what is the point without love?

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


    About the Author

    A single parent of two children who has a huge love ofanimals, having many as pets. A great cook who enjoys

     baking as often as possible.

    Loves learning new things, having qualified as an

    accountant and a chef in her younger years.

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  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


    I would like to thank my close family and friends fortheir support in my hour of need. Also, Mr. Carl Leavy

    Photography in Cornwall and Mrs. Tina White for

     pushing me to send this book off to be published, as well

    as my two fantastic children whom I love dearly.

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  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


    K a t r i n a S c a r l e t t


    H A T I S T H E


    O I N T


    I T H O U T


    O V E


  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


    Copyright© Katrina Scarlett (2015)

    The right of Katrina Scarlett to be identified as author of this

    work has been asserted by her in accordance with section 77

    and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

    reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any

    form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

    recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the


    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to

    this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil

    claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the

    British Library.

    ISBN 9781785545290(Paperback)

    ISBN 9781785545306 (Hardback)


    First Published (2015)

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.

    25 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5LQ

    Printed and bound in Great Britain

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  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?


  • 8/20/2019 What is the Point Without Love?




    When Mary Jane goes on to a dating website at the

    request of her children to find a partner as they were

    growing up, she could never have imagined what was

    going to happen to her life, her sanity and her health.

    Then she met Terrence, and life changed, but was it

    for the better or would it end her?

    When Terrence went on the same website, he waslooking for a causal relationship and he never expected

    what he got when he met Mary Jane and her children.

    Would his life, sanity and health also be at risk of

    disintegrating around him?

    With many sexually tense events, twists and turns to

    keep you reading from the edge of your seat. What must

    Mary Jane and Terrence go through to discover if theyhave found what they were searching for all their lives?

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    Chapter 1

    It was late one night, around 11.30 pm. The stars were

    out, a light breeze filtered in through the back door that

    was open for the dogs to come and go as they pleased.

    Sat at her computer was Mary Jane, typing away on

    a dating website on which her membership was about to

    end. You see, as a single Mum, Mary Jane had been

    alone for eight years bringing up her children and hadnot been near anyone since her break up with the father

    of her youngest at nine weeks pregnant.

    Three days previously, her two children had said to

    find someone as they were growing up and would not be

    about much as they had their own social lives.

    Mary Jane thanked them and signed up for a trial on

    a site that introduces you to single men in the hope thatshe would meet a nice guy and be able to start living

    again. She had put everything into her kids and bringing

    them up but the trail was about to end that night and she

    had spoken to a few guys online, some asking for money

    to help bring gold back to England. When that happened

    Mary Jane stopped talking to them as she knew it was a

    scam and she would not see or hear from the guys again.But half an hour before the membership was to end

    someone said ‘hi’ to her. He looked normal and sweet he

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    said nice things, so she agreed to talk to him. His name

    was Terrence and his I.D was ‘T-bone’.

    As they spoke they exchanged e-mail and MSN I.Dsand continued talking until midnight, then the

    membership ended, so they continued talking through

    MSN. Mary Jane’s I.D was ‘Bo-peep’.

    The messages flew backwards and forwards between

    Bo-peep and T-bone that night, and they got on really

    well. Since they had mutual interests they agreed to meet

    up on the following Saturday at the local supermarketnear Mary Jane’s house.

    Terrence lived around forty miles away from Mary

    Jane. He had just moved to a place called Bodmin in

    Cornwall and Mary Jane lived in a place called

    Camborne, which was near Truro.

    The area was lovely, full of trees, countryside and

     beaches where Mary Jane walked the dogs and took thekids to play on warm summer days. Mary Jane would

    take the dogs and her kids, Michelle and Neville, to the

     beach for the day to have a picnic and a swim in the


    Well, Saturday arrived and the kids had gone to see

    their father, so Mary Jane was alone and had no worries.

    That morning she showered and got ready. She put onher makeup and did her hair in a loose pony tail. She

    wore jeans and a t-shirt and flip flops, and thought,

    that’ll do, as she looked in the mirror.

    Mary Jane was not a slim girl but she was not huge

    either, just a little over weight, but she looked good. She

    walked out of the house and drove to the supermarket in

    Pool. There were lots of people milling about as thesupermarket was close to the local weekend market. She

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    waited for Terrence to arrive from Bodmin, reading the

    texts he was sending as he drove to meet her.

    The text went along the lines of: I’m looking forwardto seeing you and getting to know you, and talking about

    hobbies. He liked carp fishing and dogs, and although

    Mary Jane was not into fishing she thought she could

    cope with it as it not football. She hated football.

    Terrence arrived and texted, “I’m here, where are

    you babe?”

    Mary Jane answered, “I’m sat on the bench by thefront door of the supermarket. I’m wearing a red top and


    Terrence replied, “I’m wearing track suit bottoms

    and an old t-shirt.”

    He had not made much of an effort to dress up but

    that didn’t matter, as he walked towards her she saw he

    was not overly thin either but he was kind of cute. Hehad little cherub cheeks and a sweet smile. He sat next to

    her and they talked about the journey from Bodmin and

    agreed to go for a drink. They left the supermarket and

    went to the McDonalds around the corner. They sat

    outside drinking and talking whilst Mary Jane had a

    cigarette, they laughed and joked and realised they had

    grown up around the same area in Yorkshire and theyknew the places they each spoke about. As their date

    ended they agreed to meet again the next day.

    When Mary Jane went home that evening she was

    thinking what a nice guy he was and how she felt

    comfortable in his presence, which she had not felt in a

    long time.

    As Mary Jane put the kids to bed and sat at hercomputer to check the emails from that day, a message

    appeared on MSN saying “Hi, how’s you? I really

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    enjoyed meeting you today and look forward to seeing

    you tomorrow.”

    Mary Jane smiled and thought the same. She’d reallyenjoyed today, it made a change from staying home,

    doing the house work and cooking.

    They stayed up late messaging each other and when

    Mary Jane went to bed Terrence was texting on the

     phone until the early hours talking about places in


    Three hours later Mary Jane got up and got ready togo meet Terrence again. Off she went with a smile on

    her face thinking, I hope this works out.

    The second date went really well. They went to

    Truro and sat on the quay watching flocks of swans

    swim up the water’s edge and congregate near the flood

    gates. Laughing. They sat there talking for hours about

    anything and everything, they even went to a beachcalled Portreath whilst sat on a bench, a church

    congregation arrived to do a service on the beach and to

     baptise one of the congregation. They sat there laughing

    at the singing and how the birds tried to join invite was

    so funny. They moved a little further away so as to not

    disturb the service and when they sat down again he held

    her hand and put his arm around her and they satsnuggled up on the bench enjoying the scenery and

    listening to the birds singing along with the service that

    was going on.

    They watched as the vicar – who was wearing shorts

    and a t shirt that said I am the Preacher  on it – walk into

    the ocean with three other people and dunk some poor

    girl under the water as a wave crashed over the top ofher. They ran out of the water to get dry and warm up. It

    was kind of nice but funny.

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    As the day ended, Mary Jane and Terrence talked

    about where this was going and they agreed to start

    dating, but slowly. Mary Jane had a friend arriving thenext day to stay for a week from up country and she was

    looking forward to catching up with all the gossip and

    having a laugh or two.

    As the week progressed, Terrence and Mary Jane

    were talking via text and MSN on an evening when

    everyone else was in bed. Not much sleep was had by

    either of them that week.One night, Terrence arrived without much notice to

    see Mary Jane. She welcomed him in and made a brew

    and he talked with her friend and had a laugh and they

    seemed to get on. Everything was going brilliantly.

    When her friend left the following Monday morning

    Mary Jane had not had any sleep as she had to take her

    friend to the bus station to catch the coach back home. Arelaxing day was needed as everyone was tired and

    would need an early night. Whilst she was thinking

    about going to bed that evening (around 9 pm) she got a

    text message from Terrence saying he needed a hug as

    he had just been told some bad news about an aunt.

