of Sti l lwater, en ter ta ined at dinner last F r iday Mrs S A Hilyard and Rev G. W. Gains.

Rev G W Gains, after a week's visi t ixi our city as the guest of Mrs S A Hilyard, left last Sa turday for Milwaukee

Mrs French Bland, of Keokuk, la., who has been the guest of Mrs Addie Bellescene for several weeks,' has re­turned home

WANTED—Immedia te ly , first-class barbei . Wages $10 per week, and half over $16 Apply to W. B. Wright , Sioux Fal ls , S D.

Messis H a n y Brown, A French and Geoige G i e \ , of Chicago, were enter-tamed at 6 o'clock dinner by the Mis-es Lindsay of Sti l lwater, Sunday.

fhose 01 our pa t rons w h e desire to Jjave mar ie r publisLed mus t get the • am? in th is office no t la ter t han Thursday, o t h ^ w i s e it may be crowd­ed out.

Mis J Q Adams enter ta ined at tea on Wednesday evening Mrs. French Bland, of Keokuk, l a , Mrs. Addie Bel-liscpne Mrs O. H. Allen and Mrs J. W Milton

Miss Nellie Biown and Mr George Giey ot Chicago, weie enter ta ined at lunch Saturday afternoon by Misses Edna Giey and Queenie Harper of Minneapolis

Mr Richard Consby, the popular tonsorial iat a t 374% Minnesota street , has been compelled to pu t ano ther chair in his shop, which is presded over by Mr N Brown.

Persons tfes»lrmg to vis i t t i le Appeal office are hereby notified t h a t i t ha s been lemoved from the fifth to the * i i rd floor, Rooms 109 and 110, in t h e rear, Union 31ock.

At a meet ing of the E igh th ward Republ ican precinct committee last F n d a y evening H a r r y Howard was elected to represent the ward on the county committee.

Is your hair s t ra ight? If not ser<l 50 cents to Ozonized Ox Marrow Co , 76 Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111., f c «. bott le of Ozonized Ox Marrow a^d you can easily s t ra ighten it.


There will be a meet ing tonight "of t h e Republicans of the E igh th ward at

i the hall coiner of Wes te rn and Uni­v e r s i t y foi the purpose of forming a uniformed marching club. Everybody invited.

«*• Mr George Grey of Chicago was in

t h e city this week, the guest of Mrs. M J Brown He holds the posit ion of Chief clerk in the Pennsylvania railroad freight depar tment . He had an enjoyable t ime.

A meet ing of the Central Republ ican Club will be held the first p a r t of next week for the purpose of reorganizing enrol lment of members . The club wil l be larger than ever before and will "be in all the all t he parades.

Dr. F r a n k H. Kyle, dental expert, 417 Germania Life building, will make a set of tee th for $8, and al l o ther d e n t a l work m proport ion, dur ing t h i s m o n t h . Call and get prices. Corner F o u r t h and Minnesota streets.

If you wish a good shave, ha i r cut o r shampoo call a t Richard Cousby's n e a t shop, No. 374% Minnesota street . F i r s t -c lass workmen only. Satisfac­t ion guaranteed. Music for al l occa­sions furnished on shor t notice.

St. Pe te r Clavier Sodality will give t h e first of th is season's soirees a t Twin City ha l l Tuesday, Oct. 16, t o which all a re invited. Tickets , 2§ cents . The o the r en te r t a inmen t s will be given on Thanksgiv ing and Chr is t ­inas.

Mrs. Carr ie Brierly died September 330 a t the residence of her son, Wil l ­i a m Brierly, 246 E a s t Seventh street . She had been in the ci ty about a mon th v is i t ing her son. She was buried from St. J ames A. M. E . church las t Tues­day afternoon.

