when is a hair transplant the right solution for you

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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When is a Hair Transplant the right solution for you?

When it comes to hair transplant, the decision does not remain only in your

hands. Firstly, you need to consult your family before opting for the surgery. At

the same time, it is very important to seek advice of a hair transplant surgeon so

that a complete assessment of your case can be done.

There are many things that would determine your candidacy for hair transplant.

The stage of hair loss and the availability of the healthy donor area is one such

important factor. It is very important if after proper clinical examination the cause

of hair loss can be reached and hence treated accordingly. The more donor hair

you have, the better it would be considered for your surgery. Hence, if you are

looking forward to hair transplant, reach to your doctor so that he can analyze

this aspect. In younger age group one should follow very stringent criteria’s

before considering the patient for hair transplant. And moreover in this age group

the surgeon should do the transplant using the donor judiciously and

conservatively keeping in mind the future hair loss.

Moreover, you need to consider your general health as well. The surgery is

conducted with application of local anesthesia and the recovery period is also


Hair transplantation is mainly of two types – FUT- Follicular Unit transplantation

and FUE- Follicular Unit Extraction. For FUE, hair is extracted individually from the

donor area; precisely the back portion of your head and then planted in the bald

area. This process is long and a bit painful as well that can be covered up with the

use of local anesthesia.

In FUT, skin strip with hair follicles is extracted and the resultant wound is closed

with sutures. This skin strip is then dissected and the follicular units are then

transplanted into the baled area. However, scarring is more conspicuous in this


If the patient wants to sport short hairs after the transplant than FUE is the option

for that person as a linear thin scar may be visible in FUT.

Hair transplantation lets your natural hair grow in your bald region but it is

important to take good care of your scalp post-surgery. It is important to take

your doctor’s advice before going back to your normal life after surgery.

Nonetheless, hair transplant is a permanent solution to your hair fall and

baldness. It not only gives you back your old self but also helps boost your self-

confidence. So, consult with the doctor and go for it.

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