    Mary Jane told him to come down for a brew and a

    talk. When he arrived he was looking as though he wasabout to cry. When he walked in she opened her arms to

    give him the hug that he so badly needed. And he kissed

    her, which she was not expecting. They sat on the sofa

    talking and he said he had just found out his aunt had

    died that morning, so Mary Jane put her arms around

    him again to hug him and said, ‘Sorry about your loss


    He started to kiss her and run his hands over her

     body. Things got carried away, they went upstairs to the

     bedroom and started to make love. It was passionate and

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    long. He kissed her from head to foot and ran his hands

    over her breasts, taking each in his mouth and sucking

    and biting them as he went. He let his hand wanderdown between her thighs. When his hand reached what

    he was looking for, he found – to his surprise – that she

    had very little hair down there. He took a deep breath

    and moved down to where his hand was and started

    licking and sucking at her clitoris while his finger dug

    deeper in her. He was taking her high in the clouds and

    letting her fall down before reaching the edge again, and

    when she was wet enough he thrust into her with a

    vigour that was not expected and fucked her until she

    climaxed from a great height. They fell back on the bed

    sweating and breathing heavy whilst they lay next to

    each other, kissing and cuddling. She said, “I have never

    done that before.”

    He said “Nor have I, babe. That was fantastic,” and

    he held her tight.

    During the night they woke up and they continued

    where they had left off and saw the sun rise together

    through the open window.

    When he got up to leave for work that day he said,

    “I’ll see you tonight,” and off he went after having a

    mug of tea and some toast.He texted her throughout the day saying how much

    he enjoyed last night and she said the same. Over the

    next few days the relationship grew and they started to

    fall in love with each other and get closer as they talked

    about loads of things via text and MSN.

    They discussed each other’s sexual desires and each

    time they met up the sex was more intense than the time before.

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    Chapter 2

    It was early August when this all began. Both Mary Jane

    and Terrence were enjoying going with the flow and

    meeting up regularly to have sex and act out their desires

    Terrence was 6ft 2” tall with short, curly, mousy-

     brown hair, with hair covering his back and chest. He

    had no tattoos but was thinking about getting one.

    He was quiet and kept himself to himself and hatedanyone talking about personnel things that had happened

    in private, as he believed that what happens in private

    stays in private, which Mary Jane agreed with. What

    happens behind closed doors stays there unless it is


    Mary Jane stood 5ft 9” tall, she had long blonde hair,

     piercing green eyes, a cute little button nose and a smilethat would dazzle a king. She enjoyed a laugh and

     playing practical jokes on her friends, she was slightly

     plump but liked to be called curvaceous rather than fat.

    Mary Jane had had bad luck with previous

    relationships and was very cautious with Terrence.

    The first official date was splendid. He picked Mary

    Jane up and took her out for a meal at a local restaurant.

    They ate steak with mushrooms and salad with a glass of

    red wine, followed by a lemon sorbet and a walk on the

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    local beach in the moon light along the water’s edge.

    When they were hidden by the rocks that were jutting

    out, Terrence laid down a blanket and started a small fireup as they sat and drank more wine on the beach and

    talked about life.

    There on the beach as they lay next to each other

    talking he leaned over and kissed her on the lips, and his

    hands started to wander – as they always did – up her leg

    and in to her panties. It was dusk and no one was about

    on the beach, only the two of them. The passion tookover and they made mad, passionate love there beside

    the rocks and as they were in the middle of making love

    a wave came crashing in and swept over them and they

    ended up soaked from the ocean and   love making. As

    they finished making love on the beach Terrence told

    Mary Jane a little about his past.

    He was forty-six years old, had no family and hisonly sibling had fallen out with him and they did not talk

    anymore. His ex cheated on him with his best friend and

    he had caught them in the act of making love in their bed

    at home. He had arrived back from work early and when

    he saw them he walked out of the house and left. He

    never looked back and moved to Cornwall and that was

    nine months before he had met Mary Jane.

    Mary Jane had had a similar experience with her

    exes. They had all cheated on her, so both Terrence and

    Mary Jane knew what it felt like to be cheated on and

     both would not do that to each other.

    Terrence got to know Mary Jane’s two children,

    Michelle and Neville, and they all got on great. They

    went on day trips out and holidays away to America and

    Canada, and they made love every chance they had. Life

    was going along smoothly for around 12 months.

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    When Terrence went to work one morning Mary

    Jane had a feeling that something was wrong. The night

     before, Terrence had mentioned that he had to go awayfor a week for a stag do with his cousin, but now she felt

    uneasy and that something just didn’t seem to ring true

    about what he had said, so she kept quiet but listened

    very carefully to everything that was being or not being

    said. That weekend the kids had gone to stay with their

    dad and Mary Jane decided to make Terrence’s one

    dream come true; to go to a grave-yard and make love on

    someone’s grave in the middle of the night. So they left

    the house to walk along the coast to find a small, remote

    grave-yard that was out of the way and no one would be

    going to visit at that time of night.

    As they found the grave-yard they walked to the

     back, amongst the owls tweeting, the bats flying

    overhead and the mice and rats running past their feet as

    they walked.

    The moon was full that night and the stars were

    twinkling brightly. There was a light breeze. As they

    reached the back part of the grave-yard they sat down

    and started to kiss and fondle each other.

    As Mary Jane was fondling Terrence he became hard

    and she took him in her hand and placed him inside hermouth. She ran her tongue along the tip and stroked him

    up and down, following with him in her mouth at the

    same time. She removed his member from her lips and

    kissed the end and ran her tongue along the outside edge

    so that the breeze caught him after he had been in the

    warmth of her mouth. He took a sharp breath in through

    gritted teeth and he said that no one had ever given him

    one of these before, so she continued to run her lips andmouth along his length until he came with a violent

    shudder. As she laid on her back he climbed over her,

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     pulled her skirt up, ripped her panties off and thrust his

    fingers inside her with an unexpected thrust. She yelped

    out in shock and delight at the hard invasion.He played with her clitoris with his thumb and fore

    finger and went toward her with his tongue as an owl

    flew overhead hooting. They were breathing heavily and

     perspiring from the anticipation of what was to come.

    His tongue flicked in and out of her most intimate place

    while his thumb and finger continued to play with her

    clitoris. Whilst all her senses were flying high he pulledaway from her and thrust in to her with his engorged

     penis. They both yelled out as he entered her in ecstasy.

    He thrust in and out, grabbing hold of her legs and

     placing them around his neck so he could get deeper

    inside her and make her feel the whole length of him

    from tip to ground. She ground her hips to his rhythm

    and he felt every single millimetre of her sliding up and

    down his engorged penis. As they were making love it

    started to rain and the drops fell on them, but they were

    too engrossed in making love and they never felt the

    rain. The thunder and lightning started over head and

    this only increased the intense feelings that were flying

    within that grave-yard that night. As the thunder gave an

    almighty clack they both climaxed together and rode the

    wave of emotions back down and laid breathless for anhour, quietly thinking about what had happened.

    She rolled over to face him and he was crying

    silently into his arm. She leaned over to make sure he

    was ok and he said, “Yes, my love, that was the most

    emotional sex I have ever had, but I’m sorry, I am going

     back to my ewe have been talking recently and that trip

    for my cousin’s stag weekend is in fact a week awaywith my ex. I never expected to still have feelings for her

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     but I do. I love you both but I have known her for more

    than ten years.”

    Mary Jane sat up and said calmly “So you’rechoosing the devil you know rather than the devil you

    don’t. You know what she did to you last time, she will

    only do it again, my love, and you will be the one

    hurting as you will have lost one of the best things you

    ever had.”

    He threw emotional words at her and said “In fact, I

    have not stopped seeing her whilst we have beentogether. When I was supposed to be in Canada I was

    actually in Bodmin with her the whole time.”

    Mary Jane took a deep breath to stop herself from

    crying in front of him and said to him, “If you truly

    loved her you would not have stayed up late at night

    talking to me whilst she lay in bed upstairs and texting

    me during the day whilst you were with her.”“Yes, but I do care for you both and I thought I’ll do

    to her what she did to me. But I regret hurting you in the

     process and I’m not sure if I will tell her I was with you

    or not,” Terrence told her.

    Mary Jane turned her head from him to compose

    herself again before she totally broke down in front of

    him. She said to him “You have to listen to your heart,my love, and I knew that was what you were doing the

    whole time.”

    “How did you know,” he asked.

    “Does that really matter?” she said. “I just knew that

    you were playing this dangerous game, but you don’t

    know the rules and you’re going to end up getting hurt

     big time, as she will cheat on you again,” she said.

