what save the children has been doing: our breakthroughs

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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What Save the Children has been doing:Our breakthroughs


AFTER SCHOOLchildren had nowhere to go

WEintroduced the idea of playgroups

During World War II we developed play centres to stop children playing in bombsites. After the war we developed this idea into playgroups, now adopted for children worldwide

THEYexpected the poorest children to last whole day on thin air

WEcampaigned for free dinners and milk in schools

In the 1940s we got the law changed and the UK’s poorest children still benefit from this today

THOUSANDSof children are separated from their families in conflicts and disasters every year

WEfound new, safer ways to reunite them

Our family tracing systems helped reunite 45,000 children with their families after the Rwandan genocide in 1994

THEYthought disabled children couldn’t learn in mainstream schools

WEknew they could and should

In the 1990s we pioneered new ways to educate disabled children that overturned world opinion, and got millions the chance to go to school for the first time


TODAY, WERE WORKING WORLDWIDEin 56 countries, including hard-to-get-into, dangerous ones like Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan


AND WE’RE WORKING IN THE UK TOODid you know that one in ten children in the UK lives in severe poverty? We’re campaigning to get rid of child poverty in the UK by 2020

What Save the Children will do next


NEARLY 10 MILLIONchildren won’t live to see their 5th birthday this year

YOUhelp us stop this. We know the solutions, like vaccinations, mosquito nets and enough food. We just need the world to see how easy it is.

HAVING A BABYin Liberia is scary. And it costs up to 1500 Liberian Dollars to deliver. Trouble is, that’s a month’s salary.

YOUmake governments realise that healthcare fees don’t work

WE WANT TO PROTECT CHILDRENwith knowledge, not guns

YOUhelp us replace fighting

with learning

Over and over we’ve seen that education is the only way to stop the vicious circle that keeps many children exploited or trapped as child soldiers


WE KNOWthere’s no time to waste when disaster strikes

YOUR DONATIONShelp us stay ready to act quickly

After the tsunami, we got emergency help to hundreds of thousands of children. We’re still there, helping communities rebuild


Let’s work together to make dramatic changes for children

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