where angels fear to tread: episode 17

Post on 04-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Carrying on with the Mission...


“I can’t…don’t make me, please…”

“You act as if you have a choice here…you don’t.”

Cain: Please…no…they’re my family.

Danava: No my dear Cain, I am your family. I made you.

Danava: Too easy…no spouse, no fifth generation. No spare, no lift…

Isaiah: NOO!! JEREMIAH!!

Melissa: MY BOY!! MY ONLY BOY!!

Danava: Now for you pretty boy!

Sterling: Hunhh…

Three shall fall, one shall rise…

If peace ever hopes to return to the world…

Theresa: What is this? Who is this? What happened while I was at work?

Theresa: Jeremiah!! My dear big brother!! NOO!!

Eve: It was not his time, I never wanted to see my grandson like this; floating around out here with me. He was too young…

Theresa: I’m a failure as an heiress! How can we end the Apocalypse without Jeremiah?

Eve: Seek the one thought lost…

Theresa: What? What does that mean?

Theresa: Seek the one thought lost? Maybe daddy knows what grandma means by that…

David: Are you watching us Auntie Yumi?

Yumi: Always.

Rachel: Hmm, what should I wish for?

Rachel: Matching clothes are good, I guess.

David: Your hair turned green? How?

Rachel: I guess it’s from grandma…

David: We don’t HAVE a grandma…you dyed it secretly didn’t you?

David: Ughh, gross.

Yumi: Nice outfit.

Nos: Might want to borrow some pants from me there David. Can’t hunt Fanged like that.

David: We’ve been training for this moment since we were kids Rachel, you know we have to do it, they’re evil and unholy. The Fanged must die.

Rachel: I know but…

David: You can’t waiver in your convictions now sister; that’s precisely when they kill

you. As soon as you hesitate, you’re dead.

Rachel: But we only know one side of things, Drake’s side. And he’s not exactly neutral about Fanged, I would say he’s biased against them…

David: OF COURSE HE IS! They killed his family! And we need to make sure that no one else has to suffer through what he did, it’s our job and our duty as Hunters.

Rachel: So we go around and execute the many for the acts of a few? How is that justice?

David: It is justice; they kill like animals without conscience. Animals who kill

indiscriminately need to be put down.

Rachel: Why are you so hell bent on killing so easily? Doesn’t that make you no better than those you hunt? Who gave us the right to be judge, jury, and executioner?

David: We have the Divine Right; the church supports extermination of the Unholy

Fanged. I can’t believe you’re still questioning this.

Rachel: I don’t think we should kill Cain Angel just like that; not without at least hearing his side of things. And I’m going to help our father with his own Divine Mission.

David: I’m your brother, and I say you’re not going to do this.

Rachel: You don’t get to order me around, you don’t own me. And I will do whatever I damn well please, like it or not.

David: I’m trying to protect you!

Rachel: I can protect myself and I don’t need you to hide me from the world,

I’m not a child anymore. Deal with it.

Rachel: So this is where dad lives…it’s umm, interesting…for a box. I hope they don’t slam the door in my face…

Rachel: Well, here goes nothing…just have to go up and ring the bell, that’s all…just push a button. Simple right?

Leah: Whew, what a day at work…who knew that organizing the college again would be such a chore…and now that I’ve made it all the way through I can

make it better for the high schools as well. You’re looking at the newest Education Minister for Angel’s Haven!

One more lift to check off the list.

Later that night…

Theresa: Finally home!! Being a Prestidigitator is hard work, who knew so many people needed some Entertainment in their lives right about now.

And another one bites the dust…

The next day…

Esther: Later bitches! I’m off to Rock the house with my Godly Music solo. It’s so awesome it even blows the snow clouds away, spring is in the air people.

Lift three of five…

Theresa: Maybe there’s something in this book that can help me bring back Jeremiah and Sterling. I barely got a chance to get to know him before…before

she killed him.

