what next for digital? search, mobile & the rise of social commerce

Post on 12-May-2015






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Crafted MediaBriefing: where next for digital marketing?Search, mobile, and the rise of social commerce.


Crafted MediaBriefing: where next for digital marketing?Search, mobile, and the rise of social commerce.

Crafted Media

30 Ipswich-based staff specialising in E-commerce Design Development Search engine marketing Social media Copywriting Mobile sites & apps


“Communities already exist. Instead, think about how you can help that community do what it wants to do”Mark Zuckerberg

For communities, read customers.

The opportunity lies where ‘new media’ meets traditional.But we’ve been calling it ‘new media’ for 10 years.

What are you doing now and where will your customers be next week?


Recent research from Forbes demonstrates exactly how valuable Facebook Fans are to a brand:

They are 41% more likely to recommend a company.

28% more likely to continue using them in the future. 

Fans are worth on average $136.38 to a business and spend $71.84 more per year.

Search + Social Media increases CTR by 94 percent. (GroupM and comScore)

The stats

It’s all about search, paid and natural.And conversion.And maybe a follow-up email.Done.

‘traditional’ media

The way we were

+ =+

Now social influence during the search and research phase is more important than ever...

The way we should be now

+ = +

The way we need

to be

Remember the basics: the digital landscape is ever-changing, the key is to not get distracted by the latest shiny route-to-market, but integrate it with your existing digital activity.

‘Traditional’ approach: Traffic – keyword to landing page User experience – from calls-to-action to form usability Conversion, retention, rinse, repeat...

Remember the basics

The basics combined

Enhance all of the above by knowing your customers.

Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about?

The answer still lies in social media, but search & social are increasingly mobile.

Crucially, once we’ve answered the above questions...

The basics+

What now?

People haven’t changed the way they are fundamentally, they are just more technologically enabled.

Make sure your website works on a mobile.

Mobile search

Mobile commerce


This is not an ambush

Mobile shouldn’t remove the opportunity to consultatively sell.

There is less real estate to visually sell, so it is more important to focus on how your customers might view your business, products and services.

Mobile should highlight your products, emphasise your service enable the user

to reserve & collect to find store locations

Mobile is a new channel, not a replacement.


Remember to not get excited about the shiny thing. Simply focus on where your customers are and how to sell to them

Mobile ad spend rose 116% in 2010 fo £83m

There are 3 types of specific mobile advertising:

Search Ads - similar to traditional search ads but have some additional features.

Web Display Ads – Display banner and text ads shown across the network. Either optimised for mobile pages or shown on desktop sites via high end devices like the iPhone.

App Display Ads – These ads are shown across a range of apps E.G. Google Maps, Shazam

Mobile search & ads

Location Extension     

Click to Call Extension

Click to Download App

Mobile search extras

Mobile targeting

As with any mobile or social activity, this is not instead of the basics, this is a new route to market.

So what?Just a website isn’t a strategy.

So what?Just visitors will not keep you in business

So what?Just social networking is all talk and no trousers

Social commerce

So sellMobile commerce



Significant % of overall sales within days of launch



New technology

Brand building

New sales channel

The pointEngaging your customers via the most effective means.

Social commerce – e-commerce through social networks

Social change: social shopping and social influence are an integral part of our lives. (Note: I didn’t mention ‘online’ or ‘digital’ there)

Customer behaviour has not changed (much), but when we ask a question, or seek an opinion or recommendation it is amplified.

Social change

Social interaction

The power of advocacy

The socialisation of your brand drives business

Nearly 40% of consumers  ’like’ companies on Facebook to publicly display their brand affiliation to friends. [Source: ExactTarget, via Social Media Examiner, October 2010]

40% click ‘like’ button for, or ‘liked’ a company, brand or association on Facebook to receive discounts and promotions. [Source: ExactTarget, September 2010]

Social commerce

Social commerceShopping via Facebook

Shopping in Facebook

The phasing out of FBML, the phasing in of iframes.

People are happy with the ‘security’ of Facebook.

Truly social commerce

‘Free personal shopping network service complete with live chat, enabling consumers to seek product advice and recommendations from knowledgeable advisors in real-time.’

Off(line) and on again



Open social discovery

Facebook Connect

Share on Twitter

Then aggregate...

Social curation

Buzz monitoring combined with reviews

Quant plus Qual

Trusted / respected source of opinion

By 2014, more people will be accessing the internet on their mobile phones than laptop / desktop computers*

Web 2.0 was when the consumer started creating instead of just consuming. Now we can influence brands; we have (some) control..

Next step: "sensor-driven collective intelligence“**

The final disappearance of the boundary between"life online" and "real life", between the physical and the virtual.

Oh, and Twitter advertising is coming to the UK.*Professor Manuel Castells – Digital Obama Architect

**Tim O-Reilly

What next?

“We fear change.”


tom.griffiths@craftedmedia.com 07760 209403 www.craftedmedia.com

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