what is account planning

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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  • 1. What is Account Planning?
    Chandradeep (CD) Mitra
    C PipalMajik

2. Account Planning Managing the 4Ms of Marketing Communications
C PipalMajik
3. Managing the 4Ms
The First M the RightMarket
The Second M the RightMotivation
The Third M the RightMessage
The Fourth M the RightMedia
C PipalMajik
4. Managing the 4Ms
The First M the Right Market(WHO)
The Second M the Right Motivation(WHY)
The Third M the Right Message(WHAT)
The Fourth M the Right Media(WHERE & WHEN)
C PipalMajik
5. Account Planning solves the old advertising dilemma Hard-Working or Creative?
Hard-working and Creative!
C PipalMajik
6. I do not accept that there has to be a choice between advertising that is strategically relevant or creatively original
Martin Boase
C PipalMajik
7. At the heart of an effective creative philosophy is the belief that nothing is so powerful as an insight into human nature, what compulsions drive a man, what instincts dominate his actions, even though his language so often camouflages what really motivates him. For if you know these things about a man you can touch him at the core of his being.
Bill Bernbach
C PipalMajik
8. Account Planning is all about having a consumer focus and through this adding something to the process of creating outstanding advertising.
C PipalMajik
9. Account Planning is about 3 questions
Why are we doing any advertising or communication at all?
Who are we communicating with?
What should we say and why?
C PipalMajik
10. Conceptually, account planning emphasizes the importance of the target consumers: understanding them, finding advertising strategies that will best fulfil the clients marketing objectives in terms of attitudinal or behavioural response, and then evaluating the advertising developed, by pre- &post-testing, long-term tracking, etc.
S Staveley
C PipalMajik
11. Account Planning philosophy marks out a somewhat changed relationship with the client. Instead of simply mirroring the clients marketing strategy and goals (usually in terms of markets, volumes, shares and revenue), the agency provides a complementary expertise that directed at an intimate knowledge of the target group. This involves conducting a dialogue with the consumers, and better understanding of who they are, how advertising directed at them will work best, how they use it, and in which media; and afterwards, how well it is doing once a campaign is up and running.
S Staveley
C PipalMajik
12. Account Planning makes advertising more Hard-working
Better targeting
Better researched
Deeper insight
Newer proposition
More relevant message
More appropriate media
C PipalMajik
13. Account Planning makes advertising more Creative
Better Consumer Understanding
More Powerful Insight
Fresh Perspective
Unique Platform
Greater Impact of Message
C PipalMajik
14. Account Planning createsa Better Chance of producingMore Effectiveand More Creative advertisingMore Often!
C PipalMajik
15. Role of Account Planning in Advertising?
Risk Reduction!
C PipalMajik
16. The creative man, the new type of planner and the account man, in essentially as a businessman with a flair for advertising, are all likely to have greater equality of status. And all of them are likely to be directly involved with the client. Because of their different mental processes and ways of tackling problems they are likely to work together more in a status of controlled friction than artificial harmony.
Stanley Pollitt,
How I started Account Planning in Agencies(Campaign, 1979)
C PipalMajik
17. The drivers of Account Planning
Value-added utilization and interpretation of Consumer Research
Deeper understanding of Consumers
Understanding of how Advertising (Marketing Communications) actually works
Helping create more effective ads
C PipalMajik
18. The Voice of the Consumer
C PipalMajik
19. The Agencys Conscience
C PipalMajik
20. The Third Leg
C PipalMajik
21. The Creativity behind the Creativity
C PipalMajik
22. The goal is always about effectiveness, which means we must bring everything back to behavioral & business outcomes, both short & long term.When in doubt, our best judgementsabout thesemust always be more important than pleasing the client, double guessing the boss, winning a Golden Lion,making a quick buck or covering our arses.Its not always easy, but this is the only solid ground to stand on.Paul Feldwick
C PipalMajik
23. Any systematic approach to planning advertising has to do morethan simply provide controls and disciplines. It must actively stimulateimagination and creativity too Stephen King, 1974
C PipalMajik
24. We need a process that enhances an agencys ability to produce outstanding creative solutions for our brands that will be effective in the marketplace. It is the planners job to guide or facilitate this process via the astute application of knowledge, otherwise known as consumer and market understanding. From the real world, outside the myopic, navel gazing self absorbed, self rewarding industry we live and work in.Mary Baskins
C PipalMajik
25. The ROI of Account Planning
Relevance ( Understanding of consumer, her relationship with category, brand & media, and how communications can influence her)
Originality(Differentiated strategy, unique platform, clutter-breaking creative)
Impact ( Effectiveness in getting desired business result within minimum investment of time & effort)
C PipalMajik
26. If researchers are data gatherers, then planners are knowledge applicators. Planners must insightfully interpret and illuminate the data, and develop intuitive hypotheses from it.Mary Baskins
C PipalMajik
27. "Account Planning serves tochannel the consumer's viewpointto the agency's creative staff during the entire process ofmaking an ad campaign
Jay Chiat, Chiat/Day
C PipalMajik
28. "Account Planning brings the voice of the consumerto the creative, so that, in turn, the creative can talk to the consumer
C PipalMajik
29. "The Account Planner speaks with the voice ofa thousand consumers
Jane Newman
C PipalMajik
30. "An Account Planner will find a statistic, then, rather than simply deliver the data interpret what the numbermeans in the real world
A Feuer
C PipalMajik
31. "The secret of peering into the future depends on the deepest possible understandingof consumers as people "
R Sliver
C PipalMajik
32. "The Account Planner who explainsthe marketplace with value-added interpretation and analysiswill have a decided edgeover the Researcher who is still 'describing' markets"
A Adams
C PipalMajik
33. "The Account Planner's role is to think as the consumer thinks,thus giving a face to piles of demographic and psychographic research compiled by both client and agency"
K Stern
C PipalMajik
34. "An Account Planner should belike an investigative journalist.You need a lot of brains and a little moxie
Richard Block
C PipalMajik
35. 5 Benefits of Account Planning
C PipalMajik
36. Benefit 1:Account Planning helps an agency understand the consumer more precisely. It prevents the agency from listening only to the client, who can easily make false assumptionsabout his or her audience.
C PipalMajik
37. Benefit 2:Account Planning starts with what a client wants to say and ends with what a target audience wants to hear. Constant interaction with consumersensures that the agency always knows what consumers are thinking.
C PipalMajik
38. Benefit 3:Because Account Planning helps an agency know a client's market so clearly, the concept leads to attention- grabbing campaigns that help sell more of the Brand. The advertising is simply better.
C PipalMajik
39. Benefit 4:Account Planning leads to relevant advertising more often because Account Planning is the consumer's representative within an agency.They ensure that their agencies are in constant communication with consumers and not just their clients..
C PipalMajik
40. Benefit 5:Account planning makes it easier to sell a campaign to a client because the agency can explain quite specifically why the advertising should be done a particular way.
C PipalMajik
41. So whats next?!
C PipalMajik

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