    “Well that will be my own fault if she does.”

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    Mary Jane stood up and collected her panties that

    had been thrown to one side and placed them in her

     pocket. She turned to Terrence and said, “You know, Igenuinely loved you and I will always love you and you

    were the only one I have let in to my heart in eight


    Terrence said, “I thought you were lying about that.”

    “No,” she said. “I was not.”

    “I will be here when she hurts you again, my love, as

    you will need someone to talk to and to help you throughthe grief that will follow.” She walked over to him, sat

    on the floor, leaned over and gave him a kiss on his

    cheek and turned to walk away.

    When she got home she locked the front door and

    climbed in to the shower and cried like a baby under the

    droplets of water that fell on her naked body. She

    remembered every single touch that she had just feltfrom his hands.

    Mary Jane stayed in the shower for an hour just

    crying and holding herself tight, thinking to herself what

    must she have done to have him do this to her.

    When she got out the shower she had missed calls

    and messages on her phone from Terrence saying “I’m

    sorry babe I feel awful for doing this to you.”

    Mary Jane answered with grace and dignity: “I knew

    all along that you were playing this dangerous game and

    now you have lost and I have won. You have to know

    the rules and conditions of any game you choose to play

    and you have not researched these. Your loss, my love. I

    loved you dearly and I always will.”

    As she walked in to the kitchen she smiled to herself.

    Terrence had told her he could not have kids but little

    did he know she was pregnant with his child.

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    Terrence got up off the ground where he sat and

    straightened his clothes and walked back to his car

    outside Mary Janes place. As he walked towards herfront door to knock, he saw no lights on and wondered if

    she had got home ok. He never knew she was stood

    watching him as he turned and got in the car and drove


    Mary Jane fell to the floor and curled up, crying

    herself to sleep that night on the cold, concrete floor of

    the kitchen.

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    Chapter 3

    Mary Jane woke to the sun rising through the window of

    the kitchen and the dogs laid next to her on the floor

    keeping her warm. As she stirred, the dogs woke up and

    kissed her face to make sure she was ok.

    As Mary Jane stood up from the cold floor to make a

    hot mug of black coffee and a slice of fruit from the

    fridge, the sun shone right in her face and glistened brightly. Mary Jane smiled to herself and thought that

    things were going to be better from now on and she

    wouldn’t let that bastard beat her into the ground. She

    was stronger than that.

    Just then the children came in and asked “What’s for

     breakfast, Mum?” As Mary Jane started to make the

    children’s breakfast she was thinking about what to donext. She thought there is nothing left for me here

    anymore and my oldest leaves school this year, so I think

    a change of scenery is called for. With that, she placed

     bread in the toaster and eggs on the griddle and bacon in

    the oven to cook. She went to her iPad and turned it on

    and started looking for somewhere to live away from

    Camborne. After about 10 minutes there was a place thatcaught her eye, it involved looking after the next door

    house for a reduced rent on a farm up near Wade Bridge

    in Cornwall.

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    As Mary Jane was looking into it further, she became

    aware of an alarm going off in the background and

    remembered that she was cooking. “OH shoot!” she said,looking at the burnt eggs and toast in the toaster. As she

    threw the burnt food in to the garbage bag to start again

    the phone went off, letting her know she had a call.

    “Neville, can you do the eggs and toast please, darling? I

    must get the phone.”

    She picked up the phone and said, “Hello, Smith

    residence, can I help you? OH hello…Yes…Speaking.Oh great, yes that would be fantastic! When do you need

    me to start and when do I finalize the move to a new

     place nearer to work? Oh yes, I will get the information

    and get back to you later this afternoon. And thank you

    so much.”

    As she turned around the children were stood behind

    her in the hallway leaning against the kitchen doorframe, waiting to hear what had just happened. She

     pointed to the kitchen and said, “Come on, we need to

    talk about something important, darlings.”

    As they sat down to eat breakfast, Mary Jane sat with

    a mug of black coffee in her hands, looking at the floor

    and wondering where the hell to start this conversation.

    It was going to be hard to tell them they were moving upto Sowerby in West Yorkshire for a job.

    She knew Neville would not want to go as he was in

    his final year of school, but Mary Jane needed to leave

    Cornwall and get away from the memories of the past

    twelve months with Terrence.

     Neville spoke first and said, “He hurt you didn’t he

    Mum?”Mary Jane looked at him with tears in her eyes and

    said, “Yes, darling, he has broken my heart and I need to

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    get away from here and start anew. The phone call I just

    had was a job offer in Yorkshire, doing the accounts for

    a large commercial farm near the Yorkshire moors, notfar from a place called Sowerby and we can move next

    month in to a large for bedroomed house and we don’t

    have to get rid of the animals, we can take them all with

    us. Only problem is, we have to leave next month and

    that means leaving everything we know here in

    Camborne. So I would like the both of you to think

    about it for me and let me know your answer by 3pm

    today please.”

    As Mary Jane went about cleaning up the breakfast

    dishes, placing them in to the dishwasher and wiping the

    sides down, her phone beeped to say Terrence had texted


    “I am sorry, babe, I never meant to hurt you. Can we

    talk? Can I ring you now?”Mary Jane answered, “If you like, but what is the

     point, you made your choice last night.”

    When he phoned moments later, Mary Jane

    answered the phone with a strict thought in mind: don’t

    tell him about the job offer up country, see what he has

    to say for himself

    “Guten Morgan,” he said.“Good morning, what can I do for you? “She

    sounded calmer than she felt, her hands were shaking as

    she held the phone to her ear and her legs were going to

    give out on her if she didn’t sit down soon. The emotion

    was still too raw for her liking but she had to remain

    strong and sound as though the information she found

    out the night before was nothing major.“Can I come see you?”

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    Mary Jane said, “Do you think that would be wise?

    We would only end up in bed making love and that is

    not going to sort this shit out, is it my love?”She again referred to what she said the night before,

    about how you have to choose which way you want to

    go with your head or your heart, and when you have

    chosen you need to keep going down that road and not

    look back. She said “I have to go right now, I have to

    finish doing what I’m doing before it gets worse. Take

    care, Terrence, love. You’ve got my phone number ifyou need to talk later.” She put the phone down on him

    and finished her cleaning.

    When she had finished, the kitchen looked the

    cleanest it had ever looked as she had scrubbed the

    floors and sides to a bright gleam. You could see your

    face in the surfaces.

    She sat down with another mug of black coffee andstarted thinking about moving to Yorkshire. It was a big

    change but she sure did need to leave the house they

    were in.

    Just then, the kids came in to the room and said, “We

    have thought about what you said, Mum, and we will

    move if you really want to go.”

    So, the decision had been made; they were moving.Mary Jane picked up her phone to look into the price of

    a removal van for all the furniture they had.

    After Mary Jane had arranged a price and agreed

    with the company that it was ok to drop off the boxes so

    they could start packing up the belongings, she returned

    the phone call she’d had that morning and confirmed that

    she would be taking the position as of the 1st Septemberand they would arrive on the 28thAugust if that was ok. It

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    would give them time to unpack most of the stuff in the

    house and settle in a little.

    Sowerby Dairy Farm sent an email to Mary Janeconfirming the moving date and where the keys would

     be upon arrival, so that they could move in on the 28th of

    August, as well as the directions to the property and

    where they were allowed to go and where the animals

    could not go.

    The excitement started to grow in the Smith family

    as they went about the task of packing their belongings.There was just a week left until the removal van arrived

    to collect the stuff and transport it to Yorkshire.

    Mary Jane had not heard from Terrence in a few

    days. He must have made his decision about staying with

    Claire. Mary Jane breathed a sigh of relief as she had no

    idea how he would take it that they were moving. She

    had felt the baby move for the first time that morningand felt a little bad for not having told him that she was

    having his baby. She had not even told her children yet

    that there was going to be a new baby and if they knew

    they would not let her move furniture around like she

    was doing when they were in bed. She also had to make

    sure everything was clean before the removal men

    arrived to move it into the van to take away.Just then there was a knock on the front door. The

    kids had gone to see their friends before they left, they

    wanted to spend some time with them and take a break

    from packing the house up.

