what are the 3 reasons europeans risked their lives to explore new lands?

Post on 14-Feb-2016






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What are the 3 reasons Europeans risked their lives to explore new lands?. 1. Gold- to gain wealth from other areas around the world Glory- to become famous God- to spread their religion to areas all over the world (primarily Christianity). 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What are the 3 reasons Europeans risked their lives to explore new lands?


Gold- to gain wealth from other areas around the

worldGlory- to become famous

God- to spread their religion to areas all over

the world (primarily Christianity) 1

What did Prince Henry do for

Navigation and exploration?


Prince Henry (Prince of Portugal) set up a

navigation school and paid for many

explorations along the west coast of Africa.


What European country

colonized most of South America? 3


What 2 main European countries colonized Canada? 4

Great Britain and


What European country

colonized Australia?


Great Britain


What European country dominated colonization during

the Age of Exploration?


Great Britain


What are the four causes of

WWI? (Hint: think MAIN)


Militarism- glorification of the military; feeling the need to be protected from attacks by other European countriesAlliances- two alliances were formed (allied powers and central powers) to prevent any country from attacking anotherImperialism- European countries formed colonies all over the world creating competition for the best areas with the most profitable resourcesNationalism- extreme pride for your country; the need to prove that your country is better than all others 1

What caused the

Russian Revolution?2

Food shortages in Russia as well as

years of oppression from


Who was a communist revolutionary during

the Russian Revolution and later became

Russia’s first communist leader?


Vladimir Lenin


Why did Russia back out of WWI early?


They were fighting a civil war (the Russian

Revolution). Fighting a civil war and a national war was too costly. So they backed out of the national war (WWI) to focus on the civil war. 4

What was the Treaty

of Versailles?5

The treaty the ended WWI


What did the Treaty of Versailles make Germany do?


Germany had to take full responsibility for causing

the war, pay huge amounts of money to

Great Britain and France, and reduce the size of its

armed forces.6

What was the economy like

worldwide during the 1930s?


There was a worldwide

depression. Germany’s economy was particularly hit

hard during this time. 1

What allowed for Nazism to rise in


The downfall of the economy mixed with

Hitler’s public speaking skills convinced many

Germans to follow along with Hitler and

the Nazi party. 2

What was the Holocaust?


The murder of millions of Jews

and other groups of people by the

hands of the Nazis during WWII. 3

Who were the two super powers after


The Soviet Union and the United


What was the economy like

worldwide during the 1930s?


There was a worldwide

depression. Germany’s economy was particularly hit

hard during this time. 5

What were the two super

powers ‘fighting’ over?


They were fighting over government/economic systems. The United States was pushing for more

countries to become democracies with an economy closer to market. The Soviet Union was pushing for more

countries to become communist with economies closer to command. Each was fighting to be the most powerful

country in the world. 6

What happened to Germany

and Berlin after WWII?


Both Germany and Berlin were initially divided into four sections with each of the allied countries

controlling a section (France, Great Britain, U.S.A., and the Soviet Union). France, Great Britain and the

U.S.A. eventually combined their parts into one democratic section. The Soviet Union kept their part

and set up a communist government creating two countries: East and West Germany. East Germany was controlled by the Soviets but contained Berlin. So, there was a section of Berlin that was free and controlled by France, Great Britain, and the U.S.A. This was the west side. People from East Germany

tried to escape communism by going to the west side of Berlin. The Soviets then built a wall to prevent

people from escaping. The wall came down in 1989. Germany was then reunited into one country. 1

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