DR. J. E . PORTER, physician and Burgeon, Room 410 W a s h b u r n building, F i f t h s treet , opposite Cour t House. Office h o u r s : 10 a. m. t o 12 m., 2 p . m. t o 4 p . m., 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone, Main, 1738—J 1. Residence, 453 Car­roll s t ree t . Telephone, Dale, 464—L3v

T h e Republican s ta te centra l com­mit tee has a r ranged to r a speech in "St. Pau l "by Senator Garter, of Mon­t a n a . Sena to r Car ter will* be in St. Pau l Tuesday, of nex t week, and on

L̂ t he evening of t h a t day t h e Repub-faslicans" wil l hold a T»i& rajfy a t t h e

Audi tor ium. ******* >


R I C H M O N D , - VA

We have learned that t h e M c r -

offers the greatest inducements is the one who gets the most trade; therefore, it is a business proposition ^ h us*to carry a complete line, to sell at the lowest possible prices, and to exert ourselves to more than satisfy our customers In all these virtues you will find us supreme. Test them in October. -

W e Sel l Furn i ture , Carpets , S t o v e s a n d House furn i sh ings on T i m e if des ired.

V^/V I . U K I » t " I X 1

- ^ 5 ^ . \ W i t h every purchase in our ffl @k &(ifwfitfki Carpet depa r tmen t this week

wl/J / °f $200° or over' we Wl11 fr4^s0? give one ' Bissell Carpet

"" Sweeper F R E E Our Car­pet depar tment has more a t t rac t ions» th i s year than ever before and prices are lower than last spring. It will interest you to see it whether you wish one now or not W e assure you that you are welcome to see them whether you are a purchaser or not

A good Ingrain Carpet , per yard . 2 5 c

A good Wool Ingrain Carpet , per yard 5 0 c

A good Brussels Carpet , per yard g § ©

A good Body Brussels Carpet , per yard S t . O D

A good Axminster , with border, per yard 9 8 o

AIR-TIGHT FREE To any one wishing to buy a H e a t e r later in the season-. W e will

give free of charge the use of an Air-Tight Heate« until that t ime W e do this to enable our cus tomers to save high-priced fuel a s long as possible.

JFWEI S B " " ^ " U L IV L L RANGES 1 ^ , /

The manufacturers of the celebrated Jewel Stoves and Ranges set the pace for the world When a dealer can'say of his wares that they are as good as the Jewel it is the highest praise he can bestow on his goods. The lowest priced Jewel is made of the same material as the besL Jewel, and all have the same ironclad guarantee-from the manufacturers. There are more Jewels in use in the homes of St. Paul than there are of an/ other three makes combined.

A Jewel Range, just like cut $ 2 1 5 0 A Jewe^ Range, with high shelf $ 2 5 , 0 0 A Jewel Range, with high closet $ 2 9 0 0

T h e s e p r ices a r e special for t h i s w e e k .

Bamboo India Seat, / j r . with fancy seat lika cut . O O C

Upholstered top, same price.

Fold Screen Fitted with figured Silkohne, «fcf 2 S

The Wilson Toastes, like cut 19e

Surprise Egg

Tea and Coffee Canister, decorated

cu? . 1 4 c

Fancy gold-lined After-dinner Coffee OQ^-v China A O C

''The Amer can Scrub Brush, like cut

Set of Silver-plated Knives and Forks, Roger's pattern,

5cr Wash Boiler, No.

9, galvanized iron with cover

Horse Brush,

Full-nickeled soap der for bathtub . . . .

A full lino of 1 bathroom supplies.


9 8 C Sink Brush, like * q n

nickled cut . . O O With handle..

like 4C cut

Handy Tool, with ten tools,


HOUSEFUR]S[ISlfING CO. 22-24 E. Seventh.

Those who wish t o revel in repas t s evidencing the h ighes t s tyle of culin­a ry a r t in the i r p repara t ion ; or, in o ther words, those w h o wish to eat good, wholesome, home-cooked meals should t ry those furnished a t Johp Godfrey's, No. 148 E a s t Nin th s t reet , near Jackson.

Mr. C. W. Lapsley, who a week or so had some t rouble wi th a conductor on the Milwaukee road, i n -which the conductor got the worst of it, paid a fine of $100 in the Municipal Court Tuesday. Lapsley was also dis­charged from the road. He left for Chicago Wednesday.