    As Mary Jane walked to answer the front door she

    stepped back in shock. For who should be there but

    Terrence, with a large bunch of roses and a shy grin onhis face. She closed the door behind her and stood on the

    doorstep to talk to Terrence so he could not see that they

    were packing up the house. It was too close to the move

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    to change her mind now and all she wanted to do right

    now was run into his arms and cry and tell him she loved

    him and that she was pregnant with his child. Shewanted to say that she was sorry but they were moving,

     but instead of doing that she stood up tall and took a

    deep breath.

    “Yes, what can I help you with, Terrence?”

    “Can I come in to talk please?” he said.

    She looked at the door and thought, if we go inside

    we will just end up in bed. “No, I’m decorating the stairsand it is a right mess, let me get my bag and we can go

    to Portreath and get a coffee and have a chat there.”

    “Ok. These are for you, love. Shall I wait in my car

    or are we walking?”

    “I think I’ll go in my car and you in yours, then we

    don’t have to come back here.”

    As Mary Jane walked into the hall to collect her bag,

    she saw herself in the hall mirror and thought, I look a

    right state. Oh well, it will have to do.

    She was wearing a pair of old trousers, trainers and a

    grandfather shirt, with her hair scrapped back off her

    face into a tight pony-tail down her back. I really should

    have my hair cut, she thought as she picked up her bag

    and the car keys from the sideboard.

    As she walked toward the front door she saw a pen

    and some paper and thought, I best leave the kids a note

    to tell them where I am and not to worry.

     Hi kids. Gone to Portreath for a coffee. Won’t be

    long. I’ve got my phone if you need me. Love you kids xxxx

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    Then she left and walked to her car and noticed

    Terrence looking at her as she walked towards where she

    was parked on the pavement.I must really look a mess, she thought. I bet he’s

    thinking I’m glad I did what I did now.

    As Mary Jane started her car Terrence moved his out

    of the way so she could pull out without a problem. He

    followed her to Portreath and in to the parking space

    next to her in the car park near to the cafe where they

    would have a coffee.As Mary Jane went to get out of the car, Terrence

    stood next to her door as she opened it and got hold of

    her hand. He pulled her into his arms and said to her as

    he kissed her, “I’m so sorry, love. I made a mistake. I

    never should have done that to you. Can you forgive


    Trying to catch her breath, Mary Jane leaned backagainst the car before she fell to the floor and made a

    fool of herself for fainting. As she looked up, Terrence’s

    face was white.

    “What’s the matter, love?” he asked .

    “Nothing, why? You just shocked me by grabbing

    hold of me like that. I’ll be ok in a minute when I get my

    coffee and a cookie. Shall we?” She pointed to the cafeso she didn’t have to push past him.

    As she walked towards the cafe he followed next to

    her, trying to grab hold of her hand as they walked. This

    was unusual as he didn’t like public displays of

    affection, so she kept her hands tight on her bag and her


    When they ordered their drinks they headed to the

    window seat so she could look out at the ocean when it

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    was getting too hard to talk without breaking down in

    front of him.

    It was getting late when their coffee arrived.“Have you eaten today,” he asked.

    “Yes, I had some eggs this morning thanks. I’ll be

    ok.” She started to pick at the cookie she had ordered,

    thinking, if I eat this I will be sick. Her hands were

    shaking and her legs felt like jelly under the table. Every

    time he looked at her heart missed a beat and she could

    feel herself getting hot under the collar, just by lookingat him and remembering the last time they were together.

    She saw him looking at her again she smiled and asked if

    everything was ok?

    “Yes,” he replied. “You look good, you’ve got a

    glow I’ve not seen before but you’re shaking like a leaf.

    Are you sure you’re ok?”

    “Yes, I am fine thanks,” she said as she picked upher coffee to have a drink of it.

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    Chapter 4

    As they were sat in the window talking about the thingsthat had happened, Terrence said, “I love you, babe, you

    know that don’t you? But I still love her too and I don’t

    know what I am going to do at that moment.”

    A seagull flew into the window and made everyone

    sat near them jump from the noise it made.

    At the back of Mary Jane’s mind, she was thankful for

    the distraction the seagull gave her, so that she couldthink what her reply would be to the statement he had

     just made. The reply came to her in that instant. They

    were leaving on Saturday morning, so she could arrange

    to meet up Saturday night to go for a drink and talk

    further. She was feeling light headed with him so near.

    By the time he found out they had left the area there

    would be hundreds of miles between them, and he wouldnot be able to just turn up like he had just done and

    shake her world apart like he had. Her strength was

    going to kick the proverbial bucket in a minute and walk

    out the door and she’d wind up telling him everything,

    including about the baby. She still needed to come to

    terms with the idea herself as she was only three months

    gone and was not yet starting to show, apart from her

    skin was glowing and her hair was very shiny and

    growing like mad.

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    She then turned to Terrence and said, “Look, love,

    why don’t we go out for a meal on Saturday night as I

    will have more time to talk to you then. I have to gethome and finish the decorating before the paint sets in

    the tin, as I left the lid off the pot.” She smiled at him to

    make him feel that everything was ok and not give off

    the impression that she would not be in Cornwall

    anymore. By the time he realised she had left they would

     be unpacking the kettle and making their first brew in

    their new home in Yorkshire. They’d be unpacking their

    night clothes and bedding so they could go to bed, before

    starting on the unpacking on the Sunday morning.

    Terrence smiled at Mary Jane and said, “Yes, that

    would be nice. What time shall I pick you up?”

    Mary Jane thought for a second and said, “How

    about 8pm, love? I’ll book us a table in the restaurant

    round the corner. Chinese ok for you, yes?”“Yes,” he replied as he touched her hand which was

    laid on the table next to the coffee mug and the cookie

    that she had been trying to eat, but felt too sick when she

     put any near her mouth.

    She wanted him so badly. She could just take him

    there and then, but she refrained from doing anything of

    the sort. “Well,” she said. “I best get going. I have loadsto do.” This was not a lie by any means, she was just

    doing something other   than painting. They were

    finishing the packing.

    As Mary Jane rose to leave the cafe she felt herself

    starting to fall towards the floor and she blacked out.

    Terrence jumped up and caught her before she hit the

    floor. His face had turned white with fear. What the hellhad just happened? Why had she just passed out on him?

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    He realised right there that he loved her more than he

    had thought was possible, and he knew in that instant

    what he was going to do. When he got home he’darrange to go and talk to Claire about Mary Jane. He had

    not told her anything, but Mary Jane knew the whole

    truth and yet she had still agreed to go out for a meal

    with him on Saturday and she was here right now in his

    arms after having spoken to him about it all.

    In that instant he was brought back to reality by a

    member of staff asking if he needed any help with theyoung lady in his arms, and he thought, oh shit yes, call

    an ambulance now.

    The staff then took over as he seemed to have lost

    the ability to do anything. They laid Mary Jane on to the

    floor in the recovery position and waited for the

    ambulance to arrive. After what seemed like an hour, the

    ambulance arrived and Mary Jane was starting to comearound.

    Just as the paramedic was walking in, Mary Jane was

    starting to sit up. The paramedic rushed over to her and

    said, “Please stay on the floor whilst I do your vitals and

    we can chat, ok?” Mary Jane nodded her head to

    acknowledge that she understood what he was saying.

    She was still feeling light-headed but felt better for being told to stay on the floor. As the paramedic was

    taking her blood-pressure and pulse, she looked over to

    Terrence and saw how worried and white he looked at

    that moment. He turned his head to look directly at her

    as she sat on the floor and he mouthed, “Are you ok,

    love?” Mary Jane felt faint all over again

    Just the paramedic spoke to her, asking questionsabout her health and what she had eaten that day.

    Terrence was about to answer about what she had eaten

    that day when she shook her head and said, “I have not

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    eaten for six days. I just feel sick every time I try to put

    food near my mouth.”

    Terrence looked mad as he realised she had lied tohim about having eaten earlier. Bang goes the idea that

    he would let her walk out of the cafe and go home

    without him forcing his way in to the house to make sure

    she had something to eat. So she sat there hoping that the

     paramedic would say that she needed to go to the

    hospital to make sure everything was ok, as then it

    would be easier to tell Terrence that she was ok to goalone and that she’d see him Saturday night. But he was

    watching her with the paramedic and looked stern.

