what is alcohol abuse?

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Alcohol abuse is different than alcoholism, and it doesn’t contain the typical alcoholism symptoms, such as uncontrollable cravings, physical dependence, and alcohol tolerance. For immediate help call : (855) 829-9148 what1004alco12hol


What Is Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse is different than alcoholism, and it doesn’t contain the typical alcoholism symptoms, such

as uncontrollable cravings, physical dependence, and alcohol tolerance.

Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking that is associated with the following behaviors:

Inability to sustain a job, school or domestic responsibilities.

Driving and operating under the influence of alcohol.

Repetitive alcohol related legal issues, such as arrest for DUI, violence and domestic abuse.

Persistent drinking despite personal problems, developed by the effects of alcohol.

Even though alcohol abuse may not be an immediate threat for physical dependence, however if alcohol

consumption spirals out of control, it can eventually evolve into “alcoholism”.

While a person who abuses alcohol, still has a chance for non-medical recovery, and with some

dedication, he might be able change his erratic behavior; there are many health risks associated with

excessive alcohol use:

1. Chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, various cancers of liver, moth, throat, larynx,

esophagus; high blood pressure, mental disorders.

2. Involuntary personal and auto injuries, falls, drowning, burns.

3. If pregnant women drinks, it causes harm to a fetus. SIDS

4. Violence, domestic abuse, homicide.

5. Alcohol dependence and tolerance.

What Is Alcohol Abuse acts as a depressant on the central nervous system. In small quantities, alcohol

consumption may cause relaxation, self confidence, chattiness. Increasing amount of alcohol will amplify

these effects, and will rapidly introduce loss of balance, coordination, impaired common sense and

judgment abilities.

Alcohol is considered toxic in high concentrations, and its abuse can lead to sudden death.

What is alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning occurs when alcohol concentrations in the blood become so high, that involuntary

bodily functions, such as breathing, gag reflexes, become impaired. What Is Alcohol Abuse poisoning can

cause: dehydration, low body temperature, irregular heart bits, apnea, untimely death.

What is binge drinking?

Binge drinking is the practice of consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single session, with primary

intention of being intoxicated. Binge drinking is more common among adolescents and young adults.

Most binge drinkers are not aware of the risks of alcohol abuse. Continues binge drinking has negative

effects on neurologic, cardiac, gastrointestinal, hematologic, immune, musculoskeletal organ systems as

well as increasing the risk of alcohol induced psychiatric disorders. Binge drinking can often result in

brain damage.

What are some signs of Alcohol Abuse?

Certain behaviors may suggest that a person is having alcohol problems:

Alcohol consumption in the early hours of the day, being drunk for a long periods of time,

drinking alone.

Alternate drinking of different alcohol beverages, with intent to drink less or refrain from getting


Feeling guilty and ashamed after drinking.

Justifying and hiding your drinking, from your loved ones.

Having drinking episodes with blackouts.

What Is Alcohol Abuse problems may be diagnosed by a visit to you physician’s office. The doctor will be

able to determine if you have an alcohol abuse problem, by asking series of questions, performing

physical exam and mental health evaluation.

If you are looking for help for your alcohol addiction problem , please call us today at Drug Addiction

Hot Line at (855-829-9148) http://addictionhotlinetoday.com/

For immediate help call : (855) 829-9148


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