what is meiosis?

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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What is Meiosis?. - Cell division to form sex cells where the offspring inherits genes from both parents. What are homologous chromosomes?. One chromosome lined up from each parent – there are 23 pairs of these. WHAT ARE SEX CELLS?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What is Meiosis?

-Cell division to form sex cells where the offspring inherits genes from both parents

What are homologous chromosomes?

One chromosome lined up from each parent – there are 23 pairs of these


GAMETES: They have half the normal number of chromosomes for that particular species (haploid – 23 chromosomes in


What is a Karyotype?

chromosomes of an individual are lined up as pairs from the largest to the smallest – tells about an individual’s sex and any

chromosomal disorders

What do the chromosomes of males and females look like?

XY – maleXX female

23rd pair of chromosomes

Name 3 different types of disorders caused by meiosis complications

1- Turner Syndrome – missing an X chromosome (affects girls)

2 – Klinefelter Syndrome - additional X chromosome (affects boys)

3-Down Syndrome – extra 21st chromosome (boys + girls)

What is an Allele?

Both mom and dad donate this TRAIT to their offspring

What is the difference between haploid and diploid?

Haploid = half the genetic information (sex cell)

Diploid = double the genetic information when 2 haploid cells

join to form a ZYGOTE

What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

2 identical vs. 4 different daughter cells, haploid vs diploid genetic info

What is the difference between homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids?

Chromosome vs. a single strand

What is it called when there is an “exchange” of genetic material between homologous chromosomes permitting diversity among a species?

Crossing over

Meiosis has 2 phases – M1 + M2 – what part of IPMAT is missing between the 2 phases?

Interphase is skipped and cells go right into prophase II

Steps for Meiosis:P (!)

M (I)A (I)T (I)



What does the “genome” of an individual tell a researcher?

Total genetic information about an individual

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