what is love

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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Love is _________.

What is love? Love is a variety of different feelings,

states, and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure.

It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.

What is love?

It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".

Elements of Love

Elements of Love

Intimacy Intimacy

Passion Passion

Compassion Compassion

Elements of Love

Elements of Love

Trust Trust

Respect Respect

Affection Affection

The kind of love which makes us sorrowful when we hear of a crisis in another nation that makes us give our time or money to charity; and makes us feel connected to people we don’t know simply on the basis of our shared experience as human beings.

The kind of love which makes us sorrowful when we hear of a crisis in another nation that makes us give our time or money to charity; and makes us feel connected to people we don’t know simply on the basis of our shared experience as human beings.

The love a parent has for a child, or a child has for a favourite aunt or uncle. The love a foster parent feels for the children in her care and the love a grandparent feels for the child adopted by his son- and daughter-in-law.

The love a parent has for a child, or a child has for a favourite aunt or uncle. The love a foster parent feels for the children in her care and the love a grandparent feels for the child adopted by his son- and daughter-in-law.

The love between a married couple which develops over a long period of time. The love which endures in sickness and in health. The love which makes a friend care for their former school friend who has become vulnerable in later life.

The love between a married couple which develops over a long period of time. The love which endures in sickness and in health. The love which makes a friend care for their former school friend who has become vulnerable in later life.

The love we feel for people we strive with to achieve a shared goal – our co-workers, the players in a football or netball team, the soldiers in an army

The love we feel for people we strive with to achieve a shared goal – our co-workers, the players in a football or netball team, the soldiers in an army

The love we give to ourselves. This is not vanity, like narcissism, but our joy in being true to our own values. The strength to care for ourselves so that we can in turn care for others.

The love we give to ourselves. This is not vanity, like narcissism, but our joy in being true to our own values. The strength to care for ourselves so that we can in turn care for others.

The feelings we have when we test out what it might be like to be in love with someone. The fluttering heart and feelings of euphoria; the slightly dangerous sensation.

The feelings we have when we test out what it might be like to be in love with someone. The fluttering heart and feelings of euphoria; the slightly dangerous sensation.

Based on sex and powerful magnetism. It’s the one which can get us into the most trouble. It can turn into other kinds of love – like pragma – but it starts as romance and attraction.

Based on sex and powerful magnetism. It’s the one which can get us into the most trouble. It can turn into other kinds of love – like pragma – but it starts as romance and attraction.

Characteristics of True


1. Love means saying goodbye to expectations.1. Love means saying goodbye to expectations.

2. Love doesn't play the victim role or blame others.2. Love doesn't play the victim role or blame others.

4. Love doesn't require you to continue a relationship.

4. Love doesn't require you to continue a relationship.

3. Love includes letting go.3. Love includes letting go.

5. Love has no room for jealousy.5. Love has no room for jealousy.

6. Love is the absence of fear.6. Love is the absence of fear.

7. Love is not needing, but wanting.7. Love is not needing, but wanting.

8. Love is an action, not just a feeling.8. Love is an action, not just a feeling.

9. Love is unconditional.9. Love is unconditional.

10. Love means putting other people's needs equal to - or before - your own.

10. Love means putting other people's needs equal to - or before - your own.

11. Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is.

11. Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is.

12. Love requires attention.12. Love requires attention.

13. Love understands and accepts differences.13. Love understands and accepts differences.

14. Love varies in how it is expressed and accepted.14. Love varies in how it is expressed and accepted.

15. Love makes you feel good, not bad.15. Love makes you feel good, not bad.

16. Love has empathy.16. Love has empathy.

Elements of Love

• Physical Element• Emotional Element• Intellectual Element• Volitional Element

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