what is bullying behaviour

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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Learning outcome

The whole school community understands what we mean by ‘bullying’


What is bullying?

What is bullying....

‘the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power’

(Anti-Bullying Alliance & DfE: 2014)

How to explain it to young children

• It’s when someone means to hurt or harm another person and does it Several Times On Purpose and has more power than their target

But… there are times

when we need to think again about the word ‘repetitive’.• If there is physical injury, racism,

unwanted sexual behaviour or bullying of someone with SEN, of course we would intervene at once. It may be assault or harm - we need to act.

• Think of it as ‘usually repeated’

It is not bullying when:

Friends argue or fall out for a short time

People disagree about something

People don’t want to be friends

Different types of bullying

• Verbal• Physical• Indirect• Cyber


Other types of bullying

Bullying can be emotional, humiliating and ostracising.This is Relational Aggression. Eye rolling can carry hurtful meaning!

Exploitative and Manipulative

• Children with SEN say they are bullied by people taking advantage of their difficulties or by manipulating them into doing something they don’t want to do. It can be for the group to laugh at or to get them to do something that is not allowed. This is also bullying.

Bullying related to difference

• Some people bully because they fear difference. So they pick on others because they are a little different from them.

• Prejudice driven bullying can be linked to: race, religion, sexual orientation, home situation and appearance or any perceived difference.

Drawing by Diana Marzano

BULLYING INTERVENTION GROUP (BIG)The national award for excellence in bullying intervention.THE BIG AWARD.Courses,AssessmentsPolicy checksPupil SurveysJoin BIG Award and improve your practice

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