    The waitress came over to ask if there was anything

    she could do to assist and just as the paramedic was

    about to answer, Terrence said, “Can you get me a bowl

    of chicken soup and a sweet tea? The waitress looked at

    Mary Jane and the paramedic and they both nodded theirheads as if to confirm what he had asked for.

    Mary Jane was about to get up off the floor when

    Terrence walked over to her, picked her up from the

    floor and placed her gently on to a chair at the table

    where they were sat previously. He thanked the

     paramedic for his help and he looked at her as if to make

    sure she was happy with the situation. She nodded at himand smiled.

    Just then, the waitress arrived with the sweet tea and

    chicken soup and Mary Jane picked up the spoon and

    started to eat. As she was eating she realised she was

    famished and started eating with a renewed vigour.

    Terrence followed the paramedic out of the café,

    asking him questions about what would have caused herto black out. The paramedic looked through the window

    at Mary Jane as if to check it was ok to answer him. He

    turned to Terrence and said, “If she has not eaten in six

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    days then that could be the main cause, but there could

     be other things at play here. I would advise she visit her

    GP in the morning to get checked out. Watch over hertonight, don’t leave her alone, she needs to be with


    When Terrence walked back in, Mary Jane was

     passing her bowl to the waitress, smiling at her saying,

    “Thank you, that was lovely and the tea is nice. Thank

    you for all you did whilst I was on the floor. The

    waitress said it was ok and asked if she needed anythingelse at that moment. Mary Jane saw Terrence walking

    towards her and she said, “Could I please have a small

     bowl of sorbet?” And off the waitress went.

    When Terrence arrived at the table he looked at

    Mary Jane and said, “The paramedic said I was not to

    leave you alone tonight, so I’ll be coming back to yours

    to look after you.” Mary Jane turned white again and hecrouched next to her looking worried.

    She wondered how the hell she’d get out of this one.

    He couldn’t come back to her place as he would see they

    had virtually packed up the whole house. She said, “It’s

    ok, I have Neville there to look after me.” She gave a

    weak smile.

    Terrence said, “No way. I’m staying.”Then Mary Jane thought, why not get a bed and

     breakfast? That way he would not see the house.

    She mentioned it to Terrence and said the paint

    fumes would do her no good. Terrence seemed to

    consider the idea and smiled. “Ok,” he said. “That

    sounds like a good idea. “And so he went off to book a

    room for the night.

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    Mary Jane thought that once he had fallen asleep she

    would sneak off home and hide the car and ignore the

    door.By the time he had returned with the keys for the

    room, Mary Jane had eaten the sorbet she had ordered.

    He gently took her arm and walked her towards the front

    door of the cafe to lead her towards the room he had

     booked for the night. No sooner had he got her outside,

    he grabbed her around the waist, spun her to face him

    and started kissing her neck, lips and forehead. She placed her hands on his shoulders to keep from falling to

    the ground again and returned the passionate kiss right

    outside the front door of the cafe with everyone

    watching. He kissed her with an open hunger that she

    had not felt before.

    He stopped as suddenly as he started and said, “If I

    don’t get you to the room now I’m going to take youright now in front of the cafe with all those people

    watching us, and that would not be a good idea. We

    would get arrested for indecent exposure, my love. Let’s

    go shall we?”

    Looking up to his eyes Mary Jane smiled and nodded

    her head. This was not good. She could feel herself

    falling under his spell again and she was so close toleaving. What should she do? There was no other option.

    She had to get away now.

    He grabbed her hand and started to lead her towards

    the chalets on the beach behind the café. He opened the

    first door he came to, picked her up and carried her in to

    the room. He placed her gently on the bed. She lay there

    looking up at him as he walked back towards the door to

    lock it and close the drab curtains that were up against

    the windows. The decor was not much better either.

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    As he walked over to her he turned the bed-side lamp

    on that was next to where she was laying, he sat down

    gently and started to stroke the hair out of her eyes soshe could see better, and he saw her pale face looking up

    at him with expectations that he was not sure he could

    fulfil. She was not aware of the look on her face as she

    watched him moving around the room.

    He went over to where the tea facilities were on the

    table across the room from the bed, he switched the

    kettle on and proceeded to make some sweet tea for herto drink. Whilst he waited for it to boil he went in to the

     bathroom and started to run a hot bath for her, as her

    makeup was streaming down her cheeks from when she

    had been crying whilst she was out of it on the floor.

    As Mary Jane watched him move around the room

    with a svelte ease, she dreamed of what his reaction

    would be if she told him right now that she was pregnantwith his child.

    Her eyes started to droop and she fell asleep right

    where she had been placed. The next thing she knew was

    Terrence waking her up with a hot sweet tea. He said,

    “Your bath is ready, my love. Drink up your tea and let’s

    get you in that bath to wash all that dirt you have on your

    face.”She sat up, took the mug from him and started to

    drink; it was hot and sweet. She looked at him and asked

    how long she’d been asleep.

    “Oh, not long, love. Only about an hour. I was sat

    here.” And he pointed to the side of the bed next to her.

    “I laid holding you in my arms, watching you sleep like

    a baby.”His eye twinkled like stars as he watched her

    drinking her tea, she looked so fragile sat there on the

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     bed holding the mug with both hands and blowing the

    steam so she could take a drink without burning herself

    on the hot tea.He looked so content as he sat there watching her

    watch him whilst she drank her tea. As she finished her

    tea she went to lean over and place the mug on the

     bedside table when he took it from her hands and placed

    it on the table nearest to him. He gently pushed her back

    on to the bed and laid next to her, pinning her to the bed

    with a gentle but heavy weight so she could not move.She didn’t want to move.

    His hands started to run along the top of her clothes,

    towards her breasts under her shirt. He touched them

    gently and said they felt different to the last time he

    tasted them. He smiled as he kissed her with a fever of

    need that was trying to get out, he wanted to take her

    right there, to rip every piece of clothing off her bodyand keep her in that room forever.

    Just then he stopped kissing her and jumped off the

     bed. He walked around and picked her up. She looked at

    him in a questioning way. “What the hell are you doing

    now look?”

    He walked into the bath room and placed her on her

    feet next to the steaming bubble bath. When he had gotthe bubble bath and the warm towels, she thought

    through a fog in her mind.

    He slowly started to undress her, taking off her shirt

    with ease, button by button. Her breathing grew with

    each button he undid, as he got to the button on her jeans

    he kissed her nose and undid the jeans and slid them

    down her legs to the floor, leaving her stood in themiddle of the room in just her bra and panties. Thank

    God they were new and not the old ones she had on

    yesterday morning.

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    Chapter 5

    He stood looking at her standing in the middle of the

    room wearing her peach bra and panties and saw her

    rounded breasts breathing heavily; up and down they

    went. He walked over and pulled her hair loose from the

    hair clip that held it and watched as her hair cascaded

    down her back. He put his arms around her as he undid

    her bra, from behind he kissed her neck as he unfastenedthe clasps that held it in place.

    He then started to crouch in front of her as he pulled

    her panties down her legs. Mary Jane stood there unable

    to move an inch, her heart was missing too many beats,

    if she moved she would fall to the floor and that would

    not be good.

    As his fingers tugged the panties down him followedwith gentle kiss along her stomach and down her thighs.

    He stopped just above her pubis and blew gently on it,

    making her shiver with delight and anticipation. He then

    lifted each foot so as to remove the panties completely.

    He threw them to one side where he had thrown the rest

    of her clothes and she stood in front of him in her

     birthday suit, her hair cascading down her back. His eyesran all over her body, making her feel uneasy at being

    looked at like that. He turned to face the bath and placed

    his hand in the water as if to check it before placing a

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    child in so as not to get burnt. She remembered doing

    this for her kids when they were small.

    He turned suddenly, making her jump out of her skinat his sudden movement. He swept her off her feet and

     placed her in the bath and proceeded to undress himself

    and climb in the tub after her. He found the soap on the

    side and proceeded to wash her arms, legs, feet and

     between her thighs. Every single touch felt as though she

    was going to explode, she tried to hold her breath when

    he said, “Breathe, baby. Don’t pass out on me again. Icould not handle that twice in one day. You scared the

    hell out of me. Why did you lie and say you had eaten

    this morning? You said you had not eaten in six days.

    Mary Jane looked at the water and said to the

     bubbles, “I just can’t seem to face eating right now, but I

    enjoyed that soup you ordered and I ate it all like a good

    girl.” She smiled at him and he seemed to breathe a sighof relief.

