what have we done so far…………………. launch to school leaders to explain purpose and...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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What have we done so far………………….•Launch to school leaders to explain purpose and identify areas of need. Volunteers for steering group appointed•Signed partnership agreement and data sharing agreement•Action plan written by Steering group based on discussions at launch and shared with all Headteachers for comment•INSET planned and funded to address areas of need•Regular steering group meetings to keep focus and measure impact•New bid for developing leadership and sustainability

Learning Points so farEnsure a level playing field, each person can have

a say, no person has a stronger voice than others.Identify schools that have not engaged and make

contact from a ‘friend’Ensure that the County representative is aware of

what other alliances/ Teaching Schools e.t.c are doing to avoid doubling up.

Be aware of time pressures and school situationsEnsure that what we do is part of school

development and supports schools in what they are doing rather than create more work

Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said: “At the heart of our plan for education is our commitment to supporting schools to be in the driving seat of school improvement and professional development, working together to spread best practice, knowledge and experience…… We know that many of our best leaders believe strongly in a school-led approach to improvement and are already working to achieve it.”

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