where stellar messages come from

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Messages come in many forms, but in order to be effective you must be specific and know your audience. Some of the best messages are bookended by stories. In this presentation I share why messaging is important, but how to tell your message to the right audience and create an engaging story.


Where Stellar Messages Come From

You’re not selling a product.

You’re not selling a service.

You’re not selling a solution. An app. A pair of shoes. A device. An upgrade.

You’re selling your prospects a better version of themselves.

Here’s the only thing you’re selling, no matter what business you’re in and what you ship:

Your prospects are asking some essential questions?

• Why should I choose you?

• Why should I stay on your site? Why should I come back to your blog? Why should I trust you? Why should I give you my email address, my tweet or, most of all, my hard-earned money?

Do I really know who my target customer is?

• Surveys

• Go Talk to People

• Social Media Inquiries

You’ll want to learn their• Age

• Gender

• Martial Status

• Number of Children

• Education

• Annual income

• Disposable Income

• Favorite Web sites

• Favorite pasttimes

• Device Usage

Then Segment

• That is, you want to choose the segment that will visit your site with the most frequency and be most likely to compensate you in some way for your service – whether that compensation is actual money paid to you, referrals sent your way, or new users brought into your fold.

2 Sides to Crafting a Message

• 1. Targeting pain

• 2. Reflecting motivation, including a desire to derive value

Pain • Ask yourself, what keeps my customers up at night?

•  Audit your competitors’ sites to see what pain points they hit on

• Monitor people in your ideal customer segment on Twitter and/or in their blogs to see what pains they mention


• “Motivation” is the driving force behind the actions we take. When a user comes to your site, they are motivated to do so – motivated by forces that live outside the virtual walls of your virtual store.

Let’s Meet Theresa

Let’s Meet KristinaAnd her fiancee Asa

Social Media is Storytelling

“Stories are just data with a soul.” —BRENÉ BROWN, TEDx HOUSTON 2010

Bryan Stevenson“We need to talk about an injustice”

Gary Vaynerchuck“How to tell stories in an A.D.D. World”


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