Theresa: Thanks to some help from Hex and Theia and a few calls from Cain I was able to get to know Sterling a bit. He was in the same kind of field I was and as a DJ finding

work was hard. Once he found out I was working on a way to bring back some Entertainment to the people, he couldn’t wait to be a part of it. Esther vouched for him too, she said the world needed Music and he was already a DJ. At first I wasn’t sure he

liked me, he was a little nervous once dad told him what he was here for, I wanted to believe he would come around to the idea eventually…

Theresa: He was so cute, he even gave me my First Kiss. I adored him and I think he adored me too. Sterling didn’t think it was weird that I was already an adult and I’d

never been kissed, that was a relief for me. I was afraid he’d laugh at me. We got along like a house on fire and I was so sure he would be the one…

Theresa: I was in love, and I think he was too. We were both shy about it though. Dad liked him, mom liked him and I got approvals from all three of my sisters, it was going

to be perfect…him and me together, bringing in the first generation since great-grandpa Castiel to go to college…

Theresa: But then, that horrible demon bitch Danava stole my beloved Sterling from me before I could even propose marriage to him. We never got the chance to see our love

mature and produce children…I was heartbroken, destroyed, and depressed…but I think great-uncle Cain might have been worse off than me. He brought that demon into our house, she used him to get close to Sterling, and my dear big brother…her actions

set back the mission. We can’t restore the world without these important lifts…

Theresa: I have heard it said that when God closes a door, he opens a window and I think that window came in the form of Rachel. She is apparently our half-sister on daddy’s side. We were shocked to learn that daddy had slept with someone else named Yuki Himura and it produced a pair of twins who happened to be born at the same time as Jeremiah and Leah were. Mom was

upset and hurt for a while after she found out what daddy did, we all were. Rachel gives me hope that we can still carry on despite that demon’s attempt to derail our Mission. I will give her a

chance because she is my older sister too, and family forgives. It’s not her fault; she even offered to take over the lift that my beloved Sterling was going to do, she’ll go into the Oceanography field for us and bring back all the seasons. I’m definitely sick and tired of the snow and cold by now…

Theresa: I get the feeling that my big brother still looks out for me every now and then, I can feel his presence around the house. He wouldn’t want me to give up on the mission

now. I know he wouldn’t be happy if I did…

Theresa: Daddy said he could have sworn he felt grandpa Taz haunting in the bedroom upstairs one night. I didn’t see anything I had to work but I believe him. It’s

nice to know that my family is still around in spirit.

Theresa: There’s nothing in here to bring back the dead, only a spell to ward off the Messenger of Death at the time he arrives. At least I’m sure now…next time if I’m here I know I can save someone from an untimely death. I just hope

I’ll never have to…

For some however, the pain of death was not so easily dealt with by reading an enchanted tome...

Skeet: Man, that’s rough…two in one night? We had no idea Danava could get in to the house like that.

Cain: She got in because of me; the rules of having to be invited into a residence only works with the living. I’m a vampire and because I was here, she didn’t need to go

through that. A vampire’s home is not protected like that…it’s my fault Jeremiah and Sterling are dead.

Cain: I called you here because I want to learn how to fight. I want to protect my family from her and I can’t do that as I am right now.

Skeet: I’d love to help you man, but I just run communications. I’m not a field soldier like

the others.

Cain: Then ask Shiloh or Eric!! Hell, even Anya could teach me…please Skeet I can only go out at night.

Skeet: Dude, you’re a vampire. You’re already ten times stronger than us puny mortals. And that no reflection thing you guys have going on is kinda freaking me out…

Cain: I can’t fight her as just a vampire. She’s my Sire…I need to have something else to resist her with. You’re a soldier, you may run communications but you still trained with

Mimi’s Army and in the A.H.R., you have skills in mental and physical combat right?

Skeet: Yeah…alright I’ll see what I can do for you. I’ll call you once I know.

While Cain was downstairs looking for training, Jeremiah took the time to introduce himself to his half-sister upstairs...

Rachel: Holy hell!! This place is haunted?!

Jeremiah: I’m counting on you sister to do what I couldn’t, help save this world.

Rachel: I—I will…I swear.

Rachel: And because this place is my home too…I won’t let you down, brother.


Next time on Where Angels Fear to Tread:

There is still hope for this world, and all who live in it…

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