what was andrew carnegie’s philosophy regarding passing on inherited wealth? why? should not be...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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What was Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy regarding passing on inherited wealth? Why?

Should not be done, passed on to charity instead

Which class of people enjoyed the greatest material wealth in

the Gilded Age?

The most wealthy (entrepreneurs)

How did these people demonstrate their wealth?

Extremely conspicuous consumption (parties, houses,


The Jungle, Grapes of Wrath, and Unsafe at Any

Speed were books that had what effect on American


Helped bring about reform

What 1898 policy was deigned to force open trade

with China?

The Open Door Policy

How did the United States respond to the perceived need for new markets and

new sources of raw materials in the late 1800’s?

Pursued a more imperialistic foreign policy

What did the United States do in order to eliminate

foreign influence in Cuba and gain access to the Philippines in the late


Fight the Spanish-American War

What presidential policy asserted the right of the

United States to intervene in Latin America whenever

it deemed it necessary?

Roosevelt Corollary (to the Monroe Doctrine)

What did Theodore Roosevelt do in order to

gain control of the Panama Canal zone?

Supported a revolution in Panama

What is the name for Taft’s foreign policy designed to

protect American investments?

Dollar Diplomacy

What is the major similarity between Wilson’s (14

Points) and Carter’s (Camp David) foreign policy?

Based on moral principles and a concern for human rights

Which two decades of the 20th century are most well

known as times when traditional social values

were challenged?

1920’s and 1960’s

Which union took a more responsible course and tried to achieve economic gains for its


The AFL (led by Samuel Gompers)

What period was marked by mainstream purchases of radios, automobiles and

household appliances? What new technology pushed this?

The 1920’s, electricity in the home

Identify two new techniques used to increase consumerism

in the 1920’s.

Mail order catalogs, new marketing techniques,

extension of consumer credit (buying on installment plans)

What single event precipitated the start of the Depression?

stock market crash (loses ½ its value) due to over-inflated


What were the two sources of bad debts that caused so many banks to fail at the start of the


Loans to farmers and investments in the Stock


Why were farms failing during the 1920’s?

Overproduction after WWI

What was Hoover’s basic approach to solving the problems of the Great


Staying hands off, “rugged individualism”

Why was Hoover opposed to direct relief?

He thought it would create a large gov’t, hurt America’s

pride, and make people dependent

What were Hoover’s two attempts at direct gov’t action?

What did they try to do?

Federal Farm Board (loans and cooperatives) and the

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (loans to banks

and businesses)

What were “Hoovervilles”?

settlement camps for the homeless

What was the Dust Bowl?

destruction of millions of acres of farmland in OK & TX

because of drought and wind

Where did unemployment peak during the Great Depression? How much did GNP fall during

the Great Depression?

25% and 25%

What was FDR’s plan to solve the Great Depression called?

What did his election demonstrate?

the New Deal, voters wanted active government

involvement in the economy

What was the Agricultural Adjustment Administration

responsible for?

Regulating crop prices & productions with subsidies & by paying people not to farm

What New Deal organization brought electricity to rural


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

What was the primary purpose of the formation of

the SEC and the FDIC?

Restore faith in the stock markets and the banks

Who employed young men to work at road construction at

forest preservation?

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

What did FDR try to do when the Supreme Court rejected parts of the New Deal? Why

was this criticized?

Pack the court (add six justices who agreed with his ideas),

violated system of checks and balances

What 1935 law guaranteed unions’ right to organize and bargain collectively? What 1947 law took many

of these rights away?

Wagner Act, Taft Hartley Act

Why did many conservatives criticize the

New Deal?

They felt it was interfering with Free Enterprise system

Who was the charismatic senator from Louisiana that

promised to “Share Our Wealth”? What happened to


Huey Long, shot by a political rival

Who was Father Coughlin? Who did he blame the Great

Depression on?

Catholic “radio priest” in Detroit, Jewish bankers and


Identify two programs that helped vets get ahead in the

years following WWII.

GI Bill and VA Loans

The GI Bill and increased college education allowed for what major change in the workforce during the


A shift from blue collar to white collar jobs

What program allowed employers from California to

hire large numbers of Mexican workers after


The Bracero Program

Which President found himself conflicted over labor policy because he wanted to

support workers but was afraid of slowing the


Truman (after WWII)

LBJ’s Great Society programs were designed to eliminate what? How were

they similar to the New Deal?

Poverty, massive government involvement

What kinds of communities began to grow after WWII that

really helped spur on materialism? What

ethnic/socioeconomic group moved there?

Suburbs, middle class whites

What new infrastructure piece made suburbs


Interstate highway system

Who did marketers start to seriously target in the 1950’s?

women who were homemakers

What crisis brought about stagflation and creation of the

Rust Belt?

the Energy crisis of the mid 1970’s

What is stagflation? What President was blamed for this

in the late 1970’s?

a combination of a stagnant economy and high inflation,


What was Reaganomics?

trickle down economics, tax cuts for the wealthy in the

hopes that their spending & investment would boost the


What were two examples of corporate scandal in the late


the S&L scandal and insider trading scandals

Recent critics of Affirmative Action complain that it leads

to what?

Reverse discrimination (and quotas in hiring and college


Over the last twenty years the immigration debate in

the United States has focused on what key area?

Cutting down on illegal immigration

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