what would the ideal workplace look like?

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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What would the ideal workplace look like?


Susman Iulia ElenaEnglish project

It is all about money

This is a very good question and it depends from person to person. Everyone has different expectations from life and different ends they would go to in order to earn money.

Nowadays, most people wish to find an easier way to earn money. Practically people want to work less, but at the same time earn a lot of money. The ideal workplace for achieving this could be an office director who has his own business and many employees working for him.

Work less and earn a lot of money

Being rich is all that matters

Some people would be fulfilled if they came from a rich family or got rich overnight. This may be a result of them being too lazy and not wanting to work simply because that's more confortable and simple. This choice is wrong since this way of thinking is selfish and leads to people not contributing to their community, to their country, they are just insignificant people.

Money, money, money

In this situation, we can't discuss the ideal workplace. This kind of people don't work, they are just waiting to increase their wealth as much as possible and as easy as possible. A good example can be opening a bar or a club.

Be a good person help everyoane who needs!

I consider that the ideal workplace would be important for me but at the same time for others. First of all, I would like to help people and therefore I think the ideal workplace for me would be a hospital. This is because I want to be a doctor to help and save suffering people.

Love animals, they also have a soul!

Secondly, I would like to become a vet because I think another ideal workplace would be besides animals. As before, I would like to treat them because I believe they deserve a better life. I also would like to open a shelter for abandoned animals - they are exactly like a child who needs a home, love, food and space to play.

Do something important for humanity!

On the other hand, I would like to create a useful thing for humanity because it would be nice to know that i achieved something important in my life. For this reason, a research lab or an archaeological site could be ideal workplaces.

Do your work well!

In conclusion, I believe there isn’t a universal ideal workplace. What one is doing at his/her ideal workplace and how he/she got there are more important. Every workplace could be ideal if the suitable person gets involved and is devoted to his/her own work.

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