what kind of letter would we receive?

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Sermon at the Haynes Street church of Christ on September 14, 2014. Topic: "What Kind of Letter Would We Receive?" Preacher: Steven Matthews


  • 1. Welcome to the Haynes Street church of Christ TIMES OF SERVICES SUNDAY: 9:30 A.M. BIBLE CLASS 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP WEDNESDAY: 7 P.M. BIBLE CLASS
  • 2. What Kind of Letter Would We Receive? We all like to receive mail (except bills). Birthday cards, anniversary cards, thank you notes, letters, etc. How would you react if you received a letter from Jesus? 2,000 years ago, Jesus wrote letters to the seven churches of Asia. Have you ever thought: What if we were one of the seven churches of Asia?
  • 3. What Kind of Letter Would We Receive? Would Jesus rebuke us for declining or praise us for improving? Revelation 2:4: Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Matthew 22:37-38: The greatest commandment love the Lord your God. Revelation 2:19: I know your works, love, service, faith and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. II Peter 1:5-8: Continually growing.
  • 4. What Kind of Letter Would We Receive? Would Jesus rebuke us for being lukewarm or praise us for using our strength? Revelation 3:15-16: Are you hot, cold or lukewarm? Revelation 3:8: I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it, for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. What little strength they had, they were using it to praise God.
  • 5. What Kind of Letter Would We Receive? Would Jesus rebuke us for focusing on the physical or praise us for being spiritually minded? Revelation 3:17: Laodiceans were rebuked because they were confident in their riches, yet blind to their spiritual needs. Revelation 2:9: I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Colossians 3:2: What are we focused on?
  • 6. What Kind of Letter Would We Receive? Would Jesus rebuke us for trusting in ourselves or praise us for trusting in God? Revelation 3:17-18: Church at Laodicea was told to repent and clear their eyes so they could truly see God and His beauty. Revelation 2:9-10; 3:8-10: Smyrna and Philadelphia unmoved despite persecution. V. 11: Victory in Jesus! Matthew 10:28: And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
  • 7. What Kind of Letter Would We Receive? Would Jesus rebuke us for only having a reputation or praise us for real strength and life? Revelation 3:1: All Sardis had was a reputation. They were spiritually dead. Jesus praises several other churches because they had real strength in them and they used it (Revelation 2:2-3, 9, 13, 19). So, if Jesus were to write us a letter, what would it say? But do we need a letter? We have the Bible to tell us what areas we need to improve in.
  • 8. Gods Plan of Salvation Hear (Romans 1:16; 10:14,17) Believe (John 8:24; Mark 16:16; Hebrews 11:6) Repent (Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30) Confess (Romans 10:9-10; Matthew 10:32-33) Be baptized (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Mark 16:16) Live faithfully (Revelation 2:10; Matthew 6:33; Romans 12:1-2; I Corinthians 15:58)

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