Mesdames J. W. Milton and O. H. Allen, of Mar t in s t reet , gave a very de­lightful d inner last week in honor of Revs. Gaines and Huber t . These were present : Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Ander­son, Mrs. M. Steward, of Kansas City, Mrs. M. Anderson, Mrs. H. Mclntyre , Mrs. J . Q. Adams, Mr. L. Smith.

When you wish to meet your friends or t ake your friends where first-class fluid refreshments , foreign and domes­tic, may be found, call on Thomas Jef­ferson & Son a t T H E ROYAL, No . 374 Minnesota street . Best b rands ' o f cigars. Bill iards, pool. F r e e lunch for patrons . Publ ic cordially invited.

At the S ta r t hea t e r for t h e week the members of the Business Men's commencing Sunday j n a t i n e e , October Club and the C. S. T. C. They were 7, the ever welcome Fred Rider ' s new Night Owls Burlesquers. Every th ing new and up-to-date. P re t ty girls, b r igh t comedians. An al l -s tar olio of American and European head l iners. Two funny burlesques, "A Hot T ime" and "Forbidden Sweets," together wi th unsurpassable wardrobe, and marvel­ous electrical and scenic effects. Ex ­t ra—The sensat ion of the hour, Mile. Fer rono , direct from Par is .

t Manager Scott has a r ranged to pre­

sent t he la tes t musical comedy success, "The Burgomaster ," a t t he Metropoli­t a n for one week, commencing Sunday next. The comedy lays bu t l i t t le claim to plot, but is presented for t h e sole purpose of in t roducing laughter , beau­ty .and song, corra l ing all t h e refresh­ing elements of scenery, costumes and music. Some of t h e most prominent members of t he cast a r e : H a r r y Da-ven port, Tom Ricket ts , Knox Wilson, Wil l iam Riley Hatch, Wil l R. Peters , Al J. Lyman, Lau ra Joyce Bell, Ed i th Yerrington, Lil l ian Coleman, Jose­phine Newman, Luella Drew and Jose­ph ine D i t t t


I There will be a meet ing of the J o h n Godfrey, No. 148 E a s t N i n t h Board of Directors in t h e reception

street, between Rober t and Jackson, I room of Masonic Hall , on Wabasha is prepared to t a k e care of a few i s t reet , next Tuesday n igh t a t 8 o'clock roomers a t reasonable ra tes . T r a n - 1 s h a r P - The members of t h e board s ients accommodated. Board furnish- I a r e : F - L - McGhee, G. S. Hunton , T. ed when desired. Best home-cooked H < L y I e s » Miss M. B. Anderson, J . Q.


A. Wilson, W. R. Morris, Mrs. B. R. Durran t . Business of importance.

J . B. JOHNSON, Chai rman. F . D. P A R K E R , Secretary.

meals in t h e city. If you doubt it, t r y them once and you'll be convinced.

Mr. Newt. Smiley of Wes t Superior, was m t he city l as t week to a t tend the funeral of Mrs. Carr ie Brierly. Mr. Smiley is a hus t l ing young m a n w h o ! Death's La test Victim. will some day make his m a r k high up N o death t h a t h a s occurred in th i s on the pil lar of fame. He now holds ! city recently has caused more profound the posit ions of headwaiter , inside j sorrdw t h a n t h a t 'Of Thomas Rodney s teward and chief bellman a t Superior King, who died Wednesday of las t

week a t t h e hospital , a f ter a n opera­tion for appendici t is . F o r years he

Hotel . J a m e s Brooks, a boy four­

teen years old. was given a hea r ing in h a s n a d charge ^of Magee's r e s tauran t , t h e police court l a s t Sa turday o n t h e , a n d a s h e w a s a genial , sociable, charge of incorr igibi l i ty and sentenced | whole-souled fellow b i s friends were to the s ta te t r a in ing school. The com- } l e S i o n - His funeral took place a t Pi l ­

g r im Bapt is t church a n d was con­ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. D. Car­ter , assisted by Rev. J . C. Anderson. Music was furnished by a special choir including Mrs. Val Do Turner , Mrs. H. A. Kir t ley, Mrs. F . L. MeGhee, Mrs. W. D. Carter , Mre. R. C. Minor, Messrs.

