what is ozone therapy?

Post on 03-Sep-2014






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(Triatomic Oxygen)

Ozone “triatomic oxygen” is another oxygen-carrying compound chemically represented as O3 you can smell it in the air after a storm and the ancient Hebrews called it, “ The breath of God.” Ozone has been used since the fag end of 19th century (1891), because of its scientifically validated and indisputable bactericidal, fungicidal and viricidal properties. In 1901 Ozone was used in a sewage treatment plant in Germany and this use is now standard worldwide.

In vitro studies have shown that Ozone when introduced in blood in microgram doses, it is immediately converted into hydroperoxides which are free radical scavengers like glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase which have shown remarkable anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects. The hydroperoxides actually seek out and destroy diseased cells and invading organisms and account for Ozone’s anti-tumor properties.

Infected cells have lower levels of enzyme activity and are less stable. The hydroperoxides readily react with the cell membrane lipids. Through reaction of Ozone with the phospholipid chains in the cell membrane, lipoperoxides are introduced the cell and influence its metabolism, in particular polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) whose peroxides have selective cytotoxic effect and have growth inhibiting effects in human lungs, breast and prostrate carcinomic cells.

Ozone therapy has been in use for many years by thousands of West German Doctors who have proven in hundreds of clinical studies that they are able to inactivate AIDS and other deadly viruses through the use of Ozone.After more than 50 yrs of beneficial use for patients in Europe, Ozone has been proven to be an effective remedy in the treatment of Cancer, Arthritis, AIDS, Cardiovascular Diseases, Systemic Candidiasis, Mononucleosis, Hepatitis & Herpes etc.

Ozone also has been proved in many other contamination & Infections of microbial origin. Ozone has also helped in improving functions of nervous system, brain in senility, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.Dr. Donsbach’s treatment program for cancer patients include regular Ozone therapy for Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Arthritis and most of the chronic progressive degenerative diseases with very high success rates.

OZONE Insufflations:

Ozone Insufflation is a procedure which introduces ozone into the rectal area where the rich capillary beds absorb the oxygen and utilize it for the benefit of the body.

This procedure is painless and simple & constitutes the primary form of ozone therapy used at Dr. Donsbach’s Hospital Santa Monica in Mexico and Institute Santa Monica in Poland.

OZONE Therapy

inC U B A

The first report on the practical use of Ozone dated back to 1891, when its effectiveness was tested as a bactericidal agent for disinfecting polluted drinking water. At present, it is acknowledged as the most effective germicidal agent for that purpose, since its spectrum includes not only bacteria, but also viruses and protozoa. It is also important that their residues do not have any toxic effect. Since the beginning of 20th century Ozone is used as therapeutic strategy in humans.

For many diseases apparently not inherited, obtaining favourable results without knowing the bio-chemical action mechanisms and without conducting any controlled clinical studies. In the last 50 yrs Ozone is used as medicine in many countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, USA, Russia, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Cuba. There are national societies for Ozone therapy in many of the above mentioned countries. In Cuba since 1986 Ozone is used very extensively. Here

The first experimental therapy room was created about 18yrs (1986) back at Cuba. Treatments have been designed for several diseases of social importance with clinical investigative approach, very tightly linked to lab experimentation. Moreover, diverse toxicological studies have been performed to corroborate the lack of damage or injury after the use of Ozone in therapeutic doses for wide variety of diseases and disorders. All these years the results are highly satisfactory demonstrating Ozone efficacy.

Some of the widely experimented diseases published in the literature are peripheral vascular diseases, superficial mycosis, osteoarticular pain etc. At the same time very satisfactory results have been obtained in the treatment of never before reported diseases like Ischemic cardiopathy, senile dementia leading to Alzheimer’s and cerebrospinal blocks due to emboli because of accidents & strokes. No adverse report has been reported in the 100000 patients that have been treated in Cuba with Ozone.

Ozone Therapy has given high success rate results in wide variety of clinical conditions like

•Diabetic foot ulcers•Various Dental Problems like caries, Root canal Infections, Chronic Gingivitis•Elephantiasis•Bedsores, Psoriasis, Eczema•Tinnitus, Vertigo and Migraine •Dysponea of any origin

The scientific approach of the work performed all these years as well as the contributions to medicine, have been Cuba an acknowledged worldwide reputation in the field of the therapeutic applications of Ozone. Likewise we have satisfactorily worked in the design and manufacturing of ozonizers for therapeutic uses and other accessories necessary for that purpose. They are exporting these equipments to other countries. Currently over 30 Health institutions in Cuba have Ozone generators

For the therapeutic use and employ the protocols designed in the Ozone Research Center. Such institutions are located all around the country and they form the “National Network for Ozone Therapy” an organization for controlling the use of Ozone therapy in Cuba. Moreover, that organization sets the protocols and official lines for Ozone therapy and also trains the specialists, collects and distributes scientific info, organize seminars discussing the results of each region.

Currently Ozone therapy in Cuba is having following clinical applications:

•Develop new procedures for research•In vitro, pre-clinical stages of study•Controlled clinical assays•Spreading the studies results for clinical applications•Various diseases responding to Ozone•Setup and developing Ozone clinics•National/ Global consultations.

Hyperbaric Oxygen

Hyperbaric oxygen was originally developed by the military in 1930 by diving operation which often resulted in decompression sickness and air embolism. Since then, many innovative physicians have found that deadly spider bites, carbon monoxide poisoning, burns, serious wounds and particularly restoration of brain function following a stroke are effective applications.

Other conditions including a broad range of neuromuscular diseases, such as spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, migraine and tinnitus (continuous ringing in the ears) have responded to the introduction of Hyperbaric Oxygen.At Hospital Santa Monica hyperbaric chambers that resemble inflated alpine sleeping bags with a big peephole. The patient lies in the chamber and slowly the inside air pressure increases to the equivalent of being several hundred feet below sea level.