    “Well,” he said, “please eat or you will get ill and I

    don’t want that, ok?”

    She smiled and laid back in the water. He stood up

    and moved to sit behind her so he could wash her hair

    and caress her breasts from behind.

    My god, he thought, have they grown or am Iimagining it? He shook the thought out of his mind and

    carried on washing her body, every single inch that he

    could and some more just for the hell of it. He was

    enjoying this.

    When he had finished, she was breathing gently and

    he thought she had fallen asleep, so he just held her close

    to his body as if it was the last thing he would ever do.He heard his heart say, “Don’t you ever let her go, you

    fool. You won’t find anyone else that loves you as she

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    does and you will never feel this way again and if you let

    her go what is the point of carrying on without her in

    your life?”Then he slipped under the water and woke with a

    fright. Had he dreamed that or was it real? As he looked

    around the room he thought, where the hell am I? He

    saw her stood in the doorway, wrapped in a towel, still

    wet and with a white face. He smiled and breathed again,

    he had not realised he had been holding his breath. He

    stood up, showing himself in all his glory and he lookedat where she was looking and saw his engorged penis

    standing to attention.

    He stepped out of the bath tub and she backed away

    from him as if she was scared of what he was going to

    do. He said, “Are you ok, love?” She smiled and nodded

     but turned to walk towards the bedroom and started to

    get dressed. He went in after her and said, “Just lay nextto me please. I need to hold you.”

    She sat on the edge of the bed and he pulled her in to

    his arms and curled around her, pinning her to the bed.

    She squealed with laughter and let herself go limp in his

    arms. He placed his lips on her throat and blew gentle

    kisses and his hands started to wander as if they had a

    life of their own. He cupped her breasts in his hands, placed one in his mouth and started sucking hard. He

    caressed her hair with his other hand clamping hands full

    and pulling her head backwards. He knew he was being

    rough but he needed that right now.  God   how he had

    missed doing this to her over the last few weeks. He

    thought, my God I love this girl so much it hurts like


    As he continued, she started to respond to his touch

    and started to writhe and groan. He moved his mouth

    from her breast and raped her mouth with his tongue.

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    Savage would be a word you could use for how rough he

    was. But she responded to every bit of it with as much

    vigour as he.Her hands started to rub up his back towards his neck

    and she played with the hair on the back of his head,

     pulling it away from her and making him groan as much

    as she was.

    He suddenly pinned her deeper into the bed, pulled

    her legs apart and knelt between them, kissing inside her

    thighs. He then got off the bed and pulled out the curtaincords and tied her gently to the bed. He laid her spread-

    eagled across the bed. He started at her feet and worked

    his way up to her breasts and her mouth, then he moved

    her legs apart with his knees and he thrust inside her.

    Strong and wild, he rode her like never before and she

    yelled out in glory as she climaxed within seconds of

    starting. He then climaxed seconds later and lay on topof her. He undid her bonds and she placed her hands

    around him as he lay on top of her. They fell asleep for a

    few hours as they lay together. A few hours later she

    woke up feeling stiff and pinned. She realised he was

    still laying on top of her, so she gently moved from

    under him and went to the toilet. She then promptly got

    her clothes and got dressed. She kissed him gently on his

    forehead and said quietly, “I love you, Terrence, with allmy heart. But you killed me when you did what you did

    and I’m not sure I can ever trust you again, my love.

    Live a safe, long life and be happy. I love you.”

    She sneaked out of the room and ran to her car in the

     parking lot and drove away as fast as she could without

    waking anyone up.

    When she got home she saw the lights were on and

    the kids were finishing the packing in the lounge. As she

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    walked in they said, “Are you ok, Mum? You’ve been a

    long time.

    “Yes, darlings,” she replied. “I’m on. Come on, let’sgo to bed and finish this off in the morning before the

    removal men arrive, ok?”

    “Do you want a cup of tea before bed, Mum?

    Michelle asked her.

    “Oh, yes please, darling. Can you bring it up? I’m

    going to get in to my night clothes and climb in to bed.”

    “Ok, Mum. I’ll bring it up for you.”

    “Love you!” they both said at the same time as she

    walked out of the kitchen towards her bedroom.

    “Love you too, babies,” she shouted back to them

    with a smile on her face. She thought how lucky she was

    to have such great kids.

    The next morning, Mary Jane woke at 4am to the sun

    rising and smiled as she saw her cup of tea next to her

     bed. Cold. Aw, bless them, she thought.

    She climbed out of bed, got dressed and went

    downstairs to find that the kids had finished packing and

     just left out three mugs, the coffee and toaster with bread

    for breakfast. She threw the cold tea out and washed hermug to make a fresh drink. She sat down looking out the

     back door whilst the dogs were having a wee.

    She listened to the local radio until the children got

    up and the removal men arrived. Then all hell let loose.

    She made the drinks and toast, the removal men got to

    work removing all the boxes and furniture and stacking

    it in the back of the van they had arrived in. As theywere finishing loading the van, Mary Jane put the dogs

    in her car and waited until the last box was removed so

    she could lock the door and leave.

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     Neville asked if he could drive with the van and

    Michelle stayed with Mary Jane. When they were

    finished, Mary Jane walked around the house makingsure nothing was missed and then walked out the front

    door and locked it. She then hugged her daughter and

    said, “Come on, babe, let’s start the next chapter in our

    lives.” And she drove away from the house towards the

    landlords to return the key and give him her address to

    forward any mail she may receive.

    As she left the key and got back in the car, she drovetowards Portreath to take one last look at the ocean as it

    would be awhile before she would see it again.

    As she drove down the hill towards the sea front she

    saw Terrence’s car, still in the car park, and realised this

    was risky. She drove straight past and silently blew him

    a kiss and said, “Farewell my love, you’ll understand

    one day and I love you always.”Just then as she drove past she saw him walking

    towards his car looking mad. He turned to look and it

    seemed as though he had seen her. She panicked but kept

    on driving, saying a pray under her breath as she hit the

    A30.She knew he had not seen her and was thankful.

    As she drove along the A30 she said, “Let’s get a

    coffee, babe.” and pulled in to McDonalds at IndianQueens. Also known as hamburger hill to the locals.

    They ordered the coffee and something to eat and

    they carried on the long journey to Yorkshire. As she

    drove, the tears started to flow down her face. She

    wondered if she had done the right thing by leaving

    without saying a word to Terrence.

    The sun was shining down that day, but a dark cloud passed over the sun as they left the A30 and drove on to

    the M5.

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    Chapter 6

    Whilst Mary Jane and Michelle were driving up the M6

    towards Yorkshire, listening to The Rose on CD, both

    crying for their own reasons, Mary Jane squeezed

    Michelle’s hand and said, “It will all work out, babe.

    Come on, chin up, we will be fine.”

    But back in Cornwall, Terrence had found out that

    Mary Jane had gone. The house was empty and she hadleft nothing. It looked as though she had never existed or

    lived here.

    He fell to his knees and held his head in his hands,

    he let out a childlike wail, looking up to the sky as if

    shouting to him above. He says, “Why? What am I going

    to do now? I have lost the one thing I never should have

    let go and I realise that now! Oh my God! Mary Janesaid I would regret it one day and now she’s gone.”

    He sat on the porch of Mary Jane’s house crying and

    rocking himself back and forth until it turned to dusk and

    Mary Jane’s neighbour came over with a mug of tea and

    a blanket and sat next to him. She placed a hand on his

    knee and asked, “Are you ok, dear? I saw you here

    alone.”He looked up at her with a swollen face from crying;

    red eyes sending tears rolling down his cheeks and

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    dripping off his chin like a waterfall. He pulled his legs

    inward and curled up, crying even harder than before,

     because someone was being nice to him when it was hisown fault that he had lost the love of his life. He now

    knew what he had to do, but where to begin he had no


    Carol put her hand on Terrence, pulled him nearer to

    her and held him in her arms whilst he cried himself to

    sleep on that cold porch. The rain started to fall and the

    thunder arrived, the storm went on for hours as if all theanger needed to be shown to everyone. This young

    man’s heart had been broken.

    A couple of hours later Terrence stirred and he

    opened his eyes thinking the arms around him belonged

    to Mary Jane and he grabbed her to pull her closer to

    him. He heard Carol say, “No dear, I’m not Mary Jane!”