and Jackson s t reets . H e i s prepared ? ' W ; ^ U e a ^ C \ , H V ^ I i l lJ

e r * TW ; S" B r a d "

t o effect a cure of tediseS a ? I e y ' A l l e n F t t M * ' ? l a u d e J a c k s o n - T n e

fecting the h u m a n sys tem where a l l o ther methods have ' fa i led . Consul t s - i t ions free. Ofilce hours , 9 a. m. t o 12 1 m., 1 t o EL p. m v i n c e d . ^ £

p la in t w a s made by Mrs. Sarah Benton, 83 West Seventh street, a s is ter of t h e lad, who said he had been incorr igi­ble for the pas t five years .

Dr. p . b . Howard, osteopathist , h a s opened nice offices in su i t No. 409 Bal t imore block, corner of Seventh

floral t r ibu tes were mos t beautiful and very numerous . ' ,#

T h e active pal l bearers were : v ^ « „ „ , . , J . H . Loomis, F . L. Mctjhee, R. Call a n d be con-^ Beard, H . Johnson, W . Johnson, A.*

^ O r i s . J F h e honora ry pal l bearers were

dressed in black and wore black gloves and a whi te rosette wiht black center, and a black and white s t reamer . At t h e opening of the exercises t h e fol­lowing resolutions were read by J. Q. Adams, secretary of the B- M. C.

IN MEMORIAM. Whereas , the all-wise Creator and

Ruler of t h e universe, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove from His footstool our brother,

THOMAS RODNEY KING, Whereas , The undersigned members

of the Business Men's Club of St. Paul and Minneapolis, do humbly bow in submission to His will say ing: "The Lord giveth, and the Lord t ake th away, blessed be the n a m e of the Lord," and

Whereas , In the sudden and sad death of our bro ther we have lost one of our most enthusiast ic , energetic and faithful members ; the communi ty , one of i t s most peaceful, orderly and val­ued citizens; h is wife, a devoted and loving husband; his mother , a dutiful son, and his friends generally, a prince of good bellows; be i t

Resolved, Tha t we tender our hear t ­felt sympathy to the sorrow-str icken wife, motner , relat ives a n d friends, who, wi th us, sustain an i r retr ievable loss i n the death of our dear ly beloved brother , and express the hope t h a t our loss is his e ternal gain.

Resolved, T h a t th is resolution be spread upon our records, and t h a t a copy be properly engrossed and framed and presented to t h e widow of the deceased as a tes t imonial of t h e high esteem in which he was held by the members of th is organizat ion and his fe l low.men.

Jasper Gibbs, president; F . L. Mc­Ghee, vice president ; W . R. Morris, t reasurer ; ' J. Q. Adams, secre tary; Gibbs Pleasants , Z. A. Pope, C. T. Pointer , George W. Day, R. C. Mar­shall , C. E. J ames , A. M. Lee, J . L. Neal, W. T. Francis , George W. James , J . H. Dil l ingham, Addison Davis, T. H. Lyles, O. D. Howard, H a r r y Shep­herd, H e n r y , Roberts , Ra lph B. Grey, Harvey B. Burk, R. S. Brown, J a m e s Roberts , George W. Nelson.

COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. W. R. Morr is , J . Q. Adams, George

W. James , R. S. Brown, F . L. McGhee. St. Paul , Minn., Sept. 27, 1900.

Honest toil should honest dollars.

receive- as pay

A Curious Story t

A curious story is going t h e rounds a t Cape Town. I t is said t h a t owing t o some unpleasantness , the cause of which is a secret, the Russian and Dutch a t taches were ordered to leave Cape Town Castle, the Bri t ish mi l i tary headquar ters , a few nights ago. Col. Gourko, the Russian, declined to leave unless force were used, but t he queen of Holland 's representat ive was less fiery, and was on the point of leaving when a secretary came rushing in from Sir A. Milner, wi th a gracious apology and an assurance t h a t the whole affair was a mistake. Mutual handshakes , so the s tory goes, ended an incident which might have assumed an inter­nat ional character .


