what safestart means - health & safety...

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What SafeStart means...

SafeStart means...

What does it mean to you?What does it mean to you?

We all have responsibility for the safety and well-being of ourselves and others.

Everyone is empowered to stop any unsafe work activity, job or project.

We all have responsibility to effectively plan our work activities to ensure we identify, eliminate and control hazards and risks.

Every level of management is responsible for demonstrating safety leadership, providing a safe work environment and promoting safety as a value.

The reporting and sharing of accident / incident information and learning opportunities is a fundamental responsibility of everyone in order to improve our safety performance.

Ensuring we are all trained and competent to enable us to perform our work activities safely.

Ensuring any workplace risks are minimised, controlled and managed.

Effectively communicating with our work colleagues in order to eliminate accidents from our workplace and the workplaces we create.

We adopt our designing for safety approach and consider the safety of those constructing, operating, maintaining or decommissioning the structures we help to design.

Being committed to developing a positive safety culture and delivering the highest standards of safety in all our work activities.

safe start posters_A1 versions.indd 1 2/15/2012 10:37:24 AM

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