    He sat up bolt upright and apologised to her andstarted to rock again. She said, “Come on, let’s go make

    another drink and talk about it.” She stood up and held

    out her hand to lead him away from the cold, wet porch

    they had been sitting on.

    As he sat on the kitchen chair in Carol’s house,

    waiting for her to pass him a hot sweet tea, he smiled at

    her and said, “I’m sorry for showing myself up andthank you for all your kindness.” She smiled back at him

    and said it was ok.

    She said, “What happened between you two? You

     both seemed so happy and then you just left without

    warning and now Mary Jane has left.”

    He looked at her with fresh tears rolling down his

    face and said, “I made all this happen. It’s my fault and Ihave to make everything right again.”

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    With that, Carol passed Terrence his drink, sat next

    to him and held his hand. She said, “Come on, dear, let it

    all out, you will feel better for it. A problem shared is a problem halved.” And with that he started to cry freely


    Suddenly he turned to Carol and said to her, “You

    know, Mary Jane was my hero and everything I wish I

    could be. She gave me unconditional love and when I

    cheated on her with my ex and walked away from her

    and the kids I left my heart with her. I now know that Inever should have let her go. What am I going to do?”

    Carol said, “What you’re going to do, my dear, is

    you’re going to drink that tea and have something to eat,

    then you’re going to start looking for her and run as fast

    as you can to sort this out and if you’re meant to be

    together, you will be with her soon.”

    “I don’t even have a picture of Mary Jane and thekids,” he said.

    Carol said, “I have one here you can have, my dear,

     but you have to rest and get dry, ok?” And with that,

    Carol showed him to the couch and pulled a clean, dry

     blanket out. “There you go, get some sleep and you can

    start in the morning. “He sat on the couch and Carol

     placed the blanket over him and he fell asleep with tearsrolling down his face again.

    Terrence slept fitfully, he kept waking up and

    looking for Mary Jane in the room, but he never saw her.

    He thought he saw her once, stood by the back door

    waving at him saying,  I’m here my love, come get me

    and make it all right,  and with that she turned and

    walked away in to the clouds.He watched the sun rise out of the black sky and turn

    a brilliant blue with no clouds to be seen anywhere and

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    from a distance harmony crossed over him and the hope

    came in to him that he would find Mary Jane and make

    everything right. He would never let her go again, hewould never let her out of his sight and he would be

    romantic, loving and attentive to her every need.

    Meanwhile, Mary Jane, Michelle and Neville arrived

    at the new house in Yorkshire. The storm had arrived

    there too, it was tipping it down as they opened the front

    door and every one ran indoors, including the dogs. They

    searched the house and looked in all the rooms.The house was huge and the kitchen was a dream. A

    huge farmhouse kitchen with an AGA and huge

    windows overlooking the fields where the dogs would be

    running free in the morning.

    Then Mary Jane heard a squeal of delight come from

    upstairs that sounded like Michelle. She ran out the

    kitchen and upstairs to where the sound had come fromand found Michelle running around a room with a smile

    on her face and she said, “Mum, can I have this room

     please? Look at it, it’s huge and it’s got a dressing room

    for all my clothes. Please Mum can I have it? Please?”

    Mary Jane smiled at her and said, “Yes of course you

    can, darling.” And with that Mary Jane walked off to

    search all the other rooms. She found what would be herroom, it over-looked the back of the house and fields,

    they went for as far as the eye could see and just when

    you could see no further a forest appeared on the edge

    and went until you could see no further. Right then, as

    she looked out of the window, a fork of lightning

    appeared over the trees and her heart missed a beat and

    made her feel faint. She sat in the middle of the floor and

    curled up and cried until she was spent.

    From outside, Mary Jane heard the removal men

    talking to Neville and went downstairs to see what was

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    wrong. They looked at Mary Jane and said, “This

    weather is not the best, love. Would it be ok for us to

    wait until morning to start bringing in the furniture?”“Yes, sure,” she said, and offered them a drink of tea

    and they all walked in the house for a drink. Neville said

    that he’d get some bedding sorted and disappeared out of


    As Mary Jane and the removal men sat talking about

    where the furniture would go, a peace fell over her and

    she felt content for the first time in weeks.The removal men left to find somewhere to sleep and

    left Mary Jane and the children wandering round an

    empty house.

    As they curled up in the lounge that night they all

    fell asleep quickly. Mary Jane had a fitful sleep, it was as

    if she was feeling Terrence’s feelings as well as her own

    and she wondered what he was doing right now.Terrence was sat on the couch at Carol’s house

    thinking exactly the same as Mary Jane, watching the

    storm overhead, and he too fell asleep once more.

    Mary Jane woke to the birds singing. The storm had

    ended. As the sun rose up from behind the forest over

    the way she sat up slowly thinking, I could put a huge

    Christmas tree in that window and leave the curtainsopen so we can see the snow in the background, how

    nice that would look.

    She stood up and walked in to the kitchen to make a

    coffee and open the doors to let some fresh air in to the

    house. It smelled a little musty from not being lived in,

    the dogs ran outside in to the field and Mary Jane stood

    watching them play as she drank her coffee.

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    Just then, she heard a knock on the front door, she

     jumped, thinking, he can’t have found me so soon. She

    went to answer the doorIt was the removal men. “Morning, love,” they said.

    “We’re here to unpack the furniture for you.” And with a

    smile, she let them in.

     Neville and Michelle walked in to the kitchen and

    said, “Can we go investigate, Mum? We want to see

    where the local shops and stuff is.”

    “Yes, sure, darling. When you find the shop, can you bring some stuff back with you?” She gave them a list of

    what was needed and gave them some money. Off the

    kids went to find out what there was to do.

    The removal men walked in with the first bit of

    furniture and smiled as they walked past Mary Jane to

     place it where it should go. And that was how the day

    went; unpacking and moving furniture around until itwas put where it should be.

    It was around mid-afternoon when Mary Jane heard

    the phone go, she ran to answer it and found it was Carol

    who was calling her. Oh dear, she thought, something

    must be wrong for her to call, I only gave her the number

    for emergencies.

    “Hi Carol. How are you, darling? Yes it’s greatthank you, the house is fantastic, you will have to come

    and visit us. What about coming up for Christmas? We

    would love to have you here and bring in the New Year

    as a family. Yes, that would be great, so let me know if

    you’re going to come and stay with us.”

    Carol said, “I need to talk to you, babe. Terrence was

    here last night.”

    “Oh,” said Mary Jane, “What happened?”

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    “Well,” Carol said, “He stayed here on my couch. He

    was in a real mess, he was sat crying on your porch all

    day. I went out when the storm arrived and sat with himwhilst he cried and brought him home and gave him a

     blanket, and he cried himself to sleep on my couch. He’s

    upstairs now in the shower. Can you please talk to him?”

    Mary Jane wanted to shout no, but she said, “I can’t

    talk to him right now, Carol. I need some time to sort

    myself out and think things through.”

    “But he loves you, Mary Jane.”“If he loved me, Carol, he would not have cheated on

    me would he? I bet he’s still with Claire and he will be

    going back to her after he leaves your place. Carol please

    don’t tell him where we are, I can’t deal with all this

    right now, and I need some space. Please, Carol.”

    “Yes, Mary Jane, I promise I won’t say anything

    about where you are, love.”Just as Carol said that, Terrence walked in and

    realised she was talking to Mary Jane and knew that

    Carol knew where she was.

    Carol quickly ended the call and turned to Terrence

    and smiled at him, hoping he had not figured out who

    she was talking to just then.

    “Everything ok, dear? Do you feel better for that

    shower? How about a bacon sandwich? That will help

    you start the day right.” She said as she turned to walk in

    the kitchen to start cooking the bacon.

    “Where is she, Carol? Please tell me. I know you

    were just talking to her.”

    Carol stopped what she was doing and turned to facehim. She said, “Dear, I made a promise not to tell you

    and I cannot and will not break that promise. I hope you

    understand.” She turned back to finish cooking.

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    Terrence smiled at her and said, “Shall I make the

    tea?” And he walked over to the kettle to turn it on, but

    in his mind he was thinking, how can I make her slip upand tell me where she is?

    They sat down at the table to eat their sandwiches.