G R E A T " F L O U R C I T Y - '

Matters Social, ReUgious and G*-iesM Which Have Happened and are to Iiappt-»>

0 Among th« People of t h e City on t*» ra i l s .

"Mr. Lincoln was r igh t when speak­ing of t h e black man , h e said t h a t t he t ime would come when they wouM help to preserve and extend freedom. !And in a th i rd of a century you have been among those who ha\re l iber ty in Cuba t o * a n oppressed people."—President ,William McKinley. <i2r

Mr W R. Morris was t h e n e i t speaker and he warned up t o t h e oc­casion in good shape, out l in ing the many th ings t h a t we, as a race , have t o be proud • of. He said in pa r t : Whi le he would acknowledge t h a t we have not been given all t h e considera­t ion t h a t we might have been given and while we have no t had all t ha t we migh t have had,*all t h a t we have we have got t h r o u g h our own energy, and the Republican par ty . (Applause.) He said the Republican pa r ty are s tanding for t he same principles to ­day t h a t they did in 1896.

W e had one issue then and we have one now. Mr. Morris is a full-fledged Republican and one t h a t is afways ready to speak in the i r behalf.

The opening address was made by Mr. George Matchen, who in a father­l ike way gave the boys t h e inside t rade on the workings of the cam­paign commit tee and jus t wha t and how he wanted to see th ings done. His t a lk was shor t and to t n e point, as­sur ing the boys t h a t a s cha i rman of t h e Republican State Commit tee h e would be found J o h n n y on t h e Spot whenever called upon for any th ing in h is power to give.

Mr. Edward Hammond , who does no t pose as a speaker gave vent to h i s feelings by. m a k i n g a whir l o r two a t t he club a s to his a t t i tude and gave t h e m to unders tand t h a t t h e old pa r ty was good enough for h im.

The meet ing Was called for the pur­pose of forming a march ing club and Mr. J a m e s But ler was made captain organizer for t h e club. All wishing to become members will m a k e t h e s a m e k n o w n to Mr. J a m e s Bitt les, St. J ames ' Mission, as soon as practicable.

Meeting adjourned subject t o call.

Mr Geo. Pierce, recent ly of Indian­apolis, has been appointed th i rd wai ter at the West Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Keesee~entertained a t lunch a t the i r residence, 708 18th street, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sher­wood, of St. Paul .

Miss Mae Wil l iams, w h o has been visi t ing in Des Moines and Mucha-kmock for three montns , has returned much improved in heal th .

The Appeal is mailed to most of t he homes of the people of the Twin Cities, and if you wish ma t t e r s to reach these homes you must publish them in the Appeal,

DR. R S. BROWN, Physician ana Surgeon. Office, rooms 405-6 Reeve building, 408 Nacollet avenue; telephone 548. Residence, 2839 Por t l and avenue, telephone 317—L south Office hours 9.30 to 12:30; 2 to 4:30; 7 to 8.30 Sundays. 9 30 to 11: 12:30 to 2.

Geo. W. N<iJson, the E a s t Side drug­gist, is keeping m l ine wi th the prog­ress of the atfe, inasmucn as he is im­proving his s tore by the addi t ion of an elegant up-to da ta soda towxisda, from which he promises will be d rawn a sparkl ing soda, second to none in the city. When you a re out wheel ing give him a call.

Mr. Wmfield S. Lamonte was given a sentence of 100 days in the county jail after pleading guil ty to the charge of appropr ia t ing $75 belonging to Judge Atwater to his own use instead of depositing it in t he bank as he was ordered to do A certain Chris t ian lady of the city has t ake nan interest in his case and aided him in receiving a jail sentence

Mr and Mrs. Chas .Turner received Wednesday evening from 6 t i l l 10 a t the i r beautiful home, Eighteenth and Four th avenue, m honor of their guest, Mrs Richy, of Duluth, and Mrs. P i t t -man, of Chicago. Mrs. Turne r was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Foster. All present had a delightful evening. The s tormy weather presented many of t he pleasure of a t tending.