Studies have shown that purified air reduces the incidence of colds, sore throat and allergic attacks during flu season. Frequent and continuous ozonation of office/ house air greatly reduces the chance of infection. In this light ozone generator becomes an office companion, just as essential as water cooler/ filter. This also reduces the incidence of sick room syndrome or chronic fatigue syndrome which is the result of affluent life style (spending continuously in AC environment).

Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy involves having oneself placed under several pounds of oxygenated air pressure which causes the oxygen in the air to be literally transfused through your skin into the body. The normal treatment time is from 45 to 60 minutes. During this time your skin is busily gulping up the extra oxygen which can produce many beneficial changes in the cellular function of the body. Most of the patients who use this therapy have serious illness although more & more athletes are finding..

That their performances are enhanced significantly by using hyperbaric oxygen.

1Q. Can vitamin supplements be taken along with oral Oxygen?

A.No. take oxygen with colloidal Silver or Oxygen capsules on an empty stomach for maximum benefit. With food or other supplements in your stomach, the hydrogen peroxides on what it comes in contact with , and little, if any, benefit will be derived.

2Q. I am experiencing strong metallic taste after taking oxygen and my breath is becoming laboured. Is this normal?

A. Take 2 ounces 3 times a day. Always 2 hours after meals or 30 minutes before food. The metallic taste is normal. Try Hydrogen Peroxide gargling will be beneficial. Frequent lower dosage of ozone will benefit you without distress.

3Q. Applying H2O2 on skin may be harmful & can cause premature skin aging in the long term. Is oxygen skin cream is safe?

A. In the concentrations used in skin creams H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) will never cause cell damage. There are people using regularly since 30 years without any side effects. Even in higher concentrations up to 30-35% will not harm the skin cells.

4.Q. I suffer from severe Candidiasis and chronic fatigue, I am hoping the use of H2O2 systemically will help?

A. 35% H2O2 in the doses stabilized with colloidal Silver would make anybody ill. There is an patented alternate H2O2 allows therapeutic dosages with ease & safety. Mostly 2 - 4 ounces as one dose 2 or 3 times a day for very good results. One ounce contains 20 drops-H2O2.

5Q. Will doing “Oxygen Therapy” using H2O2 help in Arthritis?

A. Oxygen with colloidal Silver liquid and sublingual oxygen drops along with oxygen capsules taking 3 times a day along with Joint Lotion as topical application applied twice will give impressive results in 2 months.

Ozone GeneratorsHaving multiple beneficial uses like purify the air toxins, purify water, meat, fish, vegetables, ozone insufflation (rectal admin) disinfection of bacteria, germs, inactivation of viruses and fungi, reduction of noxious odours, oxidation of heavy metals, oxidation of cyanide & other dangerous organic compounds and increased levels of oxygen. To purify air in surgical theaters, suites, saloons, chemical industries.

Ozone is a premier water purifier better than any other method. You can ozonate water and increase the oxygen content, creating healthy, high oxygen beverage. This can be used as bath constituent for invigorating bath. Ozonate fruits, vegetables, meat and fish remove all pesticide residues and bacteria

Ozone for Healthy World

India being vast tropical country with 70% of populations are rural habitat can make great use of Ozone therapy in wide variety of clinical conditions like Dentistry, Dermatology, Failariasis Diabetic foot ulcer, Bedsores, Purifying air/ water/ vegetables/ fruits/ meat where there are no cold chains. Fumigating surgical theaters, diagnostic labs, clean rooms, food processing units, seed making units, edible oil units, agro processing units and prevent them from poisonous pesticide residues & metals.

Clinical applications of Ozone in India in healthcare are wide like inDentistry: Due to food habits and living conditions dental decay is on raise. Fast foods are leading to Vit. C deficiency causing chronic gingivitis, poor oral hygiene, smoking and tobacco chewing is causing dental caries, root canal infections and tooth decay in elderly. Excess sweets, frozen foods is causing tooth decay in children and young adults in urban areas. Excess fluorine is also responsible.

Failariasis: is extensively prevalent along costal regions like WB, OR, AP, TN, KR, KL and MR states. This is painful, nagging, chronic, progressive degenerative disease causes frequent temperature, fluid accumulation in the legs, severe fungal infections in legs and there is no effective remedy in modern medicine and people suffer a lot due to this. OZONE therapy has given impressive results in controlling this socially stigmata's healthcare problem.

Diabetic Foot:An ICMR report says that 6 out 10 urban Indians above 30 yrs are diabetics. Around 1% of them develop Diabetic foot due lack of awareness and the result is loosing the limb by amputation. The microbes which are responsible are not responding to even the fourth generation antibiotics. Needs hospitalization and good nursing care. Ozone therapy is giving impressive results and saving limbs to many people in the long run.

Dysponea:Is difficulty in breathing due to Asthma, Tuberculosis, Left Ventricular Failure, IHDs, Bronchitis mostly due to smoking, industrial/ automobile pollution. WHO says that 30% of world urban population of all age groups is suffering from mild to severe Dysponea. Drugs and remedies are ineffective many a time and will be leading to morbidity & mortality. Ozone is an excellent natural alternative without any side effects.

Bedsores:About 1% of all bed ridden people in hospitals and about 10% of bed ridden people in the house for over 4 weeks due to Road accidents, Paralysis, Acute Arthritis, major surgeries, Amputations, severe Obesity, severe Mental Disorders develop Bedsores and don’t respond to therapies easily leading to gangrene and carcinomas. Ozone therapy has shown impressive results in such cases. Ozone + Bedsore QR Lotion will be a great combination

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