    When they had finished, Terrence cleaned the dishes

    away and put them back in the cupboard for Carol, and

    he said to her, “Thank you for everything you did for me

    last night, you don’t know how much it actually meant to

    me.” He left the house and got in to his car and droveaway. But to where, he had no idea.

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    Chapter 7

    As the day was coming to an end, Mary Jane could see

    the house coming together. All the furniture was in place

    now and all they had to do was unpack the clothes and

    ornaments and go shopping for food. Then she could

    make a proper meal in the new house. But Neville had

     brought the shopping home for today and that would be

    enough to have something to eat tonight and go shoppingtomorrow.

     Neville and Michelle were upstairs putting the

    curtain up at the windows and Mary Jane was just about

    to start cooking the dinner. She got out the mince and

    onions to start frying them, she opened a bottle of red

    wine whilst she cooked and went about her chores.

    Around an hour later, Mary Jane was just putting thefinishing touches to the salad to go with the lasagne she

    had just made. She went and set the table for them to eat

    on and called the kids down to come and eat as dinner

    was ready. The children came downstairs laughing at

    what they were doing and ran in to the kitchen, nearly

    knocking Mary Jane over. She nearly dropped the dinner

     but she smiled because they seemed happy

    As they sat down to dinner that night it was nearly

    8pm, they started to talk about what they had seen when

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    they were out investigating the area. They both started to

    talk at the same time and they fell about laughing.

    It turned out that the shop was further away than theythought, but it was a nice village when they found it.

    There was a lovely little pub where they could go for

    lunch one day and a corner shop that sold the basics.

    They had met up with some of the kids in the area and

    made a couple of new friends and asked if it was ok for

    them to go and meet them the next day.

    Mary Jane said it was ok to go but she had to go tothe supermarket to get some food in, as they would

    starve otherwise, and that was how the meal continued;

    full of laughter and giggles and talking about what they

    were going to be doing over the next few weeks.

    Mary Jane went upstairs around 10pm that night and

    climbed into the shower. She stood under the flow of

    water, as it touched her body and she started to wash herhands, she let them wander between her thighs and she

     played with herself under the warm flow of water

    cascading down her body. She felt the baby move inside

    her and her hands wandered up to her breasts and she

    fondled them and massaged them and ran her hands

    across her stomach. She stayed in the shower for an hour

    and satisfied her needs, but she wished Terrence wasthere to share this with her and she released the tears that

    she didn’t know she had been holding in, and cried till

    she was exhausted and cold.

    She got out of the shower, dried herself and put on

    her night dress. She climbed in to bed and cried herself

    to sleep, holding the pillow he had slept on the last time

    he was with her at her old house in Cornwall.

    Terrence, in the meantime, was at home talking to

    Claire and she was shouting at him

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    “Where were you last night and the night before?”

    she shouted.

    He turned around to make the tea and smiled as hesaid, “I was with the girl who I love more than I ever

    loved you.” He turned to see her reaction to the

    statement he had just made and her face fell.

    She stopped shouting and whispered her reply.

    “What do you mean by that remark?” she asked. As she

    looked at him with wide eyes, a single tear rolled down

    her cheek. He started to tell her everything that hadhappened since he moved to Cornwall the year before.

    He started at the beginning when she had cheated on

    him with one of her co-workers from the factory they

    had both worked at.

    “Well,” he said, “you never turned up for work that

    day. In truth you had not told me that you had changed

    your shift, so when you had not turned up, I came tocheck everything was ok with you and when I walked in

    the house I heard noises from upstairs and went to see

    where it was coming from. I walked in to the bedroom to

    see you sat on top of him, riding him like a wild pony

    and you were shouting out, yes, yes! We never had sex

    like that, so why with him?” he asked. He then continued

    with what he was saying to her. “I walked out of thehouse, got in the car and went to Cornwall that day and

    never came back to you. I was hurt and didn’t know

    what I was going to do after what I had just seen, so I

    went to stay with my family and found a job. I worked

    hard for the first few months, I only ate, slept and

    worked and then I decided to sign up for a dating

    website and got talking to a girl on there, she was called

    Mary Jane. She had two children and we talked late in to

    the night and then texted and emailed each other over the

    following weeks and agreed to meet. When I saw her for

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    the first time, sat on that bench wearing those jeans and

    that t-shirt, I fell in love with her instantly and knew that

    it was going to be a strong bond.”Claire found her voice and said, “But it takes you

    ages to fall in love and you fell for her instantly?”

    “Yes,” he said, “I did, but I never realised that until

    the other day when she passed out on me in the cafe we

    were at whilst you were at work. I booked us in to a bed

    and breakfast that night on the sea front and I made

     passionate love to her in the bathroom and on the bed.That night I slept in her arms and woke with her and

    made love to her again before I left.

    He had lied about that, as in reality, Mary Jane was

    the one who had left in the early hours without saying a

    word to him, and she had then left Cornwall and that had

    killed him inside. He knew at that moment that he must

    have really hurt her, for her to pack up and leave withouttelling anyone where she was going, apart from Carol,

    who he really must go and see again to see if he can

    make her slip up about Mary Jane’s whereabouts.

    As he continued to tell Claire that he has been seeing

    Mary Jane for twelve months, he told her about the sex

    they had together and said, “I have never made love with

    that much passion before and I probably never willagain.”

    Claire picked up on the never will again part of the

    conversation. She smiled and said to him, “You lost her,

    didn’t you?”

    He said, “No, I have not, I will find her and make her

    see that I am sorry for everything I have done to hurt her.

    “He said to Claire, “I would like to say I’m sorry to you, but I won’t, as you started this and I made the mistake of

    thinking you had changed when it was me who had

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    When Jim saw what Mary Jane was wearing he

    smiled and said, “Aye girl, too much,” and laughed.

    She said, “Yes, I know that now, you fool.Tomorrow I will wear jeans, ok?”

    “Aye, girl, that would be better.” Off he went to

    show her around the building and where she would be

    working from that day. He said,“…and when the wee

    one comes we can move everything over to your place

    and you can work from home if you like, just till you can

    come back here.” They went for a coffee and to chatabout what needed to be done that day.

    Whilst Mary Jane and Jim were drinking their

    coffee, Jim said, “Do you mind if we call you MJ from

    now on? It’s just easier to call you that if we need you

    for anything.”

    “Sure,” she said, and from that day everyone knew

    her as MJ and no one ever mentioned the full name ofMary Jane again.

    By the time MJ had sat at her desk she thought, this

    is going to be a job and a half. She laughed to herself

     because the person who had done it recently had made a

    few mistakes that MJ needed to sort out before she could

    do this year’s accounts. She made a start on the task that

    needed to be sorted first and she worked until 5.30pmthat day and took some work home with her so she could

    get ahead of the game as she needed to start this year’s


    When she got home from work her house was full of

     people she did not know. She smiled; that’s my kids for

    you, she thought, inviting everyone back for dinner. She

    walked in the house and said, “Hi, guys,” and walked into the kitchen to make a brew.

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    Carol shouted down the phone to her, “Are you ok,

    dear? I’m sorry but I have let it slip, he knows where you

    are but not your address. I only said you were nearSowerby in Yorkshire. MJ spoke further with Carol and

    told her not to worry about it and made sure Carol was

    alright. She eventually ended the call and went in to the

    kitchen to get a glass of red wine. She sat at the table

    thinking about everything and going over what should,

    could or would have happened if only she had done this

    or done that. When she finally went to bed it was after

    midnight, she climbed in to bed and slept a deep and

    meaningful sleep, she must have needed it, for she felt a

    million times better knowing that he knew she was safe


    She climbed out of bed and put on her jeans, trainers

    and a jumper, also a hat, scarf and gloves and took the

    dogs out for a walk in the woods. As she entered the

    woods it had just started to snow and it was bitter cold

    that day.

    She spent hours walking the dogs and ended up in

    the village where she got herself a coffee and something

    to eat. Then, realising she had left her purse at home she

    spoke to Dave (the owner) and asked if it was ok to send

     Neville back with the money.

    Dave said to her, “Aye, love. Sure, that’ll be fine.

    Should you be out in your condition in this weather?”

    “Oh, get away with ya, Dave,” she said. “I’m

     pregnant not dying.” She laughed and they sat down

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