Mr. W. M. Jenkins , t h e well-known hotel m a n of Minneapolis, h a s leased the flat No. 9 Second s t ree t n o r t h and has remodeled and refurnished i t wi th a!l modern improvements . I t i s s i tu­ated in a desirable location, being one block from the Nicollet house a n d three blocks from t h e West hotel. T h e rooms will be let to those who desire neat and comfortable rooms a t reason­able raTes. Oall a t No. 9 Second s t reet nor th , first flat for W. M. Jenkins , pro­prietor.

Mr G. C. Carr, of Soux City, l a , wishes to express thanks through the paper for t he many kind deeds showed his sister, Mrs Mary Johnson, during her many months of illness. Mr Carr is the editor and publishes the 'Searchlight ," published a t Sioux City,

and is also vice president of the West­ern Press Association. His wife, Mrs. Jennie Carr, has gamed the hear t s of the people of our city by the un t i r ­ing manner in which she cared for her sister-in-law.

Miss Mary Johnson, an old and re­spected resident of Minneapolis, died at her residence, 507 Four th s t reet south, Wednesday morning, a t 3 o'clock, from a concer, from which she has been a long sufferer. Mrs. Johnson was a member of St Peter ' s Church and was also a stewardess. The funeral was held yesterday at 2 o'clock from St. Peter ' s Church. She leaves to mourn her death a brother , who arr ived in the city two weeks ago, and a hos t of friends.

Mrs. J. W. Roberson enter ta ined a number of lady friends in honor of her guest, Mrs. Mabel Gayton, of Chi­cago Wednesday afternoon a t a 5 o'clock dinner. Mrs. Roberson was s-sisted in receiving by her cousin, Mrs. C. F . King. Among those pres­ent were- Mrs. E. W. Lindsay, Mrs. H. A. Kirt ley, of St. Pau l ; Mrs. Geo. Jackson, of Paris , Ky; Mrs. S. Hen­derson, of Madison, Wis. ; Mrs. A. G. Plummer , Mrs. G. W. Nelson, Mrs A. Moss, Mrs. R. S. Brown, Mrs. H. Rob­er ts . All present voted i t the event of the season.

Bethesda Bapt is t Church—Eighth s t reet beteween Eleventh and Twelfth avenue south—Sunday services, 11 a. m. Rev. F . T. Walke , D. D„ of P i t t s -fcurfc, wi l l preach also a t 8 p. m.

T h r e e o'clock Chris t ian mass meet­ing, a t which t ime al l pas tors of the two cities have heen invited and a re expected t o be present and take pa r t in discussing the following subjects: (1) Home Training. (2) Can Our Your People Be Brought in to the Church, It So How? (3) T h e Mistakes of t h e Church. Pi lgr im Baptis t Chuch choir has been invited. You a re wel­come. Come.

. REV. M. W W I T H E R S , Pastor .

Wednesday n igh t there w a s a politi­cal ga ther ing such as has never been seen among the Afro-Americans of this for many days. The club known as the Afro-American McKinley Club, which met a t the i r t emporary meet ing place, 408 Second avenue south. A nice showing1 was made and speeches were made by several prominent speakers touching on t h e issues of the day. Mr. J a m e s L. Curtis spread his wings considerable in h is speech, te l l ­ing the voters of th is county to sup­por t the pa r ty t h a t would give t h e m recognizaticm in the ensuing election. Mr. Curt is is qui te a ta lker , but he, must remember t h a t he is jus t about fifteen years ahead of t he t imes wi th t h a t k ind of a ta lk . Our old people have not and so never will as a whole rise to the s u m m i t where they fully unders tand all of, t h e different issues- ' and you might as well be pounding sand in a r a t hole a s to be preaching imperial ism and t rus t issues to them. The only t h ing t h a t you can feed them on is the old s t ra ight Re­publican food a n d t h e y will tell you in r e tu rn t h a t i t is good enough for them. I t is t h e principle of t h e good old pa r ty t h a t they s t ick to, and n o t the i s s u e 3 ' mM% *Bg£«*.*ffi'*

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